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Ocean and Coastal Management 187 (2020) 105078

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Local land subsidence in Miami Beach (FL) and Norfolk (VA) and its
contribution to flooding hazard in coastal communities along the U.S.
Atlantic coast
Simone Fiaschi a, b, *, Shimon Wdowinski c
Department of Geosciences, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
Currently at UCD School of Earth Science, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Department of Earth and Environment, Florida International University, Miami, USA


Keywords: Increasing rate of sea level rise (SLR) along the US Atlantic coast has resulted in increasing flooding hazard in
InSAR several coastal communities, including Boston (MA), Norfolk (VA), and Miami Beach (FL). Here, we evaluate the
Land subsidence contribution of local land subsidence to coastal flooding hazard in two communities, Miami Beach and Norfolk,
Flood hazard
using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) time series observations. The InSAR analysis relies on
Atlantic coastal communities
two data sets of ERS-1/2 scenes that were acquired during 1992–1999. The long period covered by the data sets
and the large number of available scenes (>20), allowed us to detect movements with lower uncertainty levels
(up to 2.4 mm/yr) compared to previous studies. Our results revealed the occurrence of localized subsidence in
both communities. In Miami Beach, subsidence at rates of 1–3 mm/yr occurred in a small portion of the territory,
mainly in parts of the city built on reclaimed wetlands. In Norfolk, relative subsidence occurred in several
localized areas, some along the shore and some inland, at rates of 1–3 mm/yr, while only few sectors show
subsidence up to 6 mm/yr. In these areas, the subsidence is higher and reaches ~8 mm/yr if the combined effects
of regional-scale (~1.7 mm/yr) and InSAR-derived subsidence is considered. The subsidence observed in this
study indicates localized areas of relative higher rate of SLR and a potential increased coastal flooding hazard for
both communities.

1. Introduction are of 5.2 � 0.6 mm/yr in Norfolk and of 9.0 � 4.0 mm/yr in Miami
Beach (Zervas, 2009; Ezer, 2013; Wdowinski et al., 2016). Rising sea
The US Atlantic coast is one of the most vulnerable areas to sea level level can also increase the potential damage from storm surge, as in the
rise (SLR) due to its low elevation, large population concentrations, and case of the 2012 “super-storm” Sandy, which took the lives of 185 people
economic importance. Many communities along this 3000-km long and caused property and economic damage of about $65 billion (Aerts
coastline have been affected by coastal flooding induced mainly by et al., 2014).
storm surge, high tide, and/or heavy rain. Rising sea level increases the Vertical land movements (subsidence) can also increase coastal
likelihood of such flooding, including rain-induced flooding due to flooding hazard, as it increases the relative rate of SLR. Land subsidence
reduced efficiency of gravity-based drainage systems. Over the past occurs at different scales and can reach rates of more than 200 mm/yr, as
decade, several coastal communities, including Boston (MA), Norfolk observed in Jakarta, Indonesia (Chaussard et al., 2013). The main causes
(VA), and Miami Beach (FL), have experienced increased tidal of land subsidence in the tectonically quiescent US Atlantic coast (pas­
(nuisance) flooding frequency, which caused significant property dam­ sive margin) include viscoelastic mantle response to melting glaciers in
age and disruptions to daily life (Ezer, 2013; Kirshen et al., 2008; the Late Pleistocene, ground water extraction, and local sediment
Kleinosky et al., 2007; Wdowinski et al., 2016). The long-term rates compaction. The regional-scale subsidence due to mantle flow, termed
(>60 years) of relative SLR in Norfolk is 4.6 � 0.5 mm/yr and in Miami Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA), affects the Atlantic coast from New
Beach is 2.4 � 0.4 mm/yr, whereas the decadal-scale rates are faster and Hampshire to northern Florida (Karegar et al. 2016, 2017; Sella et al.,

* Corresponding author. Department of Geosciences, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.

E-mail address: (S. Fiaschi).
Received 26 September 2019; Received in revised form 8 December 2019; Accepted 17 December 2019
Available online 26 December 2019
0964-5691/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Fiaschi and S. Wdowinski Ocean and Coastal Management 187 (2020) 105078

2007). Basin-scale subsidence has occurred in various locations along extensometers point measurements located tens of kilometres from one
the mid-Atlantic coastal plain, including the southern Chesapeake Bay another. Thus, these measurements provide the long wavelength (>50
region and along the Carolina coasts due to massive groundwater km) characterization of coastal subsidence, but are limited in detecting
extraction (Eggleston and Pope, 2013). Local-scale land subsidence oc­ shorter wavelength subsidence, for example occurring by sediment
curs in many locations along coastal areas, especially in sediment rich compaction. A recent Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)
areas, such as river deltas, and reclaimed land and wetlands. For analysis of ALOS-1 data acquired during 2007–2011 over the Hampton
example, land subsidence in New Orleans occurred mainly in new Roads, which also includes the city of Norfolk, VA, detected localized
neighbourhoods built on reclaimed wetlands (Dixon et al., 2006). deformation patterns (<100 m) in that area, but revealed limited results
Coastal subsidence along the US Atlantic coast has been estimated by due to the short length of the time series (Bekaert et al., 2017).
both geological and geodetic methods and found to be in the range of In this study, we use InSAR time series acquired by the ERS-1/2
0–4 mm/yr. Geologically-based subsidence rates were determined from satellites during 1992–1999, to detect localized subsidence in two
late Holocene (past 4000 years) sediment records in various coastal lo­ coastal communities, Miami Beach and Norfolk (Fig. 1A). Both com­
cations and found to be in the range of 0–2 mm/yr (Engelhart and munities have been subjected to repeated coastal flooding over the past
Horton, 2012; Karegar et al. 2016, 2017; Kemp et al., 2014; Nikitina decade (Ezer, 2013; Wdowinski et al., 2016). In Miami Beach flooding
et al., 2015). The geological rates reflect the long-term subsidence has occurred mostly in the western part of the city, west of Alton Road
components of sediments compaction and GIA. Geodetic observations (Fig. 1B), which was constructed on reclaimed wetland (Wdowinski
acquired by levelling, extensometers, and Global Positioning System et al., 2016). In Norfolk, flooding has occurred in multiple locations
(GPS) provide direct measurements of the present-day subsidence rate. throughout the city characterized by low elevation (Fig. 1C). Our study
Throughout most of the Atlantic coast, the geodetic and geologic relies on 6-7 year-long ERS-1/2 observations, which are significantly
determined rates are similar, except along a section of the mid-Atlantic longer than the 4-year long ALOS-1 observations used previously to
coast between Virginia and South Carolina (32.5–38� N), where study land subsidence in the Norfolk area (Bekaert et al., 2017). The
present-day geodetic rates reach 4 mm/yr, about double the long-term longer observation period and the larger number of available SAR scenes
geologic rate (Karegar et al., 2016). The high subsidence rate in the enable us to detect small vertical movements with almost half the un­
mid-Atlantic region is attributed to aquifer system deformation in certainty level compared to the shorter time series of the previous study
response to massive groundwater extraction, which began in the turn of (Havazli and Wdowinski, 2017). The high spatial resolution of the InSAR
the 20th century, but has intensified since the 1960’s (Eggleston and observations (~20 m by 20 m) is capable of detecting the distribution
Pope, 2013; Karegar et al., 2016) (Fig. S1). The geodetically observed and rate of localized subsidence in both study areas and, consequently,
subsidence rates along the US Atlantic coast are based on GPS and/or providing better local-scale assessments of coastal flooding hazards for

Fig. 1. Location of the study areas. (A) Map of the

US Atlantic coast showing the locations of Miami
Beach and Norfolk (VA); (B) Flood affected areas in
Miami Beach. Blue dots mark the locations of the
claimed rain and high tide flooding events during
1998–2012. Red lines mark the location of roads
affected by flooding during the same time period
(data from Wdowinski et al., 2016). (C) Norfolk
(VA), the blue lines are the streets and intersections
reported as flooded in storm from 9/30/2010 to
05/01/2015 (data from http://va-norfolk.civicplus.
com). The red lines mark the location of the main
roads discussed in the text. Base image source: Esri,
DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earth Geographics, CNE­
S/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the
GIS User Community. (For interpretation of the ref­
erences to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the Web version of this article.)

S. Fiaschi and S. Wdowinski Ocean and Coastal Management 187 (2020) 105078

both communities. inaccuracies, phase offsets and/or phase ramps are removed by using a
cubic polynomial refinement on selected ground control points (Figs. S2
2. Available data sets and S3). The ground control points used in this study are not calibrated
with ground velocities obtained with other geodetic methods such as
Results were obtained from two sets of C-band (5.6 cm wavelength) GPS, and hence the produced maps of relative subsidence do not take
SAR scenes acquired by the ERS-1/2 satellites, which are available from into account any regional-scale deformation. The residual height
the European Space Agency (ESA) archive. The first data set, covering correction factors and the average displacement rates are retrieved by
the Miami Beach area, consists of 24 scenes acquired from 03/05/1993 inverting a linear system via the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
to 06/05/1999 (Table S1); the second, covering the city of Norfolk, method (Strang, 1988). The Atmospheric Phase Screen (APS) is then
consists of 32 scenes acquired from 19/06/1992 to 09/11/1998 calculated and removed by applying spatial (low-pass) and temporal
(Table S2). Both sets of images have been acquired with average look (high-pass) filters. The corrections are carried out assuming that the
angle of 23� , heading angle of 193� and revisit time of 35 days. It must be atmospheric phase delays are correlated in space and uncorrelated in
noted that, even if the minimum revisit time of the ERS-1/2 satellites is time (Emardson et al., 2003). For both data sets, the low-pass and
35 days, the temporal distribution of the SAR scenes is not uniform and high-pass filters were set respectively to 1200 m and 365 days. The final
gaps up to two years are present in both data sets (Tables S1 and S2). The products consisting of mean velocities and displacements time series are
nominal pixel spacing is 7.90 m in slant range and 3.98 m in azimuth. calculated and geocoded to the WGS 1984 UTM Zone 17N (Miami
The ERS-1/2 data extend over a relatively long-time span (6–7 years) Beach) and 18N (Norfolk) projected coordinate system. During the SBAS
and contain sufficient number of scenes (>20) needed to reach mea­ processing chain the multi-temporal coherence is estimated for each
surement accuracy of 1–2 mm/yr (Havazli and Wdowinski, 2017). Other pixel by evaluating the interferometric correlation in the entire in­
satellites missions (ALOS-1/2, RADARSAT-1/2, ENVISAT) did not ac­ terferograms stack. The coherence jγj between two coregistered complex
quire a sufficient number of scenes along the US Atlantic coast or ac­ SAR images y1 and y2 is calculated as the maximum likelihood estimator
quired data over a shorter time period and, hence, cannot provide the of the coherence magnitude over an estimation window of N pixels
accuracy required for our study. (Seymour and Cumming, 1994)
�PN ðnÞ *ðnÞ �
� y y �
3. Methods ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0 � jγj � 1
jγj ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffin¼1
PN ðnÞ 2 PN ðnÞ 2
n¼1 jy1 j n¼1 jy2 j
The two ERS-1/2 data sets were processed using the Small Baseline
Subset (SBAS) algorithm (Berardino et al., 2002) as implemented in the The multi-temporal coherence (denoted as γ for simplicity) can be
SARscape modules (software version 5.2.1) available under ENVI plat­ used as a measure of the accuracy of the interferometric phase (Hanssen,
form (software version 5.3). For the Miami Beach study area, 95 inter­ 2001). The relative uncertainty (σ) (Sarmap, 2014) of the mean
ferometric pairs were connected by setting the maximum perpendicular InSAR-derived velocities is then internally calculated for each pixel as
and temporal baselines respectively to 55% (relative to the critical (simplified from: Bamler and Just, 1993)
baseline value, Table S3) and 1,000 days (Fig. 2A). For the Norfolk study sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
λ 1 γ2
area, 182 interferometric pairs were connected by setting the baselines σ¼
4π 2γ2
to 60% (relative to the critical baseline value, Table S4) and 1,200 days
(Fig. 2B). A multi-look factor of 1 in slant range and 5 in azimuth di­
where λ is the signal wavelength. The obtained uncertainty values are
rections was applied to obtain a ground pixel resolution of ~20 m by 20
between 0.2 mm/yr and 1.5 mm/yr (mean value of 0.6 mm/yr) for
m. The interferometric phase related to the topography was removed
Miami Beach (Fig. S4), and between 0.1 mm/yr and 2.4 mm/yr (mean
using the 1 arc-second Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DEM.
value of 0.6 mm/yr) for Norfolk (Fig. S5). Assuming that the ground
Orbital inaccuracies are compensated by using ESA’s Precise Orbits
movements in both study areas do not present strong horizontal com­
(PRC) data. Spectral shift and common Doppler bandwidth filtering are
ponents, the mean LOS velocities are projected to the vertical direction
applied during the interferogram generation to minimize decorrelation
taking into account the incidence angle of each measured point. The
effects (Gatelli et al., 1994). The noise and signal frequencies are
final results were classified in a Geographic Information System (GIS)
smoothed in a selective way by using the Goldstein adaptive filter
(ArcGIS 10.6 software) using a colour scale from blue to red, in which
(Goldstein and Werner, 1998). The filter strength is based on the local
positive values, in blue, correspond to a decrease of the sensor to target
coherence and is controlled by the “α” parameter that was set to 0.3–1.0
slant range distance (i.e. relative uplift), while negative values, in red,
(minimum values) and 2.5–3.0 (maximum values) respectively for
correspond to an increase of the sensor to target slant range distance (i.e.
Miami Beach and Norfolk. The interferograms are co-registered to the
relative subsidence). The points considered as stable, in green, are the
geometry of a master image and unwrapped using the Delaunay Mini­
ones with velocities of �1 mm/yr, close to the accuracy obtainable with
mum Cost Flow (MCF) algorithm (Costantini, 1998). An unwrapping
the ERS-1/2 satellites (Crosetto et al., 2008).
coherence threshold of 0.30 was set for both data sets. Residual orbital

Fig. 2. SBAS connection networks. Interferometric pairs generated for (A) Miami Beach from 1993 to 1999 and (B) Norfolk (VA) from 1992 to 1998. The red dots are
the images used as master. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

S. Fiaschi and S. Wdowinski Ocean and Coastal Management 187 (2020) 105078

4. Results yr) (Bekaert et al., 2017) must be added to the InSAR measurements. The
InSAR analysis over Norfolk extends well beyond the city limits (Fig. 4)
Miami Beach is a densely populated barrier island, located between and covers also the nearby GPS sites. However, the results here reported
Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 1b). It is roughly 10 km long refer, unless otherwise specified, only to the area of the municipality
and 2.5 km wide at its widest point. InSAR time series results reveal a (Fig. 1C). Thanks to the SBAS technique, we obtained very high point
patch-like pattern of coherent velocity observations, reflecting contri­ density (2140 points/km2) and covered almost the entire territory of
butions from variable scattering environments and high variability of Norfolk, except for the areas characterized by very low coherence cor­
tropospheric delay. Coherent results occur over the built environment, responding to water bodies and dense vegetation (Fig. 4). The results,
whereas incoherent results occur over open areas and some of the built show that most of the city lies over a relatively stable territory while
environment. The point density obtained with the SBAS approach is of only few localized areas are affected by subsidence up to 6.0 mm/yr.
924 points/km2. Among the 18,949 measured points, 1555 present ve­ Among the 313,052 measured points, 74,831 registered subsidence
locities below 1.0 mm/yr, while only 11 of them have velocities below greater than 1.0 mm/yr (24%), and only 1106 greater than 3 mm/yr
3 mm/yr (Table S5). The results indicate that most of the city (~97%) (0.3%). Four main locations are here reported as examples of localized
was stable during the 1993–1999 observation period (green in Fig. 3A). subsidence in the Norfolk area (Figs. 4 and 5): A) Willoughby Spit and
However, several localized subsiding areas were detected mostly in the tunnel island; B) Craney Island and Lamberts Point terminal; C) East
western part of the city (yellow in Fig. 3A). These areas typically consist Beach residential area; D) Hampton Road Beltway. The extent of the
of single-family houses that were built on reclaimed wetlands (e.g. subsiding areas is generally limited to localized residential or industrial
southernmost black circles in Fig. 3A). In some locations, as in the sites; only in the case of Norfolk International Airport and its sur­
eastern part of the city, the detected subsidence is of a 12-story high roundings the subsidence extent is larger (Fig. 5D). Subsidence in this
condominium building (northernmost black circle in Fig. 3A). The area also intersects the Hampton Road Beltway for a total length of
detected subsidence rate is in the 1–3 mm/yr range, with uncertainty around 6000 m. In the four selected locations, most of the subsiding
level of 0.6–0.8 mm/yr. Although higher subsidence velocities up to 3.8 points registered velocities between 1.0 mm/yr and 3.0 mm/yr,
mm/yr are registered in the artificial islands located west of the city, while only a smaller percentage had higher subsidence rates, up to 6.0
phase unwrapping errors leading to higher uncertainties cannot be mm/yr (Table S6). The measurement uncertainties are in the range of
excluded in such areas. 0.1–2.4 mm/yr.
The city of Norfolk, Virginia, is located in lower Chesapeake Bay, A section of the Hampton Roads Beltway close to the Norfolk Inter­
which is the largest estuary in the U.S (Fig. 1A). The city is surrounded national Airport shows subsidence rates ranging from 1.0 mm/yr to 4.0
by water from the Bay in the north and secondary rivers and estuaries in mm/yr (Fig. 5D). Outside the study area, around 9 km west of the
the west and south (Fig. 1C). Since the entire Chesapeake Bay area is Norfolk city limits, another 4000 m long section of the Hampton Road
subject to regional subsidence, the results obtained from the SBAS InSAR Beltway is affected by higher subsidence rates up to 8.3 � 1.0 mm/yr
processing over Norfolk are the expression of the differential movements (Fig. 4). Localized subsidence occurred also in the East Beach residential
of the measured points relative to the subsiding land surface. To obtain area (Fig. 5C), north of the city. Here, the subsidence rates can reach 3.3
the total subsidence in the area, the contribution of the regional subsi­ mm/yr. Similar rates of subsidence affected Willoughby Spit in the
dence obtained from GPS observations from 2009 to 2017 (1–2.4 mm/ northern section of the city, whereas the west flank of the man-made

Fig. 3. Vertical velocity map over Miami Beach from

1993 to 1999 and displacement time series. (A)
vertical velocity map obtained with the SBAS tech­
nique. The black circles mark the location of the
extracted displacement time series. Red lines mark
the location of roads affected by flooding during
1998–2012 (data from Wdowinski et al., 2016). (B)
Vertical displacement time series of the four selected
points. Base image source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, Geo­
Eye, Earth Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA,
USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)

S. Fiaschi and S. Wdowinski Ocean and Coastal Management 187 (2020) 105078

Fig. 4. Vertical velocity map over Norfolk (VA) from

1992 to 1998. The white squares are the locations of
the four areas affected by land subsidence reported
in Fig. 5. Purple triangles are the locations of the GPS
stations available in the area. The light blue triangle
is the location of the Sewells Point tide gauge station.
Base image source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earth
Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, Aero­
GRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)

island at the entrance to the Hampton Roads Bridge–Tunnel (HRBT) Authorities for planning evacuation strategies. Our Miami Beach results
registered subsidence up to 6.3 mm/yr (Fig. 5A). Subsidence up to 4.1 are first to report land subsidence in the city. However, land subsidence
mm/yr affected also parts of the Lamberts Point coal terminal, whereas in Norfolk was reported previously, both in term of regional component
the subsidence is more evident in the near Craney Island where the (Karegar et al. 2016, 2017) and localized differential component
entire Oily Waste Treatment Plant subsided with rates reaching 5.1 mm/ (Bekaert et al., 2017). Although most of Norfolk seems stable (green in
yr (Fig. 5B). The analysis of the displacement time series extracted in the Fig. 4), the entire city subsides at a rate of 1.5–2.5 mm/yr as part of the
four main areas (Fig. 5), shows a similar deformation trend that appear GIA process (Bekaert et al., 2017; Karegar et al. 2016, 2017). Thus, we
to be linear in each of the selected points. The non-uniform temporal added the regional component derived from the LOY2 GPS during
distribution of the images, with a gap of information between 09/1993 02/2009–04/2017 ( 1.7 � 0.9 mm/yr) to our observed relative subsi­
and 04/1995, and the production of decorrelation effects can explain the dence (1–6 mm/yr) and presented it in Fig. S6.
occurrence of anomalous displacement values that are visible, for The previous study of Bekaert et al. (2017) used GPS observations in
example in P4. the lower Chesapeake Bay area to calibrate their InSAR results, which
were derived from ALOS-1 observations acquired during 2007–2011.
5. Discussion Their results revealed a very diffuse subsidence pattern occurring
throughout most of the city with rates ranging 0–10 mm/yr. However,
InSAR time series analysis of the two coastal communities, Miami the limited number of SAR data and the 4-year observation period used
Beach and Norfolk, reveals that during the observation period of in their study yielded very high uncertainty rates (5–8 mm/yr), which
1992–1999, both communities were subjected to localized differential were not sufficient for generating accurate subsidence maps (Bekaert
subsidence at rates of 1–3 mm/yr in Miami Beach and 1–6 mm/yr in et al., 2017). Our results, however, rely on more observations and a
Norfolk. In Miami Beach, subsidence is limited to several small areas longer acquisition period (6–7 years) and, hence, yielded a more accu­
(~3% of the analysed area; Fig. 3), mostly located in the western side of rate subsidence map (uncertainties up to 2.4 mm/yr) showing localized
the city, which was built on reclaimed wetlands. The rest of the city subsidence patterns.
remained stable, which agree with the two years of continuous GPS Localized subsidence typically occurs in response to shallow sub­
observations in Miami Beach (Station: FLMB) and four other station surface processes as sediment compaction, often in response to
locations in southeast Florida. The geology of the area is, in fact, groundwater extraction (Amelung et al., 1999; Galloway and Burbey,
constituted by a plateau of karst limestone (Miami Limestone Forma­ 2011), and soil settlement in reclaimed areas (e.g., Kim et al., 2008). The
tion) sitting over the Florida Platform (Lane, 1994). Although no rate of localized subsidence can vary over time, depending on the con­
regional subsidence has been recorded in south Florida, localized sub­ trolling mechanisms. Subsidence rate due to groundwater exploitation is
sidence can occur as consequence of karst activity and compaction of affected by extraction and recharge histories, as well as by the defor­
unconsolidated sediments. In Norfolk, differential subsidence occurred mation characteristics of the aquifer system. Subsidence rate due to soil
over wider areas (~20% of the municipality), as wide as 7–8 km, but settlement in reclaimed areas also varies in time, as the rate of soil
also in smaller areas with dimension of tens to hundreds of meters compaction decreases over time. Despite the time dependent nature of
(Figs. 4 and 5). Subsidence affected also critical infrastructure such as localized subsidence, it can be characterized by linear rates, as presented
the Hampton Road Beltway (Fig. 5D). This road is one of the main in this study, reflecting a mean, uniform rate of subsidence that occurred
designated hurricane evacuation routes for people in vehicle to flee the during the observation period. The application of the observed rates
Virginia Beach (East of Norfolk) and Norfolk areas, as reported from the beyond the observation periods is a good first assumption, as the
Virginia Department of Emergency Management. The presence of sub­ deformation processes tend to vary at slow rates, especially if no other
siding areas along the route may increase the flooding hazard in case of observations are available. However, the extension of the observed
storm surges and can be a significant aspect to be considered by the subsidence rates beyond the observation period should be done with

S. Fiaschi and S. Wdowinski Ocean and Coastal Management 187 (2020) 105078

Fig. 5. Main areas affected by subsidence in Norfolk

(VA). (A) Willoughby Spit and tunnel island. (B)
Craney Island (left) and Lamberts Point terminal
(right). (C) East Beach residential area. (D) Hampton
Road Beltway. The white circles mark the location of
the extracted displacement time series. (P1–P4)
Vertical displacement time series extracted from four
selected points in Norfolk (VA). Base image source:
Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earth Geographics,
CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and
the GIS User Community.

caution. which does not provide a good scattering environment and shows patchy
The high spatial resolution of InSAR time series analysis can be used areas of slight uplift (insert in Fig. 4). However, the scatterers located
to evaluate stability of buildings, as well as point measurement of within the broader area of the Naval Base indicate relative stability of
geodetic instruments, such as continuous GPS stations or tide gauges, as the area (average movement rate of 28,401 points is 0.5 � 0.6 mm/yr).
previously done in the Venice Lagoon (Italy) (Bock et al., 2012) and in After correcting the relative InSAR subsidence field by the regional
Berst (France) (Poitevin et al., 2019). Here, we use the InSAR-derived subsidence component of ~1.7 mm/yr (Fig. S6), the Naval Base exhibits
relative velocity map of Norfolk to evaluate the stability of the Sewells an average subsidence rate of ~1.2 mm/yr, which explains the high
Point tide gauge, which is used to estimate the rate of relative SLR for relative SLR at Sewells Point (4.6 � 0.3 mm/yr) compared to the global
Norfolk, and the LOY2 continuous GPS station (Fig. 4), which is used to mean SLR (3.2 � 0.3 mm/yr). Our results also indicate that the LOY2
estimate the regional land subsidence component (1.7 � 0.9 mm/yr). GPS station is stable based on statistical analysis of 18 InSAR points
Unfortunately, we were unable to evaluate the stability of the LOYZ and found within 50 m buffer distance from the GPS station revealing rela­
DRV5/6 GPS stations (which measure regional land subsidence respec­ tive average motion of 0.4 � 0.4 mm/yr.
tively of 1.8 � 0.8 mm/yr and 1.9 � 0.5 mm/yr), because both stations We did not conduct a similar stability analysis for Miami Beach,
are surrounded by vegetated areas, which do not maintain sufficient because no tide gauge or GPS stations were operating in the study area
interferometric coherence in the C-band ERS-1/2 data to obtain reliable during the ERS-1/2 measurement period. The Miami Beach tide gauge
results. We are also unable to directly determine the stability of the operated during the years 1931–1981 and then was relocated to Virginia
Sewells Point tide gauge, as the gauge is located at the end of a peer, Key in 1994. The one continuous GPS station operating in Miami Beach

S. Fiaschi and S. Wdowinski Ocean and Coastal Management 187 (2020) 105078

(FLMB) started operation in 2017 and, insofar, its record indicates no evaluation of the velocities in these areas. Another issue that can limit
measurable subsidence. the significance of our results is nature of the measured objects on the
Coastal flooding hazard assessments often rely on the rate of relative surface. SAR measurements in urban areas are dominated by double-
SLR for forecasting inundation level and/or flooding frequencies in bounce backscattering from buildings (Hong and Wdowinski, 2014;
coastal communities. For example, Burgos et al. (2018) calculated future Yamaguchi et al., 2005) and, hence, represent mainly building move­
nuisance flooding frequency in Norfolk using rate of relative SLR of 4.6 ments. Thus, subsiding areas with stable buildings, which are anchored
� 0.3 mm/yr derived from the 1927–2016 Sewells Point’s tide gauge at depth by piling to a stable stratum, will reveal in InSAR analysis as
record. These results are representative for most of the city, but not for stable, non-subsiding surface conditions. As an example, such differen­
areas subjected to localized subsidence. In those areas the rate of relative tial subsidence behaviour was detected in Mexico City indicating
SLR is higher and can reach level of 8–9 mm/yr, according to the ob­ apparent uplift of large, well anchored building or structures, as Metro
tained results. In particular, localized subsidence may naturally occur in stations, with respect to their surroundings (Osmanoglu et al., 2011;
low elevation areas that are more vulnerable to flooding. Based on a Solano-Rojas et al., 2019). Therefore, our reported subsidence results
LiDAR DEM acquired in 2013, we calculated that 614 of the total sub­ may represent movement of buildings and not of the actual surface.
siding points in the Norfolk municipality lie at an elevation <1 m above Here we focused on Miami Beach and Norfolk because both have
North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), which is < 1.08 m been subjected in the past couple of decades to increased frequency of
above Mean Sea Level. These 614 points represent an area of ~25 ha nuisance flooding, which caused property damage and affected daily
(0.17% of the territory) in which the flooding hazard can be higher due life. However, the importance of our study extends well beyond these
to the combination of local subsidence and low elevation. In Miami two coastal areas, because similar deformation processes affect many
Beach, some of the localized subsiding areas are located hundreds of other coastal communities. With the projected increase of sea level,
meters inland of the shoreline (Fig. 3), suggesting a negligible contri­ additional communities along the US Atlantic coast and in other coastal
bution for increasing the rate of relative SLR at these sites. However, areas worldwide will be subjected to more frequent nuisance flooding.
these localized subsiding areas can increase the likelihood of Thus, improved management of coastal flooding hazard in most coastal
rain-induced flooding, which occur during heavy rain events. The communities should take into account studies and assessments of ver­
comparison between the InSAR results and the flooding events reported tical land movements, which include contributions from both regional
between 1998 and 2015 (Fig. 6) shows that 59% and 30% of the and local land subsidence. The regional component is best evaluated
detected subsiding points in Miami Beach and Norfolk municipalities, using GPS measurements, whereas the local subsidence is best measured
respectively, are within 200 m of areas already subjected to flooding. with InSAR in urban areas and GPS in open areas. Thus, future assess­
This suggests that a contribution of the detected subsidence to the more ments of coastal flooding hazards should include measurements and
recent flooding events in these areas is possible, but further and more analyses of both GPS and InSAR data. Recently, the state of Florida
recent data are required to confirm such statement. initiated a coastal subsidence monitoring project in Miami-Dade County,
In the current study, we used ERS-1/2 data acquired during a 7-year which implements the recommended dual GPS-InSAR monitoring
long period, which allow us to obtain results with uncertainty lower approach.
than 1 mm/yr in most areas (Figs. S4 and S5). However, in some loca­ Our InSAR time series analysis has some limitations in terms of
tions, uncertainty reached 2–3 mm/yr level, suggesting caution in the observation period and measurement uncertainty. Our results are based

Fig. 6. Comparison between areas affected by sub­

sidence detected with InSAR (vertical velocity < 1
mm/yr, red) and the flooding reported (blue) in
Miami Beach (data from Wdowinski et al., 2016) (A)
and Norfolk (data from http://va-norfolk.civicplus.
com) (B) municipalities. Data in (B) are super­
imposed to the LiDAR elevation map (NAVD88).
Base image source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earth
Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, Aero­
GRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)

S. Fiaschi and S. Wdowinski Ocean and Coastal Management 187 (2020) 105078

on ERS-1/2 data acquired more than two decades ago and, hence, reflect Environment at Florida International University.
localized subsidence occurred during the observation time period
(1992–1999). As explained above, the application of the observed rate Author contributions
beyond the observation period should be done with caution. Unfortu­
nately, follow up SAR missions, as ENVISAT and ALOS-1, did not acquire S.F. carried out the InSAR analysis. S.W. helped with the interpre­
a sufficient number of images over the US Atlantic coast to obtain reli­ tation of the results. Both authors contributed in the writing of the
able velocity observations needed for assessing coastal subsidence at the manuscript.
1–2 mm/yr uncertainty level. The currently operating Sentinel-1
mission acquires SAR data over the US Atlantic coast in a systematic Data and materials availability
manner since 2016. The currently available Sentinel-1 data expand over
a period of three years, which is still not sufficient to detect surface All data needed to evaluate the results and conclusions reported in
movements at the desired 1–2 mm/yr uncertainty level (Havazli and the paper are present in the main text or in the Supplementary Materials.
Wdowinski, 2017). However, this uncertainty level will be reached as If necessary, further data may be requested from the authors.
soon as Sentinel-1 acquisitions will cover a period greater than four/five
years (Havazli and Wdowinski, 2017). Considering the great potential of Declaration of competing interest
Sentinel-1 data to detect ground movements over large scales at
improved resolution in comparison with past-generation satellites, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
future work will consist in upscaling this study to a larger number of interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
communities along the US Atlantic coastline, and assessing the contri­ the work reported in this paper.
bution of the more recent land subsidence to flooding hazard in such
areas. Appendix A. Supplementary data

6. Concluding remarks Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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