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To SpringVerify Operations Team,

We (<clientname>), hereby acknowledge that we are engaging SpringVerify (a product of SpringRole India Pvt. Ltd.)
for the purposes of Employee Background Verification.

We also acknowledge that all Sensitive Personal Information and / or Personally Identifiable Information belonging
to any individual that is being shared with SpringRole India Pvt. Ltd. is done so with their express consent for the
purposes of Employee Background Verification.

As it is currently not possible for us to share the prescribed consent letter (as suggested by SpringRole) for each
individual, we hereby undertake that it is the responsibility of <clientname> to ensure that consent has been taken
from each individual for whom a background check request is being made to SpringRole.

Further, if such consent is not taken, all legal ramifications of such an action will be solely attributed to
<clientname> and that SpringRole will not be liable in any way for failure of procuring the individual's consent.

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