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Assignment of :

Contemporary Literary Theory

Submitted t0:
Sir Saleem
Submitted by :
Aqsa Gulzar
R0ll N0:
T0pic Feedback 0f Structuralism Theory on Literary Theory
Last lecture was very stimulating
and brilliantly taught. I learnt a lot of
concept sand difference between
Structuralism and Formalism.
Formalism analyses the structure of a
text without focusing on the external
factors such as authorship, social and
cultural influence. While
Structuralism connects the works of
similar structures but Formalism only
analyze one particular work at a time.
Practical application, merit and
demerits were also explained.
Ferdinand De Saussure is the father
of structuralism. According to this
theory, nothing itself is meaningful.
Everything gains meanings from
concepts that I grasp from last lectures
are given below. Langue: Collective
abstract system shared by community.
Like tools, set of rules.Parole:Actual
speech made by an individual. The
way we use rules in content. Signifier:
The physical existence e.g. sound word
and image.
Signified: The mental concept/
mental picture.
Anagram: It is a word or a
phrase formed by rearranging the
letters of a different words or phrase.
We may construct infinite set of letters
with transformation of finite sets. e.g
part trap Silent listen.
Binary Opposition:It is a pair
of related terms or concepts that are
opposite in meanings. We make two
groups to comprehend the things. First
to bifurcate into two groups. We
divide it and create a binary. Secondly
we prefer one part of binary over the
other. Right /wrong& clear / unclear.
opposite in meanings. We make two
groups to comprehend the things. First
to bifurcate into two groups. We
divide it and create a binary. Secondly
we prefer one part of binary over the
other. Right /wrong& clear / unclear.
Application of one concept
from structuralism theory on a
some lines from “The
Rape Of the lock ”canto v
But since, alas! frail beauty must
Curled or uncurled, since locks
will turn to grey, Since painted, or
not painted, all shall fade,And she
who scorns a man, must die a maid;
What then remains but well our
power to use,And keep good
humour still whate'er we lose? And
trust me, dear! good humour can
When airs, and flights, and
screams, and scolding fail.Beauties
in vain their pretty eyes may roll;
Let’s take Pope’s poem “The
Rape of the lock” and analyze it on
the basis of Structuralism theory.
Structuralism, is related with
structures, and more particularly with
examining the laws by which they
work. In simple words, Structuralism
believes that every single unit of any
system has meaning only by the virtue
of their relations to one another.First
off all identify the genre of the poem.
This poem is perhaps the most
outstanding example of the genre of
mock epic. It is derived from Epic.
Epic is a long narrative poem written
in elevated and grand style, with the
invocation to the Muse, begins from
the middle and there is a battle. But
this is a lengthy poem that consists of
the most trivial events: the theft of a
lock of hair from lady of quality.Like
traditional epic there is also a battle. It
doesn’t involve armed warriors
hacking each other to pieces but rather
a game of cards between aristocrats.
In “The Rape of the Lock”, Pope is
using something classical to satirize
something modern. He makes fun of
the people who hang around a place
called Hampton court. This poem
starts and end with invoking the Muse.
It contains many more allusions. But
all these elements are for comic effect.
Binary Opposition is the heart
of structuralism. In structuralism
binary opposition is seen as a
fundamental organizer of human
philosophy, culture and language. One
can’t conceive the concept of things
separately. According to the
Structuralism poem is full of
binary opposition and hasfinitesets of
things. In the very first couplet word *
curled/uncurled* are being used as
antonyms. Further *painted/
unpainted* are going opposite to each
other. Both are relational, we can’t
comprehend themselves separately.
Actually these words have been used
to show the transitory nature of beauty.
Because, nothing can’t stay forever. In

the next line we can see the word *

die*and to put it into the binary

opposition poet has used the word *

what then* *remain* * to show

existence or life. Next, Where the poet

used the word of *man*to show

masculinity he also used the word *

she* for feminity.It is also an

example of gender opposition. In the

very last line there is again words fail/

prevail which are making opposite


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