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5E Lesson Plan

Teacher: Thrusia Ann Williams

Date: 4/26/2021
Subject / grade level: : 4Th Grade
Pencils and paper
Dry erase board
Connecting Unit cubes
Fraction tiles circles

Worksheet on adding and subtracting fractions


TEKS/NCTM/CCRS expectations:
§111.6. Mathematics, Grade 4
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(1) Mathematical process standards. The student uses mathematical processes to acquire and
demonstrate mathematical understanding. The student is expected to:
(C) select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as
appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as
appropriate, to solve problems;

(3) Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent and
generate fractions to solve problems. The student is expected to:
(B) decompose a fraction in more than one way into a sum of fractions with the same
denominator using concrete and pictorial models and recording results with symbolic
(E) represent and solve addition and subtraction of fractions with equal denominators using
objects and pictorial models that build to the number line and properties of operations;

Lesson objective(s): The student will add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
                The student will simplify and decompose fractions

Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:

Struggling students can continue to work independently or with a buddy.
Advanced students will receive more complex fractions.
Teacher will first have students to repeat the (K) (U) (B)
We Will KNOW : How to represent and generate fractions to solve problems
We WILL UNDERSTAND: How to represent and solve addition and subtraction fractions with equal

5E Lesson Plan
dominators using objects and pictorial models
WE WILL BE ABLE TO: Write the sum or difference of fractions

Today’s lesson, the students learn to add and subtract fractions with like denominators.  They will be each
given fraction tile circles to show the breakdown of each fraction that is being added or subtracted.  The
students will understand addition and subtraction of fractions as joining and separating parts referring to the
same whole.

I will do a quick review with the students by asking them what is a/ the?
I give the students a few minutes to think about the question.  Then call on them to offer the answer.

Fraction :Part of a whole

Denominator: The part of a fraction below the line, which tells how many equal parts there are in the whole or
in the group.

Numerator: The part of a fraction above the line, which tells how many parts are being counted.

Improper fraction: A fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator

Simplest from: The numerator and denominator have no common factors other than 1

Equivalent fraction: factions that show different numbers with the same value

Mixed number: A whole number and a fraction

Then I ask the students what does it mean when I say like denominators? Fractions are parts of a whole, the
numerator is how much they are asking us about, and the denominator is how many pieces you have in all.  So
when I say like that means both denominators in the fraction are the same. When do I need to add or I subtract
like dominators in a problem?  Student response:  When you eat the pieces of a pizza .  

Each child will use the fraction tiles to complete the examples.

Adding fractions with like dominators.


 Step 1: Add the (numerator) and put it on top of the denominator

 Step 2: Make sure the bottom numbers ( denominators) are the same
 Step 3: Draw a model or use a pie chart to check your answers
 Step 3: Simplify the fraction
 or convert the fraction to a mixed number (if needed)

Example: Laura has 2 boxes of pizza she gives one to Sam and it has ¼ slices left and her box has ¼
slices left. How many pieces do they have in all?

5E Lesson Plan

1/4 + 1/4

 Step 1. The bottom numbers (the denominators) are already the same. Go straight to step 2.

Step 2. Add the top numbers and put the answer over the same denominator:

1/4 + 1/4 = 1/4 + 1/4 = 2/4

Step 3. Simplify the fraction:

2/4 = 1/2 2x 1 = 2
In picture form it looks like this:
2x 2 = 4

+ 1/4 = 2/4 = 1/2



Subtracting fractions with like dominators.

 Step 1: Subtract the (numerator) and put it on top of the denominator

 Step 2: Make sure the bottom numbers ( denominators) are the same
 Step 3: Draw a model or use a pie chart to check your answers
 Step 3: Simplify the fraction
 or convert the fraction to a mixed number (if needed)

Example: Jeff bought a pizza but it only had 3/6 slices. He got hungry and ate 1/6 if it how
much does he have left?

5E Lesson Plan

3/6 - 1/6

 Step 1. The bottom numbers (the denominators) are already the same. Go straight to step 2.

Step 2. Subtract the top numbers and put the answer over the same denominator:

3/6 - 1/6 = 2/6

Step 3. Simplify the fraction:

2/6 = 1/2 2x 1 = 2
In picture form it looks like this:
2x 3 = 6

- 1/6 = 2/6 = 1/3



Step 3. Simplify the fraction:

 "What clue words in this question let us know which operation?"  Student response:  in all.  What operation
are we going to use for in all?  Student response:  addition.  "We will add the fractions."  I explained to the
students that in order to add fractions with like denominators, all we have to do is add the numerator, which is
the top number.  If you are subtracting fractions with like denominators, you just subtract the top numbers.  I
remind students that the fractions we add must come from the same size whole.  You can't add fractions from
a small pizza and a large pizza together.  It must refer to the same size whole.  

Next, I discuss the subtraction scenario with the students.  How much pizza does Jeff have now?    When you
add and subtract fractions, you must write your answer in the simplest form.  Simplest form means that the
only factor that is common in both the numerator and denominator is 1.  (I explained to the students that we do
not use the number divided by itself equals that same number.)  In 2/6, both numbers are even.  "What number
can go in all even numbers?" 2.  We need to simplify 2/6.  

To simplify fractions, we use division to find an equivalent fraction.  We list the factors of 2 and 6.  The
factors of 2 are 1 and 2.  The factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, and 6.  They both have a factor of 2.  Therefore, we can

5E Lesson Plan

divide 2/6 by 2/2.  The answer is 1/3.  If the largest number is not used, then they will have to divide the
fraction more than one time in order to get to the simplest form.



Skill Building/Exploration
For this activity, I let the students work independently.  (Although, I allow them to discuss the activity with
their neighbors in order to help learn the concept.)  I give each student adding and subtracting fractions sheet,
dry erase board and connecting unit cubes.  The students must add or subtract the fractions with like
denominators, then write the answers in simplest form.
The connecting cubes are used to give the students a visual in order to gain conceptual understanding.  Each
student should take a stack of the connecting cubes.  


As they work, I monitor and assess their progression of understanding through questioning. 

1. What operation are you using?

2. What is the first fraction?  What is the second fraction?

3. 4.  Is your answer in simplest form?

As I walk around the classroom, I am questioning the students and looking for common misconceptions
among the students.  Any misconceptions are addressed at the point, as well as whole class at the end of the

 Any groups that finish the assignment early, can go to the computer to practice the skill at the following site
until we are ready for the whole group sharing:



5E Lesson Plan
Guided Practice
Pair them up with the person next to them.  Hand out the worksheets and have them to look at their connecting
cubes and put all of the pieces together to get the answer.  Tell them to write down which of the fractions they
put together to make the whole.
  Go over what everyone got for the different fraction pieces using the cubes.   Explain that they just simplified
Informal:  The teacher will listen to the students identify like denominators and observe the students work
problems on the board.
Formal:  The teacher will give the students a worksheet to be done as homework.  It will be turned in the
following day, graded, and recorded in the gradebook.

Mini Teach Fractions with Like Denominators

I conducted the lesson outside in the foyer with four students.  Since the lesson was outside

I did not have the advantage of showing a powered point to extend the lesson.  It was a beautiful day

with the sun shining bright.  The students spent a percentage of the time complaining about the sun

shining in their faces. They became distracted when the other students walked by but were able to

get on track with redirection.  I wouldn’t suggest a math lesson to be taught outside due to the

limitations regarding the lesson.  The children did enjoy the hands on activities using the

manipulatives. The group size s was smaller than usual which allowed me to access the students

who needed one on one help in a faster time. Even though the lesson was outside I feel a lot was

accomplished and overall success with the time available.

5E Lesson Plan

5E Lesson Plan

5E Lesson Plan

5E Lesson Plan


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