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Buzz Off, Flies!


Andrew Allen

Ms. Watts

Reading & Literacy Class

March 1, 2011.

Buzz Off Flies


I. Buzz Off!

A. They’re Everywhere

1. Live wherever they can

2. There’s over 120,000 species

B. Friend or Foe?

1. Help fertilize flowers

2. Keep cleaned up in the world

C. Crawly Fact

1. Dragonflies aren’t true flies

2. Gnats and Houseflies are true flies

I. Creepy Stuff

A. Germ Carriers

1. One Fly carriers One million Germs

2. If bitten they can spread deadly diseases

A. Hosting a Party…

1. Some true flies are parasites

1. They reproduce by hatching maggot

B. River blindness

1. Eggs that hatch and may cause blindness in eyes

2. Is in warmer regions in Africa

III. Ancient Annoyance

A. Trapped by Time

1. Sap trapped insects

2. The first mosquito fly was over 90 million years ago.

C. Little Soldiers

1. Ancient warriors were rewarded with a fly necklace

2. Egyptians had a special relationship with flies.

C. True Survivors

1. As people expanded the flies did to with them

2. Farm animals crawled with parasitic flies

IV. Fly Family

A. Fly Class

1. Carl Linnaeus started classification on flies

2. Linnaeus created a book called Systema Naturae

B. In the Kingdom

1. Five different kingdoms (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi Protista, and


2. Ex. Birds & Worm’s bodies are differently designed, different class

5. Anatomy Lesson

A. Tube Feeders

1. Flies feet are spongy tips for senses

2. They have powerful pumps to suck

6. Cycle of Life

A. Fly Mating

1. Find females by scent

2. They have to find protein

B. Larva Life

1. They have thin bodies, mouth hooks for eating

2. They have to triple their size

C. Larva to Fly

1. Their skin turns into a hard exoskeleton

2. They also develop muscles and nerves

7. Maggotville

A. Life of a Maggot

1. They triple their size

2. They molt their skin three different times

B. Little helpers

1. The world would be a lot dirtier without them

2. They decompose carcasses

8. Infestation

A. What is it?

1. There are too many flies in the world

2. One fly can create a infestation of hundreds

B. Getting Rid of Flies

1. Keep your home clean to get rid of flies

2. Keep holes in screens from appearing

C. Squatter’s Rights

1. Flies go for fruit that sits around the house

2. Fruit fly eggs hatch in 24 hours

9. Bloodsuckers

A. Feeding Frenzy

1. Flies are attracted to sweat & carbon dioxide in our breath

2. Their bodies expand when they suck blood

B. Spreading Disease

1. Some flies leave diseases in animal’s bodies

2. They past infections by biting their victims

10. Predators & Prey

A. Fly Predators

1. Hungry bats can eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes in one hour

2. Spiders catch flies in their webs

B. Fly Prey

1. Bloodsucking flies are happy with any type of blood

2. Non-parasitic flies eat rotten fruit and the nectar of flowers

C. Dining Out

1. Assassin flies eat their victims from the inside out

2. Bees and spiders are their favorite meal

11. Shoo Fly!

A. Gotcha!

1. Flypaper is a good way to get rid of flies in a house

2. Ultraviolent light attracts flies

B. Chemical Arsenal

1. Some chemicals keep the flies from flying

2. Other keeps the fly from breathing

C. Home Remedies

1. A jar of jelly will trap a fly

2. A Venus fly trap eats flies

12. That’s So Fly!

A. That’s So Fly

1. In some parts of the world people consume maggots by choice

2. Flies are a big help in this world

3. 20,000 workers died from being bitten by flies when the Panama

Canal was being constructed



Andrew Allen

Ms. Watts

Reading & Literature CLASS



Zzzzz! Zzzzz! The sound of buzzing flies drives people crazy, and animals

insane. One fly can turn into hundreds even thousands of grain-sized infesters which

may happen if people aren’t cautious. Flies keep the world in balance; however,

they do unbalance it in some ways, and it affects numbers of organisms. A typical

fly lives up to 20 to 25 days in its life span.

Flies have dozens of almost microscopic lens they observe through. They also

can’t see color; they only see light and ultra-violet light, which is invisible to human’s

eyes. Maggots, flies offspring, will consume anything and everything it can bite on to.

Maggots are harmful to humans in a few ways, and they are even more hostile to animals.

Maggots decompose of died remains of once living creatures.

Flies first started to take flight over 90 million years ago, which is when the

dinosaurs were walking the earth. The first type of fly was the mosquito which is a blood

sucker, and will take blood from any type of animal. Mosquitoes need blood for make

their offspring. Every mosquito that has bites in to organisms is a female, because they

need the blood to survivor, and that’s the only thing they bite for. Mosquitoes also pass

many harmful bacteria, which in time harms the victim with deadly diseases, for it may

even kill certain animals.

Another species of the fly insect is the fruit fly. Fruit flies are only attracted to

the sweetness of rotten fruit. Their maggots are laid, then hatched in the decomposing

fruit, and then eat their way out. These flies are not harmful to humans. People keep fruit

flies away by throwing away any old fruit; however, these flies will take any fruit victim.

The stealthy fly that kills other flies for food is the Assassin fly. Assassin flies fly

above their victims, then dive bomb piercing the stomach area, and sucking the victim’s

guts rite of the body. Then it discards of the husk by dropping it. Scientists are limited on

this kind of fly.

The Horse Fly, the biggest of them all, attacks horses by biting spots on the

horse they can’t move or see. The horse fly needs animals to survive, because it is where

it lays its eggs in the victim’s skin. They lay the eggs in the skin for about three to four

days then it eats its way out of the skin, its called larva at this point. Then it grows to

about three times the size, and then turns into pupae, where it then turns into a fly.

Zzzzz! Zzzzz! People need to get accustom to that sound, because it’s here and

here to stay for good. Flies are the nature’s balance holders, even if it means throwing it

out of balance. All the flies in the world are here for a reason, so start respecting flies for

what they do.


Eagon, Rachel. Buzz Off. Flies!. Canada.U.S.A, U.K, Australia: Crabtree, 2010. 32.


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