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BD BE a "749 Viawé of thermodynamic ‘The Jaws of thermodynamics are really statements of thermodynamic behavier. These laws are naturally based on observation phenomena , Zeroth law ‘This law concems with thermal equilibrivra. [t states “If bo bodies are separately in thermal equilibrium with a third body then they must be in thermal equilibrium: with ench otter" tem with body A, then badies B & C must be in thermal Example if B & C are in thermal equ! equilibrium with each other. Thermal equilibrium ‘Thermal Fauilibxium means thers is no change of state & hence zero law implies that bodies A, B &C will be af the same temperature & all bodies will be at the same temperature, Example when taking temperature using mercury-in-glass theemoructer. Whea the thernmorneter is steady, it is assumed that the mercury, the glass container & the body whose body temp is being ‘measured, are all at the same temp, 20 they are in {ermal equilibeium, 2.4 Hirst law themmodynamies “This jaw concerns with the principle of conservation af energy as applied to.a closed system which undergo changes of state due to transfer of work d heet across the boundary. Ti states that: “when a closed systera is taking tereugh « theraodynanic epele, the net work delivered to the surroundings is proportioned to the net heat supplied frors ke surroundings” Its express as Tag: mA @ 3 3d — Lait 30 Q Or around the eyele; fQ= fir 3) => net heat transfer - net work transfor = 0 net heat transfer = net work transfer 4 1,2, 3 & 4 ate all statements of the 1" lew of thermodynamics, This implies that in a oyele, there must be heat tronsfer for werk transfor to occur. Example an engine that could provide work trensfer without heat transfer would violate the 1* law because it ‘would create energy. Engine which provide work ttaasfor without heat transfer could run forever, it could have perpetual motion calied perpetuat motion of the first kind. 2.1.1 Corollaries of the 1° law Corollary 1 Consider a closed system which is a non-cyolie process, then it is not necessary that: 20527 © ‘heat & Work transfer are not equal, either energy different must have been added to the substance or have been lost from the substance. This intwaduce the concept of intemal energy (within the substance). The different between the energy input & oniput is equal to the change in internal energy. Lquation (5) is called non flow energy equation-t is another statement of the first law. Corollary 2 “In ai isolated system, the baternal energy remain constant Since the system is isolated from its surroundings between heat and work ate zero hence DU most be zero. This often cailed taw of conservation o! energy = Corotary 3 “A perpetual motiou machine of the first kind ix inpossibte”. This shows that it is not possible to have a continuous output of work front is system with zero input of energy . 2.2 noa-tlow energy equation of various process Non - flow processes The non ~ flow snergy equation derived fiom the first corollary of the first law is given as: OW nu, -u, © Tt shows that the heat received by the fluid minus the work done by the flnid equal to the increase in the intemal energy of the fluid. However, their relative vahies depend upon the aature of the heat and on the manner in which the work is performed. Constant Volume Process ‘This is a process carried out such that the volumne remains constant throughout, It is often called isochorie or an isometric process. The work clone during the process is zero. Since the work done is zero, then from equation 6 will becomes: OU, -U, : o Then for perfect gas al isochoric, : Q-¢,=G,-7) eh ® Worked Example ae 2kg of gas, at initial temp of 15°C, occupies @.2m* Thea it was heated at constant volume until its temperature renches 135°C. Determine:- L How wuch heat was wansfeured 10 the pas IL tis final pressure. Toke Cv as O.72kdAgK R= 0.29 kay Schition Heat transferred at constant vohume = mE8C.61 11) me2kg, Cyn O.72kUby XK Ty 12S FS aK 1) = 288 K Heat transfer at eonstan! volume = 2.x .72(4N8-288) Wshi COD The dial presstte carn be Fouad favs thee tion below (ginee its consiant volume) ‘Then from AY = mR, eRe, 220 B88 — 39.6 ita Be Since the volume remains constant, then Bathe

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