Product Detail Application Tools & Techonlogies Used:: Eclipse Spring Boot 2 Hibernate 5 Java 8 Postgresql 9.5

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Product Detail Application

Tools & Techonlogies Used:

 Eclipse
 spring boot 2
 hibernate 5
 Java 8
 Postgresql 9.5

Steps to run application:

1. Create database name - ‘ProductDB’
2. change db server details in file.
spring.datasource.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/ProductDB
spring.datasource.username = postgres
spring.datasource.password = root
3. Application running port : 4001

1. Product save API:
Url - /api/v1/product
Method – POST
Request Body:
Form -data:
{ “productName” : ”Sixth”,
“color”: “Black”,
“categoryName”: “Hand bag”,
“Attachment”: // select image by setting }
2. Get Products API:
Url - /api/v1/product/all?page=2&limit=5
Method – Get

3. Get Product for 2nd page:

4. Get Product for 3nd page: (total elements in 6 elements and displaying 3rd page which does not
have elements)

Note: Due to time constraint :

1. validations are pending like RequiredFieldValidation for product item.
2. Upload file size validation(not mentioned).
3. File extension validation.

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