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SDK Guide

of Android OnePass app

This document provides the guide of the SDK for further development.


Firstly, thank you for purchasing the product from HuiFan

Technology Co. We hope that our products provide the great
performance to meet the requirement by customer. For extending the
application of the product, the source code of the OnePass app is
provided to the customer for further development. This document is
writing for providing the brief introduction of the source code.

The main content of this manual is divided into several sections

based on the different modules of the product. The app is running on
the Android system, both Eclipse and Android Studio can be used as
IDE for editing the source code. In this guide, the source code is
opened by Android Studio 3.0.1.

Important Claim:
 Not all the functions in the source code can be applied to all
types of the product depending on the hardware of the device.
The update modules might cause the compatible problem.
 Although the SDK is provided freely, our company still hold
all the right of the source code.
 Without permission of our company, any individual,
companies and organizations cannot amend, copy or excerpt
content of the SDK.
 Any development of using the SDK should be legal under the
local law.

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Preface................................................................................................... 1
Contents.............................................................................................. 2
1. Introduction...................................................................................... 3
2. The package of android................................................................... 4
2.1. The MtGpio class file in fpi........................................................4
2.2. scanner........................................................................................ 4
2.2.1. camera................................................................................... 5
2.2.2. common.................................................................................5
2.2.3. config.....................................................................................6
2.2.4. decode................................................................................... 6
2.2.5. view....................................................................................... 6
2.3. zyapi............................................................................................7
3. The package of android_serialport_api.......................................... 8
4. The package of com.fgtit..................................................................9
4.1. app...............................................................................................9
4.2. device........................................................................................11
4.3. fingermap..................................................................................11
4.4. fpcore........................................................................................ 13
4.5. net..............................................................................................14
4.6. printer........................................................................................14
4.7. service....................................................................................... 14
4.8. utils........................................................................................... 15
Appendix I. The table of the complete structure of the project.......... 16

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1. Introduction

The OnePass app is preinstalled in all the products which are

operating the Android system. The app demonstrates that how the
modules like fingerprint, card reader and code reader work. For
further development, the source code of the app is freely provided
after completing the purchase.
The source code is generated as a project by the Android Studio.
The project contains three main packages: android,
android_serialport_api and com.fgtit. Each package will be
introduced in the following sections. The complete structure of the
project can be found in the appendix I. The JNI Library files, which
are named with the filename extension ‘.so’, are also added into the

Fig.1 The packages in the project Fig.2 The JNI library files

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2. The package of android

2.1. The MtGpio class file in fpi

In this class, all the functions are written for configurating
the GPIO ports of each module, which includes barcode
module, fingerprint sensor module and RF card reader
module. The native functions are called by loading the library file.

2.2. scanner
This file contains the main configurations for camera and
barcode scanner.
 AmbientLightManager: The class for detecting the
ambient light of the environment for considering
whether the flash LED should be turned on or off.

 BeepManager: The class for managing the beeps and

vibrations when capture image by camera.

 CaptureActivity: The class achieves the function of

scanning the barcode via using the camera.

 FinishListener: The simple listener to monitor the

app and exit the app when some cases occurred.

 InactivityTimer: Define a simple timer for counting

the time. Finish the activity when time is out without
any action detected for low power consumption.

 Intents: The variables that used for sending the Intent

to the barcode scanner are defined in this class. All

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the Strings are used effectively as API, so do not

change the content.

 IntentSource: The enumeration for Intent.

2.2.1. camera
 AutoFocusManager: Create a thread to keep calling the
system function of Camera.autoFocus().

 CameraConfigurationManager: A class that is used to

configurate the parameter for camera hardware.

 CameraManager: All the service based on the camera are

defined in this class file.

 FrontLightMode: Enumerates settings of the preference

of controlling the front light.

 OpenCameraInterface: Detecting the number of cameras

that the device has. Open rear camera as default if there
are more than one camera.

 PreviewCallback: Sending preview message to the UI


2.2.2. common
 BitmapUtils: The utilization for dealing with the Bitmap.

 Runable: Make it compatible for executing the thread in

low version.

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2.2.3. config
The package android.scanner.config is the class to define
the preferences of using the camera.
2.2.4. decode
 BitmapDecoder: The class is used for building a bitmap
decoder, and provides a method for getting the decoded

 BitmapLuminanceSource: Convert the bitmap data from

int array into byte array. The class provides methods of
getting the converted data and the number of pixels in
specific row.

 CaptureActivityHandler: This class handles all the

messaging which comprises the state machine for

 DecodeFormatManager: All the formats of the code are

defined in this class.

 DecodeHandler: Decode the code data captured by the


 DecodeThread: The multifarious work of decoding the

images is done in this thread.

2.2.5. view
 ViewfinderResultPointCallback: Override the method of

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 ViewfinderView: Generate the scanning view overlaid

on the camera preview interface.

2.3. zyapi
 CommonApi: The native methods of setting the GPIO
pins and the serial ports are defined in this class.

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3. The package of android_serialport_api

 AsyncFingerprint: Configurate the fingerprint sensor module,

which includes the interface, the commands and function
achievement. The fingerprint enrolment, fingerprint data
generating, matching and recording are all include in this
class file.

 BarcodeReader: Setting serial port for controlling the barcode


 SerialPort: Control the device and using the native methods

from the JNI Library.

 SerialPortManager: The class file for managing the important

serial ports of the device which will be used in the app. The
three types of ports used for interfacing the different modules
are UART, SPI and USB. Configurate the correct serial port
for interfacing module based on the hardware specification.
The class provides the method for detecting the type of the
device and selecting the correct serial port automatically. The
pin settings are also included for each type of serial port.

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4. The package of com.fgtit

All the functions achieved in the OnePass app are defined in this
package. The whole package contains nine files to separate it into
different fields. The following subsections introduce each field in
4.1. app
 ActivityList: Creating an activitylist for managing the
activities in the system. The method of SaveConfig()
and LoadConfig() are used for initializing and changing
the configuration.

 AppDetail: The detailed information of the App is

defined in this class.

 UpdateApp: The class defines the method for updating

the app, which includes the dialog definitions, interface
design, update management.

4.2. data
 AdminItem: The information of the administrator is
defined in this class.

 Conversions: The class provides the native methods for

converting the template standard between ISO and
private standard based on the library

 DeptItem: Define the information of the department in

the company.

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 GlobalData: All the types of Item objects are managed

and edited in this class.

 HttpConnSoap/HttpConnSoap2: Both of classes are

used for applying the web service in the system.

 ImageSimpleAdapter: The class provides methods for

dealing with the image.

 JsonParase: Applying the Json Parse for managing the


 LineItem: Defining the item for line type and line name.

 RecordFile: Configurating the reading and writing on

file for recording the data.

 RecordItem: Defining the items that should be recorded.

 UserItem: Defining the item of the information of the


 WebService: The configuration of the web service is

provided in this class, which includes methods of
updating, transferring the user data and fingerprint
matching on the server.

 WorkItem: Defining the item for work type and work


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 XmlParase: The class provides the methods for parsing

the XML document.

4.2. device
 BluetoothReader: This class provides the configuration
and commands for the external Bluetooth fingerprint
reader (HF-7000) when it is connected to the Android
device. If the development is based only on the built-in
modules of the device, there is no need to consider this

 BluetoothReaderService: Configuration of the

Bluetooth connection is defined in this class.

 FullReader: The use of fingerprint module, NFC

module and barcode module are configurated in this

4.3. fingermap
This file contains all the activities that achieving the
functions in the app. The interfaces of the App are
configurating to each activity.
 AboutActivity: Configurate the interface of showing
the information about the App, which includes the icon,
name and version of the App.

 AdminActivity: The interface of setting the password

for logging in the system.

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 CameraActivity/CameraExActivity: The interface of

using the camera for capturing the picture or reading
the barcode information. The events of saving photos
and controlling camera are defined as methods in the

 DeviceListActivity: This Activity appears as a dialog.

It lists any paired devices and devices detected in the
area after discovery. When a device is chosen by the
user, the MAC address of the device is sent back to the
parent Activity in the result Intent.

 EmployeeActivity/EmployeesActivity: The two

Activities are used for defining the variables of saving
the information of the employees and manage the
information of the employees.

 EnrollActivity: Design the enrolment interface for

enrolling the information. The information includes the
basic info of the user, the fingerprint, the info of card
and the barcode. In this activity, the fingerprint sensor
module, NFC module and camera are applied to capture
the data that required.

 FingerprintActivity: This activity is used for providing

the function of capturing the fingerprint from the sensor.

 LoginActivity: The login interface is defined in this

Activity. The main work of this activity is checking the

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 MainActivity: The initialization work of this App is

defined in this activity. And the main interface is linked
to this activity.

 MenuActivity: The main menu of the App is defined in

this activity.

 RecordsActivity: The activity provides the way for

recording the user information.

 SettingsActivity: The interface of Settings and set

functions are achieved in this activity.

 SignOffActivity: The activity provides the function of

Signing Off from the time attendance system.

 SignOnActivity: The activity provides the function of

Signing On to the time attendance system.

 SystemActivity: The system setting listed in the main

menu is defined in this activity. It provides the setting
of password, network and the link to the device system

 UtilitiesActivity: This activity provides the interface for

user to develop the method of uploading and
downloading the attendance data.

4.4. fpcore
 FPMatch: The matching of the fingerprint template is
achieved in this class. The class provides the native
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methods which defines and in

the JNI library.

4.5. net
 HttpConnSoap/ HttpConnSoap2: Both of class are used
for applying the web service in the system.

 SocketClient: Link the client to the server for sending

and receiving the data.

 SocketServer: Nothing defined in this class.

4.6. printer
 PrinterApi: The interface and configuration of the
printer are defined in this class.

 PrinterCmd: All the commands for controlling the

printer are defined in this class.

4.7. service
 ConnectService: Monitoring the USB connection.

 ThreadReadWriterIOSocket: Provides the thread for

reading and writing of the buffer stream.

 UsbBroadcastReceiver: Configure the broadcast when

USB connection is detected.

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4.8. utils
 DataUtils: The class provides the interconversions of
different data types, which includes 16-based String
with byte array and 16-based String with String.

 DialogFactory: The class for managing the progress


 ExtApi: Dealing with the data and save it into file.

 FileFilterEx: Override the method accept in FileFilter


 MD5Util: Utilizing the MD5 code and configurate in

this class.

 ToastUtil: Configure the Toast that used to show the

message in the app.

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Appendix I. The table of the complete structure of the project

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