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White Paper

White Paper by Bloor

Author Philip Howard
Publish date January 2017

IBM Informix on Cloud

Siloed and

cloud deployments
are essentially
no different from
they just happen
to be instantiated
somewhere else.

Author Philip Howard
nformix, one of the databases There are two environments where
I offered by IBM, has a long and
illustrious history. It is well
it might be useful to host Informix
in the Cloud. Firstly, because it
known as a platform for supporting represents a cost-effective alternative to
applications developed by third implementing the database on-premises
parties and ISVs, primarily for use in and, secondly, within hybrid cloud
transactional environments. This is environments. While the first of these
because Informix is a robust offering is simple enough we need to be clear

that combines high performance and about what we mean when we talk about
functionality with minimal administrative hybrid cloud environments before we can
requirements. However, this paper does sensibly discuss how Informix might fit
not discuss these features of the product into this environment.
in any detail. Instead, we are here Informix is a robust
concerned with the latest release of IBM offering that combines
Informix, which offers the ability to host
high performance
Informix on the IBM Cloud (SoftLayer and
Bluemix). and functionality with
minimal administrative

3 A Bloor White Paper

Hybrid cloud
good starting point will be For example, you might be using Workday
A the definition of a hybrid
cloud environment. Most
for your payroll and transferring data
from that environment into your on-
definitions you find on the Internet are premises financial application at the
either misleading or incomplete. For month end, but these remain essentially
instance, “a hybrid cloud is an integrated siloed applications that have been
cloud service utilising both private and integrated. This is a heterogeneous cloud
public clouds to perform distinct functions environment.

within the same organisation.” This fails
to recognise that many organisations 3. True hybrid cloud environment.
have on-premises environments that are As a counter-example consider master
not any sort of private cloud. Another data management (MDM) with a single
…an environment example is “a hybrid cloud is a cloud customer view extended to include the
that supports computing environment which uses a mix of storage and analysis of social media data
on-premises, private cloud and third-party, on each customer, logs that record how
the continuous
public cloud services with orchestration that customer has browsed your web
interworking of between the two platforms.” This is site, text details based on phone records
applications and accurate enough but it is too broad and and emails of your interactions with that
functions, some of says nothing very useful from a data customer, and so on. This extraneous
which are based in or application perspective. Moreover, information can be used to extend and
the distinction between private cloud enrich the single customer view and it
and on-premises environments is not will often – it doesn’t have to be – stored
environments, and a particularly useful one (the former is and managed in the cloud, while your
some of which are just a deployment option) and in the MDM solution remains on-premises.
deployed in public remainder of this paper “cloud” is taken This sort of environment, in our opinion,
or managed cloud to mean third-party cloud environments, represents the true value of hybrid
whether public or managed. Going cloud, where the on-premises and cloud

beyond this, it is necessary to data and applications are effectively
differentiate between the following: extensions of one another rather than
things that are essentially separate and
1. Siloed cloud environment. distinct. This, in our view, is what hybrid
There are applications, with associated cloud is all about.
data, running in public or managed
cloud environments. There are also A hybrid cloud can therefore be defined
applications, with associated data that as “an environment that supports the
run on-premises (whether in a private continuous interworking of applications and
cloud or not – this is not a useful functions, some of which are based in on-
distinction in the current context). premises environments, and some of which
These are siloed. This is not a hybrid are deployed in public or managed cloud
environment: there is neither integration environments”.
nor orchestration. The fact that you Having thus defined different classes
have some applications running in the of cloud-based application it should
cloud and some on-premises does not be clear that siloed and heterogeneous
mean that you have a hybrid cloud cloud deployments are essentially no
environment. Indeed, this is a siloed different from on-premises deployments:
cloud environment regardless of where they just happen to be instantiated
things are deployed. somewhere else. Hybrid use cases, on
the other hand, are rather different from
2. Heterogeneous cloud environment. traditional on-premises deployments and
The on-premises and cloud-based it is worth considering these differences
applications exchange information on in some detail. We can do this by
a periodic basis. For example, at month discussing use cases.
end. These are still siloed applications
but there is a bridge (some form of data
integration) between the two.

© 2017 Bloor 4
Hybrid cloud use cases
There are a variety of environments
• Elasticity. Here the idea is to cater
for peaks of activity that cannot be
that lend themselves to hybrid cloud anticipated as opposed to month-
deployments. These include: end and year-end peaks that can be

• Extensions to existing on-premises

deployments. Perhaps the most popular
planned for (and which may represent
a good case for non-hybrid cloud
deployments). For example, Tennis
of these is extended master data
Australia – the governing body for

management, as discussed above, but
tennis in Australia – uses a hybrid
this would also apply to extended CRM
cloud infrastructure to cater for social
(customer relationships management)
media-based fan interaction. The
and other applications that can be
problem here is that you can’t predict
augmented in a similar fashion.
in advance when a match or remark The elasticity of
• Hybrid analytic environments. While
extensions of the type related to
(by a player or commentator) or event
will trigger a potential avalanche of
a cloud-based
MDM and CRM may simply consist of
solution allows
comments and tweets. On the other
additional detail, it is also common – hand, you don’t want to impair the
provisioning of
perhaps more common – to include quality of the fan experience. The extra compute
analytic capabilities against this elasticity of a cloud-based solution capacity as
additional detail. This may range from allows provisioning of extra compute required, so
relatively simple business intelligence capacity as required, so a consistent
for, say, sentiment analysis, to quite
a consistent
experience is provided to fans.
experience is
• DevTest.
sophisticated analytics that may
Development and testing provided.

effectively create a hybrid transactional
processes have very variable
and analytic environment where
infrastructure demands, not only
operational processing is taking place
across development projects but
on-premises and analytics in the
also within them. Features such as
cloud. Yet another extension to this
elastic scaling that support this, are
principle may occur within a logical
much easier and cheaper to provide
data warehouse (LDW) where traditional
in the cloud than in on-premises
data warehousing is implemented
environments. Similarly, hybrid cloud
on-premises but additional analytic
is proving popular where large media
processing for unstructured data is
or other files need to be shared across
being carried out in the cloud.
multiple sites or customers. For
• The Internet of Things (IoT). Many IoT
implementations will adopt a hybrid
example, one major game developer
uses a hybrid cloud model for sharing
cloud environment, often of the hybrid software during the testing process.
analytic type just described. However, In another example, the same
IoT deployments may be complicated approach is being used by a media
by the fact that sensors, devices and management company: internal
gateways may include their own data is held on-premises for security
intelligence. Firstly, this means that IoT reasons while data being shared is
environments may consist of a multi- posted in the cloud.
tier architecture rather than just the
two-tier hybrid cloud environment we
have been discussing. Secondly, sensors
and devices will not usually be deployed
in the cloud while gateways may or not
be cloud-based. Further, even when
we talk about edge processing being
on-premises that may not literally be
the case: it is for this reason that some
vendors refer to edge-based equipment
being “in the fog”.

5 A Bloor White Paper

IBM Informix and the cloud
nformix is IBM’s preferred supported indexes. Worse, different
I database offering for IoT and
Bloor Research has previously
workloads may mean that different
indexes, materialised tables and so forth
published a paper discussing IBM will be differently suitable for different
Informix and its role in supporting customers. Moreover, these workloads
IoT environments. You can read this may change over time. What this will
at: mean is that the database will need to be
research/white-paper/ibm-informix-and- tuned on an ongoing basis to maintain

the-internet-of-things/ and we do not, performance, which is impractical in
therefore, intend to spend much time IoT environments and undesirable for
repeating the comments we made in that cloud deployments. For these reasons
paper. However, there are characteristics a traditional relational database will
IBM Informix has of Informix which, while suiting it to IoT, not be suitable for embedding at any
a long history of also suit it for cloud – and especially level within your infrastructure, precisely
hybrid cloud – environments. because these all require exactly this
being embedded
sort of tuning. Fortunately, this is not
in a variety of Embedding the case with IBM Informix because the
applications and IBM Informix has a long history of being product not only requires no tuning but
this suggests that embedded in a variety of applications also includes self-healing and self-
the product is easy and this suggests that the product is tuning autonomics that handle these
easy to implement and deploy. This has requirements automatically. As we
to implement and
implications both for deployment in the discuss in the next section, this fire and

cloud and in the fog. In the latter case, forget functionality applies to analytics
footprint is a major consideration and as well as operational environments.
IBM Informix requires just 100 Mb to
install on disk. More generally, the main Warehouse Accelerator
requirements for embedding a database IBM offers various Warehouse Editions of
are that you can fire it up and forget Informix. These all include the Informix
about it, that it performs adequately, that Warehouse Accelerator (IWA) to support
it is robust and does not fall over, that it analytics. This is an extension to the
is flexible enough to support different normal database used for transactional
deployment models, and that it is easily purposes and will typically be required
updated (without appreciable downtime) in hybrid environments where you
when requirements change. In so far as need to support both transactional and
IBM Informix is concerned most of these analytic processing within the same
can be taken as given. However, there are scenario. IWA enables query processing
a couple of points worth discussing. in-memory and provides a column-based
Firstly, it is essential that any approach to avoid any requirement
embedded database is invisible for indexes, temporary space, summary
and remains that way. This is true tables or partitions. In other words, it is
regardless of whether you are simply entirely suitable for supporting analytic
collecting data and passing it on (in IoT applications because the lack of these
implementations) or in transactional features means that administration is
environments or you are performing both minimised and consistent across
some analytics on the data. Particularly transactional and analytic environments.
with respect to analytics, to get good The Warehouse Accelerator can be
performance, you need, at least in implemented on the same system as the
most environments, to create indexes, relevant transactional system. For hybrid
materialised views and other such environments you use Smart Analytics
database constructs to achieve the Studio, which is a graphical development
necessary performance. While this tool, to define the data (and its schema)
is feasible it is not flexible enough that you want to query and the
when additional requirements need Warehouse Accelerator will automatically
to be supported. Every time you add offload this data, which is now stored
functionality you need to change the separately from the OLTP environment.

© 2017 Bloor 6
It is processed in its own memory space both transaction and analytics running
so that there is no conflict with the on the same system, but also hybrid
operational aspects of the environment cloud environments where transactions
and transactional performance will are hosted on-premises and analytics
not be impacted. Note that there is no in the cloud. Or, if you are processing
need to change your existing business unstructured data (see next) then it could
intelligence tool(s). well be that you have both a hybrid
There are several other features transactional and analytic environment

worth mentioning: in the cloud linked to (structured)

• The Accelerator uses vector

processing. This is a form of
transaction processing on-premises.
Secondly, in addition to support for
unstructured data, IBM Informix also
processing that takes advantage
of modern day CPU characteristics,
supports (analytic) processing of both Informix itself uses
which is orders of magnitude faster
time series and geo-spatial data, which what IBM calls
we also discuss below.
for computationally intensive tasks, “deep compression
which analytics frequently are.
Unstructured data technology” which
• The database optimiser has been
specifically optimised to support both
There are many environments where
support for relational data alone is not
provides benefits
both in terms of
transactional and analytic workloads enough. Moreover, the sort of data you storage capacity and
where a hybrid environment is being are collecting and processing may change

deployed. It is also worth noting that over time. For this reason, a database
the optimiser knows where the data that supports a flexible schema will be
is and where it is not. The optimiser preferable. IBM Informix provides exactly
determines whether the query can be that by supporting JSON (where each
satisfied by the Accelerator and, if so, data object has its own schema) as first
it routes the query there. If not, it will class objects within the database. This
choose to execute the query within is important not just from a flexibility
Informix, itself. Now, if a query saves perspective but also because JSON is
the result into a temporary table as commonly used as a data exchange
part of the Select statement, as is medium within IoT environments, as
often done by certain BI tools, then well as more widely. Moreover, IBM
the Accelerator can speed up that has recognised that there is substantial
portion of the query. existing use of MongoDB within both

• In-database analytic capabilities are

available from Fuzzy Logix, which
the IoT and cloud communities, so it
has implemented API compatibility with
MongoDB, a wire listener that acts as a
has ported its library of analytic and
mid-tier gateway between MongoDB and
statistical capabilities to run within
IBM Informix, and the database supports
the IBM Informix database.
BSON (binary JSON), which is the form
• Informix itself uses what IBM calls
“deep compression technology” which
of JSON supported by MongoDB. Again,
BSON is treated as first-class.
provides benefits both in terms of
storage capacity and performance. Time series and geo-spatial data
A proprietary encoding method There are many applications that
(approximate Huffman encoding) require an understanding of time. In
allows predicate evaluation without smart metering and other sensor-
having to decompress the data. This based environments you will be taking
is a substantial advantage where measurements on a regular basis and you
memory is limited, especially at need to know what value was recorded
device or sensor level. and at what time. You also need to be
able to handle data that arrives out
Finally, there are a couple of other of time sequence. Bearing in mind
points to make. The first is that the that measurements are taken every 15
environment just described supports minutes, say, it would be wasteful to

7 A Bloor White Paper

record a time stamp for every single Availability Data Replication (HADR),
measurement: it is more efficient to Remote Secondary Standby Database
simply store the start date and time, and Servers and Shared Disk Secondary
record what the time interval between Servers. An option that combines the
measurements is. This is what is known last two of these is known as Flexible
as a regular time series. It saves disk Grid. The Flexible Grid supports the
space and will provide better performance definition of a multi-node heterogeneous
characteristics when querying the data. cluster that makes it possible to run

On the other hand, in capital markets an application on any node within the
you need to know when a trade was grid. This means that you can have a
initiated and when it was completed. geographically dispersed environment
Consequently, transactions occur at with different commodity hardware
the Flexible Grid irregular intervals resulting in an irregular (and operating systems) implemented in
feature of Informix time series, where individual time stamps different locations, depending on need,
need to be recorded. IBM Informix has and yet have the whole environment
enables us to perform
native support for both regular and centrally controlled. Not only are DML
rolling upgrades irregular time series and this is a key operations replicated, but so are DDL
without any outages, feature as such support is not commonly operations. This means that when
so players can go offered by competitive products. a table is created on one node, it is
on playing with no Geo-spatial support is also important automatically created on all nodes
in both IoT-based and other environments. within the Flexible Grid. In addition,
interruption and
For example, in logistics, where you are it is possible to automatically start
no impact on our tracking (and re-routing) delivery vehicles replication of the table as soon as it
revenue. That’s worth or in insurance (a non-IoT use case) is created, which greatly simplifies the
its weight in gold.

for determining whether houses have deployment of a replication solution. A
been built on a flood plain. Geo-spatial major feature of the Flexible Grid is that
capabilities are more widely provided it supports continuous availability. That
by vendors than time series support, but is, operations can continue regardless
are still limited, with many supporting of whether downtime is planned or
vendors being in the data warehousing unplanned. For example, Game Show
space as opposed to those also supporting Network uses the Informix Flexible
transactions and operations. Grid and – at the point that we spoke
with them – had had no unplanned
Flexible Grid (or planned) downtime for two years.
Finally, a major consideration for According to Susan Marciano, Vice
moving to the cloud, regardless of the President of Technical Operations: “the
type of cloud implementation, is for Flexible Grid feature of Informix enables
cost savings. Clearly, features such as us to perform rolling upgrades without
elasticity (paying only for the capacity any outages, so players can go on playing
you use) and fire-and-forget (thereby with no interruption and no impact on our
minimising administration costs) are revenue. That’s worth its weight in gold.”
important ancillary considerations in Other use cases occur wherever 24x7
addition to the cost savings involved in operations are critical and, especially,
cloud deployments per se. However, at where costs are a major factor, since
the same time, users still want to have the Flexible Grid runs on commodity
enterprise-grade software. Of course, hardware and is therefore well suited
“enterprise-grade” is a misnomer: all to deployment in the cloud. Minimal
organisations, of all sizes, want the administration is a further major benefit
scalability, performance and reliability along the same theme.
that are associated with so-called
enterprise-grade software. And this
particularly applies when the deployment
is mission critical. To support such
environments, IBM Informix provides
several options, including High

© 2017 Bloor 8
here are both specific and You will also want the ability to run the
T generic reasons for considering
IBM Informix for cloud and
same applications across all the various
topographical options (on-premises, full
hybrid cloud deployments. Specifically, the cloud and hybrid) that are available.
time series and geo-spatial capabilities of Which in turn means supporting both
the database lend themselves to IoT-based transactional and analytic processing on
applications, which will often involve the various types of data we have already
hybrid cloud. The ability to replicate discussed. In addition, you want the

time series and other data from the edge sort of enterprise class software that is
into the cloud will support (predictive) suitable for mission critical environments
analytics for these environments. (including enterprise-class security),
More generically, the argument is that while also offering features that are
in an ideal world you would like to have complementary to the cloud to help in …the argument
the same type of database both reducing costs, such as subscription-based is that in an ideal
on-premises and in the cloud. This means pricing where you pay only for what you
world you would like
having features that directly support use. Once you put all this together you
these environments. The most obvious of realise that there may not be very many to have the same
these are that you need to have support database products that can offer all of type of database
for all types of data (times series, geo- this. IBM Informix is one that does. both on-premises
spatial, relational, non-relational) and and in the cloud.

this in turn means simplified deployment.

Further information is available from

9 A Bloor White Paper

About the author
Research Director / Information Management

hilip started in the computer In addition to the numerous reports

P industry way back in 1973
and has variously worked as
Philip has written on behalf of Bloor
Research, Philip also contributes regularly
a systems analyst, programmer and to and and
salesperson, as well as in marketing and was previously editor of both Application
product management, for a variety of Development News and Operating
companies including GEC Marconi, GPT, System News on behalf of Cambridge
Philips Data Systems, Raytheon and NCR. Market Intelligence (CMI). He has also
After a quarter of a century of not contributed to various magazines and
being his own boss Philip set up his own written a number of reports published by
company in 1992 and his first client was companies such as CMI and The Financial
Bloor Research (then ButlerBloor), with Times. Philip speaks regularly at
Philip working for the company as an conferences and other events throughout
associate analyst. His relationship with Europe and North America.
Bloor Research has continued since that Away from work, Philip’s primary
time and he is now Research Director, leisure activities are canal boats, skiing,
focused on Information Management. playing Bridge (at which he is a Life
Information management includes Master), and dining out.
anything that refers to the management,
movement, governance and storage of
data, as well as access to and analysis of
that data. It involves diverse technologies
that include (but are not limited to)
databases and data warehousing, data
integration, data quality, master data
management, data governance, data
migration, metadata management, and
data preparation and analytics.

© 2017 Bloor 10
Bloor overview
Bloor Research is one of Europe’s
leading IT research, analysis and
• Look at the whole market and explain
all the solutions available and how they
consultancy organisations, and in 2014 can be more effectively evaluated.
celebrated its 25th anniversary. We
explain how to bring greater Agility • Filter ‘noise’ and make it easier to find
the additional information or news
to corporate IT systems through the
that supports both investment and
effective governance, management and
leverage of Information. We have built
a reputation for ‘telling the right story’
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• Ensure all our content is available
through the most appropriate channels.
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publications on all aspects of the ICT years distributing research and analysis
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technologies fit in with existing ICT

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This document is copyright © 2017 Bloor. No part of this publication may be
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Due to the nature of this material, numerous hardware and software products have been
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11 A Bloor White Paper

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