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" in GOD, i trust...


george A. Venus 09478132828

To Tito and late Naty...

george A. Venus 09478132828


Awinda Publication
Tughan, Juban, Sorsogon
1 13 SEPT 2020 COVID 19 2
" in GOD, i trust..."

george A. Venus 09478132828

13. d(u/v ) = v du - u dv quotient rule
AND INTEGRATION 14. dy = dy • du chain rule
dx du dx
Solve for dy/dx
1. d( ) = nxn-1
dx Example1 y=√x
2. d( any constant) = 0
3. d( kxn ) = n•kxn-1 rewriting, y = x 1/2
dx rule 1 dy = d( x1/2 ) = 1 x 1/2 -1
4. d( f(x) ± g(x) ) = d(f(x) ) ± d(g(x) ) dx dx 2
dx dx dx dy = 1 x -1/2

5. d(sin x) = cos x dx 2
dx dy = 1 answer
6. d( cos x ) = - sin x dx 2x 1/2

7. d( tan x ) = sec2 x
dx y = 100

george A. Venus 09478132828

8. d( cot x ) = - csc2 x
dx dy = d(100)
9. d( sec x ) = sec x tan x dx dx
dx rule 2 dy = 100•0x0-1
10. d( csc x ) = - csc x cot x dx dx
dx dy = 0 answer
11. d(ex) = ex dx
let u = some function and v = other function, then
12. d(uv ) = v du + u dv product rule
dx dx dx
3 13 SEPT 2020 COVID 19 4
" in GOD, i trust..."

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d(uv ) = v du + u dv product rule
dx dx
Example 3 d((3x - 2x2)(5 + 4x)) = (5 + 4x)(3 - 4x) + (3x - 2x2)4
y = 5x4
dy = d(5x4) dy = 15 - 20x + 12x - 16x2 + 12x - 8x2
dx dx dx
rule 3 dy = 5•4x4-1 dy = - 24x2 + 4x + 15 answer
dx dx dx
dy = 20x3
dx answer Example 6
y = 2x2 - 4x + 3
- 3x + 2
Example 4
y = 2x3 + 3x2 apply quotient rule
let u = 2x2 - 4x + 3 du = 4x - 4
dy = d(2x3 + 3x2) dx
dx dx v = - 3x + 2 dv = -3
rule 4 dy = 2•3x3-1 + 3•2x2-1 d(u/v ) = v du - u dv quotient rule
dx dx dx dx dx dx
dy = 6x2 + 6x answer v 2
dx d(2x2 - 4x + 3)
- 3x + 2 = ( -3x + 2 )( 4x - 4 ) - ( 2x2 - 4x + 3)(- 3)
Trigonometric function's example will be taken after the

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dx ( - 3x + 2 )2
discussion of examples on chain rule.
= - 12x + 12x + 8x - 8 + 6x2 - 12x + 9

( -3x + 2 )2
Example 5 dy = - 6x2 + 8x + 1 answer
y = (3x - 2x2)(5 + 4x)
dx ( -3x + 2 )2
apply product rule
let u = 3x - 2x2 du = 3 - 4x Example 7 3√
if y = ( x2 + 2 )2
v = 5 + 4x dv = 4
dx apply chain rule since the term inside the cube
root is a binomial and it is being squared
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" in GOD, i trust..."

george A. Venus 09478132828

Example 9 y = x3cosx, find dy/dx
let u = x2 + 2 du = 2x
then y will become y = 3√u2 apply rule 12, product rule
rewriting y = u2/3 let u = x3
differentiating dy = 2/3u2/3 - 1 v = cosx
du du = 3x2
dy = 2u-1/3 dx
dv = - sinx
du 3 dx
dy = 2 dy = d(uv ) = v du + u dv
du 3u1/3 dx dx dx dx
dy = cosx•3x2 + x3(- sinx )
applying chain rule dy = dy • du dy = 3x2cosx - x3sinx
dx du dx dx
dy = 2 • 2x dy = x2(3cosx - xsinx) answer
dx 3u 1/3 dx
dy = 4x
dx 3u1/3 Example 10
but u = x2 + 2 y = tanx , find dy/dx
therefore dy = 4x answer x
dx 2
3(x + 2)1/3

george A. Venus 09478132828

apply rule 13 quotient rule
Example 8 If y = x - 3sinx, find dy/dx let u = tanx
du = sec2x
Solution dv = 1
apply rule 4 and rule 5 dx
dy = 1x1-1 - 3cosx v2 = x2 dy = d(u/v ) = v du - u dv
dx dx dx dx dx
dy = 1 - 3cosx answer v2

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" in GOD, i trust..."

george A. Venus 09478132828

Solution Solution
dy = x•sec2x - tanx•1 apply chain rule
dx x2 let u = sinx
dy = xsec2x - tanx answer therefore y will become
dx x2 y = u2
differentiating the two equations
du = cosx
Example 11 y = sinx2 , find dy/dx
dy = 2u
dy = dy • du chain rule
Solution dx du dx
apply chain rule dy = 2u•cosx
let u = x2 dx
then y = sinx2 but u = sinx dy = 2sinxcosx answer
will become dx
y = sin u
differentiating the two equations
du = 2x
dy = cos u Example 13 y = 2x4 + 3cosx + sin(π/2)
du find dy/dx
dy = dy • du chain rule
dx du dx
dy = cos u•2x

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dy = 2xcosx2 since u = x2 sin(π/2) is a constant since there is no x variable in this term,
dx the equivalent value of π/2 in degrees = 90°, sin 90° = 1
apply rule 4
Example 12 dy = 2•4x4-1 + 3(-sinx) + 0
y = sin2x, find dy/dx dx
dy = 8x3 - 3sinx answer
note: sin2x ≠ sinx2 careful dx

rewriting y = sin2x = (sinx)2

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" in GOD, i trust..."

george A. Venus 09478132828

differentiating the first two equations
du = ex
Example 14 y = 3θsecθ, find dy/dθ dx
dv = cosx
Solution appplying quotient rule dy = d(u/v ) = v du - u dv
apply product rule dx dx dx dx
here instead of variable x, it was replaced by variable θ v2
let u = 3θ dy = sinx•ex - ex•cosx
v = secθ dx sin2x
dy = e (sinx - cosx) answer
differentiating the two equations
du = 3 dx sin2x

dv = secθtanθ

dy = d(uv ) = v du + u dv product rule
dθ dθ dθ dθ
dy = secθ•3 + 3θ•secθtanθ

dy = 3secθ + 3θ•secθtanθ

dy = 3secθ( 1 + θtanθ ) answer

george A. Venus 09478132828

Example 15 y = ex find dy/dx

e is a constant which has a value = 2.72 approx., it is not

a variable

apply quotient rule (rule 13)
let u = ex
v = sinx
v2 = (sinx)2 = sin2x

11 13 SEPT 2020 COVID 19 12

" in GOD, i trust..."

george A. Venus 09478132828

Activity 1 differentiate

1. y = sin(x + 1) cos(x + 1 )
2. y = sin(x/2) 1/2 cos(x/2)
3. y = cos5x -5sin5x
4. y = cos(-2x) -2sin2x
5. y = sin(3x + 4) 3cos(3x + 4)
6. y = tan(5x - 1) 5sec2(5x-1)
7. y = 2sinxcosx 2cos2x
8. y = e-2xcotx -2x 2
-e (csc x + 2cotx)
9. y = √(sin4t) 2cos4t
10. y = 1/cosx tanxsecx

george A. Venus 09478132828

13 13 SEPT 2020 COVID 19 14

" in GOD, i trust..."

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Example 16 Use implicit differentiation to find
IMPLICIT DIFFERENTIATION the derivative of a circle
x2 + y2 = 4
An equation in two variables x and y may have one
or more solutions for y in terms of x or for x in terms
of y. These solutions are functions that are said to
be implicitly defined. For example, the equation

y2 - x = 0

of a parabola implicitly defined two continuously

functions of x which is

y = √x
and y = - √x


differentiate each term d(x2) + d(y2) = d(4)

with respect to dx dx dx dx

differentiate each variable 2x dx + 2y dy = 0 since 4 = constant

george A. Venus 09478132828

dx dx

solving for dy/dx 2ydy = - 2x

therefore dy = - x answer
dx y

if we want y to be written in terms of x use the equation x2 + y2 = 4

then solve for y
y = √(4 - x2)
Use implicit differentiation when the given equation is
not a function (mostly). therefore dy = - x answer
dx √(4 - x2)
15 13 SEPT 2020 COVID 19 16
" in GOD, i trust..."

george A. Venus 09478132828

Example 18 Find the slope and equation of the
Example 17 Find dy/dx of xy = 1 tangent line to the ellipse given by
a hyperbola x2 + 4y2 = 4 at the point (√2 , - 1/√2).

differentiate each term d(xy) = d(1)
with respect to x dx dx
(We can differentiate this
in terms of y = 1/x = x-1
but where is the fun in

george A. Venus 09478132828

we have to find
that?) Use product rule let u = x du/dx = 1 dx/dx the slope, m = dy/dx
v=y dv/dy = 1 dy/dx at this point
applying product rule d(xy) = v(du/dx) + u(dv/dy)
d(xy) = y•1 dx + x• 1 dy then use the value
dx dx dx of the slope to the
tangent line
y + x dy = 0 equation
dx y - y1 = m( x - x1)
dy = - y
dx x
since y = 1/x dy = - (1/x)
dx x
therefore dy = - 1 answer
dx x2
17 18
" in GOD, i trust..."

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Find the equation of the tangent line to the given curve at the given
Solution point
differentiate implicitly x2 + 4y2 = 4 4. x2 + y2 = 25 @(-4, 3)
d(x2) + d(4y2) = d(4)
with respect to x dx dx dx
2x dx + 2•4y dy = 0
dx dx
will become 2x + 8y dy = 0
8y dy = - 2x
dy = - 2x = - x
dx 8y 4y
at point ( 1.41, - 0.71) dy = - (1.41)
dx 4(-0.71)
slope, m = dy/dx dy = 0.4965 ≈ 0.5 ≈½ answer answer: y' = -x/y, m = 4/3

to find the tangent line use

point slope form y - y1 = m(x - x1) 5. 4y2 - x2 = 7 @(3, 2 )
and point ( 1.41, -0.71) y - -0.71 = 0.5( x - 1.41)
y + 0.71 = 0.5x - 0.71
equation of the tangent line 0.5x - y - 1.41 = 0 answer

Activity 2 Find dy/dx implicitly george A. Venus 09478132828

1. 2x2 + 3y2 = 4 y' = - 2x

2. 3x3y - y4 + 5x2 = -5 y' = -10x + 9x2y
3x3 - 4y3
3. x2 + xy = 2 y' = -(2x + y )

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" in GOD, i trust..."

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wherein dx stands for a very small part of x added
together to form the area.
Just like the computer, mathematics has do's and
undo's. In calculus, the undo of differentiation is
integration and the undo of integration is differentiation.
∫ dx has no limit, that is why it is called
indefinite integral
INTEGRAL CALCULUS - is the topic in calculus which
deals mainly with areas under the curve plotted on b
rectangular coordinates.

INTEGRATION - is the process of finding the area of the

∫ a
has a limit from a to b, that is
why it is called definite integral

curve plotted on rectangular coordinates.

INTEGRAL - is the result of integration process. There
are two types of integral:
Indefinite integral - integral without limits Consider the function y = x2
Usually the result is another equation. differentiating dy = 2x
Definite integral - integral with limits dx
Usually the result is a value, number. we want to undo dy/dx = 2x
and return to y = x2 again...
The symbol for integration is the elongated s What shall we do? We know that 2x = 2x1

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undoing 2x to return to x2 2x1+ 1

∫ will become
2x2 = x2
and is called the integral sign POWER RULE OF INTEGRATION
If y = xn

∫ dx - is called the integrand

meaning sum of dx
∫ xn dx = xn+1

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