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Secret in mangement of turbinate hypertrophy

Dr.essam Behairy
‫اعرف عدوك واعرف نفسك‬
‫تستطيع أن تكسب مائة ‪x‬مائة‬
‫دون هزيمة واحدة‪ ،‬وحين‬
‫تكون جاهال بالعدو وعارفا‬
‫بنفسك فان فرص النصر‬
‫والهزيمة تكون متساوية‪ ،‬أما‬
‫ان كنت جاهال بعدوك وجاهال‬
‫بنفسك فمن المؤكد أنك ستهزم‬
‫في كل المعارك هزيمة نكراء‬
SECRET 1 Morphology
lined by respiratory • Type I, lamellar •
epithelium on only 10% of Type II, compact •
its surface. ; Type III, combined type •
stratified epithelia: • (compact with spongious
squamous (8.2%), columnar component)
ciliated (13.6%), and ; Type IV, bullous. •
cuboidal (46.6%). Thus
cuboidal epithelium is the The distribution was as •
most widespread and follows: 352 (62.19%)
presents variable features. lamellar, 50 (8.83%)
compact, 162 (28.63%)
characteristics were found • combined, and 2(0.35%)
in transitional zones on bullous type.
21.6% of the surface.

of Nasal cycle lasts 2-6 hrs, occurs in 20-80
people.Sympathetic nervous system increases
vascular resistance Parasympathetic nervous
system (vidian nerve)relaxes capacitance
vessels. Sensory receptors temperature

Cycles of swelling and constriction of the

venous sinuses of the inferior turbinate and
the nasal septum (Richard Kayser1895)
Secret 2) Air flow splitter
Function Dysfunction
1) Regulate airflow, and to •
and humidify warm
the air . Dysfunction of any of these •
2) filtering inspir ed air • systems can lead to
3)immunologic defense by • symptoms of nasal
bringing inspired air in dysfunction (eg,congestion,
contact with mucous-coated postnasal drainage, facial
membranes that contain pressure, headaches, sinus
immunoglobulin A (IgA).
4)sense of smell, which is •
intimately associated with the
taste sensation..
External Nasal Valve
Boundaries include
lower lateral cartilages
Soft tissue alae
Membranous septum
Sill of the nostril
Can be site of obstruction (e.g. s/p rhinoplasty
A) swelling of the mucosa due to various forms of
B)thickened or abnormally positioned turbinate bones
3rd secret ;Evaluation of Patients
History nasal obstruction • Rhinomanometry •
symptoms Anterior pressure sensor •
Physical exam • in one nostril, flow
Look for dynamic and • meter in a mask.
structural cause of nasal Posterior pressure sensor •
obstruction. in the mouth, flow
Check before and after • meter in a mask.
decongestion. Ohms Law RP/V •
Normal is .15 to .3 •
gt.3 is usually associated •
with symptoms.
Grade-1 Posterior wall of nasopharynx can be
seen through ≥ 50% of posterior choana
(Score = 1)
Grade-2 Posterior wall of nasopharynx can be
seen through < 50% of posterior choana
(Score = 2)
Grade-3 Posterior wall of nasopharynx not
visible at all (Score = 3).

Endoscopic grading of turbinate size relative to visibility

of the posterior choana. 1 = grade 1; 2 = grade 2;
3 = grade 3
; T = inferior turbinate; S = septum; ab = imaginary line dividing ipsilateral
choana in midline
Evaluating PatientsOther tests
Evaluating PatientsAcoustic •
Rhinometry Olfaction tests •
Measures cross-sectional • Nasal smear •
area (CSA) Tests of humidity and •
Minimal CSA before • heating
consistent reporting of
obstruction is .3cm2 or less.
Above .3cm2, reliability to •
predict gradation of
symptoms is controversial.

. .
Three layers of Turbinates • Mucosa •
Medial thin mucosa • Pseudostratified columnar •
ciliated epitheliumGoblet cells
Bone • produce salts, glycoproteins,
Lateral thick mucosa •
polysaccharides, lysozymes. •
arteries, veins, and venous •
sinusoids.Lamina Propria
contains the above tissue.

Secret 4 Etiology of Turbinate
Allergic rhinitis • Leads to longstanding changes in mucosa. •

cell Histologic turbinate findings mast • Fibrosis, polyposis. •

abundance, seromucous gland hyperplasia,
interstitial fibrosis, eosinophils on smear. Vasomotor Rhinitis •
Probably the most frequent cause of • Nasal congestion, rhinorrhea only •
turbinate-related nasal obstruction.
Acute rhinosinusitis Exam similar to AR • Drug Induced Rhinitis •
Leukocytes on nasal smear. • •
• 18
Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Questionable association with
turbinate resection
SEC 5 Associated factor…
19 • . •
Turbinate DisordersAnatomic
Septal Deviation •
Concha Bullosa •

Turbinate DisordersAnatomic
Paradoxical middle turbinate •
curvature in
Synechiae, polypoid changes •

Medical Management
Allergic Rhinitis Nasal steroids • Medical Management •
with oral Antihistamines •
and/or topical antihistamines,
decongestants. Decongestants •
Drug induced rhinitis cessation •
of topical Topical nasal steroids/nasal •
medicine and switch to saline/sinus rinses
Nasal Polyposis systemic • Antibiotics if sinusitis •
steroids, topical Immunotherapy if allergic •
Rhinosinusitis Antibiotics •

At least 13 surgical techniques to treat
hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate
. .
Cold-steel turbinoplasty •
Lateralization/outfracture •
of inferior turbinate
Diathermy •
Laser •
Cryosurgery •
Microdebrider •
Radiofrequency Ablation •
Coblation •
Thermal coagulation,
Chemocoagulation, Chemotherapy
1869-1890 +
Turbinectomy 1882 +
Lateralization, Lateropexia 1904 +
Submucous resection of the
turbinate bone 1906-1911 +
Crushing + trimming, partial
resection 1930-1953 +
Injection of corticosteroids 1952 +
Injection of sclerosing agents 1953
Vidian neurectomy 1961 +
Cryosurgery 1970 +
Turbinoplasty 1982 +

Laser surgery 1977

Powered instruments 1994
Microdebrider Cold-steel
Coblation Laser
turbinoplasty Turbinectomy :Partial &total.
1)Reduce the size of the • CONCLUSION: •
inferior turbinate through The efficacy of inferior •
exuberant bone removal
with high mucosal turbinoplasty was
preservation. confirmed not only for
2)recommended for obstructive symptoms, but
patients with or without also for non-obstructive
allergic rhinitis and those symptoms in patients with
showing irreversible and without allergic rhinitis.
hypertrophy of inferior
Surgical Management
Total inferior Turbinectomy Partial Turbinectomy

Benefits •
Most effective in terms of • Anterior portion, at nasal •
LONG TERM improvement valve, is resected.
of airway Advantages •
Addresses nasal valve •
Disadvantages •
Similar to total, but less •
Surgical Management

‫ز‬ •
Total Inferior Turbinectomy
Disadvantages •
Postoperative hemorrhage rate •
of 5-8
Nasal crusting, sometimes lasting •
for months, up
to 15 at one year, in a study
by Mabry et al •
(40pts. followed for one year)
Synechiae •
Atrophic rhinitisyears. Six •
Submucous Resection

Decreased risk of hemorrhage •
Preserves mucociliary clearance and air •
Disadvantages •
Technical difficulty •
Tendency to relapse 25 in a 1988 study by •
Mabry et al

Surgical ManagementMucosal Lesion-
Producing techniques
Electrocautery, Cryosurgery, Laser Surgery •
Advantages •
Local Anesthesia, Easy, low hemorrhage risk •
Disadvantages •
Extensive post-op crusting, probable •
regrowth of
27 •
Surgical ManagementLaser

Surgical ManagementSubmucous
Radiofrequency unipolar or •
Study by by Back et al on twenty •
patients showed
improvement in nasal cross-
sectional area by
acoustic rhinometry at one year
KTP, Argon, and CO2 have all •
been shown to be
detachment of the entire mucosa above the incision,
creating a mucosal flap
the turbinate was incised in the anterior-posterior direction
using turbinectomy scissors
the bone spicules were removed with a chisel
thereby removing most of the bone and all its
lateral mucosa
In our opinion, the • . From that perspective, it •
seems that electrocautery,
purpose of chemocautery, (subtotal)
turbinectomy, cryosurgery,
surgically reducing and laser surface surgery
the inferior should not be used, as
these techniques are too
turbinates should destructive.
Intratubinal turbinate •
be to diminish reduction (intraturbinal
complaints while turbinoplasty) would seem
to be the method of choice.

When analysing the advantages, • : prospective and comparative •

the disadvantages, and the patients should be randomly •
complications of the various • assigned to the study groups and
methods to treat inferior all should suffer from the same
turbinate disease
hypertrophy, it is difficult to draw • preopera-tive and postoperative •
firm conclusions. parameters should include
We realize how difficult it is to • patient symp-toms (VAS score),
meet with all these re- function tests (breathing,
quirements. However, we would • mucociliary trans-port, nasal
all agree that only studies of defence etc.), complications, and
follow-up until 3-5
this type would really help us to • years. •
find answers to the many still
remaining questions •

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