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Durgapur Women’s College

Notice 25.06.2020

All 3rd Semester Political Science Backlog students (2016-17 and 2017-18 batches)
are directed to contact the HoD or any teacher of the department for which she
has to appear for the backlog examination and evaluated through Home
Assignment and submission date on 30.06.2020.The Home Assignment should be
typed or handwriting between 2000-3000 words and submit their home
assignment through email id Please forward your name, whatsapp number and
email id to receive your Home Assignment.

Follow any one Assignment Topic:

1) Different methods of amendment of the constitution of India

2) Relations between the central and state government

Please treat the matter as most urgent.

Prof. Bijoy Prasad Das

Dept. of Political Science
Durgapur Women’s College

Notice 25.06.2020

This is to notify that 6th semester Hons. department of Political Science students
are requested to submit their project paper on 30.06.2020 through email id.
Email id will be provided very soon

Prof. Bijoy Prasad Das

Dept. of Political Science
Durgapur Women’s College
Notice 26.06.2020

This is to notify that all 6th sem. Political Science Program students are directed to contact the class
teachers for which she has to appear for the Internal and Home Assignment examinations on
02.07.2020 and evaluated in the following manner.

A) 10 marks : Internal Assessment

B) 15 marks : Home Assignment

Course title – Governance : Issue and challenges

Course type – DSE – 3

Follow any one Assignment Topic:

1) Basic components of the Good governance

2) E- governance and Corporate governance

Course title – Human Rights theories and concepts

Course type – GE – 2

Follow any one Assignment Topic:

1) Status of Human Rights in Indian constitution

2) Human Rights Movement in India – nature, challenges and prospects

Course title – Environmental politics

Course type – SEC – 4

Follow any one Assignment Topic

1) Chipko movement in India

2) Environment pollution/ Degradation. Poribesh dushon

* Internal questions will be provided on 02.07.2020

Examination time : 10.30 am - 11.00 am (DSE – 3), 11.30 am – 12.00 noon (GE – 2), 12.30pm – 1.00 pm
(SEC – 4)

Prof. Bijoy Prasad Das

Dept. of Political Science
Durgapur Women’s College

Notice 26.06.2020

This is to notify that all 6th sem. Political Science Honours students are directed to contact the class
teachers for which she has to appear for the Internal and Home Assignment examinations on
03.07.2020 and evaluated in the following manner.

C) 10 marks : Internal Assessment

D) 15 marks : Home Assignment

Course title – Local government in West Bengal

Course type – C-13

Follow any one Assignment Topic:

1) The structure and functions of Panchayati Raj Institution in India

2) Local government and empowerment of women

Course title – Understanding Global Politics

Course type – DSE- 3

Follow any one Assignment Topic:

1) Examine the role of MNC

2) Discuss the role of WTO

Course title – Environmental Politics

Course type – DSE- 4

Follow any one Assignment Topic

1) Global warming (Bishsho Ushnaon)

2) Sustainable development ( Sthayi manab unnoyon)

* Internal questions will be provided on 03.07.2020

Examinations time : 10.30 am -11.00 am (C – 13), 11.30 am -12.00 noon (DSE-3) and 12.30 pm – 1.00
pm (DSE- 4).

Prof. Bijoy Prasad Das

Dept. of Political Science

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