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Narne of Acdulterant AnA 4e>f to

food sample tued

Harmful e-f fect
Icdentify the of adulferam
prebence ot on bod

Edible ol Argemone oil, 8) TOke 5 drops Conbumptíon of
oineral oil, of the oil in a oil mixed wrth
Karania oil dry tet 1ube and arge mone 1ends
yanide. mix succesivey to dopsy(sudtden
OSmof 9 inflammatory
salicyclic acid in
swelling of 1eg)
me t hanol,2mlof often acompanie
Conc.nitric acid, t h diarrhoca,
Foilotwed by 9 4dypnea, catdiac
drops o Conc fai lure and even
Sulfuric acid ard doath. Some pntient
shcike develop
92) Cr imson tecl glaucoma a Cuet

Colour develop
i h i n 90 30 sees
if argemone oi

Milk Ura, for roalin, 9 1)Piace a drop 0her
detergets, of m:l on a conponens Can
sianting 3irfacg.cause impairmecs,
Sulphare, sf the mill hear Droblems,
boric ocid, Flotws
fteety,it cancer
prebenCe o4 on bon4
Cdul 1erant

S)1 h e tra French chalkCo

ve aro r ritation of
and mucott
+te mogne
t l l be clean merro rane> China
Houoyecr, clay migh c u
adu1era1on ead poisoni ng,
toill maniebt muscle tweaess
hen iron I n 1 e i a block-o
Ski0 3ores or
Stuck to 1he even breathin

rnog01. p.rbbioms
Chilli pooder Brick powy S1) Sprink le brick Dowder
Salt poude, chilli potuder c n casL

aruficial on twger 9tDMach disorder

colc 3,od ir#ace. Leod soluble n

s1arch ete 92)Pure powder may caue men
i l l not leave tox ICity,camrer
any sO IL1 and lead po soi

powdorod brmn Rodomine catsd

Con the urfare cn. soltab

tuaer.1 ar cauuser heau

adulermod, d13eabe,damnge
D ivor and are

DUudr co bran
ul4erAMAn4L1e>t O Harmfuu etfect.
food somple.tused dentify h e of adultera
presence of cn bod
TurmeriC Meetani S)Take t4sp of Lead chtomate
potude eltoto, iead tur meric in gias may damagc
chromate, lask,add feo *he nervoL
hCad orango drops of Ht to s s em.Too
7,etc ouch ex Do Suree

S2)Tgou See may cause

the cotour changg kidneyand
to pink and amage and aix
disa ppear on onaemia. Motani

adding feo ello effects o

drops of tonter, i1the mayor

mean> ihe neLtD-1transmit
tur meriC doe>n 1em11
have ansy arti frow ef sects digestt
Cotours But f the cardiovaacula(,
colcur does Do ex Cretorq and
Change, then i reproduCive
migh have *he system
presen ce of

mtanil geltot
Tea pocuder Starch, sand,3)Spread out a he filings of ir
Chia cly mail quatit of tuhen taken int
f tench cha lk, 1ea Tenves on a h e body Creae
ron #illing>, gia>s plate and henlth Problem
Chi Conlathe,gentty move 4he such as hepato
late, mf eine, mognet above te t h primary
Tue or other chemicalsthat compromise he s f
r e 4 e c tiveness of Said substance T oll no+

normaily be present n
any specificoion ar.decins

Detection of presence of food adul+eran in given

food somples
Name o foodAdulterart Any) teto Hor mu ifec
3ample ed Identf tbe of adu1+ era-
preben ce of on body
Powdered sugar Ürea, washS 1)Toke a Urea can caus

Soda,chalktranspare IEritaTion *o
31as of cuater eyE>,skin ad
S2)Dissolve 10 respiraDry
Of Sample in tac.Polonom
twater Contact can

S3T Sugar s cause

dor m
mixed uith Chalk poud er
chalk,the can caLse

aduteram uilllacrimation
Settle doton and breathim

at 4he bottom. prob lem in

1on run a

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