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3 OF


6 Located at

7 Lee County Sheriff's Office

14750 Six Mile Cypress Parkway
8 Fort Myers, FL 33912

9 on

10 January 20, 2021, at 2:00 p.m.



13 R. Frank Myers, Esquire

Law Office of R. Frank Myers
14 12331 Towne Lake Drive, Suite 9
Fort Myers, FL 33913-8016
15 Email:

Richard Guin
17 Certified Deposition Video Specialist
Deborah M. Bruns
19 Florida Professional Reporter


21 ______________________________


1601 Jackson Street, Suite 103
23 Fort Myers, FL 33901
(239) 245-8695



Statement........................................... 3
Certificate of Reporter............................. 43


















(239) 245-8695


2 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are on the record. This is

3 the video recorded statement of Lieutenant David Lebid.

4 We are located at 14750 Six Mile Cypress, Fort Myers,

5 Florida, 33912. Today's date is January 20th, 2021,

6 and the time is approximately 2:03 p.m.

7 My name is Richard Guin, certified deposition

8 video specialist. The court reporter is Debbie Bruns

9 from Accurate Reporters, LLC.

10 Could the court reporter please swear in the

11 witness.

12 THE REPORTER: Would you raise your right hand to

13 be sworn. Do you swear or affirm to testify to the

14 truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

15 LT. LEBID: I do.

16 MR. MYERS: Good afternoon. My name is Frank

17 Myers. I am Sandy Modell's attorney here to talk to

18 you about an event that occurred almost five years ago.

19 What is your full name?

20 LT. LEBID: David Michael Lebid, L-E-B-I-D.

21 MR. MYERS: Mr. Lebid, do you understand that I am

22 having this conversation recorded, digitally recorded,

23 and the video could be shown to someone else?

24 LT. LEBID: Yes, sir.

25 MR. MYERS: Thank you.


(239) 245-8695

1 What is your current business address?

2 LT. LEBID: 14750 Six -- which is spelled out,

3 S-I-X -- Mile Cypress Parkway in the city of Fort

4 Myers, state of Florida, 33912.

5 MR. MYERS: If someone were looking to contact

6 you, what phone number would they use to call you?

7 LT. LEBID: The main phone number is 239-477-1000;

8 and if you needed my direct desk phone number, it's

9 239-477-1412.

10 MR. MYERS: All right, thank you.

11 Were you one of the homicide detectives assigned

12 to investigate the death of Ryan Modell back in March

13 of 2016?

14 LT. LEBID: Yes.

15 MR. MYERS: And back then, in March of 2016, was

16 there a murder as far as you are concerned here today?

17 LT. LEBID: Yes.

18 MR. MYERS: In other words, in your professional

19 opinion, did James Taylor murder Ryan Modell on March

20 20th, 2016?

21 LT. LEBID: After gathering the facts, my

22 understanding of it was yes.

23 MR. MYERS: So back then did you participate in

24 conducting a thorough investigation of the facts that

25 were underlying Ryan Modell's murder?


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1 LT. LEBID: Yes.

2 MR. MYERS: Would you just, in summary, tell me

3 what efforts were -- were made by your department in

4 order to investigate the death.

5 LT. LEBID: During the inception of that event,

6 which occurred in the late -- late night/early morning

7 hours into March 20th, so around 2:29 a.m. is when we

8 finally received the phone call -- when I say "we

9 finally," meaning Lee County Sheriff's Office because

10 initially the 911 call went to the City of Cape Coral

11 Police Department's 911, and then they transferred it

12 to Lee County Sheriff's Office.

13 So within about a minute of that, Lee County

14 Sheriff's Office deputies that worked that specific

15 area where the incident occurred were on their way; and

16 within approximately five or six minutes, one of the

17 first deputies was on scene.

18 So upon making contact with Mr. Taylor and

19 discovering the body of Mr. Ryan Modell, initial

20 deputies and the supervisor secured a crime scene and

21 made sure Mr. Taylor was detained to be spoken to, and

22 tried to protect the evidence as best they could.

23 There was a little bit of inclement weather -- some

24 rain was coming in -- so they took the best steps they

25 could with trying to preserve whatever they were able


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1 to observe in the dark night. And eventually the Major

2 Crimes Unit was called, and at the time I was

3 functioning as a sergeant in that unit, and I was on

4 the on-call rotation, so I was working it from the

5 position of a sergeant overseeing a handful of

6 detectives. And in conjunction with the detectives, we

7 utilized our Forensics Division to make sure they

8 memorialized the scene through video and photographs

9 and aerial photography, to collect all the evidence, to

10 document what we -- we saw when we saw it so that we

11 could put it together later on and try and tell a

12 thorough story.

13 With that, the detectives completed a neighborhood

14 canvas and spoke to whoever heard something or saw

15 something, tried to gather any kind of background they

16 could on the people living in that area. We attempted

17 to speak with Mr. Taylor in the beginning. He declined

18 to speak with us and wanted to have legal counsel

19 present, so we held off on that.

20 MR. MYERS: So he exercised his Miranda rights?

21 LT. LEBID: Yes, he did.

22 MR. MYERS: All right, go ahead.

23 LT. LEBID: And we did a search warrant on his

24 residence because part of the event occurred within the

25 threshold of his residence, and led out to the -- the


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1 street and then to a whole other unit adjacent or

2 almost next door to that unit that he lived in, as well

3 as --

4 MR. MYERS: Which was how far away, the unit that

5 Mr. Modell actually lived in, approximately?

6 LT. LEBID: Oh, okay. Well, when you look at it

7 like that, you have where Mr. Taylor lives, and then he

8 killed Ryan one like whole -- it's a large structure.

9 It's like four units in one. Just to the -- if you're

10 looking at it, to the right of it, but Ryan actually

11 lived across the street. So he was obviously turned

12 around and was confused about where he was.

13 MR. MYERS: Okay. Now, it's been about five years

14 since this incident, right?

15 LT. LEBID: Almost.

16 MR. MYERS: To your knowledge, has any part of a

17 proper investigation been skipped, or is the

18 investigation lacking in any way?

19 LT. LEBID: No. I've poured over it just because

20 of different things that have come up over the years,

21 and no. It's tricky because you have two people

22 primarily involved that know what happened, and one's

23 deceased, so you have to go off the word of the main

24 person who survived. And then, with that, we tried to

25 measure the evidence and look at the different evidence


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1 that was on the scene to see if it matched up and

2 corroborated the witness testimony. And, yes, it's

3 a -- it's a high-stress environment so people may

4 forget things, or they may remember things differently

5 because of all the natural things that occur. And then

6 we try to rely on the different testimony from people

7 that heard noises to try and help develop a timeline to

8 see if it made sense, to see if there were any gaps in

9 anything. And looking at all of it, I'd say, yes, we

10 did a thorough investigation with what we knew at the

11 time.

12 It's hard to try and go back and then you see

13 maybe pitfalls but -- that sometimes you say, oh, we

14 didn't know this at the time or whatever. And in this

15 case the only thing I think I would have done -- I wish

16 we would have been able to do faster was try and get

17 blood drawn from Mr. Taylor right away, but there were

18 delays with trying to get someone who would actually

19 draw the blood from him. So by the time the body

20 search warrant was actually executed, we're talking --

21 this happened around 2:30 in the morning; and if I

22 remember correctly, this was somewhere around 9

23 something in the morning, so any kind of any really

24 valuable blood evidence that would have indicated a

25 blood alcohol content wasn't going to be useful


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1 anymore.

2 MR. MYERS: Did Mr. Taylor ever admit to you or

3 any of the investigators that he had actually taken the

4 life of Mr. Modell?

5 LT. LEBID: The -- in the beginning when the first

6 sergeant was on scene -- well, the first deputy that

7 was on scene said that he spontaneously uttered -- you

8 know, I -- it's something to the effect of -- and I'm

9 paraphrasing -- I shot that guy.

10 MR. MYERS: And so shot that guy with what kind of

11 firearm?

12 LT. LEBID: It was later learned it was a Glock

13 10mm.

14 MR. MYERS: Was that Glock 10mm taken into

15 evidence?

16 LT. LEBID: Yes.

17 MR. MYERS: Is it still in evidence five years

18 later?

19 LT. LEBID: Yes, I believe it's still in evidence.

20 MR. MYERS: Okay. Based on that investigation we

21 were talking about earlier, did you ever identify any

22 legal justification for Taylor killing Ryan Modell?

23 LT. LEBID: At the time it was hard to determine

24 because, again, our primary witness wouldn't talk to

25 us. So he initially said to deputies something to the


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1 effect of he -- he charged me or he rushed me or

2 something like that to explain why he did what he did,

3 but what we couldn't understand initially at face value

4 was why -- why did that confrontation happen out here

5 when you live here, and now you're well over a hundred

6 feet, if not more, out from your house and then further

7 over into another unit, another driveway entirely.

8 MR. MYERS: Did anyone take a statement from

9 Mr. Taylor's wife?

10 LT. LEBID: Yes, we spoke with Patrice.

11 MR. MYERS: All right. Based on Patrice Taylor's

12 statement and anything that you learned from Mr. Taylor

13 during the investigation, would you tell me what you

14 believe were the series of events that took place from

15 just before the 911 call was made until the time when

16 Mr. Taylor murdered Mr. Modell.

17 LT. LEBID: After reviewing what we learned from

18 Mrs. Taylor's statement, it sounds like they were

19 asleep. It was the middle of the night. Both Mr. and

20 Mrs. Taylor were in their bed, and they were woken up

21 by a loud noise, whether it was yelling or banging or

22 both at the same time, so they tried to figure it out

23 and went to the door.

24 And I don't know exactly how that evolved right

25 away, did they try and speak through the door first or


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1 through the window or just open the door a little bit;

2 but at some point the door opened up, and Ryan Modell

3 tried to force his way in.

4 By that point, my understanding was that both

5 Mr. and Mrs. Taylor shared the sentiment of, wow, this

6 guy's confused. I think he's at the wrong place. I

7 think he may be under the influence because of the way

8 he's speaking to us, because of the way he's acting at

9 the door, and he doesn't belong here, and we want him

10 to go away.

11 So that led to, I guess, Mr. Modell -- or, excuse

12 me, Mr. Taylor trying to convey that face to face. The

13 door opened. Ryan tried to come in. Mr. Taylor was

14 able to force him out, and it caused an injury to

15 Ryan's foot. There was actual blood in the threshold

16 of the doorway proving that Ryan was somewhere he

17 didn't belong. And then Ryan left.

18 So eventually we learned that Patrice said she

19 called 911, and she realized that she wasn't talking to

20 who she needed to, and they were trying to forward her

21 to the right 911. So eventually -- and I was listening

22 to it recently -- she said, "Is this the Fort Myers

23 911?"

24 And they're like, "This is 911, yes, ma'am. We're

25 trying to help you." And you could tell that she


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1 probably had a conversation before and was confused and

2 just wanted help. So they said, no, we have -- we have

3 deputies coming to you. We have people coming to you.

4 "Are you in the house?"

5 "Yes. My husband is outside."

6 "Tell him to come inside."

7 "Okay." And she said she did.

8 So what confused me is somehow during that initial

9 911 call, around 2:29-ish in the morning on the 20th,

10 within a matter of five or so minutes not only were

11 Mr. and Mrs. Taylor not both in the house, but

12 Mr. Taylor left the safety of his house, left his wife

13 behind and told her to lock the door, and then went out

14 looking for Ryan, which I don't understand why because

15 the goal was I don't want you in my house, you have the

16 wrong house, and I thought, in my estimation, well,

17 that was accomplished.

18 MR. MYERS: Well, wasn't Ryan dressed in tactical

19 gear, you know, with all kinds of weapons on him?

20 LT. LEBID: This was especially frustrating to me

21 because Ryan was shirtless, he was wearing shorts, kind

22 of like a board short/bathing suit style, and he had

23 some kind of sandals or flip-flops or whatever

24 vernacular you want to choose to -- to cover that, and

25 that was about it. There was no obvious area to


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1 conceal any kind of weapon.

2 And I know that Mr. Taylor is not a police

3 officer, but he did explain to us that he's a military

4 veteran. So from knowing veterans and having veterans

5 in my family, you're taught about how dangerous hands

6 are and how hands can kill you, as well as concealment.

7 You're taught about where a weapon could be and where

8 you look for that, so that way you can tell people to

9 stay back and not come close to you. So I don't know

10 what his actual training is but --

11 MR. MYERS: Did -- did Mr. Taylor ever confess to

12 one of your investigators that he -- that Ryan Modell

13 actually had nothing in his hands at the time that he

14 confronted him?

15 LT. LEBID: Yes, he did. He actually said that

16 when he finally found Ryan, he had to exit his unit,

17 which is at the back if you're facing their

18 structure -- it's kind of a quadplex where you have two

19 places on the bottom, you have two places on the top;

20 and if you're facing where he lives, he lives to the

21 right. So the first kind of cut off the sidewalk leads

22 you to upstairs, if I remember correctly.

23 MR. MYERS: Like a door that leads you up the

24 staircase?

25 LT. LEBID: Right. And then if you continue down


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1 that sidewalk, that door leads you to the unit that's

2 on the first floor, which is the unit that Mr. and

3 Mrs. Taylor reside in. So he had to exit that unit,

4 come all the way down this long sidewalk, and then

5 still couldn't see Ryan. He had to go towards the

6 center of where the garage doors are to where a water

7 spigot was, and there he found Ryan --

8 MR. MYERS: Pause.

9 And this was approximately, according to the

10 testimony, how long after the confrontation at the

11 front door in which Ryan Modell's foot was injured?

12 LT. LEBID: That's -- that's up for debate

13 depending on memory recall, but whether you call it

14 well after or not -- in high-stress situations, seconds

15 can feel like minutes, and it was a long enough period

16 of time where Mr. Taylor made a plan with his wife to

17 tell her to call 911, stay inside, lock the door, got

18 his gun --

19 MR. MYERS: He had to take time to retrieve his

20 gun.

21 LT. LEBID: Right. And initially that was also

22 one of the things that was a point of contention. Oh,

23 did I answer the door armed? Oh, I -- I had my gun

24 with me. That doesn't make sense to me because if you

25 have a gun in your hand, and you have to fight someone


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1 in a doorway, you're telling me you're one-handed?

2 After you told me that you have the -- your age and

3 you're out of shape, and this guy is a bigger guy,

4 because you've now -- Mr. Taylor eventually described

5 Ryan as a bigger guy, and he was a bigger guy. So

6 you're going to one-handed fight a bigger guy, because

7 you have a gun -- I don't know if he's doing high-port

8 carry or low-ready or whatever -- and bash his foot in

9 the -- in the doorway and then be able to close it? So

10 then what? Did you set the gun down, did you put it in

11 your armpit, and then turn the deadbolt? It doesn't

12 make sense.

13 MR. MYERS: Uh-huh.

14 LT. LEBID: So chances are he was unarmed at that

15 moment because it's 2 something in the morning, and

16 he -- maybe he just was going to the door to have a

17 conversation. I don't -- I still, for the life of me,

18 don't understand why he -- he did.

19 MR. MYERS: Do the facts support a possible

20 scenario that Mr. Taylor -- after he locked Ryan Modell

21 out, that Mr. Taylor went back to a bedroom or a secure

22 place, retrieved the handgun, the Glock, and then

23 proceeded out the front door?

24 LT. LEBID: That's what makes the most sense.

25 MR. MYERS: If that makes the most sense, would


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1 that, as far as your training tells you, constitute the

2 kind of premeditated murder that normally gets someone

3 charged with first-degree murder?

4 LT. LEBID: Premeditated is an appropriate word

5 because it involved a lot of thinking before the next

6 thing that occurred, but in that situation -- we'll

7 never really know Mr. Taylor's mindset other than I

8 don't think he was afraid, because if he was afraid, he

9 wouldn't have left his residence. Scared people

10 usually don't leave their residence and leave their

11 loved one behind, from safety, especially when the

12 primary entry point was through a big garage door or

13 through that side door there, because the rear area is

14 screened in without a screen door. So to come in

15 through there, you'd have to defeat screens, which

16 would give you time. It would give you a reactionary

17 gap to retreat to another bedroom where you can then

18 barricade the door, if you wanted to, but you don't

19 have to because you're in your home.

20 MR. MYERS: Right.

21 LT. LEBID: You could do what you need to do then.

22 But that's not what happened.

23 So, yes, at this time the facts of the case

24 suggested to me that whatever happened outside of that

25 door after that initial contact was an entirely


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1 separate event.

2 MR. MYERS: Okay. So we're going to go to the

3 separate event in a second. But as far as the event --

4 the first event ending where Ryan Modell shows up at

5 the wrong apartment -- wrong townhouse, and he's at the

6 front door, that first event, we know -- or do you know

7 from your investigation that Mr. Taylor secured the

8 door such that Ryan was on the outside, and Mr. and

9 Mrs. Taylor were on the inside at some point during

10 that first incident?

11 LT. LEBID: Yes.

12 MR. MYERS: Do you know whether Mr. Taylor then

13 left his wife in the home to go out the front door

14 to -- to start to our second incident we're going to

15 talk about in a second?

16 LT. LEBID: Yes.

17 MR. MYERS: And -- but you don't know for sure

18 whether Mr. Taylor had the handgun with him at the

19 front door the first time, or whether he retreated,

20 obtained the handgun, and then went forward to track

21 down Ryan Modell?

22 LT. LEBID: Correct.

23 MR. MYERS: And if he did, he formed -- he took

24 the time to form an intent to pursue Mr. Modell for

25 whatever reason.


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1 LT. LEBID: Yes.

2 MR. MYERS: Did he ever admit to you that he -- he

3 had decided to go pursue Mr. Modell?

4 LT. LEBID: I don't think he phrased it like that.

5 I -- I'd have to refer --

6 MR. MYERS: Yeah.

7 LT. LEBID: -- to the transcript to --

8 MR. MYERS: Okay.

9 LT. LEBID: -- see how he phrased it exactly, but

10 he did go looking for him. And what confused me was

11 through -- through the initial criminal investigation,

12 and then later on the civil lawsuits, the transcripts

13 that I looked at where it tried to flesh it out in more

14 detail -- because during the criminal investigation,

15 when we actually obtained a statement from Mr. Taylor

16 with his attorney present, it was kind of limited.

17 MR. MYERS: Okay.

18 LT. LEBID: It was not -- I didn't get to

19 participate in it. The investigator that did it and

20 the supervisor that did it tried to elicit more

21 details, and the statement was very limited, in my

22 opinion.

23 MR. MYERS: And at the end of the first

24 incident -- that I am calling the first incident, did

25 Mrs. Taylor say anything about that she thought


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1 Mr. Modell might have been confused about which

2 townhome he lived in?

3 LT. LEBID: She did.

4 MR. MYERS: Did she say to the 911 operator that

5 he's probably confused because all of these houses look

6 alike?

7 LT. LEBID: Something like that. Something like

8 that, yes.

9 MR. MYERS: All right.

10 LT. LEBID: She -- she -- I remember her saying

11 that she thinks this guy is confused.

12 MR. MYERS: And -- and then what did the 911

13 operator tell them once -- she apparently is on the

14 phone at the same time -- hears that the front door has

15 been secured with Mr. Modell outside?

16 LT. LEBID: The 911 operator cautioned her that,

17 good, stay inside. The door's locked. You know, we

18 have people coming.

19 MR. MYERS: From your review of the 911

20 transcript, did it appear that Mr. Taylor and

21 Mrs. Taylor were inside the house at the time that the

22 911 operator gave that advice?

23 LT. LEBID: It was hard to tell. I listened to

24 it, and it was hard to tell because she -- you could

25 tell Mrs. Taylor was upset, and you could tell she was


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1 afraid, or she sounded like it to me.

2 MR. MYERS: Okay.

3 LT. LEBID: And she was who I primarily heard,

4 between her, Mrs. Taylor, and the 911 operator. I

5 never really -- I don't remember hearing Mr. Taylor

6 much in the background, but I remember her saying, "Oh,

7 he's outside. He's in the driveway."

8 "Tell him to come back inside."

9 And, okay, she agrees to do that. So at some

10 point she's telling him to come back in. So, again,

11 for the life of me, I can't understand why you would go

12 out, but that's what he did.

13 MR. MYERS: From your investigation, after the

14 first incident had come to some sort of end, did it

15 appear that Mr. Modell had left the front door and went

16 out toward the street?

17 LT. LEBID: Something to that effect because, like

18 I said, if you're looking at pictures of the structure,

19 as the sidewalk goes down, and you have your first

20 entryway to that second-floor unit, and then you have

21 your second entryway further back to the first-floor

22 unit, there's a little bit of a distance to where maybe

23 he was standing out there and just kind of trying to

24 look around the corner, maybe look around the bushes

25 and see if that guy was still there, which, again, if


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1 you're afraid, and you lock yourself in your door (sic)

2 to protect your wife and yourself because of your age,

3 your physical abilities, and whatever else, I don't

4 know why you go out looking for him. That's your

5 right. It's your property. You want to -- you rent

6 that property. You want to look around, go for it, but

7 how can you see behind you?

8 MR. MYERS: Give me an idea approximately what the

9 distance is from the Taylors' front door to the street

10 in front of their residence.

11 LT. LEBID: It's over 50 feet.

12 MR. MYERS: All right, just an idea.

13 LT. LEBID: Some -- something like that.

14 MR. MYERS: So it wasn't like 10 feet?

15 LT. LEBID: No.

16 MR. MYERS: And so then --

17 LT. LEBID: And it's pretty dark out there.

18 MR. MYERS: Now we're going to turn to where Ryan

19 Modell's murdered body was found. Approximately how

20 far from that front door was the body found? And "that

21 door" being the Jacksons' (sic) front door.

22 LT. LEBID: Okay. So if you're the Taylors, and

23 you're coming out of your door, the moment you walk out

24 of your door, you're going to see the next big

25 structure that's pretty much identical to yours. But


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1 there's that doorway where your unit -- where you would

2 access your unit, and then there's the next doorway

3 forward where you would access that second-store (sic)

4 unit, and then there's a corner; and that's where the

5 driveway begins because, again, you have these garages

6 that are in the front.

7 MR. MYERS: Big driveways for four different cars

8 to pull into four --

9 LT. LEBID: Right.

10 MR. MYERS: -- different spaces?

11 LT. LEBID: Right.

12 MR. MYERS: Go ahead.

13 LT. LEBID: So you'd have to turn the corner, and

14 then you'd have to continue down to where -- kind of

15 the middle of this very large driveway is where there's

16 garage doors now. So you couldn't see it from that

17 door.

18 MR. MYERS: Okay. It's around the corner.

19 LT. LEBID: Uh-huh.

20 MR. MYERS: So if it's approximately 50 feet to

21 the street, how far did Mr. Taylor have to move his

22 body to get to the point where Ryan Modell's body was

23 found? I realize there was movement --

24 LT. LEBID: Right.

25 MR. MYERS: -- before he was -- he was killed, but


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1 how far is that approximately?

2 LT. LEBID: I'd say it's approximately over a

3 hundred feet because of -- it's not like a straight

4 shot. You have to go down towards the street, you'd

5 have to make a left, and then you'd have to go through

6 the yard in -- into the driveway towards where Ryan was

7 found.

8 MR. MYERS: How long have you been in law

9 enforcement?

10 LT. LEBID: Since July 1st, 2004.

11 MR. MYERS: And in that 17 years, approximately,

12 have you become familiar with how to charge someone

13 with a crime?

14 LT. LEBID: Yes.

15 MR. MYERS: And did you become familiar with the

16 kind of laws that Florida has for the use and

17 brandishing of handguns?

18 LT. LEBID: Yes.

19 MR. MYERS: Okay. So just looking at a -- a

20 snapshot, if Mr. Taylor is outside with a handgun and

21 he's trying to find Ryan Modell, and he comes up to

22 him, and he shows him the handgun --

23 LT. LEBID: Uh-huh.

24 MR. MYERS: -- what do you call that, that action?

25 LT. LEBID: Well, depending on the scenario -- so


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1 leading up to that moment in time, Ryan just tried to

2 force his way into his house.

3 MR. MYERS: Right.

4 LT. LEBID: So Ryan is maybe trying to commit a

5 burglary, maybe Ryan is trespassing, whatever you want

6 to go towards that direction, but Mr. and Mrs. Taylor

7 were able to defeat that. They stopped it. So now

8 he's out looking for Ryan, and when he comes upon

9 Ryan -- and I'm not going to go too far because I

10 see -- I think I see where you're going with this.

11 Ryan is sitting Indian style. He's not committing a

12 crime.

13 MR. MYERS: And he's not on the -- the Taylor

14 property.

15 LT. LEBID: That could be debated. If you want to

16 say that large driveway that's shared by four units,

17 that's one of the -- that's part -- technically, they

18 have a right to part of that driveway because they're

19 renting that unit, but it's not even in -- it's not

20 that close to them, and it's beyond structures.

21 MR. MYERS: Was the witness that heard them

22 talking outside, or perhaps even arguing, was that

23 witness -- which is, I understand, a young man --

24 LT. LEBID: Uh-huh.

25 MR. MYERS: -- was he in that same structure as --


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1 LT. LEBID: Yes.

2 MR. MYERS: -- the Taylors?

3 LT. LEBID: Yes.

4 MR. MYERS: Okay. All right. So when -- perhaps

5 on his own property, when Mr. Taylor then came up to

6 Mr. Modell with a handgun, is that -- just in a

7 snapshot, is that a crime?

8 LT. LEBID: Not yet.

9 MR. MYERS: Not yet?

10 LT. LEBID: Not yet.

11 MR. MYERS: All right. What -- did it ever reach

12 the level of a crime before the trigger was pulled that

13 night?

14 LT. LEBID: That's what the biggest debatable

15 point was. When we -- when we submitted this

16 information to the State Attorney's Office, we

17 submitted it as an agency review, meaning here are all

18 the facts we gathered. Please look at it and tell us

19 what you think.

20 Now, there's that, and then there's submitting a

21 warrant request where you say I believe I have probable

22 cause to make an arrest, but I don't know where the

23 suspect is, or there's something else preventing me

24 from putting my hands on them, like maybe they're

25 barricaded in a house and armed so I can't just go and


(239) 245-8695

1 get them yet.

2 So we sent it in as a review with all the

3 details -- the lead detective did. So with those

4 details, he -- some of it was explained, but, again,

5 the initial statement was kind of narrow. When I say

6 "the initial statement," I'm not talking about when we

7 first spoke to him, and then he asked for an attorney.

8 I'm talking about when Mr. Taylor had his attorney

9 present, and Detective Hurd and at the time I believe

10 it was Sergeant John Desrosiers interviewed him. They

11 got some of the details.

12 But as you hear those details, I'm still baffled

13 because looking at that, and then later on looking at

14 the excerpts from the civil transcripts where it was

15 able to be spaced out a little bit more, you have

16 Mr. Taylor explaining how he saw Ryan, and he was

17 sitting Indian style or sitting on his butt washing his

18 foot off with a water hose. So then he tells Ryan to

19 leave. So I don't know if he's saying maybe I see him

20 trespassing, but Ryan's sitting on a driveway right

21 now, and you told your wife to call 911, so what are

22 you doing right now? He's not breaking into another

23 home. He's not stealing property. If you want to say

24 theft of utilities because he's using your water hose,

25 that's a big stretch. And, again, Ryan's wearing


(239) 245-8695

1 shorts, and now his sandals are off -- or maybe one is

2 still on. I don't know. I can't remember in that

3 moment in time. But I don't understand the brandishing

4 of a firearm at that moment because what crime are you

5 trying to prevent?

6 Now, if you're going to articulate, as a private

7 citizen, you -- you think there's a reasonable

8 suspicion to articulate that a crime is about to occur,

9 and you're trying to prevent that and defeat that?

10 Maybe, maybe. But that's like some really aggressive

11 neighborhood watch level stuff, and you're kind of

12 going into a weird area.

13 But then beyond that, after telling Ryan, "I have

14 a gun; you're in the wrong place," he now activates his

15 flashlight and starts aiming it in Ryan's face.

16 MR. MYERS: Isn't that assault and battery with a

17 lethal weapon?

18 LT. LEBID: Well, you can technically call it an

19 aggravated assault --

20 MR. MYERS: Okay.

21 LT. LEBID: -- because now he's pointing a gun at

22 him, and he's saying that he only said, "I have a gun;

23 you're in the wrong place, leave." Ryan didn't respond

24 to it. Ryan maybe started cursing at him, maybe used

25 some profanity, and then he decides now -- now I'm


(239) 245-8695

1 going to put on my laser on my handgun, and I'm going

2 to point the laser in your face because the flashlight

3 didn't do the trick.

4 I guess he was trying to get him to leave; but at

5 some point you think it would occur to you, if you have

6 the wherewithal to arm yourself and go hunting for

7 someone, and then use a tool with some fine motor

8 skills now -- because now you're trying to activate a

9 flashlight, now I'm going to switch to my laser, and

10 you've got target acquisition. The guy you're doing

11 this to was so belligerent before -- even your wife

12 said, "I think he's confused." So what are you doing

13 now with a guy who is confused who is unarmed? You've

14 now brought a gun into the situation, and you're in a

15 multiunit -- you're in a -- there's numerous people

16 around you. This isn't like you have acreage where

17 there's no trespassing. You know, "We have guns.

18 Don't come on our property. We'll kill you." This

19 is -- you're renting a unit that's a multifamily

20 dwelling. For all you know maybe that's the guy in the

21 other unit next door in the same quad as you that

22 you've never met yet. Maybe he has a right to be

23 there, and he's so out of his mind that he went right,

24 and he meant to go left. Which in this case it turns

25 out that he went this way when he meant to go across


(239) 245-8695

1 the street.

2 MR. MYERS: In your opinion, was that sufficient

3 probable cause to charge Mr. Taylor with either

4 illegally brandishing a firearm or with aggravated

5 assault just before he pulled the trigger?

6 LT. LEBID: At the time the -- with burgeoning

7 stand your ground, it was kind of a complicated

8 situation --

9 MR. MYERS: Oh, I understand that.

10 LT. LEBID: -- which is why we sent it in as an

11 agency review. How did I -- you're asking how I

12 personally felt about it?

13 MR. MYERS: Yeah, yeah.

14 LT. LEBID: Yeah, I personally felt that what

15 Mr. Taylor did was completely wrong and that it was a

16 homicide. That's how I personally felt.

17 MR. MYERS: And if I -- if you don't mind me

18 calling it a murder. Same thing as a --

19 LT. LEBID: No, it's a --

20 MR. MYERS: -- homicide.

21 LT. LEBID: -- murder. I believe he murdered this

22 person.

23 MR. MYERS: Unjustified homicide.

24 LT. LEBID: Yes. I get the right to protect your

25 property; but when you decide to rent a condo or a


(239) 245-8695

1 townhouse, and you're literally zero wall sharing with

2 people, you have to take into consideration there's

3 other people there that you may not want there. You're

4 going to hear everything. You're going to hear every

5 time they flush a toilet, every time they open their

6 garage door, have an argument. So now you think you're

7 justified to go after somebody in their bathing suit

8 who you've said is taller than you, they're bigger than

9 you, and they look like they could handle themselves.

10 So he knew they're in trouble if he gets his hands on

11 you with that gun. Why did you go looking for him with

12 a gun? What was in your mind?

13 MR. MYERS: And my point, from a legal point of

14 view, is was Mr. Taylor committing crimes just before

15 he pulled the trigger, and therefore doesn't get to use

16 the stand your ground --

17 LT. LEBID: My --

18 MR. MYERS: -- defense?

19 LT. LEBID: -- my opinion -- my opinion? Yes.

20 You have a guy -- and I don't want to say kid and

21 diminish the fact that this is a young man, but you

22 clearly know you're dealing with someone who's not all

23 there. And what I mean by "not all there," whether you

24 can smell the alcohol, or you can see the facial

25 expressions, like --


(239) 245-8695

1 MR. MYERS: Yeah.

2 LT. LEBID: -- it's not computing. They're not

3 understanding what you're saying to them. You're like

4 picking on a -- a lesser creature in that moment. It's

5 like kicking a dog or something. It just doesn't make

6 sense, especially when you're not even equipped to deal

7 with it at that moment. You are wearing shorts. You

8 have a handgun, and you don't have the lawful authority

9 where you're going to go after this guy. What were you

10 defeating? What were you stopping?

11 MR. MYERS: Right.

12 LT. LEBID: What crime were you preventing where

13 you're going to explain to me, as a citizen, you were

14 trying to effect a citizen arrest?

15 MR. MYERS: Does it shock you that Mr. Taylor was

16 never charged with any sort of murder-type crime?

17 LT. LEBID: It frustrates me.

18 MR. MYERS: It frustrates you.

19 LT. LEBID: It --

20 MR. MYERS: Do you regularly see facts like this,

21 where the person who pulled the trigger was not charged

22 with some sort of manslaughter, first-degree murder, or

23 some sort of charge like that?

24 LT. LEBID: This is a complicated situation, and

25 what I've learned during my time as a police officer is


(239) 245-8695

1 that we make our observations, and when we think

2 there's an ordinance or a law violated, we offer it up

3 to the State Attorney's Office -- even when we effect a

4 probable cause arrest -- like I see you do something,

5 and I arrest you, and then I bring you in and then you

6 go to court -- and we type everything up, we offer it

7 up to the State Attorney's Office, they can still drop

8 the charges. But I -- I haven't seen this before, no.

9 MR. MYERS: Okay. So this is the first time in

10 your career you've seen these sort of facts turn into

11 no charge at all?

12 LT. LEBID: Right. I -- and -- and -- and I defer

13 to the people that have way more experience than me,

14 that have been attorneys for a lot longer or police

15 officers a lot longer, and maybe they see -- see

16 something I don't. But me personally, this doesn't

17 make sense to me that this wasn't brought to -- I think

18 that's kind of the design of what court is, asking a

19 jury of your peers or authority figure in your area to

20 review these kind of actions -- because we didn't have

21 like a car crash where someone accidentally died. We

22 have someone who was shot to death. We have someone

23 whose life was taken from them. You can't go back on

24 that.

25 So I think -- I think that kind of needs to be


(239) 245-8695

1 reviewed by more than just me and a handful of people.

2 I think that's -- that's the time when I wanted a

3 community to weigh in to say do we agree with this

4 actions -- do we agree with these actions? Do we agree

5 with this behavior? Is this something that we're okay

6 with happening again and again? Because if we don't

7 bring it to that court, and we don't do anything with

8 it at all, what we're saying is here's a gray area.

9 Let's see how much further we can push it, or let's see

10 what happens again next time.

11 But that's just my opinion as an individual.

12 MR. MYERS: And in your opinion, there was more

13 than sufficient probable cause to charge a crime

14 against Mr. Taylor?

15 LT. LEBID: It's more complicated than that

16 because I'm just one person.

17 MR. MYERS: So explain. So --

18 LT. LEBID: Here's what I mean by that.

19 MR. MYERS: I'm asking your personal opinion --

20 LT. LEBID: My personal opinion --

21 MR. MYERS: -- but you're saying it's more

22 complicated.

23 LT. LEBID: -- my personal opinion is that my

24 detective did an investigation. I supervised the

25 investigation in conjunction with other supervisors.


(239) 245-8695

1 And through the process of reviewing the details of the

2 case, it was complicated because of -- we couldn't

3 flesh out an exact time and detail of everything. We

4 were limited on what we were able to learn because the

5 primary person involved is -- is alive and not speaking

6 to us with great detail, and the other person involved

7 is deceased. And we have a couple audible witnesses,

8 maybe saw a little bit of something, but nothing with

9 extreme detail.

10 MR. MYERS: But you were provided the deposition

11 transcript of Mr. Taylor from the civil cases, weren't

12 you?

13 LT. LEBID: Yes.

14 MR. MYERS: And did you read those at some point?

15 LT. LEBID: Yes.

16 MR. MYERS: Did that give you any more details

17 about what happened inside the Taylor household?

18 LT. LEBID: I personally felt that it extracted

19 more detail of similar facts, but it showed it more in

20 the logical stages, and it was able to give it a bigger

21 point of view. Whereas, I'd say before with the prior

22 statement, did he admit those things? Yes, a lot of

23 things were admitted, but it was kind of a narrow,

24 laser focus. I feel like the civil deposition, my

25 digestion of it, it made it broader --


(239) 245-8695

1 MR. MYERS: Okay.

2 LT. LEBID: -- and it made it a fuller picture

3 where it said more, to me, I don't think you can

4 justify leaving your locked house and then going to

5 look for someone who is now rinsing off their foot and

6 seated on the floor, point a gun in their face, point a

7 gun with a light, point a gun with a laser in their

8 face, and then only retreat by backing up in a shooting

9 stance, or however you did it, where you force the

10 conflict. And then your explanation is, well, if he

11 got the gun away from me, I would have been hurt. Why

12 did this happen at all? You asked for help. That's

13 what we do. That's what -- we don't -- we don't have a

14 duty to retreat, and not necessarily do you do anymore

15 because of how the law works, however, it doesn't make

16 sense. So I feel you need to answer for those actions,

17 and that's just my opinion, which is why we offer it up

18 higher.

19 MR. MYERS: Well, and in the case of Jackson (sic)

20 and Modell, do you remember whether back then, almost

21 five years ago, anyone in your department recommended a

22 particular charge against Mr. Jackson?

23 LT. LEBID: Taylor.

24 MR. MYERS: Taylor.

25 LT. LEBID: I know what you meant, Taylor.


(239) 245-8695

1 I don't recall anybody specifically saying to me

2 this is the charge we need to be filing, and we're not

3 doing it. We're doing this instead. I remember

4 hearing different conversations, and people saying,

5 "This doesn't add up. This doesn't make sense."

6 MR. MYERS: So it's just submitted for review,

7 basically, with --

8 LT. LEBID: Uh-huh.

9 MR. MYERS: -- the information.

10 LT. LEBID: (Nods head.)

11 MR. MYERS: And then do you recall what specific

12 response your department received from the State

13 Attorney's Office after asking it to review this case?

14 LT. LEBID: Eventually we received a written

15 memorandum, over a year later from the incident, where

16 it was kind of a summary of the facts and how the State

17 Attorney -- Assistant State Attorney assigned

18 understood it, and then what they believe occurred.

19 MR. MYERS: Okay. And so did the response also

20 include that there was a justifiable defense to -- for

21 the defendant to present in this particular set of

22 circumstances?

23 LT. LEBID: Yes.

24 MR. MYERS: And what was that defense, if you

25 recall?


(239) 245-8695

1 LT. LEBID: I don't recall off the top of my head

2 the exact verbiage, but basically the gist of it was he

3 was justified to protect himself --

4 MR. MYERS: Okay.

5 LT. LEBID: -- which still didn't make any sense

6 to me to this day, because looking at subject

7 factors -- I get it when you have someone bigger and

8 stronger and younger than you, and you're forced in the

9 situation, but you weren't forced in this situation.

10 You sought this situation out. You created this

11 opportunity. That's my opinion.

12 MR. MYERS: So you were -- you had some individual

13 involvement in the Taylor versus Modell case this

14 summer, this past summer of 2020, right?

15 LT. LEBID: Yes.

16 MR. MYERS: And what was that involvement?

17 LT. LEBID: My involvement was basically being

18 interviewed about my understanding of what occurred on

19 the day of Ryan Modell's murder, and how I understood

20 the facts surrounding it on that day and -- and beyond,

21 to a degree, when we tried to interview Mr. Taylor and

22 follow up with him. That was my involvement.

23 MR. MYERS: Okay. And what happened when your

24 office then presented it once again to the State

25 Attorney's Office in June of 2020?


(239) 245-8695

1 LT. LEBID: It was the same Assistant State

2 Attorney, and I got a -- I received an email eventually

3 saying after reviewing everything we -- you know,

4 there's -- we don't think there's any new facts, and it

5 doesn't change our initial findings.

6 MR. MYERS: What's the current status of the

7 investigation of crimes that Mr. Taylor may have

8 committed in March of 2016?

9 LT. LEBID: As of right now, the State Attorney's

10 Office has basically said he's -- he was justified to

11 do what he did.

12 MR. MYERS: So does that mean your case is closed?

13 LT. LEBID: I guess, yeah, to a degree, yeah. I

14 mean, it's closed -- it's -- yes, it's -- it's

15 inactive. It's closed because we gathered everything

16 we can gather. The only other thing that would be even

17 possible would be if we tried to do some kind of

18 controlled phone call and elicit -- elicit it out of

19 him, hey, you know, what do you think really happened.

20 That would be it.

21 MR. MYERS: There's no statute of limitations for

22 murder, is there?

23 LT. LEBID: No.

24 MR. MYERS: So if additional evidence was brought

25 to light to you regarding what happened on the night of


(239) 245-8695

1 March 20, 2016, what do you call it when you return to

2 the case? Reopening it, or what do you call it?

3 LT. LEBID: We -- we -- the case pretty much is

4 always -- that's when you start debating the verbiage

5 of a cold case that gets reopened. So it's just an

6 unsolved homicide. It's an unsolved murder. The

7 argument could be made that, no, it was solved. All

8 the facts were presented, and the legal authority said,

9 based on what you've presented to us, it was a

10 justifiable homicide, so therefore it is a closed case

11 and it's a justified homicide.

12 MR. MYERS: And you knew who the prospective

13 defendant was, right, for this case?

14 LT. LEBID: (Nods head.)

15 MR. MYERS: And that would be Mr. Taylor.

16 LT. LEBID: Yes, sir.

17 MR. MYERS: And you knew that he pulled the

18 trigger and murdered Mr. Modell, right?

19 LT. LEBID: Yes.

20 MR. MYERS: And you know when it happened and

21 where it happened.

22 LT. LEBID: Yes.

23 MR. MYERS: So, like you said, it's not really

24 unsolved. It's just --

25 LT. LEBID: Right.


(239) 245-8695

1 MR. MYERS: -- that whether there's a

2 justification for his actions.

3 LT. LEBID: Right. And the current ruling on it

4 is that it was justified.

5 MR. MYERS: Okay. Do you ever recommend what type

6 of charge to make in a murder investigation?

7 LT. LEBID: Sometimes we do.

8 MR. MYERS: All right.

9 LT. LEBID: It varies. There's a lot of factors

10 that play into it that -- they range in a variety of

11 ways.

12 MR. MYERS: Let me go ahead and put on the record

13 your credentials. So would you summarize for me your

14 educational background leading up to your current

15 position with the Lee County Sheriff's Office?

16 LT. LEBID: I graduated University of South

17 Florida with my bachelor's degree in criminology in

18 2004. After that, I went to the Southwest Florida

19 Public Safety Academy where I completed my basic

20 training to become a police officer. I've taken

21 hundreds of other hours of classes, advanced classes,

22 to do what I do. I've been through a medicolegal death

23 investigator school through Miami-Dade. I've gone

24 through the Force Science Institute of basic

25 certification and understanding -- it's basically


(239) 245-8695

1 kinesiology and how these factors play into use of

2 force resulting in death. I went back for my master's

3 degree through Barry University and achieved that in

4 the field of administration. And any time I can take

5 additional classes, I do; but based on my position now

6 as a lieutenant, my job is to try and foster and mentor

7 the people that are coming up and get them the advanced

8 schooling.

9 So for -- for, God, three or four years -- the

10 past three or four years, I was on our International

11 Homicide Investigators Board. So I would go to

12 different conferences on homicide, on uses of force, on

13 different issues that were currently going on in the

14 nation. But this last year it's just been so busy,

15 especially with COVID-19 and all that, I've had to pull

16 back from that and just focus on all my

17 responsibilities here.

18 On top of that, I'm assigned to our part-time SWAT

19 team as an operator. I've also been to their advanced

20 school where I'm one -- I'm a sniper. So I have a

21 variety of different tactics and training that -- over

22 my time period.

23 MR. MYERS: Are you related by blood or marriage

24 to Ryan Modell?

25 LT. LEBID: No.


(239) 245-8695

1 MR. MYERS: Okay. And just in a general sense,

2 how many homicide investigations have you participated

3 in while at the Lee County Sheriff's Office?

4 LT. LEBID: Over a hundred. I started working

5 them in 2013, and depending on the year, we either

6 had -- we range from 13 to 30. Like last year we're

7 going to probably end around 29 for the year.

8 MR. MYERS: If I may summarize what I believe to

9 be your overall testimony today, is it your opinion,

10 based on your training and experience, that

11 Mr. Taylor's actions constitute murder, as defined

12 under Florida law, in which there was no reasonable

13 defense presented, in your opinion?

14 LT. LEBID: Yes.

15 MR. MYERS: In your opinion, was Mr. Taylor

16 standing his ground or defending his property at the

17 time he pulled the trigger and murdered Ryan Modell?

18 LT. LEBID: No.

19 MR. MYERS: Thank you. I have no further things

20 to ask you today. I appreciate your cooperation and

21 time.

22 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are going off the record.

23 This is the end of the Lieutenant David Lebid video

24 recorded statement.

25 (Statement ended at 2:50 p.m.)


(239) 245-8695




7 I, Deborah Bruns, Florida Professional

8 Reporter, do hereby certify that I was

9 authorized to and did report the foregoing

10 statement, and that the transcript, pages 1

11 through 42, is a true and correct record of my

12 stenographic notes.


14 Dated this 21st day of January, 2021.



17 _______________________________
Deborah M. Bruns, FPR


20 (This transcript was electronically signed.)







(239) 245-8695

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