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VOICEOVER: Live from the news center of national communication network , this is TCN, vanguard of radical

Anchor 1: One Voice
Anchor 2: One Vision
Anchor 1 & 2: serving for the nation.
Anchor 1: Good Evening Philippines
Anchor 2: And Good Evening Cordillera Administrative Region
Anchor 1: It’s Thursday is September 15 and I hope you’re all safe in Baguio.
Anchor 2. This is The Cordilleran Network bringing you the top stories of the day with no bias.
Anchor 1: Baguio faces the aftermath of Typhoon Ompong’s wrath, and we’ll be hearing more it live from
Daphnie Pagayon.
I’m currently with Baguio city Mayor, Atty. Mauricio Domogan to answer our questions
R: Sir? What is the current situation here in Baguio City?
M: We are packing relief goods as you can see for the evacuees. Search and Retrieval Operation in some
areas were temporarily stopped for it may put the rescuers in danger since the soil is still loose, however it is
ongoing on some secured places. Some roads were also temporary closed since clearing operations are on
R: How many casualties have been reported?
M: Well there are 4 confirmed casualties from Baguio General Hospital, according to City Social Welfare and
Development Officer Betty Fangasan due to flood and landslide that happened in Bakakeng and Camp 7. The
victims were either buried by falling soil, hit by rocks or carried away by the debris
R: Sir. It is rare for Baguio to have such flood considering that it is a mountainous area what do you think
caused it?
M:  Sewerage system in the city couldn't take the rainfall volume brought by the typhoon. Aside from that, there
were issues on deforestations here in Baguio. Since trees are being cut, there will be no more roots to absorb
the water; the soil became very loose that’s why landslides are also not impossible to happen . Honestly We
prepared, Baguio is prepared but you can't do anything during a landslide. The landslides were unexpected,
that's the problem that is why I’m advising the people of Baguio to evacuate if you are on a landslide prone
R: Thank you Sir. Erika, The typhoon has affected at least 34,808 families, or 126,751 individuals, as of 3 pm,
Saturday. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council earlier estimated that at least 5.2
million people were in Ompong's path.  Back to you

Anchor 1: Thank you Daphnie. We will be back again after some reminders.
Daughter: Dad, dad there’s an upcoming typhoon.
Father: Then we should prepare.
Daughter: So what should I do?
Father: First, Store an adequate supply of food and clean water. Keep flashlights, candles and battery-powered
radios within easy reach. Then we should examine our house and repair its unstable parts. Lastly, always keep
yourself updated with the latest weather report.
Daughter: Noted, Dad!
Be ware. Be prepared! A reminder from the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council.
Anchor 2: And we’re back. Let’s hear the news from Shevin who’s with one of the residents affected by
landslide which occurred a year ago in the same location. Shevin?
Field Reporter 2.
Yes, noel. So i am here in Camp 7, one of the barangays in Baguio City which was also affected by previous
landslides. The barangay is known for its steep slopes and it’s type of soil is very prone to landslides especially
when water starts to penetrate under. It becomes soft and loose which makes it easy to be carried away. I am
with Ms. Ashley Fune, a resident of Camp 7.
R:Good day ma’am. Why do you think the same situation had occurred in your area? Is there any difference
between your situation then and now?
A: I think this is because of the location itself and the type of soil our area has. This area is very prone to
landslides. As such, we, the residents can’t do anything about the soil. All we can do is to prepare for the worst
case scenarios and always be aware of what’s happening in our surroundings. Actually, the disaster has
affected us in so many ways. Most residents were traumatized by the disaster. And had damaged properties
and other life forms.
R:thank you Ms. Fune. Back to you Noel
Anchor 2: These are the latest news that we gathered For today.
Anchor 1:

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