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BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Manage Project Human

Roberto Sunao Susaki Junior

Student No.: AILFE01155

BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources


Activity 1.
1. Describe the four processes used in managing project human resources.

The project human resource management process includes:

a. Human resource planning – identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities and
reporting relationships, as well as creating the staffing management plan.

b. Acquire project team – obtaining the human resources needed to complete the project.

c. Develop project team – improving the competencies and interaction of team members to enhance
project performance.

d. Manage project team-tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues
and coordinating changes to enhance project performance.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

2. How can you determine the resources requirements for project task?

Human resource planning determines project roles, responsibilities and reporting relationships and
creates the staffing management plan.

Project roles can be designated for persons or groups. Those persons or groups can be from inside or
outside the organisation performing the project.

The staffing management plan can include how and when project team members will be acquired,
reporting relationships, the criteria for releasing them from the project, identification of training
needs and skill requirements, plans for recognition and rewards, compliance considerations, safety
issues and the impact of the staffing management plan on the organisation.

Important consideration should be given to the availability of, or competition for, scarce or limited
human resources. Other projects could be competing for resources with the same competencies or
skill sets. Given these factors, project costs, schedules, risks, quality and other areas could be
significantly affected. Effective human resource planning should consider and plan for these factors
and develop human resource options.

Inputs required for the human resource planning process include enterprise environmental factors,
organisational process assets and the project management plan.

The definition of project roles and responsibilities is developed with an understanding of the ways
that existing organisations will be involved and how the technical disciplines and people currently
interact with one another.
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

3. How does this relate to overall project requirements?

Human resources planning is the process of mapping the project’s roles, responsibilities and
reporting relationships to the appropriate people or groups of people. HR planning identifies the
people involved with the project and determines what their role in the project is, to whom they
report (or receive a report from) and what their overall influence on the project work is.

For example, consider a project to create a community park. The project manager works for a
commercial entity that will complete the project work. They identify the people responsible for
activities within the organisation, the designers, engineers, installers, management and so on. They
will also have functional managers to coordinate employees’ availability, financing to arrange
procurement of resources needed for project completion and senior management to report the
status of the project work.

The project manager will also work and communicate with government officials for approval of the
design, change requests and overall schedule of the project. There will be safety issues, landscaping
questions and other concerns that will come up as the project progresses.

Finally, the project manager will likely communicate with stakeholders that are not internal to their
organisation-for example, the people that live in the community and enjoy the park, unions or
various government officials. These stakeholders will need to be involved in the planning and design
of the park to ensure it satisfies the community’s needs.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

4. What are the four styles of management that can be used in HRM of project teams?

Four major management styles that are effective in managing a project team include:

I. Autocratic-the project manager makes all of the decisions.

II. Democratic-the project team is involved in the decision-making process.
III. Laissez faire-the project manager has a hands-off policy and the team is entirely self-led
regarding the decision-making process.
IV. Exceptional-the project manager only pays attention to the top 10% of the project
performers and the bottom 10% of the project team performers.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

5. How can you establish project organization and structure?

Project managers must find ways to motivate the project team to complete the work. There is a
tendency, in many projects, for the project team to be very excited about the project at the start and
then the excitement wanes as the project moves toward completion. The project manager must
coach and mentor to develop the project team to ensure that the excitement, willingness and
dedication to the project work continues.

Throughout the project the project manager will have to address project team retention, labour
relations, performance appraisals and, depending on the nature of the project work, health and
safety issues. As most projects are new and temporary, so too are the relationships between the
project team members and the project manager.

As the project progresses, the number of stakeholders in the project can change. The project
manager and the project team will need to be aware of the coming flux of stakeholders and how this
change can affect the dynamics of the project team and the project work. An approach to project
human resources can work well in one phase of the project, but not in another, clue to the
stakeholders that have become involved.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory

6. What external influences can effort project organizational or structure?

Project organisation and structure can be affected by established organisational responses to

external influences such as:

- Accepted work practices

- Relevant legislation, such as anti-discrimination, equal employment opportunity, affirmative
action and health and safety
- Workplace bargaining
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory

7. How can you align competencies with project tasks?

The assignment of the roles and responsibilities determines what actions the project manager,
project team member or individual contributor will have in the project. Roles and responsibilities
generally support the project scope since this is the required work for the project.
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

To complete the project, the project manager should list the roles and responsibilities needed by
addressing items such as:

i. Role – the label describing the portion of a project for which a person is accountable.
Examples of project roles are civil engineer, court liaison, business analyst and testing
coordinator. Role clarity concerning authority, responsibilities and boundaries is essential for
project success.

ii. Authority – the right to apply project resources, make decisions and sign approvals.
Examples of decisions that need clear authority include the selection of a method for
completing an activity, quality acceptance and how to respond to project variances. Team
members operate best when their individual levels of authority matches their individual

iii. Responsibility – the work that a project team member is expected to perform in order to
complete the project’s activities.

iv. Competency – the skill and capacity required to complete project activities. If project team
members do not possess required competencies, performance can be jeopardised. When
such mismatches are identified, proactive responses, such as training, hiring, schedule
changes or scope changes, are initiated.

A project organisation chart is a graphic display of project team members and their reporting
relationships. It can be formal or informal, highly detailed or broadly framed, based on the needs of
the project. For example, the project organisation chart for a 3,000-person disaster response team
will have greater detail than a project organisation chart for an internal 20-person project.

The project manager will rely on the staffing management plan as an input to acquiring project team
members. The staffing management plan details how project team members will be brought onto
the project and released from the project as conditions within the project demand. The staffing
management plan is a subsidiary plan that documents the staffing requirements of the project.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

8. Project human resources can be external or internal to the organization. Give two examples each
of internal and external project personnel.

Personnel on a project can be: external to the organization, such as consultants, auditors and quality
assurance specialists from within the organization, such as staff on loan from other projects.
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

9. What criteria can be used to assist the project management team in allocating personnel to
planned work outputs?

There are various criteria that can be used to assist the project management team in allocating the
personnel to planned work outputs. Here the main criteria should be the eligibility and the
experience of the personnel in managing various projects. The skills and knowledge of each and
every personnel in that domain should also be taken into consideration. The team should be
selected in a way that can maximise the effectiveness of the project and eventually will lead to the
growth of the organisation.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

10. What is the role of HRM in project management?

Project human resource management is multifaceted. It is the ability to lead, direct and orchestrate
the project team, the customers, project partners, contributors and any other stakeholders to
achieve the desired results for the project’s purpose.

Project human resource management relies on the following general management skills:

- leading
- communicating
- negotiating
- problem-solving
- influencing

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

11. Describe these organisational theories:

a) Maslow.

Maslow’s five layers of needs, from the bottom up, include:

BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

 Physiological-the necessities to live: air, water, food, clothing and shelter.

 Safety-people need safety and security; this can include stability in life, work and culture.
 Social-people are social creatures and need love, approval and friends.
 Esteem-people strive for the respect, appreciation and approval of others.
 Self-actualisation-at the pinnacle of needs, people seek personal growth, knowledge and

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

b) Herzberg.

According to Frederick Herzberg, a psychologist and authority on the motivation of work, there
are two catalysts for success with people:

A. Hygiene agents-these elements are the expectations all workers have: job security, a pay
cheque, clean and safe working conditions, a sense of belonging, civil working
relationships and other basic attributes associated with employment.
B. Motivating agents-these are the elements that motivate people to excel. They include
responsibility, appreciation of work, recognition, the chance to excel, education and
other opportunities associated with work other than just financial rewards.

This theory says the presence of hygiene factors will not motivate people to perform, as these
are expected attributes; however, the absence of these elements will demotivate performance.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

c) McGregor.

McGregor’s theory states that management believes there are two types of workers-good and

X is bad. These people need to be watched all the time, micromanaged and distrusted. X people
avoid work, responsibility and have no ability to achieve.

Y is good. These people are self-led, motivated and can accomplish new tasks proactively.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

d) Ouchi.

William Ouchi's theory is based on the participative management style of the Japanese. This
theory states that workers are motivated by a sense of commitment, opportunity and
advancement. Workers in an organisation subscribing to Theory 2 learn the business by moving
up through the ranks of the company.

Ouchi’s Theory Z also credits the idea of lifetime employment. Workers will stay with one
company until they retire because they are dedicated to the company that is, in turn, dedicated
to them.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory

e) Expectancy.

Expectancy Theory states that people will behave based on what they expect as a result of their
behaviour. In other words, people will work in relation to the expected reward of the work. if the
attractiveness of the reward is desirable to the worker, they will work to receive the reward. In
other words, people expect to be rewarded for their effort.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Activity 2.
1. When developing project role descriptions, what criteria could be included?

When the project role is developed there are various descriptions that can be included in the criteria
list. The descriptions that can be included in the criteria list are the sound understanding of the
processes and the project. Here the personnel should be aware of the vision and mission of the
organisation and the main aim or the objective of the project. The personnel should be capable to
make the project a success and should be dedicated towards achieving the goal. Here the personnel
should be able to perform in a timely manner and efficiently.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

2. What is the purpose of co-located teams and how can they be of benefit when developing the
project team?

A well-managed project team can add significant value to the organisational growth and
development. A company needs to take various strategic approaches to make the project successful.
Co-location is also a strategic approach that helps building team relationship by face-to-face
interaction and that benefits the organisation. A co-located team usually exists so that the
organisational presence can be at two places and thus both the teams can coordinate and
communicate with other. It will increase the efficiency of the project and thus it can benefit the

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

3. How are team and individual performance measured?

Here various methods can be used to measure the performance of the team and the individual. It is
known that a collective performance of each and every individual can determine the performance of
the team. Here the performance of a team can be measured by the level of success that the team
has achieved, in terms of fulfilling the aims and objectives of the project. The success of the team
can be determined by the resources that have been used and the time duration that has been taken
in achieving the desired goals. Here the contribution of each and every individual can be measured
as well. The performance of each individual can be measured in terms of his contribution in the
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

process. This includes the degree of skills and knowledge used by the person in making the project a
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory

4. As a result of conducting team performance assessments, what methods can be used to improve
the team’s performance? What would these methods include?

In order to conduct the performance assessment of the team various methods can be used in the
process. The most common methods used in performance management are performance
expectation, continuous feedback, performance evaluation, goal-setting, training and recognition.
These are a few methods that can be used for improving the performance of the employees or the
personnel in project management. Here a goal should be provided to the personnel along with the
performance expectation from the employee. Performance evaluation at specific interval and
feedback is necessary. The required training can improve the skills of the employees and the
recognition of their good performance will enhance their performance even more. These methods
include the elements of motivation and guidance that can improve their performance.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory

5. Describe each of five stages of development that teams can go through and outline why a
project manager would use the theory when developing teams.

The five stages of team development are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning.

 Forming: in the first stage of forming the team first meet with each other and they
introduce themselves. The interaction at this stage is very important as people share their
interests, backgrounds, experiences with one another and thus it is important for the
establishing a basic coordination between the team members.
 Storming: at this stage the team starts working together and they get to know the
techniques and status of each and everyone in the team. At the end of the stage members
become more accepting of one another and thus the effectiveness of the team is
determined at this stage.
 Norming: at this stage the team members perform together, and they also resolve any
conflicts or differences among one another. At this stage the team agrees on a common goal
the ways or methods to achieve the goal.
 Performing: at this stage the team performs as a cohesive unit and the teams are expected
to foster effectiveness and creativity, complete tasks and make decisions by working
interdependently. Here the performance of each and everyone is important along with the
cooperation and coordination among them.
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

 Adjourning: at this final stage the project is adjourned after the team have succeeded in
achieving the set goal.

It is very important that a project manager use the theory while developing teams as it will improve
the efficiency and effectiveness of the team and the issues can be identified in terms of each stage
and thus proper measures can be implemented to take care of the issue.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory

6. What are the main objectives of developing project teams?

The main objectives of developing a project team process are achieving various goals for the growth
and development of an organisation. Here the skills and knowledge of each and every employee can
be used for the benefit of the organisation. It can be difficult for an individual to achieve certain goal
related to the organisation and thus teams are built in order to achieve that goal in a timely manner
and by optimising the utilisation of resources. Here a synergy can be created within the team and
the efficiency of the members can increase manifolds while working as a team. Therefore, project
team process is developed.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory

7. What areas might be subject to actions to improve performance?

The performance of an individual as well as teams can be improved by communicating performance

expectation, continuous feedback, performance evaluation, goal-setting, training and recognition. In
terms of these activities the area that is subject to actions for improvement is in the use of their
technical skills and theoretical knowledge in the practical basis. Here the skills and knowledge that is
applied for the success of the project is very important and thus the training is provided to
effectively use the skills.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory

8. How can measures to address shortfalls in performance be communicated?

After evaluating the performance of the employees or team members, feedback should be given to
the members regarding their performance. Here the first step should be communicating the
measure to address the shortfall. Each and every employee and the team member should be aware
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

of the evaluation process and they should also have complete knowledge of the time and measures
used in the method. Here the employees should be addressed regarding these methods beforehand
by the mangers.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory

9. What strategies ca be used to encourage good performance or behaviour from individuals as

well as teams?

One of the strategies that are used in order to encourage good performance or behaviour from
individuals as well as teams is the reinforcement method. Here continuous feedback can be provided
to the employees and team members. The reinforcement can encourage good performance from the
employees. Here the reinforcement can be of positive or negative type. Positive reinforcement
includes monetary and non-monetary benefits like gifts rise in the salary, promotion, recognition for
the good work etc. These can encourage the employees to perform better at workplace. On the
other hand, negative reinforcements may include demotion. In present scenario positive
reinforcements are preferred over the negative reinforcements.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Activity 3.
1. What is the impact of issue resolution on a project experiencing conflict or other difficulties?

Several issues and conflicts can be seen during a project building and the operations. Here the personnel
from diverse fields are allocated in a team in order to achieve the goals of the company collaboratively.
In the Storming stage various conflicts can occur among the individuals as they may have different
opinions or point of views regarding various situations and they may react differently to certain
problems. These conflicts within the team can decrease the efficiency of the team and the performance
of the team will suffer. As a result, the goal of the team may not be achieved, or it can be timelier. In such
scenario the organisation will suffer consequently.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

2. What can a human resource manager do to improve an individual or team`s performance?

It is the duty of the human resource manager to effectively use their abilities for managing the human
resource and take appropriate measures to resolve any form of conflict within the team. In order
increase the performance of an individual or a team the human resource manager need to resolve any
issues or conflicts within the members and he should establish the coordination and cooperation
between them.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

3. What are six approaches to conflict resolution?

 Confrontation/problem solving
 Forcing
 Compromising
 Smoothing/ accommodating
 Withdrawal/avoiding
 Collaborating

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

4. What remedial or corrective action can a human resource manager take to improve team
performance or morale?

Corrective action for human resource management includes items such as staffing changes, additional
training and disciplinary actions. Staffing changes can include moving people to different assignments,
outsourcing some work and replacing team members who leave. The project management team also
determines how and when to give out recognition and rewards based on the team´s performance.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory

5. What preventive action can a human resource manager take to improve team performance or

The human resource manager can take several preventive measures as well to improve the team
performance or morale. The preventive measures can include establishing a code of conduct within the
team. The code of conduct can prevent any form of discrimination, unethical behaviour within the
individuals and it can boost the morale of the employees and team members.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory

6. List five characteristics of conflict.

 Conflict is natural and forces a search for alternatives

 Conflict is a team issue
 Openness resolve conflict
 Conflict resolution should focus on issues, not personalities
 Conflict resolution should focus on the present, not the past

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

7. What are the seven common reasons for conflict during a project?

 Schedules
 Priorities
 Resources
 Technical beliefs
 Administrative policies and procedures
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

 project cost
 personalities

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

8. How can a human resource manager make sure conflict ha minimal impact on project objectives?

The success of project managers in managing their project team often depends a great deal on their
ability to resolve conflict. Different project managers can have different conflict resolution styles.

Issue resolution addressed obstacles that can block the team from achieving its goals. These obstacles
can include factors such as differences of opinion, situations to be investigated and emerging or
unanticipated responsibilities that need to be assigned to someone on the project team.

Project managers uses a combination of technical, human and conceptual skills to analyse situations and
interact appropriately with team members. Using appropriate interpersonal skills aids project managers
in capitalising on the strengths of all team members.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Activity 4
1. What are the considerations when disbanding a project team?

When planning for redundancies or redeployments some important questions should be considered:

 Who will be responsible for approving redundancies and/or redeployments

 How will any recommendations be communicated?
 Who will be responsible for compliance with legislation, regulation policies and procedures?
 Where will the information required be located?
 Who else will be involved in administering the process?
 How long will the procedure take?
 What are the financial considerations?
 How will staff be identified?
 What discussions with staff will take place?
 Under what circumstances will redeployment be considered?

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

2. Suggest three lessons typically learned from a project that could be used in future projects.

Lessons learned in the area of human resources can include:

 Project organisation charts, position description and staffing management plans that can be
saved as templates.
 Special skills or competencies by team members that were discovered during the project.
 Issues and solutions documented in the project issue log
 Procedures for virtual teams, co-location, negotiation, training and team building that proved to
be successful.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

3. What aspects of a project’s human resource management should be reviewed?

Effectiveness is measured in terms of whether it did the job it set out to do. With regards to project
human resource management being effective, these questions can be asked:

 Was initial recruitment handled effectively?

 Were training requirements and training implementation handled effectively?
 Was performance management (When required) handled effectively?
 Were HR queries and issues dealt with effectively?
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

 Was conflict resolution (when required) handled effectively?

 Were salaries and payment handled effectively?
 Were replacement resources (when required) handled effectively?
 Were resignations (if applicable) handled effectively?
 Were all project team members treated effectively? Were they treated fairly and respectfully?
 Were all the project team members effectively allocated to project work? were they allocated
enough work to keep them busy but not too much so that they would be overloaded?
 Was the project manager effectively engaged with the project team members that they received
compassion where needed?
 Did the project team members receive effective feedback on their work and deliverables?

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

4. How does Plan→Do→Check→Act relate to reviewing HRM in relation to project management?

The HRM representative needs the cooperation of the project manager in this regard as the project
manager will be the management representative that will be closest to the team members during the
execution of the project. The project manager will therefore be aware of the team’s HRM issues in a
number of cases before the HRM department becomes aware. The team members could also voice their
issues and concerns with regards to HRM to the project manager during the team meetings.

The project manager and the HRM representative establish a method of feedback so that any
improvement suggestions or process issues that are raised during the project life cycle are fed back to
the HRM department.

The initial meeting and providing of HRM processes and policies provide the Plan component of the
continuous process improvement stage. The Do component takes place as the project is started and the
HRM policies and processes are explained to the project team and the team adheres to these policies
and procedures.

The Check component also happens during the life cycle of the project, and the project manager is
aware of the influence of these HRM processes and policies on the team members.

Where they are hampering project teamwork or impacting team members the project manager
discusses them with the HRM representative who will then Act to make changes to the procedures and
then a renewed Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle is started.

Some human resource issues are unrelated to processes and policies laid down by the HRM department.
They might have to do with staffing of a project team and whether or not experience was chosen over
qualification or industry expertise was chosen over technical expertise. These can be evaluated and
placed in project staffing guidelines.

All aspects of human resources relating to the project can be assessed and improved upon. There are
always lessons learnt and they will assist future project managers and projects to do things better and
with less disruption.
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Organisational process assets (updates) include input to organisational performance appraisals. Project
staff generally should be prepared to provide input for regular organisational performance appraisals of
any project team member with whom they interact in a significant way. Updates also include lessons
learned documentation. All knowledge learned during the project should be documented so it becomes
part of the historical database of the organisation.
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory

BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources


Question 1.
Identify and briefly outline the inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs for each of these elements of
the project human resources management process.

a. Human resource planning.

Human resource management is a plan to organize and lead the project team. Human resource plan
process describes how the project manager will manage the staffs, team building, assess and improve
the project team. It includes project organization charts and the timetable for staff acquisition and
release, and may also include identification of training needs, team-building strategies, recognition
programs, compliance considerations and safety issues.


Activity Resource Requirements

It provides information on what resources will be needed to complete the work on each of the activities
within the project. When carrying out the time management planning processes, general estimates were
created for human resource needs, and they will now be more thoroughly evaluated and estimated
within this process.

Enterprise Environmental Factors

This will give information about organizational structure and infrastructure of company. These provide
vital background when performing the develop human resource plan process

Organizational Process Assets

These will include aspects such as examples for previous similar resource project plans, organizational
policies procedures and guidelines with regard to human resources, or special corporate or competences
for the provision of key knowledge skills and experience for the project.


Organizational Charts

Organizational charts are the graphical diagrams to explain the authority and reporting lines in the
project. Human resource management plan is the staffing management plan it describes about when the
staff will recruit in the project, how the staff will be trained and when the staff will be relived from the
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources


This is the second main outputs of the develop human resource plan process, and describes the
communication process with others within your network of contacts. The main purpose here is to gain
an understanding of the political and organizational forces that may influence the project.

Organizational Theory

Teams or groups behave differently than when they work as an individual, and it is vital that the project
manager understands how such teams behave. There have been various studies and tools developed to
help understand organizational theory, and it is important that the project manager up next themselves
familiar with these as they will have a huge positive impact on the project in helping it to be successful.


Human Resource Plan

Project management plan provides guidance on how project human resources should be defined,
staffed, managed, controlled, and eventually released.

The structure of this important document consists of:

Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities explain each role that is needed on the project, provide their title, and
describe their level of authority, responsibilities, and their knowledge, skills and level of competency
needed in order to carry out their role within this project.

Project Organization Charts

Organization chart is a graphic display of project team members and their reporting relationships.

Staffing Management Plan

Staffing management plan is a part of the human resources plan within the project management plan
and describes when and how human resource requirements will be met. It includes:

 The staff acquisition processes

 A timetable for staffing requirements
 A description of how and when staff will be released from the project
 Staff training and development needs
 Health and safety policies
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

b. Acquire project team.

The acquire project team process takes place within the executing process group. The acquire project
team means selecting the right people to execute the project. Right people means individual with the
right knowledge skills and experience to carry out the work.


Project Management Plan

The human resource plan contained within the project management plan is the main focus for this
particular process as it will document when resources will be needed, how long they will be needed, and
details of the roles and responsibilities for each.

Enterprise Environmental Factors

This will give information about organizational structure and infrastructure of company. These provide
vital background when performing the develop human resource plan process

Organizational Process Assets

These will include aspects such as examples for previous similar resource project plans, organizational
policies procedures and guidelines with regard to human resources, or special corporate or competences
for the provision of key knowledge skills and experience for the project.


Pre- assignments

Pre assignment means selecting project team members in advance. This could result because of
commitments to have specific people on the project team for their specialized knowledge.


All the time all resources are not available within the organization. Sometimes the organization may get
from the outside agencies. Organizations will have previously agreed terms and conditions with the
external supplier. The procurement management plan should be referenced to ensure that all external
resources are obtained in accordance with organizational policy.


Project manager will need to negotiate with other project managers to get the additional project team
members. The project manager should have ability to approach the others plays an eminent role in
negotiating staff assignments. A line manager will weigh the benefits and visibility of competing projects
when determining where to assign project team members.
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Virtual Teams

Project team members shared their main goal of the project they did not meet each other face to face.
Electronic tools will also be used to communicate such as email, web conferencing, Internet websites,
and various other information sharing and collaboration software and systems. The virtual team make
possible can hire the people from the world wide areas. It can also cut down on the expense of having
the whole team in one place and in travel expenses.


Project Staff Assignments

In staff assignments each role of the staff have been identified these assignments may happen many
times throughout the project. The documentation of these assignments can include a project team
directory, memos to team members, and names inserted into other parts of the project management
plan, such as project organization charts and schedules.

Resource Availability

This document set the time period of each member can work on the project. A good schedule depends
on having a better understanding of each person’s skills, schedules and commitments to other projects.
Each individual must be negotiated and agreed with their relevant functional or operational manager.

Project management plan updates

Project management plan includes the updates of all staff members. It may not be an exact fit between
the staffing requirements indicated in the original plan and those that are actually available. The
resource plan will normally be updated many times throughout a project.

c. Develop project team.

Develop Project Team is very important process in improving team members performance. It will be
performed throughout the project.


Human Resource Management Plan

The human resource plan contained within the project management plan is the main focus for this
particular process as it will document when resources will be needed, how long they will be needed, and
details of the roles and responsibilities for each.
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Project Staff Assignments

In staff assignments each role of the staff have been identified these assignments may happen many
times throughout the project. The documentation of these assignments can include a project team
directory, memos to team members, and names inserted into other parts of the project management
plan, such as project organization charts and schedules.

Resource Calendars

This document set the time period of each member can work on the project. A good schedule depends
on having a better understanding of each person’s skills, schedules and commitments to other projects.
Each individual must be negotiated and agreed with their relevant functional or operational manager.


Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal Skills mean Communication and leadership skill among the persons. Interpersonal skills
play a vital role in a project management. In a project management, interpersonal skills are expected for
improving the works among the team to achieve objectives.

There are some key behaviours that a project manager should demonstrate:

 Leadership: Project manager should have a skill to lead the team members and stakeholders.
Project manager has to know how to get things from the project team members. Project
manager must keep trust on their team members they will achieve the team goals. Project
manager should also treat their members with respect it will leads the team members to do
work effectively to achieve the goals of the project. Project manager should communicate with
the team members about all the project work stages and motivate the members to do their
work. Project manager should know about all the finished work in the team and he has to
evaluate all the finished work by their team.

 Motivation: Project team commitments based on the motivation. Motivation means self-
satisfaction of the team members. The project manager should explain to the team members
about their job and nature of the job. If they know about the job means team members will
work according to that it will leads to job satisfaction of the team members. Team members
should motivate with the valuable payment of salary according to their job it will increase the
performance of the members. Project manager should create a safety environment of members
to work. By giving rewards and recommendations also the project manager can motivate their
team members.
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

 Communication: Effective communication leads to the higher performance. Project manager

should maintain open communication with the team members it improves relationship with the
project team members. Listening is the part of communication so the project manager should
listen the team member’s opinions and suggestions to achieve the goals. The project manager
should follow the communication channels then only the information will be passed to all the
members in the project. Manager should clearly communicate with the stake holders. Project
manager should communicate right people with right information at right time.

 Influencing: It is a strategy of sharing power and relying on interpersonal skills to get others to
cooperate towards common goals. Project manager should expand their influence within their
organization, learn to overcome obstacles and discover influencing strategies to help build
relationships. Through highly interactive activities and discussions, project manager can learn
how to assess influence situations, practice using a variety of influencing behaviours, and build

 Decision Making: The ability to make decision skill is a most valuable skill in the project manager
skills. Strong decision making skills are necessary to choose the best options and choose the best
options. Poor decisions spoil the team goals.

 Political and Cultural awareness: The project manager should have a skill of politics and power
helps in project success. Ignoring or avoiding politics and inappropriate use of power lead to
difficult projects. Project manager should have skills of global project environment, cultural
diversity, mutual trust and use of good communication planning.

 Negotiation: Means get other parties to reach an agreement. Negotiation is an integral part of
project management. Negotiation increases the probability of success. Project manager should
have a capacity to analyse the situation. Project manager should able to differentiate between
wants and needs. Project manager should focus common project goals. Project manager want to
maintain good rapport and relationship with team members


The purpose of training is used to allow the individual to acquire new skills and hence increase their
ability to carry out the tasks within the project. Training will be give by specialist in the particular field.
Training increases the human assets of an organization which is normally be paid for by the performing
organization and should not be funded by the customer or the project.

Team Building Activities

BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Team events encourage positive team dynamics to develop and mature. Engaging people in activities
other than the project work allows them to get to know each other in a more relaxed setting and is quite
effective in building team esprit de corps. In addition, this allows people to find ways to work together in
a non-stressful environment that can then be carried back to the workplace.

There are many types of team building programs in use. Each type is suitable for addressing certain types
of team building requirements. Following are some of the most common types of team building

 Corporate conferences
 Executive team building and guidance programs
 Adventure programs
 Outdoor sports
 Game shows
 Youth programs
 Religious or charity programs sponsored by the organization
 Management training programs
 White-water rafting
 Residential workshops

Ground Rules

Ground rules are the rules lay down the boundaries of behaviour on a project. Guidelines are used to
decreases misunderstandings and increases productivity.


Co-location refers to locating as many project members as possible in the same place. Co-location makes
communication easier. It engenders a sense of team identity that is difficult to develop when people
cannot socially interact with each other.

Reward and recognition systems

Project manager main responsibility is to motivate the team members in the project. There are many
ways to motivate the team members and take maximum output from them. Project manager should
understand the team members from their perspective and try to align this understanding with the actual
requirement of the project.

BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Team performance assessment

The project manager completes formal and informal team performance assessments as part of
developing the project team. These assessments of a team effectiveness can include indicators such as

 Improvements in individual skills.

 Improvements in team behaviours.
 Improvements in either individual skills or team capabilities.

d. Manage project team.

Manage Project team process is also done during project executing. Manage Project Team involves
tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues, and coordinating changes to
enhance project performance. The main task of the process is:

To observe the team behaviour

To manage conflicts

To resolve issues

To appraise team member performance


Project Staff Assignments

Project staff assignments are a list of the human resources needed for this particular project, and hence
this process.

Team Performance Assessments

The project manager completes formal and informal team performance assessments as part of
developing the project team. These assessments of a team effectiveness can include indicators such as

 Improvements in individual skills

 Improvements in team behaviours
 Improvements in either individual skills or team capabilities.

Project Management Plan

BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

The human resource plan contained within the project management plan is the main focus for this
particular process as it will document when resources will be needed, how long they will be needed, and
details of the roles and responsibilities for each.

Organizational Process Assets

These will include aspects such as examples for previous similar resource project plans, organizational
policies procedures and guidelines with regard to human resources, or special corporate or competences
for the provision of key knowledge skills and experience for the project.

Performance Reports

Performance reports are an output of the monitor and control project work process and input to various
managing and controlling processes. Performance reports organize and summarize the information
collected through work performance data and work performance information.


Observation and Conversation

It is the main tool used by the project manager to get closer with the team members. By this method
project manager can engage with the team to determine any problems in particular morale so that it can
be resolved.

Project Performance Appraisals

Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the performance of team members in the project.
Performance appraisal is used to understand the capabilities of a team member for further growth and

Interpersonal skills

Effective project manager should have different types of skills like management skills, technical
knowledge and interpersonal skills. Project manager work closely with the team members and stake
holders so the project manager should have skills to maintain them and reduce the conflicts in the team.
Interpersonal skills assist project managers to make project effectively. Interpersonal skills play a vital
role in the success of the project. There are three important skills for the project manager, and these are
leadership, influencing skills, and effective decision-making.


Project manager should have a skill to lead the team members and stakeholders. Project manager has to
know how to get things from the project team members. Project manager must keep trust on their team
members they will achieve the team goals. Project manager should also treat their members with
respect it will leads the team members to do work effectively to achieve the goals of the project. Project
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

manager should communicate with the team members about all the project work stages and motivate
the members to do their work. Project manager should know about all the finished work in the team and
he has to evaluate all the finished work by their team.


Influencing is a strategy of sharing power and relying on interpersonal skills to get others to cooperate
towards common goals. Project manager should expand their influence within their organization, learn
to overcome obstacles and discover influencing strategies to help build relationships. Through highly
interactive activities and discussions, project manager can learn how to assess influence situations,
practice using a variety of influencing behaviours, and build networks.

Decision Making

The ability to make decision skill is a most valuable skill in the project manager skills. Strong decision
making skills are necessary to choose the best options and choose the best options. Poor decisions spoil
the team goals.

Conflict Management

Managing conflict in a project team will ensure that team morale and performance remains high.
Whenever conflict cannot be resolved it should be escalated to a level of management where it can be
dealt with. Conflicts may occur between the project manager and other functional managers or with, or
within, the team. In severe situations, conflict may need to be escalated to human resources
department. There are five conflict resolution techniques. These techniques are as follow.


In this technique project manager will avoid the conflict. Project manager will let this issue be solved by
itself or just forget it. This technique saves project manager previous time that project manager can
invest in some other productive activities. Project manager can use this technique in the following cases
when there is a heated argument among parties and project manager want to give them some cooling
time, when there is limited information available about conflict.


Smooth or accommodate is a technique to avoid tough discussion in a project team. In smoothing

project manager give importance to other parties. This technique can be used when a project manager
need a temporary solution to the problem. This technique creates goodwill and gives sufficient time to
find a permanent solution.

BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

In this technique project manager take suggestions from both sides and try to make a compromise. This
technique brings faster result, lowers the stress, keeps all parties cool and find the permanent solution
for the problem. Project manager can use this technique when all parties involved in the conflict need to
win and need a temporary solution to move forward quickly.


In this technique project manager agree with one party's suggestion and enforce their wishes. This is a
win-lose situation and can demoralize team members. Project manager can use this technique when
project manager know one party is right and don't have time to investigate. This technique provides a
quick solution to the problem.

Collaborate /Problem Solve

There is where the problem is confronted with the objective of determining the root cause of the
problem so that it can be resolved. In this technique root cause of the problem will be diagnosed and


Change Requests

Change requests outcome form disruption caused by personnel issues including moving people to
different assignments, out forcing work, and giving another in place of group members who leave. The
complex effect on one another between the group members themselves may cause problems and make
it necessary to let go the group entirely or to give another in place of people with others whose
personalities, knowledge and skills are better suited. Any of the above situations would cause changes to
the human resource plan, and because this plan forms part of the project baseline, such actions should
be in the form of a printed materials change request and processed through the change control system.

Project Management Plan Updates

Project Management Plan updates include any changes to the staffing management plan mentioned
above. However the project management plan contains 15 sections in total, and any of these may also
need to be updated.

Organizational Process Updates

These include updates to lessons learned documentation, templates and organizational standard
processes, which should be fed back to become part of the organizational process assets for future
similar projects.

Enterprise Environmental Factors Updates

BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

These include updates to Organizational appraisals and personal skills.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

Question 2.
What is involved in managing project human resources and how can a staff management plan contribute
to this?

According to the Project Management Institute, human resource management (HRM) consists of all the
processes that assist a project manager in organizing, managing and leading the project team. Human
Resource Management is all about “personnel management”. It is the planned strategic approach to
managing an organization’s most valuable assets—the people involved with the different projects in
order to achieve the various business objectives. By definition, HRM comprises of the processes involved
in managing people to meet the needs of the organization.

When you put together any sort of a team, it is very likely that you’ll have some conflicts or at least a
difference of opinion among some of the members. Now, this could actually turn out to be a good thing;
for instance, if handled properly it can facilitate constructive alternatives, brainstorming, and an open-
minded point of view. But it can also be distracting and counterproductive.

The success of any project depends to a great extent on the Project Manager’s ability to lead and bring
individuals from different backgrounds together to build a team that is cohesive and productive. A
Project Manager lives and dies by his team. As a Project Manager you are required to have great
organizational and communication skills.

You need to be supportive of your team and keep them motivated towards the accomplishment of the
project objectives. Keeping them working together to ensure that there are no distractions and
confusion is an important role of a Project Manager.

According to the PMI the four Project HR management processes are:

 Develop human resource plan: It involves the identification and documenting of project
roles and responsibilities, required skills, organizational relationships, and creating a staffing
plan. This is part of the Planning process group.
 Acquire project team: This involves looking for the availability of the required human
resources and assembling the team necessary to successfully complete the project. It’s a
part of the Executing process group.
 Develop project team: This is about improving the team dynamics and its competency to
perform better as part of the overall project team. It’s a part of the Executing process group.
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

 Manage project team: It involves evaluating individual team member performance,

providing feedback, managing and resolving conflicts, and managing changes to optimize
the team’s performance. This is also a part of the Executing process group.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

Question 3.
The 360-degree feedback method is a process that can be used to measure individuals’ performance
against agreed criteria. Conduct research and write a report that describes the 360-degree feedback
method including why it is useful' In developing teams and individuals.

360 Degree Feedback is a system or process in which employees receive confidential, anonymous
feedback from the people who work around them. This typically includes the employee's manager,
peers, and direct reports. A mixture of about eight to twelve people fill out an anonymous online
feedback form that asks questions covering a broad range of workplace competencies. The feedback
forms include questions that are measured on a rating scale and also ask ratters to provide written
comments. The person receiving feedback also fills out a self-rating survey that includes the same survey
questions that others receive in their forms.

Managers and leaders within organizations use 360 feedback surveys to get a better understanding of
their strengths and weaknesses. The 360 feedback system automatically tabulates the results and
presents those in a format that helps the feedback recipient create a development plan. Individual
responses are always combined with responses from other people in the same ratter category (e.g. peer,
direct report) in order to preserve anonymity and to give the employee a clear picture of his/her greatest
overall strengths and weaknesses.

360 Feedback can also be a useful development tool for people who are not in a management role.
Strictly speaking, a "non-manager" 360 assessment is not measuring feedback from 360 degrees since
there are no direct reports, but the same principles still apply. 360 Feedback for non-managers is useful
to help people be more effective in their current roles, and also to help them understand what areas
they should focus on if they want to move into a management role.

Companies typically use a 360 feedback system in one of two ways:

1. 360 Feedback as a Development Tool to help employees recognize strengths and weaknesses and
become more effective

When done properly, 360 is highly effective as a development tool. The feedback process gives people an
opportunity to provide anonymous feedback to a co-worker that they might otherwise be uncomfortable
giving. Feedback recipients gain insight into how others perceive them and have an opportunity to adjust
behaviours and develop skills that will enable them to excel at their jobs.

2. 360 Feedback as a Performance Appraisal Tool to measure employee performance

BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Using a 360 degree feedback system for Performance Appraisal is a common practice, but not always a
good idea. It is difficult to properly structure a 360 feedback process that creates an atmosphere of trust
when you use 360 evaluations to measure performance. Moreover, 360 feedback focuses on behaviours
and competencies more than on basic skills, job requirements, and performance objectives. These things
are most appropriately addressed by an employee and his/her manager as part of an annual review and
performance appraisal process. It is certainly possible and can be beneficial to incorporate 360 feedback
into a larger performance management process, but only with clear communication on how the 360
feedback will be used.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

Question 4.
Describe five methods that can be used to manage and improve team performance.

 Conduct work force diversity training to help members understand the value of individual
contributions toward achieving a common goal. Explain how diverse backgrounds, skills and
points of view can help find more creative solutions to problems than a group of individuals with
similar backgrounds and experiences.
 Demonstrate your role as a team leader by finding ways to resolve conflict. Continue to remind
the team of the value of working toward common goals and express appreciation for their
shared contributions. Build relationships with members based on trust and loyalty and
encourage the same between members.
 Facilitate communication as a team and between individuals. Set an example by being open to
suggestions and concerns and being sensitive to feelings. Communicate clearly, especially
regarding expectations and instructions. Encourage sharing of information, active listening and
 Set clear work objectives, time frames and expectations. Make sure everyone understands their
role and responsibilities and those of their teammates. Create team values and goals and
evaluate team performance and progress toward those goals. Celebrate successes while painting
a clear picture of what still must be accomplished and any obstacles to success.
 Set ground rules with the team for operating efficiently and measuring performance and
success. Some examples are that every member should contribute ideas when brainstorming
and avoid judging others’ contributions, and being on time at meetings and with project
deadlines. Create the ground rules as a team and make sure everyone agrees to them.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources


Project 1.
You have been asked to recruit a project officer/ coordinator to work on your project team. Using the
information provided regarding the role of project manager, draw up an advertisement or job description
for the role.

Job Description
Project Manager
The project manager is responsible for:
 Defining, planning, tracking and managing the project.
 Identifying key resources and providing the direction required for meeting the project objectives.
 Ensuring appropriate management, customer and supplier involvement throughout the l life of
the project.
Qualifications and skills required:
 An ability to lead and motivate people and encourage teamwork
 An ability to communicate effectively with senior management
 Clear vision of what determines a successful product for the customer and for the organisation
 A technical background sufficient to understand the technologies and technical issues involved, to
be able to anticipate and identify critical technical obstacles and to make accurate technology
The project manager also must be able to:
 Manage project schedule and task details and use project management tools, such as reports,
tracking charts, checklists and project scheduling software, and to delegate appropriately
 Manage change and take active leadership in timely decision-making
 Manage issues, resolve conflicts
 Champion the people and the project up, down and across the organisation
Role and responsibilities:
1 Define the project management process to be applied to the project.
2 Select team members.
3 Prepare project plan and obtain management approval of the project plan.
4 Assure that all team members understand their roles and accept their responsibilities
5 Apply project resources, according to the approved project plan.
6 Analyse risk and instigate avoidance activities. Establish risk management plans.
7 Track and report on progress to plan.
8 Analyse the actual performance against the plan and make adjustments consistent with plan
9 Keep all stakeholders informed of progress and issues.
10 Involve functional expertise in project reviews and key decisions and risk strategies.
11 Manage change to preserve business plan commitments.
12 Negotiate the performance of activities with team members and their managers.
13 Establish and publish clear priorities among project activities.
14 Coordinate management and technical decisions.
15 Arbitrate and resolve conflict and interface problems within the project.
16 Provide input on the performance of project team members to their supervisors.
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources


Project Manager, REF: RSS123


YASU Engineering is one of Australia’s fastest growing information communication technology

companies, supplying local clients and emerging global markets with stress-free communication systems.

An exciting opportunity with this dynamic and fast-growing business awaits the right candidate. This is a
busy, high-volume but friendly environment that will suit an organised person with a great eye for detail
and plenty of team spirit.

Reporting to the Chief Information Officer and other project team members, you will be adept at
managing and overseeing multiple projects. You will have extensive experience in project management
methodologies and technologies, and a familiarity with the full systems development lifecycle.

The project manager will help to minimise cost and implementation risks, and provide the required
liaison, documentation and everyday management of projects, while ensuring that all project products
and services are risk managed, budgeted effectively and delivered in a timely manner.

Our fast-paced and supportive environment will offer you lots of benefits – a competitive salary, flexible
working arrangements, and opportunities for training and development.

Your responsibilities will include:

 Define the project management process to be applied to the project.

 Select team members.
 Prepare project plan and obtain management approval of the project plan.
 Assure that all team members understand their roles and accept their responsibilities
 Apply project resources, according to the approved project plan.
 Analyse risk and instigate avoidance activities. Establish risk management plans.
 Track and report on progress to plan.
 Analyse the actual performance against the plan and make adjustments consistent with plan
 Keep all stakeholders informed of progress and issues.
 Involve functional expertise in project reviews and key decisions and risk strategies.
 Manage change to preserve business plan commitments.
 Negotiate the performance of activities with team members and their managers.
 Establish and publish clear priorities among project activities.
 Coordinate management and technical decisions.
 Arbitrate and resolve conflict and interface problems within the project.

You will need:

 An ability to lead and motivate people and encourage teamwork

 An ability to communicate effectively with senior management
 Clear vision of what determines a successful product for the customer and for the organisation
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

 A technical background sufficient to understand the technologies and technical issues involved,
to be able to anticipate and identify critical technical obstacles and to make accurate technology
 Manage project schedule and task details and use project management tools, such as reports,
tracking charts, checklists and project scheduling software, and to delegate appropriately
 Manage change and take active leadership in timely decision-making
 Manage issues, resolve conflicts
 Champion the people and the project up, down and across the organisation

If this sounds like the right place and position for you, we would love to hear from you. Please send your
resume to: Mr Roberto Sunao Susaki Junior, HR Manager, YASU Engineering,

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Project 2
1) Design a responsibility assignment matrix template that can be used on any project to help determine
each individual’s role and responsibility within the project.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix Person or Role/Department:

Project Manager

Project Admin
Support Office
Team Leaders



Issue / Date:
Approved by:
Code Activity / Task Name
100 Design phase RA R I C
200 Planning Project A R I C
300 Booking Contractors AC I R C
400 Production A C R I
500 Cost Control RC I I C
600 Ensuring Quality & Standards AR R R C
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

2) Design a generic training needs analysis template. Include a list of questions that you would ask your
team members when determining training needs.

Employee name: Position TNA done by:

Training/skills If yes, Who to

How will this be
development identify organise?
Major tasks achieved?
required? what When?
of position (e.g. on the job,
training Training
Y N needs exist external training)

<insert major <insert <insert how this <insert <insert who is

tasks of training will be achieved> when> going to deliver
position> needs, if the training>

e.g. on the job,

external training

What do we want to achieve in the period ahead?

<insert comments>

Where do you/we see your career progressing in the next two years?
<insert comments>

How are we going to make this happen?

<insert comments>

What will you need from the company to help you to reach your career goals?
<insert comments>
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

3) Develop a template and list of questions that you could use to help manage the project team and

Stakeholde Contact Impact Influence What is How could How could Strategy
r Name Person important the the for
How much How much
to the stakeholde stakeholde engaging
Phone, does the influence
stakeholder r r block the the
Email, project do they
? contribute project? stakeholde
Website, impact have over
to the r
Address them? the
(Low, project?
Medium, (Low,
High) Medium,
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

4) Design and develop a template that you could use to undertake a project team review. Include a list of
questions that would assist you in obtaining sufficient and accurate data.

Team Member Names

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Performance Elements
1. Dependability
2. Preparation
3. Contributions
4. Attitude
5. Facilitator Role

Element Performance Level Rating

1. Dependability Absent more than once or absent, no call/no reason 1
Absent once, but called with a valid reason (overtime, illness, etc.) 2
Always present, but sometimes stayed for less than half of the team meeting 3
Always present, and stayed for most of the team meeting 4
Always present for the entire team meeting 5
2. Preparation No apparent effort made to prepare for the team meeting 1
Occasional incomplete preparation, no valid reason 2
Occasional incomplete preparation due to a valid reason (overtime, illness, etc.) 3
Generally completes all assigned work 4
Consistently completes all assigned work + able to explain concepts clearly to 5
3. Contributions Sometimes behaviour actually hinders a successful team meeting No individual 1
contribution to promote a successful team meeting Minimal individual 2
contributions to promote a successful team meeting Significant individual 3
contributions to promote a successful team meeting 4
Significant individual contributions + actively involved fellow team members 5
4. Attitude Vocally rude, mean-spirited 1
Shows non-vocal, but critical attitude toward fellow team members 2
Cooperative, but not really focused on learning 3
Cooperative, focused, works hard 4
Not only meets assigned responsibilities but encourages and motivated fellow
team 5
members to succeed
5. Facilitator Role Did not serve as facilitator any week NA
No defined meeting goals; no agenda 1
Prepared agenda, but did not contact team members regarding the meeting 2
Prepared agenda, contacted team members, but did not follow the agenda 3
Prepared agenda, contacted team members, followed agenda, but did not 4
complete all assigned work in allotted time
Completed agenda, involved fellow team members, completed all assigned work 5
BSBPMG515: Manage project human resources

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

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