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1. All present properties are contributed 11.

If a partner in a partnership is insolvent, the first order of

a) Universal partnership preference in the distribution of his assets are:
b) General partnership a) Partnership creditors
c) Limited partnership b) Partners contribution to the partnership
d) None of the above c) Separate creditors of the debtor
2. Composed of capitalist and industrial partners d) Pro-rata between the separate creditors of the debtor
a) Universal partnership and the partnership creditor
b) General partnership 12. A, B and C are partners in a partnership. C contributed his
c) Limited partnership industry. After payments of the partnership’s obligations, only
d) None of the above P6,000 cash remains. No other assets. In the absence of terms
3. Partners shall enjoy practically all the profits: to the contrary, the share of C in the remaining assets is:
a) Universal partnership a) Equal to share of A
b) General partnership b) Equal to the share of B
c) Limited partnership c) P2,000
d) None of the above d) Nothing
4. They have no voice in the management of partnership 13. X, Y and Z are equal partners of XYZ Partnership. A owes
affairs: the XYZ Partnership for p9,000. Z, a partner collected from
a) Managing partners A, P3,000 before X and Y received anything. Z issued a
b) Silent partners receipt on the P3,000 as his share of what A owes. When X
c) Both A and B and Y collected from A, A was insolvent.
d) None of the above a) Partner Z shall share partners X and Y with the P3,000
5. They have priority if the partnership is insolvent: b) Z cannot be required to share X and Y with the P3,000
a) Separate creditors c) X and Y should first exhaust all remedies to collect from
b) Partnership creditors A.
c) Both A and B d) X and Y can automatically deduct from the capital
d) None of the above contributions of Z in the partnership their respective share
6. May contribute money, property or industry to the common in the P3,000
fund: 14. A and B are partners in a real estate partnership . The
a) Both general and limited partners partnership owns a piece of land which C desired to buy. C
b) Limited partner contacted A and inform him of his desire to buy the land and
c) General partners A did not tell to B about it. A bought B out of the partnership
d) Capitalist partners and afterwards sold the land to C with a big profit.
7. One who takes charge of the winding up to partnership a) The partnership is dissolved when A became the sole
affairs upon dissolution: owner
a) Silent partner b) The sale of the land to C is void because it was without
b) General partner the knowledge of B.
c) Ostensiblepartner c) A is not liable to B for the latter’s share in the profits
d) Liquidating partner d) A is liable to B for the latter’s share in the profits.
8. A, B and C are partners. A contributed his services only; B, 15. A, B and C are partners in ABC Partnership. D represented
P20,000; and C, P10,000.The partnership was liquidated. himself as a partner in ABC Partnership to E, who, on the belief
After payment of the partnership’s obligation, only P9,000 of such representation, extended P50,000 credit to ABC
worth of assets remained. The share of A will equal to: Partnership. Assuming only B and C consented to such
a) P3,000 representation, who will be held liable to E?
b) Equal of share of B a) E extended the credit to ABC Partnership, so a
c) Equal of share of C partnership liability exists, thus, all the partners, A, B and
9. A and B entered into a universal partnership of all present C are liable
property. The common property of the partnership shall be: b) B, C and D are partners by estoppels and thus, are
a) All the properties which belonged to each of the partners liable prorate to E
at the time of the constitution of the partnership. c) Partners A, B and C who benefited from the credit
b) All the properties which belonged to each of the partners extended by E are liable.
after the constitution of the partnership. d) D who made the representation is liable to E
c) All the properties which belonged to each of the 16. A and B are partners in a real estate business. A and B
partners at the time of the constitution of the were approached by X who offered to buy a parcel of land
partnership as well as the profits which they may owned by the partnership. Thereafter, b sold to A, B’s share
acquire therewith. in the partnership. Then, A sold the land to X at a big profit.
d) All the properties which belonged to each of the partners a) A is liable to B for B’s share in the profits
at the time of the constitution of the partnership as well as b) The partnership is dissolved when A became the sole
the profits which they may acquire thereafter. owner
10. A capitalist partner engaged for his own account in an c) A is not liable to B for the latter’s share in the profits
operation which is of the kind of business in which the d) The sale of the land to X is void.
partnership is engaged. Said partner can be 17. One of the following incidents may be a cause for
a) Compelled to sell his interest in the partnership to the involuntary dissolution of a partnership. Which is?
other capitalist partners. a) Termination of the term of the partnership
b) Compelled to dissolve or discontinue the operation of his b) Insolvency of any partner
business c) Express will of any partner
c) Compelled to bring to the common funds of the d) Expulsion of any partner
partnership any profits accruing to him from his 18. A and B are equal partners in AB Partnership. Y presented
transactions. himself as a partner in AB Partnership to Z, who relying on
d) Denied his share in the profits of the partnership. such representation, extended P50,000 credit to AB
Partnership. Of the two (2) partners only B knew and
consented to the representation of Y. Who should be held 25. The partnership is insolvent. These are preferred as
liable to Z? regards to the partnership property.
a) Only Y, who presented himself as partner is liable. a) Partnership creditors
b) Since the credit was extended to AB Partnership, a b) Partners separate creditors
partnership liability was created, so the two (2) partners c) Partners with respect to their capital
and Y are liable. d) Partners with respect to their profits
c) Partners A and B who benefited from the credit extended 27. Bears the loss of property contributed to the partnership
to the partnership AB Partnership shall be liable to Z. a) Capitalist partner
d) B and Y are partners by estoppel and, thus, are liable b) Limited partner
to Z. c) None of the above
19. The following persons are disqualified to form a universal d) Partners contributing usufructory rights
partnership. Who are the exception? 28. When cash or property worth P3,000 or more is
a) Brother and sister contributed as capital. The Articles of Co- Partnership shall be
b) Husband and wife in a public instrument and be registered with the Securities and
c) Those guilty of adultery and concubinage Exchange commission. If the said requirements are not
d) Those guilty of the same criminal offense, if the complied with:
partnership is entered into a consideration of the same. a) It will render the partnership void.
20. A is the capitalist partner and B the industrial partner. A b) It will not affect the liability of the partnership and the
is engaged personally in the same kind of business the partners to third parties.
partnership is engaged in. c) It will not give a legal personality to the partnership.
a) If there are losses, the partnership will bear the losses d) It will give the partnership a de-facto existence.
b) If there are profits, the profits will be shares by A and the 29. A, B and C are equal partners in Santos Brothers
partnership Partnership. The partnership is indebted to PC for P150,000.
c) If there are profits, A will give the profits to the Partner A is indebted to SC for P20,000 PC attached and took
partnership all the assets of the partnership amounting to P90,000. B and
d) A will be excluded from the partnership and pay C are solvent while A is insolvent and all what he owns is a
damages. land valued at P15,000.
21. A is the managing partner of ABC Partnership. X owes A a) SC has the priority to the land of A as a separate
personally and ABC Partnership P20,000 each. A collected creditor.
and receive from X, P10,000 and he issued a receipt wherein b) PC has priority to the land of A to cover A’s share of the
it is stated that the amount is applied against his personal P60,000 remaining liability of the partnership
credit. c) B and C have priority to the land of A if they paid PC the
a) The amount received will be applied in favor the 60,000 remaining liability of the partnership.
partnership credit d) PC and AC shall have priority to the land of A in
b) The amount will be applied in proportion to both proportion to their claim of P60,000 and P20,000
credits respectively
c) The amount received will be applied in the credit of A 30. A partnership is not dissolved upon the death of a:
d) All the partners will decide as to whose favor it will apply a) General partner
22. Three (3) of the following are similarities between a b) Industrial partner
partnership and a corporation. Which is not? c) Limited partner
a) The individuals composing both have little voice in the d) General limited partner
conduct of the business 31. A and B are equal partners in AB Partnership C contacted
b) Both have juridical personality separate and distinct from XYZ and Co. and represented
that of the individuals composing them. himself as partner in AB Partnership. XYZ and Co. contacted
c) Like a partnership, a corporation can act only through A who confirmed that C is in
agents fact a partner of AB Partnership XYZ and Co. extended credit
d) Both are organizations composed of an aggregate of to C for AB Partnership in the amount of P60,000. Who is
individuals liable to XYZ and Co.?
23. A, B and C are general partners in ABC Partnership. A, a) A and C are partners by estoppels and are liable to XYZ
the managing partner engaged personally in a business that and Co.
is the same as the business of the partnership without the b) XYZ and Co. extended the credit to C for AB Partnership,
consent of B and C. so a partnership liability exists, so both partners, A and B
a) If there are profits, A will give the profits to the together with C are liable.
partnership c) The AB Partnership benefited, so it is liable
b) If there are losses, the partnership will bear the losses d) Only C who made the representation is liable
c) If there are profits, they will be shared by partner A and 32. A, B and C are partners in a trucking and freight business.
the ABC Partnership B and C without the knowledge of A approached X and
d) The profits or losses will be shared equally by A and the offered to sell to X all the trucks of the partnership at a price
ABC Partnership very much higher than their book value. Then B and C bought-
24. Three (3) of the following are rights of a general partner out A from the partnership and thereafter X bought all the
and also of a limited partner in a limited partnership. Which trucks with a big profit of B and C.
is not? a) The sale of the trucks to X is void because it is without the
a) To inspect and copy at reasonable hours the books of the knowledge and consent of A.
partnership and have them kept at the principal place of b) B and C are not liable to A whatsoever
business c) B and C are liable to A for his share in the profits in the
b) To demand true and full information of all matters sale.
affecting the partnership and a formal d) When A was bought-out of the partnership, the
account of partnership affairs partnership was dissolved so A has no more share in the
c) To have dissolution and winding up by decree of court profits in the sale.
d) None of the above
33. When the capital (of a partnership) is P3,000 or more, it d) Nothing
must be in a public instrument and must be recorded with the 40. X and Y established a partnership by contributing, each
Securities and Exchange Commission (Article 1772). A, B and at P50,000. Z, a third party allowed his name to be included
C agreed to form a partnership and each contributed in the firm name of the partnership. The partnership was
P10,000 as capital of the partnership. There was no insolvent and after exhausting all the remaining asset, there
compliance in the provisions of Article 1772. was left a liability to third persons the amount of P30,000.
a) The partnership was not established The creditors can compel:
b) The partnership did not have juridical personality a) Z to pay P30,000 remaining liability
c) The partnership was established and any partner may b) X, Y and Z to pay P10,000 each
compel the execution of a public c) X or Y to pay P30,000 remaining liability
instrument d) X and Y to pay P15,000 each
d) The partnership is void 41. W, X, Y and Z formed a partnership. W, X and Y are
34. A, as a partner contributed P30,000; B as partner, general partners and contributed P50,000 each while Z, an
P15,000; and C as industrial partner, his services in the industrial partner contributed his services only. All the partners
partnership. After payment of all liabilities and expenses, only signed an agreement stipulating that the liability of W is
P18,000 remain as partnership assets. limited to its contribution After all the assets of the partnership
a) A, P12,000; B, P6,000; C, None were exhausted there remains an unpaid liability of P40,000.
b) A, P6,000; B, P6,000; C, P6,000 The creditors of the partnership can compel:
c) A, P9,000; B, P9,000; C, None a) X and Y to pay the P40,000
d) A, P8,000; B, P4,000; C, P6,000 b) X, Y and Z to pay the P40,000
35. This is the order of preference in the liquidation of a c) W, X, Y and Z to pay P10,000 each and W and Z can
partnership: demand reimbursement from X and Y.
a) 1.Outside creditors. d) X and Y to pay P40,000
2.Partners with respect to their capital 42. A partner in a partnership who is not really a partner, not
3.Partners with respect to their profit being a party to the partnership agreement, but is made
4.Partners aside from capital and profit liable as a partner for the protection of innocent third persons
b) 1. Partners with respect to their capital is known as
2.Partners with respect to their profit a) Secret partner
3.Partners aside from capital and profit b) Dormant partner
4. Outside creditors c) Nominal partner or partner by estoppel
c) 1. Outside creditors d) Answer not given
2. Partners aside from capital and profit 3. 43. A and B are capitalist partners, with C as industrial
Partners with respect to their capital partner. A and B contributed P15,000 each to the capital of
4.Partners with respect to their profit the partnership. A contractual liability of P40,000 was
d) 1. Partners aside from capital and profit incurred by the partnership in favor of X. The capital assets of
2. Outside creditors P30,000 shall first be exhausted thereby leaving an
3.Partners with respect to their capital unsatisfied liability of P10,000. X can recover the amount
4.Partners with respect to their profit from:
36. Three (3) of the following are rights of a partners. Which a) A and B only
one is not? b) A, B and C
a) Right to associate another person to his share c) A, B and C and C can recover for reimbursement from
b) Right to admit another partner A and B
c) Right to inspect and copy partnership book d) Answer not given
d) Right to ask dissolution of the firm at the proper time 44. A, B and C are partners engaged in a retail business. Their
37. The following are similarities between partnership and a contribution is P20,000 each. D is admitted as a new partner
corporation. Which is the exception? with a contribution of P8,000. At the time of his admission, the
a) Both have juridical personalities separate and distinct partnership has an outstanding obligation to E in the amount
from that of the individuals composing them. of P80,000. In this case:
b) Like a partnership, a corporation can act only through a) D is not liable to E for this obligation
agents b) D is liable to E for this obligation so that amounting to
c) Both are organization of an aggregate of individuals P68,000 will be exhausted leaving a balance of
d) The individuals composing both have little voice in the P12,000. Only A, B and C shall be liable jointly or pro-
conduct of the business. rata, out of their separate property.
38. In the partnership of A, B and C, A was appointed in the c) D is liable to E for this obligation so that after the assets
Articles of Co-Partnership as managing partner. As such of the partnership will be exhausted, leaving a balance
manager in good faith: of P12,000, all the partners shall be liable jointly or pro-
a) His power is revocable even without consent rata, out of their separate property.
b) His power can be revocable at any time even without just d) Answer not given.
cause provided 45. A, B and C are general partners in ABC Partnership. D is
c) He may execute all acts of administration despite the a debtor to the partnership in the amount of P15,000. A
opposition of B and C received from Debtor D the sum of P5,000 and issued a
d) He can be removed for valid cause even without the vote receipt identifying the amount as his share. Then D became
of the partners owning the controlling interest insolvent, B and C cannot collect the P10,000.
39. In the ABC Partnership, A and B contributed P20,000 each a) A cannot be compelled to share the P5,000 with B and C
and C , his services. After paying all the creditors of the b) B and C can charge the capital of A with their share of
partnership, only P18,000 in cash remains. In the absence of the P5,000
terms to the contrary, the share of C is equal to: c) A can be compelled to share B and C the P5,000
a) P6,000 d) B and C automatically sue D to collect the P10,000
b) The share of A 46. M and O are partners of M & O Partnership. M is the
c) The share of B managing partner. N owes M P10,000 and M & O
partnership P30,000. The obligations of N are both due. M b) No, because newly admitted partner is liable with respect
collected from N the debt of N to M in the amount of P10,000 to his capital contribution which forms part of the
and issued a receipt in the name of M. To which obligation will partnership
the P10,000 be applied? c) No, because the third person are always protected by
a) The whole of the P10,000 be applied to debt of N to M law.
b) The P10,000 be applied to debt of N to M and to the d) No, because the subject of the stipulation is that the
partnership liability of the new partner should not be satisfied out
c) P5,000 each of debt of N to M and to the partnership of the partnership property.
d) P2,500 to debt of N to M and P7,500 debt of N to the 54.
partnership I. The arrival of the term of a partnership with a fixed term or
47. A, B and C are partners in D-3 Partnership. On April period shall not dissolve the partnership if the partners
29,2010, partner C died. Not knowing that C died, on May continue with the business of the partnership but such
1, 2010, A contracted a liability to D who also do not know partnership may be terminated anytime dependent on the will
the death of C. The partnership debt is in the amount of of the continuing partners.
P30,000, he can collect II. The general rule is that the loss of the specific thing
a) P30,000 from A contributed to the partnership when only the use of the thing
b) P15,000 from A and P15,000 from B is contributed by the partner and such thing after its transfer
c) P10,000 from estate of C; P10,000 from A ; P10,000 to the partnership which used the same or sometime was
from B subsequently lost, the partnership is not dissolved.
d) D. P20,000 from A and P10,000 from B Ans: True;True
48. This the order of preference in the liquidation of a general 55. May contribute money, property or industry to the common
partnership: fund:
a) Outside creditors; Partner as creditors; Partners capital; a) General partner
Partners profit b) Industrial partner
b) Partner as creditors; Outside creditors; Partners capital; c) Limited partner
Partners profit d) Managing partner
c) Partnerscapital;Outsidecreditors;Partnerascreditors;Part 56. A limited partner who takes active part in the
nersprofit management of the firm becomes:
d) Outside creditors; Partner capital; Partners profit; a) A managing partner
Partners as creditors b) Liable as a general partner
49. R, S and T are partners. T is the industrial partner who in c) A general partner
addition to his services, he also contributed capital to the d) A general partner and a limited partner at the same time
partnership. There is no stipulation as to sharing of profits and
losses. The partnership realized profits of P21,000. The share
of T in the profits: 57. Which of the following statements is not correct?
a) R and will determine T’s share I, in the profits a) A general partner in a limited partnership manages the
b) T’s share is P7,000 business of the partnership but cannot perform acts of
c) Pro-rata to his contributed capital ownership without the consent of the limited partners
d) Nothing, because he is an industrial partner b) Valid contributions of a limited partner are money and
50. W, X, Y and Z are partners. They contributed capital as property but not services.
follows: W, P50,000; X, P30,000; Y, P20,000 and Z, is an c) Additional limited partners may be admitted into the
industrial partner, his services. The partnership’s obligation to limited partnership with the consent of all the partners.
outsiders exceed the total net assets by P18,000. Who and d) A person who is both a general partner and a limited
by how much will the partners be liable for the payment of partner is deemed a limited partner only with respect to
the P18,000? the return of his contribution.
58. A is the managing partner of A and Company. X is
indebted to A for P20,000 and to the partnership for
P60,000. When both debts mature, X pays A P20,000 and
the latter issues a receipt for his personal credit. The payment
for P20,000 shall be applied:
51. Which of the following is a characteristic of partnership as a) 1⁄4 in favor of A and 3⁄4 in favor of the partnership
a contract? b) To the whole debt owing to A
a) Formal c) 1⁄2 in favor of A and 1⁄2 in favor of the partnership
b) Innominate d) To the debt owing to the partnership
c) Gratuitous 59. Which of the following is an essential element of
d) Preparatory partnership?
52. One who takes active part in the business, but is not known a) There must be a contribution of money, property, or
to be a partner by outside parties is: industry to a common fund.
a) Silent partner b) It must an association for profit with the intention to divide
b) Dormant partner the profits among themselves.
c) Nominal partner c) There must be a valid and voluntary agreement.
d) Secret partner d) All of the above.
53. Can the partners stipulate that the newly admitted partner 60. A and B are partners. On June 15, 2009 when the total
shall not be held liable for the obligations of the partnership obligation of the partnership totaled P80,000. C was
arising before his admission? Which of the following statement admitted as new partner. At the time C’s admission, the
is not correct? partnership creditors were M for P50,000 and N for P30,000.
a) No, because the newly admitted partner should be After June 15, the partnership borrowed from O P20,000 and
deemed to have assumed all the debts of the partnership P40,000 from P. On December 15, 2009, the partnership
upon his voluntary participation in the partnership. became insolvent leaving an obligation totaling P140,000
and partnership assets amounting to P30,000. The creditors
are going after the separate properties of the partners to II. A partner is liable to the partnership for whatever property
satisfy their remaining claims. How are the creditors’ claims he agrees to contribute without necessity of demand.
satisfied? Answer: True; True
Answer 1 - M and N can go after the separate properties of 70.
A and B but C’s separates properties are not answerable to I. If the capital contribution of the partners amount to P3,000
their claims. or more the contract of partnership must be in public a public
Answer 2 – O and P can go after the separate properties of document, otherwise the contract is void.
A, B and C. II. A contract of partnership is void, whenever immovable
Answer: Answer 2 is correct but answer 1 is wrong property is contributed thereto if an inventory of said
61. A and B are capitalist partners with C as industrial partner. property is not made, signed by the parties and attached to
A and B contributed P20,000 each to the capital of the the public document.
partnership. A contractual liability of P50,000 was incurred Answer: False; True
by the partnership in favor of X. The assets of the partnership 71.
had been exhausted still leaving an unpaid liability of I. Dissolution does not terminate the partnership.
P10,000. X can recover the amount from: II. Insanity of a general partner in a limited partnership
a) A, B and C and C can recover by way of reimbursement dissolves the partnership.
from A and B unless stipulated otherwise. Answer: True; True
b) A and B only 72.
c) C only I. A general partner in a limited partnership has all the rights,
d) A, B and C and C has no right for reimbursement from A powers and liabilities as though the partnership is not limited.
and B unless expressly stipulated. II. A general partner is personally liable for partnership
62. Which of the following liabilities of the partnership shall obligations while a limited partner is not liable for partnership
rank first in the order of payment? liabilities.
a) Those owing to creditors other than partners Answer: True; False
b) Those owing to partners in respect to profits 73.
c) Those owing to partners in respect to capital I. A limited partner is simply a contributor to the partnership.
d) Those owing to partners other than for capital and profits II. A limited partner has a right to the return of his contribution
63. upon the dissolution of the
I. The contribution of a limited partner may be cash, property partnership.
or service Answer: True; True
II. A limited partner who takes part in the management of the
business of the partnership is not a general partner but he shall PARTNERSHIP
be liable as a general partner. (from CPAR)
Answer: False; True 1. One of the following is not a characteristic of a contract of
64. partnership
I. A person may be a general and a limited partner in the a) Real, in that the partners must deliver their
same partnership at the same time. contributions in order for the partnership contract to be
II. A person admitted as a partner into an existing partnership perfected.
is not liable for partnership b) Principal, because it can stand by itself.
Answer: True; False c) Preparatory, because it is a means by which other
65. contracts will be entered into.
I. A partner cannot assign his interest in the partnership to a d) Onerous, because the parties contribute money, property
third person without the consent of the other partners. or industry to the common fund.
II. A partner’s interest in the partnership is his personal 2. One of the following is not a requisite of partnership. Which
property. is it?
Answer: False; True a) There must be a valid contract.
66. b) There must be a mutual contribution of money, property
I. The creditor of each partner shall be preferred to those of or industry to a common fund.
the partnership as regards the partner’s separate property. c) It is established for the common benefit of the partners
II. An industrial partner is exempted from losses but not from which is to obtain profits and divide the same among
partnership liabilities themselves.
A. True; True d) The articles are kept secret among the members.
67. 3. The minimum capital in money or property except when
I. An industrial partner with the consent of the other partners immovable property or real rights thereto are contributed,
can engage in any business for his own account. that will require the contract of partnership to be in public
II. An industrial partner is not a general partner. instrument and be registered with SEC.
Answer: True;False A. P 5,000
68. B. P10,000
I. A general partner not a managing partner can engage in a C. P 3,000
business different from the business of the partnership for his D. P30,000
own account without the consent of the other partners. 4. X and Y entered into a universal partnership of all present
II. A general partnership can be formed orally. property. At the time of their agreement. X had a four-door
Answer: True; True apartment which he inherited from his father 3 years earlier.
Y, on the other hand, had a fishpond which he acquired by
dacion en pago from Z. During the first year of the
69. partnership, rentals collected on the four-door apartment
I. All the partners in a general partnership are considered amounted to P480,000; while fish harvested from the fishpond
managing partners if there is no stipulation as to who shall act were sold for P300,000. During the same period. B received
as managing partner. by way of donation a vacant lot from an uncle. The partners
had an stipulation that future property shall belong to the
partnership. Which of the following does not belong to the different from the partnership business.
common fund of the partnership? A capitalist partner and the business he will engage in is of
Fish pond a kind different from the partnership business.
Rental of P480,000 An industrial partner and the business he will engage in is of
Apartment a kind different from the partnership business.
Vacant lot 11. The partnership will bear the risk of loss of three of the
5. D and E entered into a universal partnership of profits. At following things, except
the time of execution of the articles of partnership, D had a Things contributed to be sold.
two-door apartment which he inherited from his father 3 years Fungible things or those that cannot be kept without
earlier. E on the other hand, had fleet of taxis which he deteriorating.
purchased two years before. In the first year of the Non-fungible things contributed so that only their use and
partnership, D earned P500,000 as radio talent while E won fruits will be for the common
P1,000,000 in the lotto. During the same period, rentals of benefit.
P120,000 were collected from the apartment, while fare Things brought and appraised in the inventory.
revenues of P200,000 were realized from the operation of 12. A partner’s interest in the partnership is his share of the
the fleet of taxis. Which of the following belongs to the profits and surplus which he may assign to a third person.
partnership? Which of the following statements concerning such right is
Two-door apartment correct?
Lotto winnings of P1,000,000 The conveyance of a partner’s interest will cause the
Salary of P500,000 dissolution of the partnership.
Fleet of taxis The assignee becomes a partner.
6. A partnership formed for the exercised of a profession The assignee has the right to interfere in the management of
which is duly registered is an example of the partnership business.
Universal partnership of profits The assignee has the right to receive the profits which the
Universal partnership of all present property assigning partner would
Particular partnership otherwise be entitled thereto.
Partnership by estoppel 13. Partnership as distinguished from corporation
7. A, B and C are partners in ABC Enterprises. Not having Acquires juridical personality upon approval by the SEC and
established yet their credit standing, the three partners the issuance of certificate.
requested D, a well known businessman, to help them Has limited liability.
negotiate a loan from E, a money lender. With the consent of Created by operation of law.
A, B and C, D represented himself as a partner No power of succession.
of ABC Enterprises. Thereafter, E granted a loan of P150,000 14. Essential elements or feature of a partnership, except
to ABC enterprises. What kind of partner is D? Must have a lawful object or purpose
Managing partner There must be a contribution of money, property or industry to
Liquidating partner a common fund
Ostensiblepartner With intention to divide and contribute whatever profits
Partner by estoppel they make to other people.
8. Using the preceding number, assuming ABC Enterprises was Must be established for the common benefit or interest of the
unable to pay the loan on due date at which time the assets partners.
of the partnership amounted to P120,000. From whom may E 15. Partner who contributes money and/ or property, except
collect the payment? A. General
D only for the whole amount of P120,000. B. Capitalist
A, B and C who are liable jointly for P50,000 each. C. Industrial
ABC Enterprises for its assets of P120,000; hereafter, A, B and D. Managing
C from their separate assets at 16. Partner who contributes industry or labor A. General
P10,000 each. B. Capitalist
ABC Enterprises for its assets of P120,000 thereafter, A, B, C. Industrial
C and D from their separate assets at P7,500 each. D. Managing
9. Which of the following losses will not cause the dissolution 17. Partner who contributes both capital and industry
of a partnership? A. General
A. Loss before delivery of a specific thing which a partner had B. Limited
promised to contribute to the C. Managing
partnership. D. Capitalist-industrial
Loss of a specific thing after its delivery to and acquisition 18. Partner who is liable beyond the extent of his contribution
of its ownership by the partnership from the partner who A. General
contributed the same. B. Limited
Loss after delivery of a specific thing where the partner C. Industrial
contributed only its use and enjoyment where such partner D. Silent
reserved the ownership thereof. 19. Partner who is liable only to the extent of his contribution
Loss before delivery of a specific thing where the partner A. Limited
promised to contribute only its use and enjoyment, reserving B. General
the ownership thereof. C. Industrial
10. A partner can engage in business for himself without the D. Managing
consent of his co-partners if he is 20. Partner who manages actively the firm’s affairs
A capitalist partner whether or not the business he will engage A. Silent
in is of the same kind as or B. Liquidating
different from the partnership business. C. Managing
An industrial partner whether or not the business he will D. Dormant
engage in is of the same kind as or
21. Partner who does not participate in the management c) He is liable to the creditors before and after his
though he shares in the profits or losses. A. Liquidating admission up to his capital contribution and to the
B. Nominal creditors after his admission up to his separate
C. Ostensible property..
D. Silent d) He is not liable to creditors existing before his admission.
22. Partner who winds up the affairs of the firm after it has 32. A and B are partners engaged in the real estate business.
been dissolved A learned that C was interested in buying a certain parcel of
A. Liquidating land owned by the partnership, even for a higher price.
B. Managing Without informing B of C’s offer A was able to convince B to
C. Industrial sell to him (A) his (B’s) share in the partnership. Then A sold the
D. Capitalist land at a big profit. Which of the following is correct?
23. Partner whose connection with the firm is known to the a) A is liable to B for the latter’s share in the profit.
public b) C is liable to B for the latter’s share in the profit.
A. Ostensible c) A new partnership is formed between A and C.
B. Secret d) The sale of the land to C is void since it was without the
C. Silent knowledge of B.
D. Nominal 33. A and B are partners in a real estate business. A and B
24. Partner whose connection with the firm is concealed or kept were approached by X who offered to buy a parcel of land
secret owned by the partnership. Thereafter B sold to A, B’s share in
A. Ostensible the partnership. Then A sold the land to X at a big profit.
B. Secret Which is correct?
C. Silent a) The sale of the land to X is void
D. Nominal b) A is liable to B for B’s share in the profits.
25. Partner who is both a secret and silent partner c) B may rescind the contract between A and X
A. Nominal d) A is not liable to B for any share in the profits.
B. Ostensible 34. The following persons are disqualified to form a universal
C. Limited partnership, except
D. Dormant A. Husband and wife
26. Partner who is not really a partner but who may become B. Brother and sister
liable as such insofar as third persons are concerned C. Those guilty of adultery and concubinage
A. Nominal D. Those guilty of the same criminal offense; if the partnership
B. Ostensible is entered into in consideration of the same.
C. Silent 35. A, B and C are capitalist partners while D is an industrial
D. Secret partner. A, the managing partner engaged personally in a
27. May contribute money, property or industry to the common business that is the same as the business of the partnership
fund without the consent of the other partners. As a result,
a) Limited partner a) If there are losses, the partnership will bear the losses
b) General partner b) If there are profits, the profits will be shared by A and
c) Both limited and general partners the partnership.
d) Dormant partner c) If there are profits, A will give the profits to the
28. May be required to make additional contribution in case partnership.
of imminent loss: d) A will be excluded from the partnership and will pay
a) Capitalist partner damages.
b) Limited partner 36. A, a managing partner is B’s creditor to the amount of
c) Industrial partner P1,000 already demandable. B also owes the partnership
d) Choices A, B and C P1,000, also demandable. A collects P1,000 from B. One is
29. A, B and C are partners each contributing P10,000. The not correct.
firm’s indebtedness amounts to P90,000. It was stipulated that a) If A gives a receipt for the partnership it is the
A would be exempted from liability. Assuming that the capital partnership’s credit that has been collected.
of P30,000 is still in the firm, which of the following is not b) If A gives a receipt for his own credit, it is A’s credit
correct? that has been collected.
a) The creditors may get the P30,000 and still collect each c) If A gives a receipt for his own credit, P500 will be given
P20,000 from A, B and C. to him, P500 to the partnership.
b) A can recover P10,000 each from B and C should he (A) d) B may decide that he is paying only A’s credit if the
be required to pay the creditors. personal credit of A is more onerous to B.
c) A cannot recover his original capital of P10,000. 37. The remedy of capitalist partners against an industrial
d) The creditors can recover P45,000 each from B and C. partner who engaged in a business for himself without the
30. A newly admitted general partner is liable to creditors expressed permission from the partnership is:
existing at the time of his admission and his liability is a) To compel him to sell his interest to the said capitalist
a) Up to his capital contribution only if there is stipulation. partners.
b) Up to his separate property even there is no stipulation. b) To exclude him from sharing in the profits of the
c) Up to his capital contribution even if there is stipulation. partnership.
d) Up to his separate property only if there is stipulation. c) To remove him as manager if he is appointed as manger
31. Using the preceding number, but the obligations were of the partnership.
contracted after his admission, which of d) To expel him from the partnership and claim for
the following is correct? damages.
a) He is liable to the creditors before and after his admission 38. A partnership which comprises all the profits that the
up to his separate property. partners may acquire by their work or industry during the
b) He is liable to the creditors before and after his admission existence of the partnership is called:
only up to his capital contribution. a) Universal partnership of all present property
b) Universal partnership of profits d) A partnership formed to create illegal monopolies or
c) Particular partnership combinations in restraint of trade.
d) Partnership at will 47. A and B orally agreed to form a partnership two years
39. A partnership whereby the partners contribute to a from today, each one to contribute P1,000. If at the arrival of
common fund all the property actually belonging to them at the period, one refuses to go ahead with the agreement, can
the time of the constitution of the partnership, with the intention the other enforce the agreement?
of dividing the same among themselves, as well as the profits a) Yes, because the partnership contract is not governed by
which they may acquire there with is: the Statute of Frauds
a) Universal partnership of all present property b) Yes, because the prior agreement was voluntarily made.
b) Universal partnership of profits c) No, because the agreement was merely oral and
c) Particular partnership executor
d) Partnership at will d) No, since the agreement is to be enforced after one year
40. A partnership without a definite period of existence and from the making thereof, the same should be in a public
which can be dissolved at any time by any of the partners is instrument to be enforceable.
called: 48. Where at least one partner is a general partner and the
a) Universal partnership of all present property rest are limited partners
b) Universal partnership of profits A. General partnership
c) Particular partnership B. Partnership by estoppels
d) Partnership at will C. Partnership de facto
41. A, B and C, capitalist partners, each contributed P10,000 D. Limited partnership
and D, the industrial partner contributed his services. Suppose 49. Where all the partners are general partners
X, is the creditor of the firm amounting to P90,000. After A. General partnership
getting the P30,000 capital assets of the partnership, which is B. Partnership by estoppels
correct? C. Partnership de facto
a) X can recover P20,000 each from A, B and C only. D. Limited partnership
b) X can recover P60,000 from either A, B and C only. 50. A and B are equal partners in AB Partnership by
c) X can recover P15,000 each from A, B, C and D. contributing P50,000 each on June 1, 2010. On July 1, 2010,
d) X can recover P15,000 each from A, B and C but D is the partnership contracted an obligation to pay Z the amount
exempt because he is an industrial partner. of P180,000 on August 31, 2010. On August 10, 2010, C was
42. A, B and C are partners. D is admitted as a new partner. admitted as a new partner. C contributed P50,000. How will
Will D be liable for partnership obligations contracted prior the obligation be paid?
to his admission to the partnership? a) A P60,000; B P60,000; C P60,000
a) No, only for those contracted after his admission. b) A P90,000; B P90,000; C None
b) Yes, and his liability would extend to his own individual c) A P180,000 or B P180,000 and C P50,000
property. d) A P65,000; B P65,000; C P50,000
c) Yes, but his liability will extend only to his share in the 51. A, B and C are equal partners in ABC Partnership. On
partnership property and not to his own individual April 29, 2010, C died. Not knowing that C is dead, on May
property. 2, 2010, A contracted a liability to D who also did not know
d) Yes, as if he had been an original partner. about the death of C. The liability is P90,000. After D
43. A partner who has all the rights, powers and subject to all exhausted the net assets of the partnership in the amount of
restrictions of a general partner but whose liability is, among P60,000, he can collect
themselves, limited to his capital contribution is: a) P30,000 from A or P30,000 from B.
a) General partner b) P15,000 from A and P15,000 from B.
b) Limited partner c) P10,000 from the estate of C, P10,000 from A and
c) General-limited partner P10,000 from B.
d) Dormant partner d) P30,000 from the estate of C or P30,000 from B or
44. Bears the risk of things contributed to the partnership: P30,000 from C.
a) General partner 52. A, B and C are partners. Their contributions are as follows:
b) Limited partner A, P60,000; B, P40,000 and C, services. The partners agreed
c) Partner contributing usufructuary rights over fungible to divide profits and losses in the following proportions: A,
things 35%; B, 25% and C 40%. If there is a loss of P10,000, how
d) Partner contributing usufructuary rights over non- should the said loss be shared by the partners?
fungible things a) A P6,000; B P4,000; C nothing
45. A, B and C, capitalist partners, each contributed P10,000. b) A P3,000; B P2,000; C P5,000
After exhausting the assets of the firm, the firm’s indebtedness c) A P3,500; B P3,500; C P3,000
amounts to P90,000. It was stipulated that A would be d) A P3,500; B P2,500; C P4,000
exempted from liability. Which is correct? 53. Using the preceding number, but the partners did not
a) A may recover his original capital of P10,000. agree on how to divide profits and losses. If there is a loss of
b) The creditors may collect P30,000 each from A, B and P10,000, how should the said loss be shared by the partners?
C. a) A P6,000; B P4,000; C nothing
c) A can recover P20,000 each from B and C should he be b) A P3,000; B P2,000; C P5,000
required to pay the creditors. c) A P3,500; B P3,500; C P3,000
d) The creditors can recover P45,000 each from B and C. d) A P3,500; B P2,500; C P4,000
46. Instances when a partnership is unlawful, except 54. When the manner of management has not been agreed
a) A partnership formed to furnish apartment houses which upon, who shall mange the affairs of the partnership?
would be used or prostitution A. Capitalist partners
b) A partnership formed for the purpose of acquiring B. Industrial partners
parcels of land C. Capitalist-industrialist partners
c) A partnership formed for gambling purposes. D. All of the partners
55. A, B and C are partners in a partnership business. A was unable to pay. After exhausting the assets of the
contributed P10,000, B contributed P5,000 and C his services partnership, there still is unpaid balance of P10,000 to E. Who
only. After payment of partnership debts, what remains of the are liable to E for the payment of the unpaid balance of
partnership assets is P6,000 only. In the absence of stipulation P10,000 and how much should each pay to E?
to the contrary, the share of C will equal to: a) A P5,000; B P3,000; C P2,000; D nothing
a) That of A b) A P2,500; B P2,500; C P2,500; D P2,500
b) P2,000 c) A P4,000; B P3,000; C P2,000; D P1,000
c) That of B d) A P4,000; B P4,000; C P2,000; D nothing
d) Nothing 62. One or more but less than all the partners have no
56. A, B and C are partners in ABC Co. D owes the partnership authority to perform the following acts, except:
P4,500. A, a partner, received from D a share of P1,500 a) Do any act which would make it impossible to carry on
ahead of partners B and C, giving D a receipt for his share the ordinary business of the partnership.
only. When B and C were collecting from D, the latter was b) Submit a partnership claim or liability to arbitration.
already insolvent. Which of the following is correct? c) Renounce a claim of the partnership.
a) Partner A can be required to share the P1,500 with B d) Convey partnership property in the ordinary course of
and C. partnership business.
b) A cannot be required to share the P1,500 with B and C. 63. A, B and C are equal partners in ABC Partnership. The
c) B and C should automatically exhaust first all remedies to partnership is indebted to D for P150,000. Partner A is
collect from D. indebted to E for P20,000. D attached and took all the assets
d) B and C can automatically deduct from the capital of the
contribution of A in the partnership, their respective share partnership amounting to P90,000. B and C are solvent while
in the P1,500. A is insolvent and that he owns is a land valued at P15,000.
57. A partnership suffered losses in the first year of its Which is correct?
operation. A, a capitalist partner, cannot contribute an a) E has priority to the land of A as a separate creditor
additional share to the capital because of insolvency. Can A b) D has priority to the land of A to cover A’s share of the
be obliged to sell his interest to the other partners on the P60,000 remaining liability of the partnership.
ground of such refusal? c) B and C have priority to the land of A if they paid D the
a) Yes, A’ refusal to contribute additional share reflects his P60,000 remaining liability of the partnership.
lack of interest in the continuance of d) D and E shall both have priority to the land of A in
b) the partnership. proportion to their claims of P60,000 and P20,000,
c) No, because there is actually no imminent loss of the respectively.
business. 64. A, B and C are partners. A is an industrial partner. During
d) Yes, provided that A is paid the value of his interest. the first year of operation, the firm realized a profit of
e) No, because his refusal is justifiable. P60,000. During the second year, the firm sustained a loss of
58. Which of the following is considered prima facie evidence P30,000. So, the net profit for the two years of operation was
of the existence of a partnership? only P30,000. In the Articles of Partnership, it was agreed that
a) Where payment of interest on a loan depends on the A, the industrial partner would get 1/3 of the profit but would
profit of the business. not share in the losses. How much will A, the industrial partner
b) The receipt by a person of a share in the profits. will get?
c) The sharing of gross returns of a business. a) A will get only P20,000 which is 1/3 of the profit of the
d) Where the parties are established as co-owners of a 1st year of operation.
property. b) A will get only P10,000 which is 1/3 of the net profit.
59. A and B are partners, with A as the managing partner. D c) A will get only P20,000 in the first year and none in the
is indebted to A in the amount of P10,000 and to the second year.
partnership in the amount of P5,000. Both debts are due and d) A will share in the loss in the second year.
demandable. D paid AP3,000. A issued to D a receipt in his 65. Three (3) of the following are rights of a partner. Which
own name. How should the amount of P3,000 be applied? one (1) is not?
a) The P3,000 should be applied to the indebtedness of D a) Right to associate another person to his share.
to A. b) Right to admit another partner.
b) The P3,000 should be applied to the indebtedness of D c) Right to inspect and copy partnership books
to the partnership.
d) Right to ask dissolution of the firm at the proper time.
c) P2,000 should be applied to the indebtedness of D to the
partnership and P1,000 to the indebtedness of D to A. I. Partnership with a capital of three thousand pesos or more,
d) P1,000 should be applied to the indebtedness of D to in money or property, shall appear in a public instrument, and
the partnership and P2,000 to the indebtedness of D to recorded at SEC. Failure shall not affect the liability of a
A. partnership and members thereof to third person.
60. Using the preceding no. but A issued to D a receipt in the II. When immovable property is contributed, an inventory of
name of the partnership. How should the payment of P3,000 said property is needed, signed by the parties and attached
be applied? to the public instrument, otherwise the contract of partnership
a) The P3,000 should be applied to the indebtedness of D is
to A. void.
b) The P3,000 should be applied to the indebtedness of D Answer: True; True
to the partnership.
c) P2,000 should be applied to the indebtedness of D to the
I. Co-ownership or co-possession does not in itself establish a
partnership and P1,000 to the indebtedness of D to A.
partnership, except when such co- owners or co-possessors
d) P1,000 should be applied to the indebtedness of D to the share in the profits made by the use of the property.
partnership and P2,000 to the indebtedness of D to A. II. The sharing of gross returns does not of itself establish a
61. A, B, C and D are partners. Their contributions are as partnership, except when the persons sharing them have a
follows: A, P50,000; B, P30,000; C, P20,000; D, services. The joint or common right or interest in any property from which
partnership incurred obligations to third persons which the firm the returns are derived.
Answer: False;False II. Future property by inheritance, legacy or donation,
68. including the fruits thereof cannot be included in the stipulation
I. The receipt by a person of a share of the profits of a business regarding the universal partnership of all present property.
is conclusive evidence that he is a partner in the business. Answer: False;False
II. A partnership of all present property is where the partners 75. I. A and B are partners in a universal partnership of profits.
contribute all property which actually belong to them to a Subsequently, A won first prize in the sweepstakes. The prize
common fund, with the intention of dividing the same among money will belong to the partnership.
themselves, as well as all the profits which they may acquire II. A and B are partners in a universal partnership of profits.
therewith. Later A purchased a parcel of land. The fruits of said land
Answer: False; True(?) belong to the partnership.
69. Answer: False:False
I. In a universal partnership of all present property, the 76. I. Persons who are prohibited from giving each other any
property which belong to each of the partners at the time of donation or advantage cannot enter into universal or
constitution of the partnership becomes a common fund of all particular partnership.
partners and all profits which they may acquire through II. A partnership begins from the moment of the execution of
inheritance, legacy, or donation cannot be included in such the contract, unless it is otherwise stipulated.
stipulation, except the fruits thereof.
II. The universal partnership of profits comprises all that the Answer: False; True
partners may acquire by industry or work during the existence 77. If property has been promised by a partner as
of the partnership. Movable or immovable property which contribution to the partnership, the fruits Arising from the time
each may possess at the time of the celebration of the contract the property should have been delivered should also be given
shall continue to pertain exclusively to each, only the usufruct provided prior demand was made.
passing to the partnership. II. A partner who has undertaken to contribute a sum of money
Answer: True; True and fails to do so becomes a debtor for the interest and
70. damages from the time he should have complied with his
I. A partnership must have a lawful object or purpose, and obligation, without the need of any demand.
must be established for the common benefit or interest of the Answer: False; True
partners. 78. I. The partners shall contribute equal shares to the capital
II. When an unlawful partnership is dissolved by a judicial of the partnership.
decree, the profits and partners’ contributions shall be II. If there is no agreement to the contrary, in case of an
confiscated in favor of the State. imminent loss of the business of the partnership, any partner
Answer: True; False who refuses to contribute additional share to the capital, to
71. save the venture, shall be obliged to sell his interest to the
I. A partnership may be constituted in any form, except where other partners.
immovable property or real rights are contributed thereto, in Answer: False; False
which case a written instrument shall be necessary. 79. I. If a partner collects a demandable sum, which was owed
II. Every contract of partnership having a capital of three to him in his own name, from a Person who owed the
thousand pesos or more in money or property shall appear in partnership another sum also demandable, the sum thus
a public instrument which must be recorded in the office of the collected shall be applied to the two credits in proportion to
SEC, otherwise the partnership is void. their amounts, even though he may have given a receipt for
Answer: False;False his own credit only, but should he have given it for the account
72. of the partnership
I. A contract of partnership is void, whenever immovable credit, the amount shall be fully applied to the latter.
property is contributed thereto, if an inventory of said II. The risk of specific and determinate things contributed to the
property is not made, signed by the parties and attached to partnership so that only their use
the public instrument. and fruits may be for the common benefit, shall be borne by
II. A universal partnership of profits is that in which the partners the partner who owns them.
contribute all the property which actually belongs to them to Answer: B. False;False
a common fund with the intention of dividing the same among 80. I. In the absence of stipulation, the share of each partner
themselves, as well as the profits which they may acquired in the profits and losses shall be equal to each other.
therewith. II. A stipulation which excludes one or more partners from any
Answer: True; False share in the profits or losses is void, as a general rule.
73. Answer: False; True
I. In a universal partnership of profits, the property which 81. I. The partner who has been appointed manager may
belong to each of the partners at the time of the constitution execute all acts of administration despite the opposition of his
of the partnership becomes the common property of all the partners, unless he should act in bad faith and his power is
partners, as well as all the profits which they may acquire irrevocable without just or lawful cause.
therewith. II. When the manner of management has not been agreed
II. A universal partnership of all present property comprises upon, none of the partners may, without the consent of the
only all that the partners may acquire by their industry or work others, make any important alterations in the property of the
during the existence of the partnership. partnership, even if it may be useful to the partnership.
Answer: False;False Answer: False;False
74. 82.I. Every partner may associate another person with him in
I. A universal partnership of profits comprises all movable or his share, provided it is with the consent of all of the other
immovable property which each of the partners may possess partners.
at the time of the celebration of the contract and all that the II. The capitalist partners cannot engage for their own account
partners may acquire by their industry or work during the in any operation which is of the kind of business in which the
existence of the partnership. partnership is engaged, unless there is stipulation to the
Answer: False; True
83. I. Every partnership shall operate under a firm name,
which shall include the name of one or more of the partner.
II. All partners, excluding industrial ones, shall be liable pro-
rata with all their property and after all partnership assets
have been exhausted, for the contracts which may be entered
into in the name of and for the account of the partnership,
under its signature, and by a person authorized to act for the
Answer: False;False
84.I. Persons who are not partners as to each other are not
partners as to third persons, except in cases of estoppel.
II. An admission or representation made by any partner
concerning partnership affairs is evidence against the
Answer: True; False
85. I. A person admitted as a partner into an existing
partnership is liable for all the obligations of the partnership
arising before his admission as though he had been a partner
when incurred and that such liability will extend to his own
individual property.
II. B has worked for M and Co., as procurer of contracts for
fertilizers to be manufactured by the firm, and as supervisor
of the mixing of the fertilizers. However, he had no voice in
the management of the business except in his task of
supervising the mixing of said fertilizers. For his service, he is
entitled to 35% of the profits in the fertilizer business. He is a
partner in M and Co.
Answer: False;False
86. I. C was a bookkeeper in a partnership named “AB”, with
a yearly salary amounting t 5% of the net profits or each
year. C, however had no vote at all in the management of the
business. He is a partner in AB.
II. Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, the partners shall
contribute equal shares to the capital of the partnership.
Answer: False; True
87. I. Every partner may associate another person with him in
his share, but the associate shall not be admitted in the
partnership without the consent of all the other partners, even
if the partner having an associate should be a manager.
II. Articles of universal partnership, entered into without
specification of its nature, only constitute universal partnership
of profits.
Answer: True; True

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