Logbook Aisyah Athirah Abdul Razab

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This book is issued to you to provide a history of your training and to act as a weekly record by the
work on which you are engaged.

Student’s responsibilities for keeping log book up-to-date

Immediately this book is issued to you, you should, in consultation with your Training Officer, complete
the details required on the previous page.

It is your responsibility to make the main entries of the log book and keep it up to date.
Entries must be regularly initialled by your Supervisor. You must ensure that:

1. It is available at your place of work during your training.

2. All entries, except sketches, are made in ink.
3. Entries are made by within a week of the work to which they refer.
4. The book is handed to your Training Officer for retention on your return to UiTM and this will later
be handed to the Head of School for grading.


The log book should contain the following information:

1. A neat concise description of each of your training locations and the work on which you are
2. Relevant sketches, data and circuit diagrams.
3. References to textbooks, standards and other technical information related to the work being
4. Constructive comments on the work being undertaken and your considered opinion as to its value
as training.


2 Date & Place of Birth 27/09/1994 / JOHOR BHARU

3 UiTM ID 2015269992

4 Part & Year 7, 2017

5 Course PAC 670





8 Address During Practical RAYA, SEKSYEN 19,


9 Place of Training 9TH FLOOR, WISMA SIME DARBY,


11 Duration Training 1st February 2017- 31st July 2017

Date Description Remarks

02/02/201 1) Posting of Journal Voucher SDGSC

Learning the step how to do the posting from file given by
& organization unit (OU) in the workflow and use SDGSC JV upload
03/02/201 template to upload the transaction in the System Application
7 Program (SAP). I also had try do the posting of the journal voucher.
Before the posting will be uploaded into the system, we must ensure
(Week 1) that co check is true and credit/ debit is 0.00. This posting of journal
voucher is to ensure that journal voucher is post into the system to
know the transaction made for the month by the company.
All Sime Darby company use SAP as their system to record all the
accounting transaction made. The T-code in SAP use to upload the
journal voucher is ZFI_UPLOAD_NEW.

2) Company’s background

Sime Darby Global Services Centre Sdn Bhd provides finance and
accounting, information and communication technology, and payroll
services. The company was formerly known as Sime Solution Centre
Sdn. Bhd. Sime Darby Global Services Centre Sdn Bhd operates as a
subsidiary of Sime Darby Berhad. Under Sime Darby Global Service
Centre, there are division of Group Head Office (GHO), Motors,
Logistic, Property and Plantation.

I’m in GHO team. Under GHO, there are 11 companies which are
Sime Darby Holdings Berhad (SDHB), Sime Darby Global Service
Centre (SDGSC), Sime Darby Berhad (SDB), Sime Darby Malaysia
Berhad (SDMB), Sime Darby Holiday Homes (SDHH), Yayasan Sime
Darby (YSD), Sime Darby Nominees SB (SD Nom), Sime Darby Global
Bhd (SDGB), Kumpulan Sime Darby Berhad (KSDB), Sime Darby
Technologies Holdings (SDTH) and Tractors Malaysia Sdn Bhd
(TMHB). All of these 11 companies have different nature of business.
For example, the nature of business SDHH is about provision of
property management services and child care. Nature of business
YSD is receiving and administering funds to award scholarships or
loans for educational purposes.
06/02/201 1) Company’s books of account
- I study on the company’s policies to prepare the accounting
10/02/201 transaction under GHO team. During my studying, they are new term
7 that I had learn been use by the company such as cash sweeping,
HDRF and Interco counterparty. My team lead, Mabel had explained
(Week 2) to me the term that I don’t understand to make it clear. Cash
sweeping is at the end of the day of transaction subsidiary sweep
cash to parent to ease to consolidation. HDRF stands for human
development resource fund. It is actually like bond. We pay every
month eg: RM200 to HDRF and if we send employee for training, we
can claim the fund from government. Interco counterparty is such
transaction company A RM10 while company B RM20. Company A
send statement RM10, so company B will also send statement to
show the amount of RM20 to show the correct amount of
transaction made between them.

Sime Darby is a systematic company in preparing their account. What

I have learned, I’m more understand about the company policies and
how they prepare their accounting report. This will make me be
more prepare to help them in preparing company’s account after I
had understand their policies. Company emphasized on the neat and
tidy work in preparing their accounts.

2) Bank Reconciliation Yayasan Sime Darby Berhad (YSD)

I am prepare bank recon YSD for January 2017. I learn the step on
how to do the bank recon. First, I need to extract the bank statement
from Citibank and Maybank. Then, I need to check the GL code in the
SAP based on the excel file and print screen the cumulative balance. I
also need to print screen the closing balance stated in the bank
statement that I have been extract previously.

This is to ensure that the transaction that we made and what had
been posted in SAP for the month is tie with the closing balance in
the bank statement for the month.
3) MT940 and Cash Sweeping

MT940 is a term use by Sime Darby which is uploaded the

transaction made in the Citibank into their system (SAP). This is to
ensure that whatever transaction made by company in the Citibank
also have in the SAP. GHO division practically will update MT940
weekly. The step to do cash sweeping are I need to downloaded text
file from Citibank and uploaded in SAP using T-code FF_5 and FEBP.

For cash sweeping, previously I get explained about the concept of

cash sweeping by team lead. Next, I learn about the step how to do
the cash sweeping for weekly update so that next time I’m able to do
the correct step for cash sweeping. The first step that I need to do is
generate each of Concentration Account Detail/Report of MYR, AUD
and USD and put it in share folder file. Share folder file is file that
have in server which show all the company’s account working such as
management account, bank reconciliation, tax invoice and others.
Next, I need to update current excel cash sweeping working file in
share folder using the excel file that I generated from Citibank. Then,
I need to upload the updated excel file in the SAP using T-code
ZFI_UPLOAD_NEW to get the document number of each transaction.
SM 35 is the T-code to get the document number. After that, I need
to arise workflow using T-code OAWD and multiple assign.

4) Tax computation items for Sime Darby Berhad

Every posting in SAP have their own attachment as reference. I am

helping to generate the attachment for items in Sime Darby Berhad’s
tax computation and save in that tax computation file as reference to
the items. From this, I get learn more about the system on how to
find the reference of each transaction made. I also take it as lesson
that every transaction should have attachment for future uses. I am
still new in using the SAP so that this step of generate the
attachment can enhance my knowledge in using SAP from time to
13/2/2017 1) Yayasan Sime Darby (YSD) Posting
17/2/2017 One of the YSD’s posting is to create internal order for customer. I
learn the step on how to do YSD posting from PIC. Firstly, I need to
(Week 3) open workflow created by OU to look for the attachment and
agreement given to create the internal order. For the transaction
code (t-code) use is K001, the outcome is to create the order number
of an internal order by customer. Next using the t-code of K0H1 to
create the order group for the order. Every order must be grouped
based on the cost center in the attachment given by OU. Then using t-
code KO22 is to insert the budget based on the attachment. After the
internal order had been created, need to the send email to the
person who request to create the internal order and OU. To send the
email must include the print screen of document number that we had
created which is using the t-code KOK5 which is the master data lists
order and print screen of document in KO23 which is display original

From this posting, I’m more understand about the system which OU
will create workflow which have the agreement form and attachment
and from the workflow created, we will do the posting and learn
more about the t-code used to do the posting. From this learning also
will make me be more familiar with the system.

2) Update MT940 and Cash Sweeping for Week 2

As I learn the step previously, this week I need to update MT940 and
cash sweeping for week 2, February 2017. What I have learn from this
is to make sure that all step are done accordingly and correctly to
make sure that the bank is successfully uploaded into the SAP. During
the process of uploaded the bank into the SAP, I left one small step
that make the bank not successfully uploaded into the SAP. For cash
sweeping, I must ensure that the document number that I copy from
SAP to the updated excel file is correctly arranged based on the
company code to raise workflow correctly and multiple assign
3) Tax Computation for Sime Darby Global Services Centre

I learn on how to check and balance the tax computation for the year
ended 30 June 2016. After the final tax computation of the company
being prepared, we must check and balance the amount of each
schedule manually whether the total been correctly added. It is
because sometimes the round off formula have in Microsoft Excel
make the amount added more or less, so it is not the exact total
amount added. Apart from that, from this task given, I get the
knowledge on how the real picture of tax computation of the
company looks like and how the right way it’s being calculated. Thus,
this will increase my knowledge on taxes.

4) Event of SDGSC department

From this event, I get know and understand more about my

department. I get more information about each division under
The division under SDGSC are Group Head Office (GHO), Motors,
Logistic, Property and Plantation. I’m more understand about each
division’s scope and nature. I get explained by each of team lead
about the nature and scope hold under their division. On this day
also , we played game that I think good for employee because can
built the relationship among employee and released some tension
and stress on work .

5) Intercompany confirmation SIME Darby Holdings Berhad (SDHB)

Intercompany confirmation will be send out email every month after

closing to make sure the intercompany transactions made between
internal tie with each other. For SDHB intercompany confirmation
have three types which are Account Payable (AP), Account
Receivables (AR) and Interco Loan. This practice been done by SDGSC
to smoother the process of year end closing. I learn the step how to
send the email from PIC and learn the concept of intercompany
transactions. They have the template to send the email to the
respective person. I also learn new t-code for SAP which are FK10n
and FD10n. FK10n to display for vendor side while FD10n is to display
for customer side.
20/2/2017 1) MT940 and Avangard for weekly updated
24/2/2017 Updated MT940 as usual which is upload bank into the system for
13/2-19/2. I learn new thing which is concept and the double entry
(Week 4) for avangard. Avangard also same as cash sweeping and mt940 which
practising by this division to updated it by weekly. Avangard is a
system to generate double entry for SDHB posting as such Interco
loan, fixed deposit and interest expenses. The posting is about
receipt and payment made by SDHB. There are 3 banks which involve
in avangard posting.

2) Practicing monthly closing for KSD, SDTH and TMHB

I’m PIC for these three dormant companies. On this week, I learn on
how to do those companies’s monthly closing. This is as my
preparation for coming monthly closing as at February 2017. I learn
on how to update monthly management account and promoted
submitting level of each company in BPC 10.1. BPC 10.1 is a system
that generated accounting report of company such as statement of
financial position (sofp), statement of profit or loss (sopl) and others.
I need to make sure all the data have in BPC same as in SAP to ensure
the correct amount of profit and to tie the balance sheet. Sime Darby
practising for the monthly closing need to close for three process of
closing which are Actual Financial Statement, Actual Statistical and
Forecast Financial Statement. Actual Financial Statement relating to
the Financial reporting regarding to the normal report such as SOPL
and SOFP. Actual statistical related to the statistical information that
we need to upload it in BPC while Forecast Financial Statement
related to the budget for the month. For this 3 companies the
forecast will copy the actual data. I practising how to use the BPC
system using previous month data to smoother my closing for
coming month because I already familiar with the system. This is
good for me because I will enhance my knowledge from time to time.

3) Tax computation for Sime Darby Holiday Homes

The same technique use to check and balance for SDGSC tax
computation previously.
27/2/2017 1) Monthly closing for KSD, SDTH and TMHB
3/3/2017 I get involved in the real monthly closing. I learn on how to
encounter problem if data in BPC is not same as what have in SAP.
(Week 5) For this month, my company having problem of having data which
have not supposed to have in this monthly closing. It is because there
is difference in previous system with BPC 10.1 related to trading
partner and non-trading partner when do posting. I learn on how to
look into the GL code in the SAP and BPC code to find the solution to
the problem arises. Based on the BPC code, I look into the schedule
to change manually the figure. This make me get know and learn
more on how they practising their company’s accounting closing.
Thus, I will be more prepared for next monthly closing.

2) Generate report for KSD,SDTH and TMHB

After all the report had been promoted to submitted level, report
must be generated from system as a reference for future uses.
From this task, I learn to be patience because need to keep
generating the report because the system is still new and not really

3) First draft of working Stat Acc of GHO Dormant Companies

Preparing first draft working Stat Acc for 5 GHO Dormant Companies
which are Sime Darby Venture Sdn Bhd, Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad,
Highland and Lowland Berhad, Golden HopePlantation Berhad and
Sime UEP Properties Berhad. I get the real picture on how the Stat
Account being prepared. If before this, I just look into Stat Acc of
company as reference when doing assignment. Now I get involved in
preparing it, it is not as easy as its look like. We need to ensure the
current director left, then shares of the company, the signing date
and the right format as what auditor want it to be perform. We also
need to comply with updated laws if any.

4) Tax Invoice for all companies in Citibank

Generating the tax invoice in the Citibank for all the companies under
GHO team. This is monthly practising to generate the tax invoice for
the month.
6/3/2017 1) Weekly updating MT940 and cash sweeping
10/3/2017 Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.
(Week 6)
2) Preparing Bank Reconciliation Sime Darby Holdings Berhad

After monthly closing, report must be prepared for organization unit

(OU) to review. One of the reports is Bank Reconciliation. Sime Darby
Holdings Berhad (SDHB) has two banks which are Citibank and
Maybank. Each of the banks split into MYR currency and foreign

The nature of SDHB is an investment holding company, offers

marketing services for commodities and management services. So
that the company has many transactions compared to Sime Darby
Berhad. I am helping the PIC of SDHB to do the foreign part of each
bank. There are 9 foreign currency in SDHB which are HKD, GBP, SGD,
USD, USD Trade, AUD, EUR, EUR Trade and JPY. The purpose of
doing the bank reconciliation is to tie the bank statement with the
transactions being made in the System Application Program (SAP).

3) Event SDGSC ‘Safety and Health Employee’

This event is about safety and health of employee. The organizer of

the event explains on the safety at workplace and health of
employee during working hours. This is to create awareness on
safety and health of employee at workplace. From this event, I can
use the tips that been given by them at workplace. For example, the
right way to scrolling the mouse using the middle finger to put less
4) Interco Reconciliation of KSD

I learn how to prepare the working of interco between KSD and

SDHB. For these interco KSD vs SDHB, SDHB is the vendor of KSD.
Meanwhile KSD is customer of the SDHB. Interco that I’m preparing is
to show the balance in my book to tie it with SDHB’s book. From this
working, I will get know which transaction that do not been pick yet
if KSD book’s balance not tie with SDHB book.

Purpose of preparing the working is to make sure that all interco

between company tie with each other book. This monthly practising
of company is to ease the coming year end closing.
13/3/2017 1) Weekly Updating MT940 and Cash Sweeping
17/3/2017 Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.
(Week 7)
2) Check payment rental in Citibank

I’m doing checking for payment of rental in Sime Darby Holiday

Homes (SDHH)’s account statement in Citibank. Every rental payment
made to SDHH will be checking in the Citibank to confirm that
payment had been made.

This practising is to ease the monthly closing to tie the SDHH bank
statement with the transaction in the SAP.

3) Preparing SDHB Account Reconciliation

Account Reconciliation is one of the reports than need to prepare

after closing period for organization unit (OU) to review. This task is
one of my favourite tasks because it challenge myself to be patience
and improving my technical skills of using formula and Microsoft
excel. It is nature of business SDHB is an investment holding
company, offers marketing services for commodities and
management services. Thus, SDHB the most transactions each month
compared to others company. Account Reconciliation SDHB is
divided into three which is balance sheet recon. , profit and loss
recon. and payroll recon.

For the first time preparing this account reconciliation, I took almost
a week to finish it because to get know the way of preparing it.
I am preparing profit and loss part, so there’s be a lot of schedule to
prepare. In the report have the formula link, so each month I need to
update the expenses and revenue made by SDHB.

The way to prepare the report is first, need to update the f.01 that
will link with all GL codes have in the report. F.01 is t-code in the SAP
that shows all the profit and loss items and balance sheet items. I
extract the f.01 from SAP and paste it in the report. So that each GL
code will have the balance for the month that needed to update.
This account reconciliation provide the detail of each transaction
been made such as name of vendor, amount, type of transaction and
20/3/2017 1) Preparing SDHB Account Reconciliation
24/3/2017 For this week, I still continue preparing the report. It is quite tough
and challenging for me cause I’m still new and lack of technical skill
(Week 8) but I really love and have burning spirit to finish it by my owns before
the deadline. I manage to get through and finish the task. Most
important things are I’m improving my knowledge on SAP on how to
look into the detail of each transaction, to look into the attachment
to find out vendor’s name and I’m also improving on my technical
skill to use Microsoft Excel which I think it is good for me for my
future to have all the knowledge.

2) Weekly Updating MT940 and Cash Sweeping

Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.

3) Updating management account of KSD, SDTH and TMHB

I’m updating those management accounts with the BPC mapping.

BPC mapping is showing the GL code to be matches with the BPC
code. This is to ease the coming closing because if anything happen
such the GL code not flows have correct data, we can manually
change the items in which schedule under which code.

4) Rearrange the folder of KSD, SDTH and TMHB in sharefolder

The purpose is to make sure all the working completely have in

correct folder as preparing if auditor asks for the working file.
27/3/2017 1) Weekly Updating MT940 and Cash Sweeping
31/3/2017 Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.
(Week 9)
2) Posting of Journal Voucher SDGSC

As previously I learn the step on how to do the posting from file given
by organization unit (OU) in the workflow and use SDGSC JV upload
template to upload the transaction in the System Application
Program (SAP). This time, I had done the posting of the journal
voucher. Before the posting will be uploaded into the system, we
must ensure that co check is true and credit/ debit is 0.00. This
posting of journal voucher is to ensure that journal voucher is post
into the system to know the transaction made for the month by the
The T-code in SAP use to upload the journal voucher is
ZFI_UPLOAD_NEW. T-code for the checking the document number of
the posting that had been uploaded is sm35. Lastly we need to
multiple assign the document number in the workflow to complete
the workflow.

3) Updating management account of KSD, SDTH and TMHB

As previous closing, need to prepare the management account to

check the movement for the month.

4) Monthly closing for KSD, SDTH and TMHB

As previous closing, need to close for actual, statistical and forecast

but this time around added with one more which is actual
movement. Actual movement need to submit each quarter only. Its
shows the movement of company for the month. This monthly
closing, everything go smooth just I need to communicate with BPC
team to clear data for KSD then I need to use copy function to copy
last month data to this month closing. For TMHB, I need to zerorise
the reserve each month since the company will be liquidate soon.

I learn on new things and I experience the problem arise when

dealing with the system during the closing. This make me be more
prepared for next closing.
3/4/2017 1) Tax Invoice for all companies in Citibank
7/4/2017 Generating the tax invoice in the Citibank for all the companies under
GHO team. This is monthly practising to generate the tax invoice for
(Week 10) the month.

2) Weekly Updating MT940 and Cash Sweeping

Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the SAP.

3) Posting of Journal Voucher SDGSC

As previously, to upload the journal voucher and checking the

document number of the posting that had been uploaded. Lastly we
need to multiple assign the document number in the workflow to
complete the workflow.

4) Actual movement of Sime Darby Holiday Homes( SDHH)

I’m helping the PIC of SDHH to submit the movement for the month.
For SDHH, slightly different from the company that I incharge. It is
because in SDHH’s actual movement have tax working on schedule
S05, net asset movement B02, intercompany balances movement on
B08 and PPE movement on B01 need to key in.

Thus, from this I gain new knowledge on the BPC 10.1 system. It is
also make me more understand company’s practicing in preparing
their account.

5) Generate report for all 11 companies

After all the reporting had been promoted to submitted level, report
must be generated from system as a reference for future uses and
for organization unit(OU) to review.
This time around, I am helping all my teammate to generating the
report because only me able to generate the report at that moment.
From this task, teach me a lot to be patience and keep trying to
generating it until successful.
1) Preparing GFA Pack for March closing for KSD, SDTH and TMHB
- For quarterly closing, need to prepare GFA pack that consist of Part
14/4/2017 A, Part B, Part b (i), Part B (ii) and Part C. Purpose of preparing this
GFA is for working to console group.
(Week 11)
The data that needed in the GFA will be downloaded from BPC 10.1.
Some data will auto flow into the GFA pack but some is needed to fill
up manually. For example, schedule 01(i) in Part B shows the Profit
and Loss that will auto flow in the GFA but for Part B (ii) Related
Disclosure Party need to fill up manually based on in the expenses
acc payable and acc receivable interco. for the month.

2) Weekly Updating MT940 and Cash Sweeping

Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the SAP.

3) Check payment rental in Citibank

As previously, I’m doing checking for payment of rental in Sime Darby

Holiday Homes (SDHH)’s account statement in Citibank. Every rental
payment made to SDHH will be checking in the Citibank to confirm
that payment had been made.

This practising is to ease the monthly closing to tie the SDHH bank
statement with the transaction in the SAP.

4) Workflow Internal Order of Yayasan Sime Darby (YSD)

As previously, I learn the concept and step on how to first, create the
internal order based on the two forms given by OU. Second is to
create order group then to insert the budget of the internal order.
Now is the time, I’m completing the workflow internal order. Based
on this task, I learn to carefully and double check the amount when
comes to insert budgeting of internal order.
1) Weekly updating MT940 and cash sweeping
- Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
21/4/2017 cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.

(Week 12) 2) Preparing Bank Reconciliation Sime Darby Holdings Berhad


As previously, I will preparing SDHB bank reconciliation for foreign

currency to be send out to organization unit (OU to review).
As usual to tie the transaction for the month with bank statement for
the month.

3) Preparing SDHB Account Reconciliation

As previously, I am preparing profit and loss account reconciliation

for SDHB. This time around I manage to finish it about 3 days
compared to last month I took about one week to finish it.
I also learn new thing which is how to look into the vendor name
without to open each attachment of each transactions that make me
a long time to finish it. I also learn new t-code which is KS03 to check
the name of new cost centre having in SDHB book for this month.

4) Tax computation training

In this training, been explained about the concept of tax computation

and ordinary mistake been made by preparer. Thus, preparer must
avoid those mistake such the amount in the schedule not same as
what in stat account. Preparer also need to check and balance the
total amount after the tax computation has been make before
submit to the respective person.
1) Weekly updating MT940 and cash sweeping
- Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
28/4/2017 cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.

(Week 13) 2) Posting of Journal Voucher SDGSC

As previously, to upload the journal voucher and checking the

document number of the posting that had been uploaded. Lastly we
need to multiple assign the document number in the workflow to
complete the workflow.

3) Workflow of SDHB auto reversal and EOCG

I am helping PIC of SDHB to do some posting. I learn new t-code

which is FBSI for auto reversal. And to do the posting using t-code
FBBI because the posting need document currency zero. We want
the posting to be post in MYR only.

I learn new thing from PIC SDHB on how to know which t-code is
suitable to use to do a specific posting. There three code to do a
posting which are FB50, F-02 and FBBI. FB50 is for normal posting
( 40 (Dr) 50(Cr) ) while F-02 is all posting key is allowed and FBBI is for
posting with document currency 0.

EOCG is End of Contract Gratuity is like compensation. To do this

posting like usual use ZFIR_upload_new then take the document
number in SM35 and multiple assign to complete the workflow.

4) Run Depreciation

After all fixed asset had been posted in SAP. We will email to
organization unit (OU) to inform that depreciation will be run on
specific date. If have any posting and adjustment need to be made,
OU need to inform PIC before depreciation would be run. The
depreciation will be run in the SAP for the month closing.
T-code to be use run the depreciation is AFAB. And t-code for
checking after run is S_ALR_87011990.
5) Monthly closing for KSD, SDTH and TMHB

As previous closing, need to close for actual, statistical and forecast

only. This monthly closing, everything go smooth just I need to
communicate with BPC team as usual to clear data for KSD then I
need to use copy function to copy last month data to this month
closing. For TMHB, I need to zerorise the reserve each month since
the company will be liquidate soon. For SDTH there are some
posting missed by AR team so that need to open back period and I
manually key in changed data in BPC 10.1 .

The same also with SDTH going to liquidate soon so I need ensure
that the share capital, reserve and all transaction interco. transaction
be zero for next coming closing.

6) Updating manangement account for KSD, SDTH and TMHB

Monthly update management account for KSD,SDTH and TMHB.

1/5/2017 1) Weekly updating MT940 and cash sweeping
5/5/2017 Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.
(Week 14)
2) Tax Invoice for all companies in Citibank

Generating the tax invoice in the Citibank for all the companies under
GHO team. This is monthly practising to generate the tax invoice for
the month.

3) Actual Statistical for YSD

I am helping PIC of YSD to upload the statistical template in BPC10.1

system to clear the validation.

4)Posting of Journal Voucher SDGSC

As previously, to upload the journal voucher and checking the

document number of the posting that had been uploaded. Lastly we
need to multiple assign the document number in the workflow to
complete the workflow.

5) Generate report for all 11 companies

As previously, after all the reporting had been promoted to

submitted level, report must be generated from system as a
reference for future uses and for organization unit(OU) to review.
From this task, teach me a lot to be patience and keep trying to
generating it until successful.
8/5/2017 1) Weekly updating MT940 and cash sweeping
12/5/2017 Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.
(Week 15)
2) Check payment rental in Citibank

As previously, I’m doing checking for payment of rental in Sime Darby

Holiday Homes (SDHH)’s account statement in Citibank. Every rental
payment made to SDHH will be checking in the Citibank to confirm
that payment had been made.

This practising is to ease the monthly closing to tie the SDHH bank
statement with the transaction in the SAP.

3) Workflow Internal Order of Yayasan Sime Darby (YSD)

As previously, I learn the concept and step on how to first, create the
internal order based on the two forms given by OU. Second is to
create order group then to insert the budget of the internal order.
Now is the time, I’m completing the workflow internal order. Based
on this task, I learn to carefully and double check the amount when
comes to insert budgeting of internal order.

4) Weekly updating Avantgard

As previously I learn the concept and step on how to do the posting.

This is the time I’m doing the posting of avantgard. Avantgard is
related to the SDHB posting. Avantgard system is to help SDHB on its
posting because SDHB have a lot of posting.

From this task, I learn to find the supporting of each transaction

before posting and make sure the posting key is 40(dr) 50(cr) only.
Before the posting been uploaded in the system, must double check
each of transaction for the day must have decimal point.
1) Weekly updating MT940 and cash sweeping
- Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
19/5/2017 cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.

(Week 16)
2) Generating bank statement for SDHB, SDGSC, YSD, SDHH and

I’m helping to generate the bank statement to be use in preparing

bank reconciliation.

3) Preparing Bank Reconciliation Sime Darby Holdings Berhad


As previously, I will preparing SDHB bank reconciliation for foreign

currency to be send out to organization unit (OU to review).
As usual to tie the transaction for the month with bank statement for
the month.

4) Preparing SDHB Account Reconciliation

As previously, I am preparing profit and loss account reconciliation

for SDHB. This time around I manage to finish it about 3 days
compared to last month I took about one week to finish it.

I learn new thing because this time I’m doing balance sheet account
reconciliation part. It is slightly different from profit and loss because
need to perform clearing. It is quite tough for me cause I’m still new
and took a long time other than others to perform the clearing.

5) Second draft for Stat Acccount 5 Dormant Companies

Preparing second draft working Stat Acc for 5 GHO Dormant

Companies which are Sime Darby Venture Sdn Bhd, Kumpulan
Guthrie Berhad, Highland and Lowland Berhad, Golden
HopePlantation Berhad and Sime UEP Properties Berhad. This time I
change all the companies act that newly implement in this year 2017.
I also had change the director share from forfeited shares to lapsed
1) Weekly updating MT940 and cash sweeping
- Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
26/5/2017 cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.

(Week 17)
2) Weekly updating Avantgard

As previously I learn the concept and step on how to do the posting.

This is the time I’m doing the posting of avantgard. Avantgard is
related to the SDHB posting. I’m do careless mistake not uploaded it
in system with the decimal point. Next time when performing I will
double check on the decimal point. I take note on this.

3) Posting of SDTH for liquidation

As SDTH going to liquidate in yearend closing, all it transaction,

reserve and share capital must be zero. SDTH still have the interco
expenses, reserve and share capital. This posting is to expenses off
the interco expenses and reserve. Share capital will be zerorise soon
cause it take some procedure to do that.

I learn on the concept what criteria needed for a company to going

to liquidate. I use t-code of FB50 to do this posting cause it is normal
posting with posting key of 40(dr) and 50(cr). I also learn on to create
the attachment of the transaction IN SAP.

4) Preparing Abridged GFA for 5 Dormant Companies

I’m preparing abridged GFA for 5 Dormant Companies for financial

year 2017 which are Sime Darby Venture Sdn Bhd, Kumpulan Guthrie
Berhad, Highland and Lowland Berhad, Golden HopePlantation
Berhad and Sime UEP Properties Berhad. Since the 5 dormant
companies doesn’t have any transaction, they only need to prepare
Abridged GFA compared to others company, every quater need to
prepare GFA Part A, Part B and Part C . There are condition to qualify
a company to prepared Abridged GFA which are profit of company
must below 5000 and each transaction of company must also below

I’m preparing the Abridged GFA and together with the working for
financial year 2017.
29/5/2017 1) Weekly updating MT940 and cash sweeping
2/6/2017 Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.
(Week 18)
2) Run Depreciation of fixed asset YSD

As previously, after all fixed asset had been posted in SAP and
confirm by organization unit, no more posting and adjustment will be
made. Run depreciation will be performing for the month closing.

3) Monthly closing for KSD, SDTH and TMHB

As previous closing, need to close for actual, statistical and forecast

only. This monthly closing, for TMHB and SDTH, I need to zerorise the
reserve each month since the company will be liquidate soon.
As previously, I aready done posting to zerorise the interco expenses
transaction and reserve SDTH, I just mantain to zerorise reserve in
BPC10.1 in schedule equity under column liquidation of subsidiaries.
For KSD monthly closing, this month waiting for OU to confirm if
there is any asset posting in KSD book for the month. But the asset
would not be included in this month. Thus, I just closing KSD book
like usual.

4) Updating management account for KSD, SDTH and TMHB

Monthly update management account for KSD,SDTH and TMHB.

5) Weekly updating Avantgard

Posting of SDHB into the SAP.

6) Interco conformation of SDTH and KSD

After closing, AR will send email of interco confirmation to confirm

the balances as per their book. For KSD and SDTH, both of companies
have interco transaction with SDHB and SGSC. From this interco
conformation, we will get know if there is another transaction left
that we do not pick up in our book or other party book.
To check the balance as per our book, t-code of FK10n,FD10n and
5/6/2017 1) Tax Invoice for all companies in Citibank
9/6/2017 As previously, generating the tax invoice in the Citibank for all the
companies under GHO team. This is monthly practising to generate
(Week 19) the tax invoice for the month.

2) Weekly updating MT940 and cash sweeping

Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.

3) Generate report for KSD,SDTH,TMHB,SDHH,SDMB and SDNOM

As previously, after all the reporting had been promoted to

submitted level, report must be generated from system as a
reference for future uses and for organization unit(OU) to review.

4) Year End Closing for TMHB

As previous quarterly closing, need to close for actual financial

statement, actual statistical and actual movement. For year end
closing, does not need to submit forecast because forecast as at 30
June 2017 will copy data as per actual financial statement.
TMHB can be close earlier because there is no any transaction
anymore has in TMHB account.
12/6/2017 1) Weekly updating MT940 and cash sweeping
16/6/2017 Same as previously updated, upload the bank into the system and for
cash sweeping, do all cash sweep posting in the system.
(Week 20)

2) Weekly updating Avantgard

Posting of SDHB into the SAP.

3) Third draft for Stat Acccount 5 Dormant Companies

Preparing third draft working Stat Acc for 5 GHO Dormant Companies
which are Sime Darby Venture Sdn Bhd, Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad,
Highland and Lowland Berhad, Golden HopePlantation Berhad and
Sime UEP Properties Berhad.

This time, I get the roll forward stat account from Auditor (PWC),
they had make some changes that need to be done for these 5
Dormant Companies. Changes to be made also on the wording given
by Chua who is Group Account Manager. I follow all the changes
made by Auditor and Chua for the Dormant Companies .

4) Preparing Bank Reconciliation Sime Darby Holdings Berhad


As previously, I will preparing SDHB bank reconciliation for foreign

currency to be send out to organization unit (OU to review).
As usual to tie the transaction for the month with bank statement for
the month.

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