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Topic : e-commerce website using python

1. Introduction
e-commerce provides customers with the convenience to buy the products they need instantly from the
convenience of their offices, homes and anywhere provided they can access a computer connected to
the internet. This project been explored and implemented for an e-commerce web application of an
online e-shopping system, utilising Python web framework technologies. Business competitive edge
improves because they can trade on the global market place. E-commerce solutions improve the
experience customers wish to have while shopping online. To improve communication between
company or seller to costumers in very effective manner. By applying various methods method ,
components, packages , modules in python and various APIs of Google.

2. Literature Survey
 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Volume 12, Issue 4, July–August 2013, Pages
E-commerce is undergoing an evolution through the adoption of Web 2.0 capabilities to enhance
customer participation and achieve greater economic value. This new phenomenon is commonly
referred to as social commerce, however it has not yet been fully understood. In addition to the lack
of a stable and agreed-upon definition, there is little research on social commerce and no significant
research dedicated to the design of social commerce platforms. This study offers literature review to
explain the concept of social commerce, tracks its nascent state-of-the-art, and discusses relevant
design features as they relate to e-commerce and Web 2.0. We propose a new model and a set of
principles for guiding social commerce design. We also apply the model and guidelines to two
leading social commerce platforms, Amazon and Starbucks on Facebook. The findings indicate that,
for any social commerce website, it is critical to achieve a minimum set of social commerce design

 E-Business probably began with electronic data interchange in the 1960s (Zwass , 1996).
However, (Melao, 2008) suggests that it was only in the 1990s, primarily via the Internet, that e-
Business has emerged as a core feature of many organizations. In his opinion, the hope was that e-
Business would revolutionize the ways in which organizations interact with customers, employees,
suppliers and partners. Some saw e- Business as part of a recipe to stay competitive in the global

3. Resources Use
 Computer
 Python
 Server
 Internet
4. Problems
 Technical Ecommerce Problems
 Marketing Issues
 Logistics Ecommerce Problems and Solutions
 Payment Issues

5. Methodology For Solving Identified Problems

To Overcome such types of problem or a defect , we are using various methods and features
Like ecommerce web hosting , increasing security levels of users, by using various methods or APIs
of google and much more other options and various tools guide lines or massages to use their sites.

6. Action Plan


1 Collection of information about Week 1 and 2 29/03/2021 to
projects modules 11/04/2021
2 Creating planning for developing Week 3 12/04/2021 to
project 18/04/2021
3 Collecting waste plastic bottles Week 5 and 6 19/04/2021 to
4 Preparation of material (plastic Week 7and 8 03/05/2021 to
bottles) 16/05/2021
5 Drying of soil by air drier Week 9 17/05/2021 to
6 Stabilization of soil Week 10 and 11 24/05/2021 to
7 Preparation of Project Report Week 12 and 13 07/06/2021 to
8 Submission of Project Report Week 14 and 15 21/06/2021 to

7. References


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