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Peace Week




Hello! It is the Peace Week.

May we be reminded that today more than any other is the time to be more compassionate to
other people

“Shaping Peace Together”

One day we realize that it was not the same normal that we used to. Hundreds and thousands of
heartbreaking pandemic stories have surfaced on Facebook, TV news, and other social
networking sites which reminds us that though for some this is a blessing in disguise to unite
their families and had more time to spend together with, which is okay, know that many out
there are struggling and crying for help. Those instances are there to remind us to be MORE
COMPASSIONATE. Know that in simple ways, YOU CAN HELP. May people also realize that
this is not the moment for our selfish desires and this is not a competition of who has more to
give but the time that even the smallest amount of money and your sincerest smile could
brighten up someone’s day. Remember that this pandemic is not a joke. It has claim lives,
separate families and lose people’s means of living. If you are reading this in your couch at home
while sipping your favourite milktea, consider yourself as blessed. If you are blessed, you can
share it by simply being kind to others because this is not just an individual battle, it must be a
team effort that needs cooperation and teamwork. We must work on this together. Lastly, do not
stop praying, for he is listening. Do not lose hope. We will get through this because this too shall

We can take little steps by simply not going out if it is not important, do not cancel orders

You can help our front liners by staying at home and following the health protocols, you can help
online businesses by not cancelling your orders on last minute, people now are shifting to online
businesses, you can buy from them, if you have an extra mask, give those who doesn’t have, stop
with your overpricing, it is not the time for that and lastly help your mental health by developing
and discovering hobbies like cooking, baking, planting and painting.
For Plato, happiness is the highest moral thought and conduct. He believes that a rational
person is happy because he chooses the successful, easy and enjoyable path. We all have our
own definition of happiness. For some it is the good grades, new gadget, new house, new
appliances, latest iPhone or a travel abroad. But for Plato it is not the physical things but on how
we live. According to Plato, to be truly happy, you have to live life with moral and by following
the four cardinal rules: Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice.

When he say temperance, it is when you treat your desires in moderation because our desires is
said to be a contributing factor in shaping our character . He also believed that fortitude is a way
to attain happiness because he believes that if you are courageous and you have the fighting
spirit then you will be able to reach your goals, resist temptation and be happy. Then prudence,
since he believes that a person needs to be able to self-govern and be mindful, in this way he/she
learns to control extreme emotions and from unhappiness.

Lastly, for Plato’s fourth virtue, justice which reflects on our own character wherein he
emphasizes that on our way to attain our goals, it is also important to help others to flourish. A
person with honor is a just person. To conclude, yes, happiness can be obtained by physical
things but those are only passing moments, new things will get old but the morals and values
you live will always be with you.

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