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Segment: A: Introduction, pH metry

Sr. No. Question Marks Answer

1. In case of calomel electrode potential decreases 1 a
a) As concentration of KCl increases.
b) As concentration of KCl decreases.
c) As concentration of HgCl 2 increase.
d) As concentration of HgCl 2 decreases.
2. In Nernst equation if the concentration of the solution is 1 a
a) Electrode potential increases.
b) Electrode potential decreases.
c) Electrode potential remains constant.
d) Electrode potential depends on type of electrode.
3. 1. Calomel is made by using 1 a
a) Hg with mercurous Chloride
b) Hg with mercuric Chloride.
c) Zinc with mercurous Chloride.
d) Ca with mercurous Chloride.
4. In glass electrode, potential is produced across the 1 a
membrane which is used to measure ------
a) pH of the solution.
b) Basicity of the solution
c) Single electrode potential.
d) Temperature of the solution.
5. Calomel is an example of ------------ 1 b
a) Primary reference electrode.
b) Secondary reference electrode.
c) Electrode having no fixed potential.

d) None of the above

6. Potential of Calomel Electrode depends upon concentration of 1 a

a) Potassium Chloride.
b) Mercury.
c) Mercurous Chloride.
d) Mercuric Chloride.
7. The …………….of pH electrode changes as the hydrogen ion 1 c
concentration of a solution changes.
a) Temperature.
b) Colour.
c) Electrode potential.
d) Size.
8. Calomel electrode can be represented as ----- 1 a
a)Hg,Hg2Cl2 |Cl-
b)Pt, AgCl |Cl-
c) Hg,HgCl2 |Cl-
d)Pt |1M HCl
9. Electrode potential of reference electrode ---- 1 b
a) Decreases if connected to anode.
b) remains constant during use
c) Increases if connected to anode.
d) Increases if connected to cathode.
10. Electrode potential of calomel electrode filled with saturated 1 c
KCl is -----

d)0.0 V
11. pH range up to which ordinary glass electrode can be used. 1 a
a) 10
b) 11
c) 12
d) 13
12. Which of the following electrode is H + sensitive and used for 1 C
pH measurement of a solution ---
a)std. hydrogen electrode
b)calomel electrode
c)glass electrode
d)platinum electrode
13. Name the reference electrode connected to glass electrode in 1 A
pH measurement of a solution.
a)calomel electrode
b)Ag-AgCl electrode
c)std. hydrogen electrode
d) platinum electrode
14. When calomel electrode acts as cathode, reaction that occurs 1 B
at the electrode is –
a)2Hg++ 2Cl- →Hg2Cl2 + 2e-
b)Hg2Cl2 + 2e- → 2Hg+ + 2Cl-
c)Cl2 + 2e- → 2Cl-
d) 2Cl- → Cl2 + 2e-
15. Name the electrolyte used in solid state ion selective 1 B
electrode, used for determination of fluoride ion.

16. Potential of any electrode can be measured when it is coupled 1 B
with ----
a)glass electrode
b)calomel electrode
c)platinum electrode
d)indicator electrode
17. When 1N KCl is used in calomel electrode, E 0 value is -- 1 C
18. Standard hydrogen electrode is a type of ---- 1 C
a)secondary reference electrode
b)indicator electrode
c)primary reference electrode
d)Glass electrode
19. The most widely used reference electrode is --- 1 B
a)glass electrode
b)calomel electrode
d)Ion selective electrode
20. Generally in calomel electrodes ------- solution of KCl is used. 1 D
d) saturated

21. At the bottom of calomel electrode there is a layer of --------- 1 C

a)only Hg
b) Hg and paste of HgCl2 and Hg
c)Hg and paste of Hg2Cl2 and Hg
d) paste of Hg 2Cl2 and Hg
22. Calomel electrode is reversible with respect to 1 C
a)cation b)KCl solution
c)chloride ions d)Hg2 Cl2
23. Potential of glass electrode is given by ---
a) EG = E0G – 0.591 pH 1 c
b) EG = E0G – 0.00591 pH
c)EG = E0G - 0.0591 pH
d) EG = pH- 0.0591 E0G
24. In glass electrode glass membrane sensitive to hydrogen ions 1 D
is made from -----
a)soft glass
b)tough glass
c)borosilicate glass
d)silicate glass
25. In glass electrode, at glass membrane ion exchange reaction 1 A
occurs in which ----
a) Na+ ions of glass are exchanged for H+ ions.
b) H+ ions of glass are exchanged for Na+ ions.
c) glass is exchanged for Na+ ions.
d) glass is exchanged for H+ ions.
26. When glass electrode is coupled with Calomel electrode then -- 1 C
-a) Glass electrode act as reference electrode.
b)calomel electrode act as indicator electrode

c) Glass electrode as indicator and calomel as reference

d) Calomel electrode as anode.
27. In calomel electrode, the mercury used is ---- 1 C
c)high purity
d)low purity
28. In titration of Strong acid and strong base ,pH at equivalence 1 C
a) <7 b)>7
c) =7 d)=0
29. The reference electrodes are those whose potential is---------- 1 D
a) Constant,
b) reproducible,
c) stable,
d) stable and reproducible
30. Calomel electrode and silver-silver chloride electrode are the 1 C
examples of----------
a)reference electrode,
b)standard electrode,
c)secondary reference electrode,
d)none above
31. Calomel electrode gives unstable reading above 500c,because-- 1 A
a)Mercurous chloride breaks down, decomposes
b)mercury vapourises,
c)glass tube breaks,
d)Of loosening of electrical contact

32. Glass electrode is used as an indicator electrode in -------- 1 C

c) pHmetery,
d)none above
33. In ion selective electrode, electrode potential arises due to 1 d
difference in H+ ion concentration inside and outside the --------
a) glass membrane
b) glass tube
c) electrode,
d) glass bulb
34. Acidic buffer can be obtained by mixing ---- 1 a
a) Weak acid with salt of weak acid & strong base.
b) Strong acid with salt of weak acid & strong base.
c) Weak acid with salt of weak acid & weak base.
d) Weak base with salt of weak acid & weak base.
35. Example of acidic buffer is ---- 1 c
a)NH4OH + NH4Cl
36. Basic buffer can be prepared by mixing----------- 1 b
a) Weak acid with salt of weak acid & strong base.
b) Weak base with salt of weak base & strong acid.
c) Weak acid with salt of weak acid & weak base.
d) Weak base with salt of weak acid & weak base.
37. Example of basic buffer is ---- 1 a
a)NH4OH + NH4Cl

38. In the buffer solution of NH4OH & NH4Cl, NH4+ ions from 1 c
a)accelerates the ionization of NH4Cl,
b) suppress the ionization of NH 4Cl,
c)suppress the ionization of NH 4OH
d) accelerates the ionization of NH 4OH
39. In acidic buffer, the acetate ions ------- 1 b
a)inhibits the ionization of NaCl
b)suppress the ionization of acetic acid
c)accelerates the ionization of acetic acid
d) Change the pH to the basic range.
40. Find out the PH of the 0.1 N HCl 1 a
a) PH =1
b) PH=0.1
c) PH=2
d) pH= 10
41. On addition of small amount of acid in the solution 1 c
containing buffer the pH of the solution will
a) increase
c)Remains same
d) None of the above
42. Which of the following is not a buffer solution 1 b
a) NH4Cl+NH4OH

d) Borax +Boric Acid
43. As H+ ion concentration decreases, EMF of the cell ------ 1 b
a) decreases
b) increase
c) remains zero
d) remains constant
44. Electrolyte when dissolved in water dissociate into ions 1 d
a) They are unstable.
b) The water dissolves it.
c) The force of repulsion increases.
d) The force of electrostatic attraction are broken by water.
45. The calomel electrode is made from which of the following ---- 1 d
a) ZnCl2 b) CuCl2 c) HgCl2 d) Hg2Cl2
46. Which of the following is not characteristic of membrane used 1 c
in ion selective electrodes?
a) It should not get affected by oxidizing or reducing
b) It should not get attacked by organic solvents.
c) It should have high electric resistance.
d) It should have sufficient mechanical strength.

Q.No. Question Marks Answer

1. Unit for specific conductance is 1 d

a) Ω
b) mho
c) Ω cm
d) Ω -1cm-1
2. Unit for molar conductivity. 1 C
a) Ω cm2 mol-1
b) Ω -1cm2 mol
c) Ω -1cm2 mol-1
d) Ω -1cm-2 mol-1
3. A pair of electrodes used for measurement of conductometry. 1 a
a) Platinum.
b) Silver.
d) Graphite.
4. pH scale is 1 d
a) Linear. b) Inverted.
c) Exponential. d) Logarithmic.
5. The reciprocal of resistance is called --------------- 1 a
a) conductance
b) potential
c) current
d) Cell constant.
6. Reciprocal of specific resistance is -------------- 1 b
a) Conductance
b) Specific conductance.
c) Molar conductance.
d) Equivalent conductance.
7. Ratio of specific conductance to that of conductance is called---- 1 d
a) specific resistance.
b) Molar conductance

c) Equivalent conductance.
d) Cell constant.
8. Electrolytic conduction is due to movement of 1 b
a) Electrons b) ions c) atoms d) electrons as well as ions.
9. The correct unit of cell constant is 1 b
a) Ω-1 cm-1 b)cm-1
c) cm2 d) Ω cm-1
10. Unit for measurement of conductance 1 b
a) Ohm b) mho
c) mV d) eV
11. The relationship between equivalent and specific conductance is 1 a
a) Λ=1000 k/C
b) k =100 Λ /C
c) Λ=100k/C
d) k =100 Λ /C
12. Conductivity of a solution is directly proportional to – 1 b
a) dilution
b) number of ions .
c) current density.
d) volume of solution.
13. when a solution of an electrolyte is heated the conductance of the 1 b
solution -------
a) increase because electrolyte conducts better.
b) increase because electrolytic dissociation is more.
c) decrease because of of the dissociation of electrolyte is
d) decrease because of of the deposition of electrolyte is
14. The unit of specific resistance is 1 b
a) ohm.cm2

15. Conductivity of a solution is reciprocal of its ----- 1 d
b)potential difference
16. Unit of molar conductance is ---------- 1 a
a) mho.cm2.gmol-1
17. If distance between two electrode is ‘l’ and ‘a’ is area of cross section 1 b
of each electrode, then its conductance C is ------
18. Cell constant is given by the factor ----- 1 c
a) a/l b)a.l
c)l/a d)a2.l
19. The relationship between equivalent conductance and specific 1 A
conductance is -----
a) Л = k.1000/c
b) k = Л.100/c
c)Л = k.c
d) k = Л/c
20. The reciprocal of specific conductance is known as ----- 1 d
a) conductance

b)equivalent conductance
c)molar conductance
d)specific conductance.
21. The conductivity cell has two electrodes which are --------- 1 c
a) calomel and glass electrode.
b)calomel and platinum electrode.
c)both platinum electrodes.
d) glass and platinum electrode.
22. Electrolytic conduction is due to movement of ------- 1 b
a) atoms
23. In conductometric strong base-weak acid titration the conductance 1 b
of the solution --------
a) decreases upto end point and then increases
b)increases very slowly upto end point and then rapidly.
c) increases upto end point and then decreases.
d)remains constant upto end point and then increases.
24. In conductometric strong acid-strong base titration (base is in 1 c
burette) the conductance of the solution --------
a) increases upto end point and then decreases.
b) remains constant upto end point and then increases.
c) decreases upto end point and then increases.
d) decreases upto end point and then remains constant
25. When a strong acid is titrated against strong base, the end point of 1 b
the titration is the point of -----
a) zero conductance
b)minimum conductance
c)maximum conductance.

d)none of these
26. In conductivity cell a pair of platinum electrodes are coated with - 1 d
a) platinum chloride
c)silver chloride
d) platinum black
27. Which of the following solution has highest equivalent 1 c
a) NaCl

28. Conductivity of a solution is directly proportional to------- 1 b

a)distance between the electrodes
b)no. of ions per cubic centimeter.
c)molecular weight of electrolyte.
d)volume of a solution.

29. Which of the following solution does not conduct electricity? 1 d

a) KCl
30. Advantage of conductometric titration is --------------- 1 d
a) can be used for coloured solution
b)can be used for weak acid-weak base titration
c)can be used for mixtures of acids.
d)all of the above.
31. Acidic solution have ………………..pH 1 a

a) Less than 7.
b) Greater than 7.
c) Equal to 7.
d) Equal to 14.

32 Acidic buffer can be obtained by mixing ---- 1 a

a) Weak acid with salt of weak acid & strong base.
b) Strong acid with salt of weak acid & strong base.
c) Weak acid with salt of weak acid & weak base.
d) Weak base with salt of weak acid & weak base.

Question Marks Answer

1. Nature of conductometric titration curve for 2 d

titration of CH3COOH Vs NH4OH will be------

a) b) c) d)

2. Conductometric titration of mixture of acids Vs 2 b

strong base is possible only if-------------
a) Dissociation constants of two acids are same
b) Dissociation constants of two acids differ by
more than 104
c) Dissociation constant of one acid is zero
d) Dissociation constant of both acids is zero
3. Nature of conductometric titration curve for titration 2 a
of HCl Vs NaOH will be-----

a) b) c) d)

4.. Identify the graph below which was obtained in acid- 2 c

base titration, using conductometry.

End point

Volume of base

a) strong acid – weak base titration

b) ) weak acid – weak base titration
c) ) strong acid –strong base titration
d) ) weak acid – strong base titration

5. Nature of conductometric titration curve for titration 2 c

of CH3COOH Vs NaOH will be------

a) b) c) d)

6. Identify the graph below which was obtained in acid- 2 b

base titration, using conductometry.

Conductance End point

Volume of base

a) strong acid – weak base titration

b) ) weak acid – weak base titration
c) ) strong acid –strong base titration
d) ) weak acid – strong base titration

7. Identify the graph below which was obtained in acid- 2 A

base titration, using conductometry.

Conductance End point

Volume of base

a) strong acid – weak base titration

b) ) weak acid – weak base titration
c) ) strong acid –strong base titration
d) ) weak acid – strong base titration

8. Identify the graph below which was obtained in acid- 2 d

base titration, using conductometry.

End point

Volume of base

a) strong acid – weak base titration

b) ) weak acid – weak base titration
c) ) strong acid –strong base titration
d) ) weak acid – strong base titration

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