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Uswatun Khasanah

Academic Writing Essay (Meeting 3)
Chronological order

How to Overcome a Fear

All humans regardless of age in all parts of the world must have experienced
fear and that is normal. However, in psychology fear experienced by humans is a
temporary physiology. Fear in a psychological perspective occurs when a person is
facing a condition that will make him suffer and is rational because he has a real
object. Fear is an observable psychiatric syndrome that occurs very strongly in
humans. Simply put, fear is caused by excessive anxiety, emotional and biochemical
reactions of the human body. Fear belongs to something rather complex, in which
there is an emotional feeling and a number of physical feelings. If excessive fear often
occurs in humans, it will cause bad effects, namely disturbing mental health. But don't
worry about it because here are three effective tips to help you overcome your fear by
calming yourself down with meditation, controlling your mindset and dealing with
First, calming down through meditation is a simple way we can overcome fear.
Although, this method is simple but the impact is very good for our body and
effective for overcoming fear. According to Dr. Herbert Benson, a cardiologist from
Harvard University meditation calming down with meditation you will be able to
accept the joys and sorrows, difficulties and goodness of life well. Calming down by
meditating makes our minds relax and builds strength to overcome fear. If your mind
and soul are calm then your feelings will be biologically controlled to overcome the
fear that occurs. Peace of mind and mind will automatically eliminate the fear that
you experience. You can do meditation 10 minutes before you do the activity that
makes the fear come. Try to do these simple things to fight your fear.
Then, your fear of yourself can be overcome easily if you are good at
controlling thought patterns. When you are in a situation of deep fear, it automatically
makes your mindset narrow and what is in your mind is only something negative. At
that time, various negative questions appear in your brain. What if you make a
mistake? What if you fail? With this mindset you begin to believe that you can't
progress at all, that you can't and fear holds you back. However, your fear can be
overcome by adopting a growth mindset. Reuben Berger, a psychotherapist at a
university hospital in the city of Bonn, Germany, recommends that when fear comes
we should instruct the mind to stop and adopt a mindset so that humans can condition
themselves. Why this tip is used in this problem is because the fear comes from our
own minds. If we change our mindset to be brighter, stop thinking negative thoughts
and arrange our thoughts properly then fear will not happen to you.
Last of all, when fear arises in you, face that fear because dealing with fear
can actually overcome it. That whatever happens in life is better to deal with than to
avoid it. Likewise with fear, not to keep avoiding, try to be brave enough to face fear.
Running away from triggers that scare you will only make you more afraid. For
example, if you feel scared while taking a course for various reasons, try to be
familiar with the lecturer and master the subject matter. When you do, your fear will
go away and I've tried these tips. If you never try to overcome fear then you will
never know or recognize why fear arises. And by dealing with fear you can find out
the solution to what caused fear to come.
In conclusion, overcoming fear is very important to do so that you do not sink
into it. If fear is allowed to be left alone, it will be bad for your mind and body.
Excessive fear can lead to mental health problems such as phobias and stress. In
addition, fear also results in physical health problems such as narrowed blood vessels,
disrupting breathing patterns and reducing body immunity. You definitely don't want
that to happen to you, right ? so you can overcome fear with the three tips that have
been explained here, namely calming down with meditation, controlling your mindset
and dealing with fear. Overcome your fear with easy and correct tips.

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