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Principles and Tools of Strategy and Case Studies

Capstone Final Project

You will work in your pre-defined teams as “strategy experts”. Your team will submit a group
paper to IBS by June 1st (on Canvas) and present your findings to the rest of the class on
Tuesday, May 25th during the last Zoom session. This Final Project is to demonstrate your
expertise and understanding of the various topics learned.

To do this final project, please follow the following steps:

Presentation and Paper will be on the same topic/company.
During the 4 lessons, each team has identified a company and applied in each session a different
1. Lesson 1: Defining the Strategy of the company
2. Lesson 2: Prepare a Porter 5 Forces Analysis of the industry where the company
3. Lesson 3: Prepare a SWOT analysis of the company’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats
4. Lesson 4: Prepare a strategic recommendation for the company

 Refine your PowerPoint with reflections, data, content and professional formatting.
 Identify 2 or max 3 team members (who are good at presenting) that will present your
work in max 12 minutes (rehearse to make sure you stay within time limit).
 The professor will ask some questions at the end of the presentation (2 or 3 minutes per
 The mark will be 1-10, and it will be the same for all the members of each team.

Written essay:
 Prepare a written essay where you present your analysis and recommendations following
the exact same content and structure of the presentation.
 Divide the essay in 4 sections:
1. Strategy: what is the
2. Industry Analysis: Porter’s 5 Forces Model
3. Competitor Analysis: SWOT
4. One strategic recommendation for the company

Good luck!
Prof. Paolo Aversa

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