Web-Question Bank

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Web Technology & its Applications (15CS71) QUESTION BANK

Appeared in VTU QP
Questions Month/year

1. 1Explain the following tags with syntax and examples. Dec-15/Jan-16
a)<p> b) <strong> c) Headings d) <img> g) <img> h) <a> i) <br /> j) <pre> (2 Marks each) June/July – 15
June/July – 16
Dec – 13/Jan -14
2. 2How lists are handled in HTML? Design an HTML code to illustrate the nested list.
(9 Marks)
3. Explain standard HTML document structure (6 Marks) June/July – 15
June/July - 14
4. Create a document to show the linking to a part of another document and explain.
5. Explain the selector forms with an example (6 Marks) Dec-16/Jan-17

What are selectors? List and explain selectors with an example. Jun- July 2019
6. Why are lists used in a web pages? With an example, explain different types of lists available in XHTML. Dec-15/Jan-16
(6 Marks) Jun – July 2019
7. What are selectors? Explain with example different types of selector forms. Dec-15/Jan-16
(8 Marks) June/July – 15
Dec- 14/Jan-15
June/July – 16
June/July – 14
8. Explain the different levels of style sheets available in CSS. (4 Marks) Dec – 13/Jan -14
9. Write the history of markup languages (4 Marks) Dec- Jan 2019
10. Write the difference between XHTML and HTML5 (4 Marks) Dec- Jan 2019
11. What are the three aims of HTML 5 and expand the following HTML, XML, DOCTYPE,PHP,
Jun- July 2019
WHATWG (8 Marks)
12. Define CSS and list out its benefits with explanation (8 Marks) Jun- July 2019
1. What are the different ways of passing information via the URL

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Web Technology & its Applications (15CS71) QUESTION BANK

2. Which widgets are created using <input> tag? Explain with example. Dec- 14/Jan-15
(6Marks) Dec- Jan 2019
3. Explain the tags, i) select iii) Textarea iv) div (8 Marks) Dec – 13/Jan -14
4. Explain the following with respect to XHTML forms:
a) Textbox
b) Checkbox
c) Radio button
d) Menu

6. Design HTML document to display a table as shown in below figure.

June/July – 15

June/July – 16

8. Create an HTML document that includes alteast two images and enough text to precede the images, flow
around them (one on left and one on right) and continue after the last image (Note : Use CSS tags). June/July – 14
(4 Marks)
9. Create XHTML document that contains student information VIZ. Name, usn, subject1, subject2,
subject3. Insert values for each student in five rows. Also row background of each student should be in the
Dec – 13/Jan -14
different color.
(8 Marks)

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Web Technology & its Applications (15CS71) QUESTION BANK

10. Explain the following, with respect to table creation in XHTML documents:
a) table, tr, th and td tags
b) align and valign attributes..
c) rowspan and colspan attributes.
d) Cell padding and cell spacing attributes
11. Explain the following with example. I) element visibility ii) absolute positioning. (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2018
12. Explain positioning of elements. (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2017
13. Explain the visibility property. How are they used? Dec- Jan 2016
14. What is the difference between relative and absolute positioning. Dec- Jan 2019
15. What does floating an element do in CSS? How do you float an element? (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2019
16. Apply the following table elements to display the following table: (8 marks)
Table elements: table , td, tr, th, tbody, tfoot, thead.

Jun- July 2019

17. Explain with a neat diagram how form works? Discuss about query string and micro formats. (8 marks) Jun- July 2019
18. Identify the approaches to CSS layouts and explain them in detail. ( 8 marks) Jun- July 2019
19. What is responsive design? Why its important? Explain in detail (8 marks) Jun- July 2019
20. Explain the float property of CSS. How do you create multiple columns using float (6 marks)
21. How to change the properties of elements using innerHTML and style (node) properties. (8 marks)

1. What are the different ways of accessing HTML document elements in javascript. (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2018
2. What are block-level and inline elements (4 marks)
3. Illustrate Javascript program handling f events from button element. (6 marks) Dec- Jan 2017
4. Explain the different control statements used in PHP with a program (7 marks) Dec- Jan 2017
5. Write a java script to compare two passwords (4 marks) Jun-Jyly 2015
6. Describe briefly the major uses of Javascript on the client side. (6 marks) Jun-Jyly 2015
7. Write a javascript to return the leftmost vowel of the string (8 marks) Jun-Jyly 2015
8. Describe briefly the major differences between java and javascript. (4 marks) Dec- Jan 2015

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Web Technology & its Applications (15CS71) QUESTION BANK

9. Describe the different ways an array object can be created in javascript. Explain the array methods with
Dec- Jan 2015
example. (12 marks)
10. Write a javascript to generate first 4 fibonacci numbers. (4 marks) Dec- Jan 2015
11. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of client-side scripting. (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2019
12. Write a javascript code that displays text “VTU BELAGAVI” with increasing font size in the interval of
Dec- Jan 2019
100ms in blue color, when the font size reaches 50 pt. it should stop increasing. (8 marks)
13. With a neat diagram, explain client and server script execution (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2019
14. Write a PHP program to greet the user based on time (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2019
15. Compare the server-side technologies in detail (8 marks) Jun- July 2019
16. What are software layers? What benefits do they provide? Explain in detail. ( 8 marks) Jun- July 2019
17. What is javascript and listener? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of client side scripting (8
Jun- July 2019
18. Write a PHP program to demonstrate the session. Program: Store page view count on refresh. (8 marks) Jun- July 2019
19. Discuss the datatypes of PHP
20. Explain the writing of output in PHP. (8 marks)
21. Discuss the alternative syntax of control structure (10 marks)
22. Discuss the use of global keyword in PHP (6 marks)
23. Explain with example inline, external and embedded scripting
24. How are exceptions handled in javascript. Explain the throw keyword (8 marks)
25. What are the ways of declaring and accessing arrays in javascript. (6 marks)
26. List and explain the different events – i) frame events ii) mouse events iii) keybords events iv) form events

1. Explain $_GET and $_POST superglobal arrays (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2019
2. How do you read or write a file on the server from PHP? Give example. (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2019
3. Write a PHP program to create a class STUDENT with the following specification.
Data members : Name, Roll number, Average marks
Dec- Jan 2019
Member function : Read abd wrute
Use the above specification to read and print the information of 2 students. (8 marks)
4. How do you achieve data encapsulation in PHP? Give example (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2019
5. What are superglobal arrays? List them & explain Jun- July 2019

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Web Technology & its Applications (15CS71) QUESTION BANK

6. Define constructor and discuss the concept of inheritance, polymorphism and object interface with respect
Jun- July 2019
to OOP. (8 marks)
7. Explain with an example, the two basic techniques for read/write files in PHP (8 marks) Jun- July 2019
8. Write the PHP code to validate phone number. (8 marks) Jun- July 2019
9. How is array defined in PHP? Explain the array operations of PHP.
10. Explain the process of populating $_GET superglobal array
11. Explain the process of populating $_POST superglobal array.
12. Explain the $_SERVER array
13. Explain the use of $_FILES array.
14. Explain how the files are uploaded from the browser and values are accessed at the server
15. How is the size of file restricted in PHP
16. Explain the stream access of file in PHP.
17. Explain the All-In-Memory access of file in PHP.
18. How are the classes declared in PHP
19. How to access methods and properties of class in PHP
20. Explain the use of static members
21. How are constructors defined in PHP. Explain with example.
22. Explain encapsulation with example.
23. Explain inheritance with example.
24. Explain polymorphism with example.
25. Explain interface with example.
26. How is exception handled in PHP.
27. What are the different types of errors
28. Explain the different error reporting flags of PHP.
29. Wrie a PHP script to move the uploaded file to the desired location
30. Wrie a PHP script to limit the type of file.

1. What is a cookie? how cookie is used in PHP? (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2019
2. Why is state is a problem for web applications? Explain. (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2019
3. What does $( ) short and stand for in JQuery? Explain any 3 JQuery form selectors. (8 marks) Dec- Jan 2019

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Web Technology & its Applications (15CS71) QUESTION BANK

4. Write the DTD for the following XML code: (8 marks)

Dec- Jan 2019

5. Explain different selectors of jQuery with example. (8 marks) Jun- July 2019
6. What are cookie? What is the purpose of it? Demonsrate cookies with PHP program (8 marks) Jun- July 2019
7. DDefine the following:
ei) Session cookies ii) Persistent cookies iii) session state (8 marks) Jun- July 2019
8. wWith a neat diagram explain SOAP and RESET web services. (8 marks)
Jun- July 2019
9. Explain the working of cookie with diagram
10. Explain Serialization? What are its applications?
11. Explain the working of session state.
12. What is session storage. how is it configured?
13. Explain the web storage using javascript API.
14. What is a caching in web? What are the types of caching?
15. Explain different selectors of jQuery with example.
16. How are DOM elements modified in jQuery?
17. Explain the AJAX system.
18. What is xml? What are the rules to form xml file
19. Write short notes on i) XML ii) XPath
20. Explain the XML processing in javascript.
21. Explain the XML processing in PHP.

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Web Technology & its Applications (15CS71) QUESTION BANK

22. How is JSON values accessed in PHP? Explain with example

23. Explain the web services

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