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Week 1-2
1. Mental health situation of students this time of
2. How does this new normal way of learning effect the
mental stability of all the student?
3. In what does this new normal way of learning become
the reason for mental instability state and its impact
and effects on students? This is a sensitive problem that
was facing of students right at this situation.
4. Has a social significance knowing that this is a
controversial issue that needed to address?
5. A documentary that advocates the mental health
awareness. The said proposal was arguable and feasible
since it will present virtually that good at this time of
Proposed title: Elemental Robustness program
Week 3-6
1. How does new normal way of learning affect students’
mental health.
2. H01. New way of learning has no significant effect in
students’ mental health.
Ha1. New way of learning has a significant effect in
students’ mental health.
3. Non-traditional studying has been an issue this school
year because of its impact on student’s mental health.
Students were required to adapt to the new normal
making them more stressed and pressured this school
year. The proof of this is the sudden spike of suicidal cases
of students who can’t cope up with this situation.

4. Since this research study won’t use materials mainly

because it’s just designated to answer the given question
by 25 respondents to know the effect of nontraditional to
them and except to minor things such as bond paper and
Quantit Unit Description Estimate Amount
d useful
Unit Cost Total Cost
y life
1 Pack Bond Paper 1 months ? ?

TOTAL Php. 433.5 Php. 539. 5


Jerus Zion Vinoya Ms. Manilyn B. Agustin

Arabella D. Agpaoa Research Adviser

Gracey Ann T. Laguardia

Script week 3-6
Slide 1
ANN: Greetings to everyone. This is research 2 group one from Galileo class.

ARA: This talk today concern with our research plan.

JERUS That is undoubtedly significant in doing research because it identifies and helps define our
focus methods, goals, and such 

SLIDE 2 *Q1*
ARA: To begin with, I’ll be introducing our main problem revolving around our research topic, which is
“How does the new normal way of learning affect student’s mental health.”

SLIDE 3 *Q2*
ANN: Now that we have known the main problem, let’s be familiar with our hypothesis.

JERUS: The null hypothesis was, "the non-traditional learning has no significant effect on student's
mental health. On the other hand, the alternative hypothesis was, "the non-traditional learning has a
significant effect on student's mental health.

SLIDE 4 *Q3*
JERUS: The daily routine of students back then was changed in just a blink of eye. Non traditional
studying has been an issue this school year because of its impact on students’ mental health. Student
were required to adapt to the new normal making them more stressed and pressured this school year.
The proof of this is the sudden spike of suicidal cases of student who can’t cope up with the new flow
of study.

ARA: Aside from that, pandemic poses a threat to societies’ mental health not only to students. This
study wants to address this sensitive issue.

SLIDE 5 *Q4*
ANN: Since this research study won’t use materials mainly because it’s just designated to answer the
given question by 25 respondents to know the effect of nontraditional to them and except to minor
things such as bond paper and gadgets.

SLIDE 6 *Q5*
ARA: We only have a bond paper which cost (pesos).


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