Guide - Journal

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Guide v1.0 

Journal Editor 
Journal Editor​ is a new feature added to the Uni project 
upload workflow that helps you share your design story in a 
very integrated format with your design project.  


1. What's the Journal Editor? 

A: Journal section is like writing your project story in words/article that can be accessible by readers and jurors 
both accessing your project’s process level thoughts and back story. It can be very synonymous to a mini 
design report we submit with our design in our universities. The place is for crude ideas, methods, techniques 
and paths chosen while getting to the final product. 

2. Where do you find the Journal Editor? 

A: You are provided a journal section when you are uploading a project on the ​5​th​ step o
​ f the workflow. This 
section may or may not be mandatory based on the competition, but highly recommended to utilize as an 
explainer to your project.  

3. What does the journal section look like?  

A: A journal section looks a lot like a traditional blog uploader, with ability to format text, add images, embed 
videos – and tools alike to narrate your story in a very articulated and formatted way. The screenshot of the 
journal editor is attached below:  

Img: A typical view of the journal editor 
4. Are there any limitations to images or submission guidelines on this? 

A: Journal section does not have any limitations in Uni project submissions (Unless specified in the design 
brief). The images uploaded here are different (More process oriented like sketches, concept 3d’s, model 
images) from the presentation images (which are more complete and polished) uploaded in the project 
images. And the purpose is i​ nformative rather ​than c
​ ompetitive​. Hence there are no limitations, on words or 

5. What is an ideal length of a journal article? 

A: While the applications are entirely subjective - an ideal article ranges between ​1000 to 1500 words​, with 
multiple images ​boosting retention through the reading. Introducing sections and headings also make your 
journal story more legible. 

6. What should be the content of the journal article? 

A: As quoted above the p ​ urpose ​of this article i​ s ​more ​informative​, the intent is to dive deep into the story and 
intent of the project and how it plays out with the rest of the outcomes. It should be a story made of answers 
to general questions like: 

● What was the concept behind the project?  

● What was the intent behind the organization of elements across various levels (Architectural, Site, 
● How many iterations were tried to arrive at the final outcome?  
● Which methods of design investigation?  
● How was the programme condensed into final? 
● What/How were the materials chosen? 
● How was a specific objective attempted to be met?  
● What is the expansion plan of the project? 
● How will the project transform with the passing time? etc. 
The list of questions are suggestive and not exhaustive. You can select a few questions from above or an 
entirely different set of questions pertaining to your project. Please note that it is not supposed to be a question 
and answer document, but rather like an article covering aspects like above. The best case scenario is that the 
content of the journal should be conceptualized alongside while you are working on your project, instead of last 
moment additions. 


7. What kind of media can I upload/embed in the journal article?  

A: You can embed/upload images in PNG and JPEG format. You can embed inline videos from services like 
Youtube to show videos and motion content along with your text story. There is no option to upload GIF’s yet, 
but the feature will be rolled out with our subsequent updates in future. 

8. Can I get back to the journal later/skip it?  

A: Yes you may come back at it later and edit it. A published journal article is n
​ ot necessary to save a project 
- ​but might be mandatory (​ depending on the brief) ​to submit your project to a competition.​ You can check 
here​ (My Entries page) if your project is successfully submitted or if the journal article is still pending. 


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