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Based on today’s lecture on Nutrition and Mental Health including the two models, I can

say that an individual’s Psychological factors can influence psychical and social health. If a
person’s lifestyle and personality are good it will automatically lead to a person having a healthy
life. If a person has a stable mental health, he is surely going to have a good social life, and an
outstanding physical health. Illness are not caused just by micro- organisms, instead when the
mental health is weak it makes our body prone to illness. For instance, if a person is having too
much stress it can slowly turn into depression as a result he neglects taking care of his body. He
doesn’t eat well nor exercise daily. He might start unhealthy habits like consuming alcohol and
smoking, in this way he is putting his body in danger. He no longer cares about his health and his
body will slowly become weak and starts becoming vulnerable. Also, if a person is diagnosed
with a severe illness say cancer, it is very important to remember that while trying to cure the
illness they should also remember to tame the stress and hopelessness that is caused due to the
cancer. When a person is mentally healthy, he feels good about himself and is motivated to keep
himself fit physically and socially.
Personally, I can say I am not so healthy. I don’t join the gym because I’m shy, I don’t do
exercises because I feel they don’t work fast enough. My diet is moderate to good. My the
snacks and junks I enjoy are not healthy. Due to unhealthy habits of eating junks, my physical
health is affected because I am gaining unnecessary fats, I always feel people are going to judge
me by my weight so I don’t really like socializing and all these leads to depression and anxiety.
But with today’s lecture I am motivated to try our new things starting from my diet.

Chips Most commercial pizzas are made with
unhealthy ingredients, including highly
refined dough and heavily processed meat.
Pizza also tends to be extremely high in
Cold and energy drinks Heart rate increase and stress levels rise.
Energy drinks also may cause stomach
irritation and muscle twitches.
Pizzas Most commercial pizzas are made with
unhealthy ingredients, including highly
refined dough and heavily processed meat.
Pizza also tends to be extremely high in
Ice-cream and popsicles Obesity risk increases and heart disease
risk bumps up.
Fish Fish is rich in calcium and phosphorus and
a great source of minerals. May lower your
risk of heart attacks and strokes. May
boost brain health. Rich in vitamin D
Local vegetables Locally grown vegetables are fresher. A
diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower
blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart
disease and stroke, prevent some types of
cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive
problems, and have a positive effect upon
blood sugar, which can help keep appetite
in check.
Local rice Local rice contains vitamins and minerals
that help the blood transport oxygen and
perform other vital functions. Rice is high
in fiber, thus it lowers cholesterol and
reduce your risk of heart disease and
stroke. .
Fruits Fruits are an excellent source of essential
vitamins and minerals, and they are high in
fiber. Fruits also provide a wide range of
health-boosting antioxidants, including
flavonoids. Eating a diet high in fruits and
vegetables can reduce a person's risk of
developing heart disease, cancer,
inflammation, and diabetes.

1. What causes illness?

Ans. According to the Bio-medical model of health, illness can be causes due to biological
factors like bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
According to Biopsychosocial model of health, illness is caused by biological factors
( viruses, bacteria and fungi) , behavioral factors(beliefs, lifestyles, etc), social factors
( unemployment, family relationship, social support, etc).
2. Who causes illness?
Ans. Illness are caused due to our own lifestyles, beliefs, habits. Hence, we are responsible for
our own illness.
3. How can we treat illness?
And. Illnesses can be treated with medications, therapy, surgery, talk therapy, psychiatric
counseling, meditation, and psychotherapy.

Aibianglin Thabah,
B.Sc. Second Semester,
Department of Psychology.

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