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' -it1ers, numbers and colours

Critical / Values
Maths: Number revtew Alphabet review
-, -
-.:ters Geography Letter names Understanding and conducting
Spelling interviews
Capital letters
, .tf out poems and songs Labels
0rganising and making charts
Making friends, working, playing
'- - rtformation and learning together
Maths: 1-10, simple problem
: : ?-SWCT
Families in different pafts of the world
,- , -: families Asking survey questions, creating and
.:: ?ct out poems and songs Social studies
discussing graphs
'_ jive instructions
How families work and play together
Physical education Shorl u
-. - a,,.t
song verse What games can we play?
Rhyming words
,, =-d act out poems, songs,
Creative problem solving
0uestion marks Compare and contrast
Read and act out Taking turns, speaking politely,
decodable story being a good spoft
- '_ " rformation Arts and crafts
, : .: k about pictures Shapes and colours
Short e
/ m (contractions)
What can we make with colours
. , 'rd act out poems, songs, Make puppets
and shapes?
Rhyming words
:: Recognising and reproducing
word patterns
Planning and making a quilt
Helping others
Cleaning up after ourselves
Science: Life cycles Short r, cf, sf
::aking What can you find on a farm?
Growing vegetables Tongue twisters
:'d act out stories, poems, Document growth of seeds
ldentify rhyming words lnterpreting diagrams
l' m/we' re (contractions) Story maps
: , ! l-S0S
: -s!//er information questions Taking care of plants and animals
is important
_ ability Music Short o How do we use our five senses?
_ . senses Science: Senses -erforms Making lists
: !iJt'! Arls and crafts: Making Compare minimal pairs Comparing things
instruments Rhyming sounds Understanding high and low sounds
lnclusion/awareness of disabi lity
Respecting differences

'-- ^formation
Arts and crafts: Making a Long e sound
, _: transpoftation How do we travel around?
helicopter Listen for sounds
: - -, ement Sclence: Hands-on
Classifying and identifying difference
:, ::lries, poemS exploration, shapes
between vehicles and movement
Keeping safe while using
:0mprehension Science and the environment
-: :::aking Long a spellings ai and ay Why is water impoftant?
Weather patterns Punctuation and capitals Providing examples to support ideas
Experimenl Things that float
i' : 3xpression Predicting outcomes
i i :1d act out stories, poems, Understanding nature and survival
Understanding the imporlance 0f water

: , -lmprehension: Routes Social studies: Living in cities -yendings What can you see, hear and do in a city?
, -. ,', here you live
Awareness of syllables lnterpreting maps
, : - ,,ersati0n
-:S Rhyming words lnterpreting poems
' :,:'"lS We can appreciate where we live
: -: Jlve things
We can respect different opinions

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