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Journal of the Physical Society of Japan

Vol. 77, No. 6, June, 2008, 063706

#2008 The Physical Society of Japan LETTERS

Magnetic Excitations in Heavy Electron State of Filled

Skutterudite Prx La1x Fe4 P12 (x ¼ 1:00 and 0.85)
Kazuaki I WASA, Lijie H AO, Tomoo HASEGAWAy, Kenji H ORIUCHIz,
Youichi M URAKAMI, Junya OTSUKI, Yoshio K URAMOTO, Masahumi K OHGI1 ,
Keitaro K UWAHARA1 x, Hitoshi SUGAWARA2 , Yuji A OKI1 , and Hideyuki S ATO1
Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0397
Department of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, The University of Tokushima, Tokushima 770-8502
(Received April 3, 2008; accepted April 15, 2008; published May 26, 2008)
PrFe4 P12 exhibits clear heavy electron behaviors as well as the phase transition to an antiferro-type
ordering of 4f electron state. In this paper, we report on inelastic neutron scattering results for powdered
samples of Prx La1x Fe4 P12 (x ¼ 1:00 and 0.85). A clear quasielastic magnetic response is observed, and
no distinct signal is seen for crystal-field (CF) excitations in the heavy electron state. A model with
strong hybridization between conduction electrons and Pr3þ 4f 2 electrons [J. Otsuki et al.: J. Phys. Soc.
Jpn. 74 (2005) 200 and 2082] is consistent with the observed magnetic response. This result shows that
the heavy electron behavior of Prx La1x Fe4 P12 (x ¼ 1:00 and 0.85) originates from the Kondo effect
associated with low-lying singlet–triplet CF states.

KEYWORDS: heavy electron, rare-earth filled skutterudite, neutron scattering, dynamical magnetic susceptibility
DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.77.063706

The heavy electron state in the system with two or more studies for single crystalline samples revealed an antiferro-
4f electrons per rare-earth ion has been actively studied magnetic component with the same q0 , induced by an
recently, after numerous studies on Ce-based compounds applied magnetic field in the low-temperature phase.14,15)
with one 4f electron per Ce ion.1) For example, PrInAg2 is a These experimental findings indicate the antiferro-type
typical heavy electron material, whose specific heat coef- ordering of Pr3þ ion 4f 2 electron multipoles. Recently, a
ficient takes a huge value of 6.5 J/(molK2 ) at low temper- scalar-type (1 -type) order parameter has been suggest-
atures.2) PrPb3 and the systems diluted by La substitution ed;16,17) this is analogous to the order parameter below the
also exhibit an enhancement of electronic mass, as observed metal–nonmetal transition of PrRu4 P12 .18,19)
in the specific heat.3) These materials have been studied as In the region where the ordered phase is destroyed by
candidates for the quadrupolar Kondo effect due to a non- external magnetic fields of 4 – 7 T, the electronic specific
Kramers doublet crystal-field (CF) ground state. heat coefficient for the T-linear term becomes as large
The rare-earth filled skutterudite compounds RT4 X12 as 1.4 J/(molK2 ).20) A cyclotron effective mass up to 81m0
(R = rare earth, T = transition metal, X = pnictogen) has been detected in a de Haas–van Alphen effect experi-
crystallizing in an Im3 cubic structure are ideal systems ment.21) The electrical resistivity behaves as  log T be-
for studying various physical properties.4,5) For example, tween 30 and 100 K. These phenomena can be attributed
PrOs4 Sb12 is famous for its superconductivity due to heavy to the Kondo effect. Hereafter, we concentrate on the
quasiparticles deduced from the huge jump of the specific dynamical properties of heavy electrons in PrFe4 P12 . The
heat at the transition temperature TC ¼ 1:85 K.6) NdFe4 P12 31
P-NMR study on the temperature variation of nuclear spin-
exhibits the  log T dependence of electrical resistivity lattice relaxation rate in PrFe4 P12 also suggested the Kondo
between 4 and 15 K, in contrast to the distinct ferromagnetic effect.22)
ordering at 1.9 K.7) SmOs4 Sb12 shows a heavy electron state Recently, Otsuki and coworkers provided a theoretical
being robust against a magnetic field.8,9) In this paper, we scenario for heavy electrons in the Pr-based skutterudite
focus on PrFe4 P12 . Before describing the heavy electron based on the p– f hybridization effect between 4f and
properties of this material, its phase transition should conduction electrons originating from pnictogen orbitals
be mentioned briefly. The low-temperature phase below with au symmetry.23,24) Under the Th point group of
TA ¼ 6:5 K at zero magnetic field has been found to be skutterudites, the J ¼ 4 multiplet of 4f 2 states splits into a
nonmagnetic, since neutron diffraction10) and SR11) experi- singlet 1 , a doublet 23 , and two triplets ð1Þ
4 and 4 .
ð2Þ 25)

ments did not reveal any magnetic signal. X-ray diffraction The triplets can be expressed as linear combinations of 4
experiment revealed a structural superlattice characterized and 5 for Oh symmetry. Considering the low-energy quasi-
by the wave vector q0 ¼ ð1; 0; 0Þ below TA .12) The Fermi- quartet scheme composed of a singlet and a triplet and
surface nesting condition with this wave vector is predicted hybridization effects in the Pr-based skutterudite, they
in a band calculation.13) Moreover, neutron diffraction derived an antiferromagnetic exchange coupling between
4f and conduction electrons. This theoretical argument

E-mail: suggested that the Kondo effect is responsible for the heavy
Present address: Bridgestone Corporation, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-8531. electron state in the 4f 2 systems. On the basis of this
Present address: The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., Hiratsuka, Kanagawa
254-8601. scenario, they derived a dynamical magnetic susceptibility.
Present address: Institute of Applied Beam Science, Ibaraki University, This result should be directly compared with the magnetic
Mito 310-8512. excitation spectrum obtained by neutron scattering.
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 77, No. 6 LETTERS K. IWASA et al.

0.06 0.06
PrFe4P12 T = 60 K Pr0.85La0.15Fe4P12 T = 50 K
0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0.00 0.00

S (E) [barn / meV / sr / Pr]

S(E) [barn / meV / sr / Pr]

0.06 0.06
T = 15 K T = 25 K
0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0.00 0.00

0.06 0.06
observed T = 1.5 K
T = 6.7 K 0.04 fitted
0.04 fitted

0.02 0.02

0.00 0.00
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Energy [meV]
Energy [meV]
Fig. 2. Open circles represent the scattering function of the powdered
Fig. 1. Open circles represent the scattering function of the powdered
sample of Pr0:85 La0:15 Fe4 P12 . Solid lines indicate results of the least-
sample of PrFe4 P12 . Solid lines indicate results of the least-squares fitting
squares fitting procedure based on eqs. (1) and (2).
procedure based on eqs. (1) and (2).

The La-substituted compound by 15% to Pr-ion sites of excitation peak was observed in the range up to 100 meV,
PrFe4 P12 does not undergo the low-temperature phase indicating the strong hybridization between 4f and con-
transition, and the large specific heat coefficient persists duction electrons. One can expect that the 4f electron CF
down to the lowest temperature.26) This fact is understood excited states will be located in the energy range less than
as the stabilization of the low-lying Kondo state by the 5 meV, as seen in the width of the quasielastic spectra at
suppression of the long-range nonmagnetic order due to the 1.5 K.
disruption of interactions between Pr ions. To derive experimentally the imaginary part 00 ðEÞ of the
To investigate experimentally the 4f electron contribution dynamical magnetic susceptibility, the following equation
to the heavy electron state, we performed inelastic neutron with a Lorentzian function was adopted for analysis.
scattering on Prx La1x Fe4 P12 (x ¼ 1:00 and 0.85) and 1 2 00
examined the aforementioned theory. A part of this study SðEÞ ¼ r02 fmag
ðnðEÞ þ 1Þ 2
 ðEÞ ð1Þ
ðgB Þ 3
has been published elsewhere.27–29)
ð0Þ E
Single crystals of Prx La1x Fe4 P12 (x ¼ 1:00, 0.85, and 00 ðEÞ ¼ 2 ð2Þ
0.00) were synthesized by the Sn-flux method, as described E þ 2
previously.4) Neutron inelastic scattering experiments for Here, r0 ¼ 0:539  1012 cm, fmag is the magnetic form
powdered samples from these single crystals were carried factor of Pr3þ , B is the Bohr magneton, and nðEÞ represents
out at the time-of-flight spectrometer LAM-D with large the Bose–Einstein distribution function. The spectrum of a
focus analyzer mirrors installed in the pulsed neutron facility heavy electron system might be composed of a quasielastic
KENS, KEK, Tsukuba (Japan). The final neutron energy was component and inelastic peaks of CF excitations. Within the
selected as 4.593 meV, and the energy resolution, 350 meV at present experimental accuracy, the quasielastic and inelastic
the elastic scattering position. The sample temperatures were components cannot be dissolved. Therefore, we adopted the
controlled with a liquid helium cryostat or a helium-gas simple form of 00 ðEÞ expressed by eq. (2). The validity of
closed-cycle refrigerator. this analysis will be discussed in the comparison with the
Figure 1 shows the measured scattering function SðEÞ as a theoretical result. Least-squares fitting was performed using
function of excitation energy E above TA of PrFe4 P12 . This this spectral form with the free parameters ð0Þ and  . The
result was obtained after the normalization of scattered instrumental resolution is convoluted for the data except for
intensity using the energy dependence of incident neutron the incoherent scattering contribution around E ¼ 0. The
intensity and subtractions of backgrounds estimated from results shown by lines in Figs. 1 and 2 reproduce satisfac-
the measurements without the samples, as well as phonon torily the experimental data. The  and ð0Þ obtained as
contributions estimated from the measurement of LaFe4 P12 . functions of temperature are shown in Fig. 3. The  shown
The intensities were transformed into the absolute values in Fig. 3(a) exhibits a monotonic increase with increasing
of the scattering cross section using the incoherent scat- temperature, as observed in typical heavy electron systems.
tering intensity from the standard vanadium sample. We The ð0Þ shown in Fig. 3(b) increases with a decrease in
observed quasielastic spectra whose widths are much larger temperature and exhibits a saturating behavior at the lowest
than the energy resolution. A similar quasielastic magnetic temperature of the disordered state. Such a behavior is
response is observed in the SðEÞ of Pr0:85 La0:15 Fe4 P12 down similar to the Pauli paramagnetic feature of the typical heavy
to 1.5 K, as shown in Fig. 2. For both compounds, no CF electron systems.
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 77, No. 6 LETTERS K. IWASA et al.

60 electrons. On the other hand, PrOs4 Sb12 and PrRu4 Sb12

(a) exhibit well-defined CF peaks (less hybridization) owing to
50 PrFe4P12 the low-lying scheme of 1 and ð2Þ 4 that is dominantly
Pr0.85La0.15Fe4P12 composed of 5 . This is consistent with the theoretical result
40 1/2
fitted (T ) indicating that the 5 excited state does not contribute to
Γ [K]

30 the Kondo effect. Therefore, the low-energy scheme in

Prx La1x Fe4 P12 is dominated by the 4 characteristic. This
inference for the low-energy scheme was also given by the
10 NCA analysis of magnetization anisotropy.20)
(J1ρc = 0.22, ΔCF = 22 K)
The temperature
pffiffiffiffi dependence of  is close to a function
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 proportional to T , as shown by a broken line in Fig. 3(a).
This feature has often been observed in typical heavy
Temperature [K]
fermion compounds, but it is not sufficient to conclude the
Kondo effect with the expected low-lying CF state. To
(b) discuss this in detail, we examined the theory based on the
0.3 PrFe4P12 non-crossing approximation (NCA) considering the expect-
χ (0)/(gμB) [K ]


ed low-lying CF levels. The present measurements were

0.2 carried out for the powdered sample with the wide-area

neutron analyzer mirrors. This condition yielded the average

magnetic response over the reciprocal space (Brillouin
0.1 NCA zone), and the data was regarded as the Pr-ion single-site
(J1ρc = 0.22) response. Thus, we directly compared the experimental
(ΔCF = 22 K) result with the NCA calculation of 00 ðEÞ for the single-site
0 1 2 Pr-ion state. The parameters in the NCA calculation are the
10 10 10
product of the antiferromagnetic exchange coupling J1 and
Temperature [K] the conduction electron density of states c , as well as
Fig. 3. Symbols represent the (a)  and (b) ð0Þ of PrFe4 P12 and
the splitting energy CF between the singlet and triplet
Pr0:85 La0:15 Fe4 P12 determined from the present neutron scattering states. We chose J1 c ¼ 0:22 and the bare CF splitting
measurements. Solid lines indicate the NCA results for J1 c ¼ 0:22 CF ¼ 22 K. The magnitude of J1 c should be sufficiently
and the bare CF splitting CF ¼ 22 K between the singlet and triplet large to produce the dominant quasielastic response, as seen
states. A broken line represents
pffiffiffiffi the result of least-squares fitting of a in Fig. 10(b) of ref. 24 that is consistent with the present
function proportional to T to the data points of the  of PrFe4 P12 and
Pr0:85 La0:15 Fe4 P12 .
analysis result based on eq. (2). The calculated result for 
is shown by the solid line in Fig. 3(a), where the low-
temperature magnitudes of the calculated and experimental-
ly determined spectral widths  become close to each other.
To understand the overdamped magnetic excitation It should be mentioned that CF is renormalized to be about
spectra in Prx La1x Fe4 P12 , we first discuss the CF scheme 10 K by the interaction with conduction electrons, and the
by comparing it with those of other Pr-filled skutterudite results are insensitive to the choice of smaller CF . The
compounds. PrRu4 P12 , which exhibits a metal–nonmetal overall feature of monotonic increase obtained by reducing
phase transition at TM{I ¼ 63 K, has a 1 singlet ground state T together with a steep variation in the lower T region well
above TM{I [1 (0 meV)–ð1Þ ð2Þ
4 (5.87 meV)–4 (10.83 meV)– reproduces the experimental features. The discrepancy
23 (13.27 meV)]. This compound exhibits a very broad observed in the higher temperature range may partly be
magnetic spectrum near TM{I as in the case of Prx La1x - due to contributions of higher-energy CF levels, which were
Fe4 P12 , while the CF excitations become sharp and their not considered in the calculation.
levels depend on temperature below TM{I .30) The scheme Figure 3(b) shows the static magnetic susceptibility
of the superconductor PrOs4 Sb12 is 1 (0 meV)–ð2Þ 4 determined by the analysis of the dynamical data. Note that
(0.68 meV)–ð1Þ4 (11.6 meV)–23 (17.7 meV).
Although the experimental susceptibility is not for the response against
the peaks of CF excitations in neutron scattering spectra a homogeneous magnetic field, but for the local response
become slightly broader with increasing temperature through mentioned above. The solid line in Fig. 3(b) shows the
TC , the well-defined peaks are observed in the entire calculated result for ð0Þ against temperature with the same
temperature range, in contrast to the present result for values of J1 c and CF as those in Fig. 3(a). The data point
Prx La1x Fe4 P12 . PrRu4 Sb12 has the scheme 1 (0 meV)–ð2Þ 4 at 1.5 K of Pr0:85 La0:15 Fe4 P12 is very close to the NCA
(5.26 meV)–ð1Þ4 (11.83 meV)–23 (15.79 meV),33) and its calculation. Since 00 ðEÞ at this low temperature should be
spectrum is composed of much sharper peaks than the dominated by the lower singlet–triplet levels, the good
quasielastic response of Prx La1x Fe4 P12 . agreement is reasonable. Namely, the experimentally deter-
The possible origin of the heavy electron behavior in mined  and ð0Þ of Prx La1x Fe4 P12 at the lowest temper-
Prx La1x Fe4 P12 has been discussed theoretically.23,24) The ature are reproduced well by the NCA calculation. We
authors considered the scheme with the singlet ground state emphasize that the value (0.22) of the exchange coupling
1 and the excited triplets 4 or 5 . The scheme with the 4 J1 c is of central importance, and the value of CF is not
excited state gives rise to an antiferromagnetic c– f exchange crucial as long as it is about 22 K or smaller. In this sense, no
interaction, which causes the Kondo effect producing heavy free parameters have been left in fitting ð0Þ. This indicates
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 77, No. 6 LETTERS K. IWASA et al.

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Acknowledgment 21) H. Sugawara, T. D. Matsuda, K. Abe, Y. Aoki, H. Sato, S. Nojiri, Y.
Inada, R. Settai, and Y. Ōnuki: Phys. Rev. B 66 (2002) 134411.
Professor J.-G. Park is acknowledged for his valuable 22) K. Ishida, H. Murakawa, K. Kitagawa, Y. Ihara, H. Kotegawa, M.
discussion on the neutron scattering data. This study is Yogi, Y. Kitaoka, B.-L. Young, M. S. Rose, D. E. MacLaughlin, H.
supported in part by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Sugawara, T. D. Matsuda, Y. Aoki, H. Sato, and H. Harima: Phys.
(Nos. 15072206, 15740219, and 1604659) from the Min- Rev. B 71 (2005) 024424.
23) J. Otsuki, H. Kusunose, and Y. Kuramoto: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74 (2005)
istry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 200.
Japan and Yamada Science Foundation. The neutron 24) J. Otsuki, H. Kusunose, and Y. Kuramoto: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74 (2005)
scattering experiments were performed under the User 2082.
Program conducted by KENS, KEK. One of the authors 25) K. Takegahara, H. Harima, and A. Yanase: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 70
(L.H.) thanks the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2001) 1190 [Errata; 70 (2001) 3468, 71 (2002) 372].
26) Y. Aoki, T. Namiki, T. D. Matsuda, H. Sugawara, and H. Sato: J. Phys.
(JSPS) for the financial support provided to her as a JSPS Chem. Solids 63 (2002) 1201.
Fellow. 27) K. Iwasa, L. Hao, M. Nakajima, M. Kohgi, H. Sugawara, Y. Aoki, H.
Sato, and T. D. Matsuda: Acta Phys. Pol. B 34 (2003) 1117.
28) J.-G. Park, D. T. Adroja, K. A. McEwen, M. Kohgi, and K. Iwasa:
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