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Battle of Badr


Abu Sufyan, who had collected the belonging of the

Muhajirs, which they had left in Mecca and most of them
he took with to sell during the trade journey. Later when
he was returning from Syria, he requested the Quraish to
send him an armed expedition to escort him safely, as he
did not want to take risk of the interception of the
Muslims on his way, to which the Quraish complied with
pleasure. However the attack did not materialize as Abu
Sufyan had changed his route. But some of the Quraish
chiefs instead of returning insisted on advancing towards
Medina. Abu Jahl was one of those
Instigated all this.

Invasion of Quraish at Badr

When the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) learnt that the Quraish

were advancing towards Badr, a village about eighty
miles from Medina. They were approximately one
thousand in number and their army was fully equipped.
He immediately called the Muslims to take necessary
steps. The Muhajirin and Ansar got together to defend
themselves. They were three hundred and thirteen men
and just two horses and few camels. The Muslims
reached the battlefield earlier and occupied and points of
advantage. As suggested by Habab bin Mundhir, the
Muslims army took position of a dry nearby spring. The
Muslims remained in full control of water however, the
Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) allowed the enemy to make use
of the water. The two armies camped at Badr for the
night. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) prayed at night
repeating the following words:
“O Allah should Thou suffer this small
band of believers to perish this day, no one will be left on
earth to worship thee.”
Allah answered the prayer and gave glad tiding of
victory through the following revelation:
“Soon shall the enemy routed and will
then turn and flee.”

The battle began on the morning of Friday, the
seventeenth of Ramadan, 2A.H. There leaders of the
Quraish, Shaibah, Utbah and Waleed, first came to
challenge the Muslims which was accepted by three great
Generals of Islam. Hazrat Ubaidah bin Al-Harith, Hazrat
Ali bin Abu Talib and Hazrat Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib.
Shaibah fell to the sword of Hazrat Hamza and Waleed
to Hazrat Ali whereas Utbah wounded Hazrat Ubaidah
and was killed by Hazrat Ali. Then Ubaidah bin Saeid
bin Al-'As, a famous warrior among the Quraish
challenged the Muslims. Hazrat Zubair accepted his
challenge and killed him with a spear. This was followed
by the general attack of Quraish. But in a short time the
prominent leaders were either slain or made prisoners.
Abu Jahl, the commander of the army was slain by two
teenaged boys. The cruel master of Hazrat Bilal was also
killed, and rest of the Quraish army fled from the
battlefield. The Muslims captured seventy arrogant
aristocrats of Quraish. Fourteen companions of The Holy
Prophet(P.B.U.H) martyrdom.The vistory at Badr was a
clear help from All-Mighty; the Holy Quran speaks about
it at a numbers of places:
"Indeed there was a sign for you in the two armies which
met together in the encounter; One party fighting in the
way of Allah, and the other unbelieving and Allah
strengthens His aid whom He pleases; Most surely there
is a lesson in this for those who have eyes to see"
Some miraculous events which happened during the
Battle of Badr
In the sweeping victory of battle of Badr, one can not
rule out the help of the All-Mighty.Coming down of
angelic warriors is attested by a peasant who was
attending to his sheep on an adjacent hill, he says:
"I was with the companion of my cousin, upon the fold
of the mountain watching the battle and waiting to join
with conquerors to share the spoils. Suddenly we beheld
a great cloud sailing towards us, and within it were the
neighing of steeds and baying of trumpets. As it
approaced, squadrons of angles sallied forth and we
heard the terrific voice of archangel as he urged his mare
Haizum, "Speed! Speed! O Haizum." Due to that awful
sound, the heart of my companion burst with terror and
he died on the spot and I had well nigh shared his fate."
This miraculous aid is repeatedly mentioned in the Holy
Quran.When the battle began , the Holy
Prophet(P.B.U.H) prayed and threw a handful of dust at
the enemy, symbolical to their fate of rushing blindly
from the battlefield.Every act in this Battle is ascribed to
Allah, as it was His cause, and it was not undertaken
except by His command. The Holy Quran points out
towards it as under:

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