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Name: Shahid Shakoor

Registration#: L1F18BBAM0006

Subject: English FOMS III

Date: 15 April 2020

Argumentative Essay
Topic: Should high school students be required to volunteer a certain number of
hours doing some welfare work before they can graduate?

High school students usually graduate after 4 years of learning. In between their degree they had
to do internship relating to their degree for a short span. High school students should be required
to volunteer a certain number of hours doing some welfare work before they can graduate
because it will help other students get education will be beneficial for World and will be good for
the local economy.

If they will volunteer their hours to do welfare work either by doing it or by funding it, it will
eventually be beneficial for the people who need it the most. They will fund those people who
need it which will help them develop their skills. Those skills will help them to do something
with their life and the society will prosper.

Similarly, if they volunteer their hour by doing good things like planting trees and doing
something which will benefit the Earth it will be good for the coming future. A recent study
suggests that an average student uses forty tons of paper in their lifetime. So they should try to
plant them in their volunteer hours which will be beneficial for coming generation. If one student
plants one tree before graduation, it will be millions of trees planted per year.

On the other hand, there are people who disagree with this approach. Their main argument is that
it would be extra burden for the students. They had to make extra effort for this purpose and had
to come up with extra time that they merely have in their busy life. I think every student has
something in him/her to give to the society. Either they can do it by funding that purpose or
doing it himself/herself. In both ways, society will have positive impact and World will prosper.

In the end, every student and person should think on their behalf, if they are taking everything
from the society, there should be something they can offer in return, it will not only help people
living in community, it will also help build economies and society. Their one deed that they think
is nothing can change the whole scenario.

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