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Liquidity in immune cell signaling

Phase separation of proteins into liquid-like microclusters promotes T cell receptor signaling
By Michael L. Dustin1,2 and James Muller2 Dispersed bulk phase other while maintaining a roughly round
Unphosphorylated LAT proteins span the membrane shape and allow rapid exchange of pLAT be-
but favor ordered membrane regions (yellow)

lymphocytes of the immune system tween a cluster and surrounding unclustered
need to integrate myriad signals to pLAT. Su et al. expanded the system of pu-
decide on life and death matters in de- LAT Membrane rified proteins to include kinases and phos-
fending the host from pathogens and phatases that act downstream of the TCR
in distinguishing normal from trans- signaling cascade and generate pLAT. The
formed cells, all while minimizing im- Ordered authors also overlaid an actin polymerizing
munopathology. On page 595 in this issue, Cytosol system on the pLAT clusters, which consisted
Su et al. (1) provide insight into how phase of globular actin (G-actin) and five proteins:
separation of signaling proteins in the two- Grb2-related adapted downstream of Shc
dimensional (2D) liquid of the plasma mem- Signaling G-actin (Gads), SH2 contains leukocyte protein of 76
brane enables these critical decisions. proteins kDa (SLP-76), noncatalytic region of tyrosine

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Phase separation in live cells has become a T cell receptor activation, kinase adapted protein 1 (Nck), actin-related
useful concept in explaining the formation of LAT phosphorylation protein 2/3 (Arp2/3), and neuronal Wiskott-
µm-scale spherical, liquid-like compartments Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP). The
that are held together by weak, rapidly re- SLP-76 2D pLAT clusters could interact with the
versible interactions and that exchange com- Liquid phase separation Gads actin-nucleating factor N-WASP to trigger
pLAT clusters phase
ponents with the surrounding bulk phase formation of an elongated filamentous actin
separate from bulk
(2). Phase separation is also well studied in dispersed LAT and pLAT (F-actin) gel (see the figure). The F-actin gel
2D systems such as biological membranes, appears to act like a solid container that ab-
where coexisting liquid disordered and liquid sorbs liquid-phase pLAT and takes the shape
ordered phases are important for signaling of the F-actin.
by many transmembrane receptor systems The pLAT clusters are likely to be compo-
(3), including the T cell receptor (TCR) sig- nents of TCR “microclusters,” where antigenic
naling process. In response to binding an- major histocompatibility complex-peptide li-
tigen peptides, the TCR triggers a series of gand (antigen) are engaged and signaling re-
biochemical events orchestrated by various actions occur on the cytoplasmic face of the T
enzymes and adaptor proteins. This signal- cell plasma membrane. These microclusters
ing cascade impinges on the nucleus and the are highly dynamic and display fusion events
actin cytoskeleton to alter T cell behavior. Su to form larger clusters (4). TCR microclus-
et al. examined how soluble and membrane- ter formation in response to physiological
Enhanced signaling to
anchored adapter proteins downstream of nucleus and cytoskeleton ligands depends on F-actin remodeling. It
the TCR form a 2D phase–separated system is possible that the complex interaction be-
that depends fully on protein-protein inter- tween the pLAT-rich liquid phase and F-actin
actions on top of a liquid disordered bilayer. Solid phase scafold is related to this requirement—that is, initial
Su et al. looked at the behavior of a signal- The pLAT cluster triggers, then takes TCR triggering could induce pLAT phase sep-
the shape of, an F-actin gel
ing efector of the TCR called linker of acti- aration and signal actin remodeling, which
vated T cells (LAT), and two of its binding would feed forward to promote further TCR
partners—growth factor receptor–bound pro- interaction with antigen.
tein 2 (Grb2), which binds to phosphorylated Concepts of 2D phase separation can also
LAT; and son of sevenless (Sos), which binds be applied to reconstituted cell adhesion sys-
to the N- and C- termini of Grb2 (1). This pro- tems. The adhesion of T cells that express
tein trio is critical for activating the signal- the receptor CD2 to an artificial lipid bilayer
ing protein Ras as part of the TCR signaling F-actin bearing its ligand CD58, displays characteris-
pathway. The authors found that physiologi- tics of a phase-separated system with the pre-
cal amounts of bilayer-anchored prephos- cisely apposed membranes contributing the
phorylated LAT (pLAT), plus soluble Grb2 necessary dynamic multipoint attachments
and Sos proteins, formed micrometer-scale (5). Furthermore, diferent size receptor sys-

pLAT clusters on a supported lipid bilayer in Fluid signals. Signaling molecules (blue) form tems that bridge the gap between the T cell
vitro. The pLAT clusters have characteristics liquid-like phases, instead of static aggregates, in a and artificial lipid bilayer further subdivide
of a liquid phase in that they fuse with each reconstituted system using an artifcial lipid bilayer. the interface into TCR and adhesion mol-
Shown is a model of clustered pLAT and associated ecule–rich domains of the immunological
signaling molecules that phase separate into a liquid- synapse (the interface between the antigen-
Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, The University of like droplet in response to TCR activation. The cluster presenting cell and the T cell) (6), the natural
Oxford, Oxford, UK. 2Skirball Institute, New York University
School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA. induces actin polymerization, which is a solid phase gel setting for the reactions studied by Su et al.
Email: that changes the shape of the liquid-like droplet. It may be that the actinomyosin–based trans-

516 29 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6285 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
port system, which drives centripetal trans- NEUROSCIENCE
port in the immunological synapse, moves
the TCR and pLAT clusters by using the F-
actin–based “container” that was observed
by the authors in their reconstituted system.
Ionic control of sleep
Su et al. focused on phenomena largely
confined to the 2D supported lipid bilayer and wakefulness
surface by tethering key components to the
bilayer’s surface. It is not clear whether 2D The ionic composition of brain fluid is linked to
phase separation of pLAT could also nucleate
a 3D phase–separated structure that would
neuronal activity and sleep
be released into the cytoplasm. Such a struc-
ture appears to be formed during T cell stim- By Hans-Peter Landolt1,2 and the transmembrane conductance of potas-
ulation by immobilized antibodies to TCR, Sebastian C. Holst1,2 sium (6). This may play a role in restoring
where foci (containing SLP-76) are released brain energy metabolism during sleep, and

as particles from TCR microclusters and traf- rain electrical activity difers mark- in the homeostatic regulation of sleep need
ficked toward the microtubule-organizing edly between wakefulness and sleep. in response to prolonged wakefulness. In-
center (7). These particles seem to dissipate Concomitant shifts in the ion com- creased transmembrane conductance of
in the center of the immunological synapse, position of brain extracellular fluids potassium underlies membrane hyperpolar-
consistent with reversible phase separation. were thought to be a consequence ization in cortical neurons that produces

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The findings of Su et al. provide insights rather than a cause of the sleep-wake– EEG slow oscillations in NREM sleep (6).
into characteristics of TCR signaling that are dependent changes in neuronal activity. On Furthermore, increases and decreases in
otherwise hard to reconcile. Recent super- page 550 of this issue, Ding et al. (1) report the extracellular concentration of potassium
resolution microscopy studies suggest that the surprising observation that ionic changes ions ([K+]e) parallel the alternating periods of
substrate-adherent T cells display basal seg- in the extracellular fluid are a potent control depolarization and hyperpolarization of neu-
regation of TCR and pLAT into distinct “pro- of sleep-wake–dependent neuronal activity. rons and glial cells during the natural slow
tein islands” on a ~100- to 300-nm length Although the biological functions of sleep oscillation and when under anesthesia (7).
scale (8). It is possible that interaction be- are still elusive, sleep is essential for optimal The idea that positively charged ions af-
tween layered dynamic liquid phases could brain functioning and general physiology fect the sleep-wake cycle was proposed in
govern signal integration. Segregation of that varies in synchrony with the sleep-wake the 1930s, and calcium contained in breast
TCR clusters from pLAT may be mediated cycle. In wakefulness, cortical brain activa-
by the tendency of the TCR to reside in liq- tion is driven by wake-promoting neuromod-
uid disordered bilayer phases, whereas LAT, ulators (acetylcholine, hypocretin, histamine,
which is palmitoylated, resides in liquid or- serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine) “…that positively charged ions
dered domains. These interactions between produced in the basal forebrain, hypothala-
phases may also govern important regulators mus, and brain stem (2). These regions are
afect the sleep-wake cycle
like the transmembrane tyrosine phospha- interconnected in an excitatory network was proposed in the 1930s…”
tase CD45. The large extracellular domain that sends projections to the thalamus and
of CD45 excludes it from TCR microclusters, cerebral cortex. Together with neurons that milk was hypothesized to promote sleep in
which is important for the phosphorylating produce glutamate and g-aminobutyric infants (8). Injecting calcium chloride (CaCl2)
tyrosine kinase cascades proximal to the TCR acid (GABA), this ascending arousal system into the pituitary of cats could induce sleep
(9). Su et al. found that CD45 is also excluded maintains conscious and alert wakefulness, for up to 3 hours (9). Additionally, CaCl2 and
from pLAT clusters, likely due to charge re- characterized by low-voltage, fast-frequency magnesium chloride (MgCl2) injected near
pulsion between the phosphatase domain activity in an electroencephalogram (EEG). the hypothalamus of diferent animal models
and pLAT cluster components. It may be In deep non–rapid eye movement (NREM) promoted sleep, whereas potassium chloride
important that CD45 is excluded in this way; sleep, the EEG of animals and humans is (KCl) promoted wakefulness (8). Analyses of
segregation of TCR clusters and pLAT clus- characterized by large, slow waves of electri- brain tissue from dogs and rabbits revealed a
ters suggests that extracellular domain size cal activity with frequencies of roughly 1 to slight increase in brain calcium during sleep
does not exclude CD45 from the pLAT clus- 4 Hz. Synchronous oscillations between “up when compared to wakefulness (10).
ters. The tools generated by Su et al. have states” and “down states” in the membrane Ding et al. found that alterations in the
the potential to further address underlying potential of cortical neurons underlie these ion composition of the brain’s extracellular
principles governing the dynamic, layered slow waves (3, 4). Sleep deprivation increases fluid are sufcient to control sleep-wake–
circuitry of transmembrane signaling. j the number, amplitude, and slope of EEG dependent changes in neuronal activity.
slow waves in recovery sleep (5), reflecting Noting that modifications of ionic concen-
1. X. Su et al., Science 352, 595 (2016).
their robust homeostatic regulation. trations in the bathing solution of cortical
2. C. P. Brangwynne, T. J. Mitchison, A. A. Hyman, Proc. Natl. Neuronal activity is controlled by ion flow slices of adult mice induced stable changes
Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108, 4334 (2011). across the plasma membrane. It has been in neuronal excitability, they determined
3. A. T. Hammond et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102,
6320 (2005). thought that during wakefulness, the break- that a “wake-up cocktail”—an artificial ce-
4. R. Varma et al., Immunity 25, 117 (2006). down of energy-rich compounds increases rebrospinal fluid (CSF) containing acetyl-
5. M. L. Dustin, J. Biol. Chem. 272, 15782 (1997).
6. A. Grakoui et al., Science 285, 221 (1999). choline, hypocretin, histamine, serotonin,
7. S. C. Bunnell et al., J. Cell Biol. 158, 1263. (2002). noradrenaline, and dopamine—altered [K+]e
8. B. F. Lillemeier et al., Nat. Immunol. 11, 90 (2010). 1
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of
9. V. T. Chang et al., Nat. Immunol. 10.1038/ni.3392 (2016). in brain-slice preparations. Micromolar con-
Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland. 2Zürich Center for Interdisciplinary
Sleep Research, University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland. centration of this cocktail increased [K+]e,
10.1126/science.aaf8179 Email: even when neuronal activity was silenced

SCIENCE 29 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6285 517

Published by AAAS
Liquidity in immune cell signaling
Michael L. Dustin and James Muller

Science 352 (6285), 516-517.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf8179

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