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Roll No.
GEILE3D 0lol
Odd Semester Examination, 2019-20
B. Tech: Civil
(7 Semester)
Hydraulic Structure
Time: 3:00 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Total no. of printed pages: 2
Note (i) Attempt ALL questions.
(i) Assume any missing data suitably.
Q1. Attempt any four of the following 4X5-20

a) Whatthe various spillways and where is their

b)What you mean by consolidation and pore-water pressure?
c)What do you understand by hydro-power? compare hydro power with thermal power
d) Explain the role of filter in earthen dams.
e) What do you mean by Reservoir? Discuss briefly the different types of dams.
fExplain the causes of cavitation in ogee spillway.
Q2. Attempt any four of the following 4X5-20

a) How do you compute the discharge of ogee spillway?

b) Explain design criteria for ogee spillway. Also discuss about ogee profile.
c)Discuss measures to control seepage through earth dam andtheir foundation.
d) Write a short note on inspection galleries and contraction joints in gravity dam.
e) Describe selection of site for dam.
1) A flow net is plotted for a homogeneous earthen dam of height 25 m and freeboard 3.0 m.
theresults obtained the number of potential drops = 10 and the number of flow channels
4.The dam has a horizontal filter of 30m length at the downstream end and the coefficient
of permeability of the dam material is 5 x 10" cm/sec. Calculate the discharge per m run of
the dam.

Q3. Attempt any two of the following 2x10-20

a) What is meant by an 'energy dissipater ? Discuss the various methods used for energy
dissipation below spillway.
b) Discuss the different types of spillway gates? Explain
c) How do you classify a hydro-electric scheme on the basis of its operating head and
hydraulic characteristics? explain

Q4. Attempt any two of the following 2X10-20

a) Explain in detailed about forces acting on gravity dam.

b) Explain the Swedish slip circle method of analyzing the stability of an earth dam slopes.

c)Write short notes on:
i) Low and High dam
i) Relief wells
ii) Seepage failures
iv) Rock fill dams
v) Freeboard

Q5. Attempt any two of the following. 2X10-20

a) Fig 1. Shows the section of gravity dam (non- overflow portion) built of concrete.

RL 110 M.
RL 100 M

15M RL35 M


Fig. 1 Section of gravity dam

Calculate (neglecting earthquake effects):

The maximum vertical stresses at the heel and toe of the dam.
The major principal vertical stresses at the toe of the dam.
The intensity of shear stress on a horizontal plane near the tode.

Assume weight of concrete = 23.5 kN/m° and unit length of dam. Allowable stress in
concrete may be taken 2500 kN/m*.

b) A rectangular channel has a width of 2.0 m and carries a discharge of 4.80 m'/sec with a
depth of 1.60 m. at a certain section. A small, smooth hump with a flat top and of height
0.10 m is proposed to be built. Calculate the likely change in the water surface. Neglect the
energy loss.

c) Enumerate the different types of earthen dams, and draw neat sketches showing cach type.

TCE-705 1315

Odd Semester Examination 2018-19

Time: 03:00 Hours Max Marks: 100

Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks.

1. Attempt any four of the following [5X4=20]

(a) Classify various types of dam ? Explain non-rigid dam with diagram.
(D Explain the selection criteria of the design of gravity dam. Differentiate between
low dam and high dam.

(c) Describe the function of drainage gallery in gravity dam.

(d) Describe aerators and terminal structure in spillway

(e) Explain design principles for subcritical and supercritical flow.

2 Attempt any four of the following

(a) Explain the main causes of failure of gravity dam.

(b) Describe different methods of controlling seepage through an embankment dam

and its foundation.

(c) Describe energy dissipation below spillway.

(d) A vertical lift gate 4mx 2.5m size weighing 0.4 tonnes slides
along guides
(coefficient of friction 0.25) fitted on the side walls of an overflow spilway and its
crest. What force will have to be exerted at the hoisting mechanism to lift the gate
when the head of water over the crest is 2m ?

(e) Explain with neat diagram of joints in gravity dam.

TCE-705/1460 (1) P.TO]
3 Attempt any four ofthe following [5X4=20]

(a) Explain briefly with neat sketches the different forces that may act on a gravity


(b) Design the practical profile of gravity dam of stone masonry, given the following
data: () R.L of base of dam=1450m (i) R.L of H.F.L=1480.5M (ii) Specific gravity
of the masonry=2.4 (iv) Safe compressive stress for masonry=120tonnes/m
(v) Height of waves=1m.

(c) Describe with neat sketches zoned embankment type dam. What are the

selection criteria of embankment dam?

(d) "A spillway is a safety valve in a dam'. Discuss the statement.

Derive the Laplace equation for seepage through the homogeneous mass of an
earth dam.What are its methods of solution ?

4. Attempt any two ofthe following [10X2=20]

(a) A siphon spillway has the following cross section at its throat Height of the
throat is 1.5m and width of the throat is 4m. At the design flow the tail water

elevation in 7m below the summit of the siphon, and head water elevation is 2m

above the summit.() Taking a coefficient of discharge as 0.6,determine the

capacity of siphon (i) Determine the head that would be required on an ogee

spillway 3.8 m long discharge this flow, If coefficient of discharge is 2.25,0)

What length of this ogee weir would be required to discharge the same flow with
a head of 2.2m on the crest ?

Describe different types of spilway gates, and draw neat sketches for all the
types, showing the different parts of each.

What is meant by elementary profile of gravity dam and how is it deduced ? What
should be the maximum depth of elementary profile of a dam if the safe limit of
stress on the masonry should not exceed 1600 KN per m*?

TCE-705/1460 (2)
5. Attempt any two of the following [10X2=20]

with installed river having a minimum flow of

(a) A run-off river plant an on a

15m/sec.If the plant is used as a peak load plant operating only for 6 hours daily

compute the firm capacity of the plant

) Without pondage

but allowing 8% water to be lost in evaporation and other

(i) With pondage
losses. Head at the plant is 16m,and the plant efficiency may be assumed

as 80%.

What are the principal components of a hydroelectric scheme ? Discuss the utility
of each component.

horizontal rectangular channel with a

(c) A sluice gate discharges water into a

the channel is 8m.

of 6m/s and depth of flow is 0.4m.The width of
Determine whether a hydraulic jump will occur, find its height and loss of energy

per kg of water. Also determine the power lost in hydraulic jumnp.

TCE-705/1460 (3)
TCE-705 1300

Odd Semester Examination, 2017-18


Time: 03:00 Hours Max Marks: 100

Note: Attempt all questions.

1. Attempt any four of the following (5x4-20)

a) Explain the stability of earthen slopes.

Explain the method of plotting the flow-net for seepage through anisotropic soil.
What are the benefits of earthen dam over concrete dam.

(d) Discuss in brief any two types of hydraulic structures.

e) What are the common causes of failure in an embankment dam.

What is pore water pressure?

2 Attempt any four of the following : (5x4-20)

(a) What is a gravity dam?

(b) Explain the various forces acting on a gravity dam.

(c) What is a hydraulic jump? Explain.

(d) How can we assess the water potential of a hydroelectric scheme?

(e) What is a surge tank? Discuss its function.

() Differentiate between a low gravity and a high gravity dam.

Attempt any two of the following: (10x2=20)

(a) Explain any one method of fluming in detail.

(b) A 2.5 m wide rectangular channel carries 6.0 m'/sec of flow at a depth of 0.5m.
calculate the minimum height of a streamlined flat topped hump required to be placed
at a section to cause critical flow over the hump. The energy loss over the hump can
be taken as 10% of the upstream velocity head.

(c) How would you compute the discharge of ogee spilway?

TCE-705/1140 1) P.T.O.]
Attempt any two ofthe following (10x2-20)

Explain the principle of energy dissipation works. What is the need of energy
dissipation works.

(b) Explain in detail about the components of hydroelectric scheme

The load on a hydel plant varies from minimum of 10,000 kw to a max of 35000Okw.
Two turbo generators of capacities 22000ke each have been installed calculate the
total installed capacity of the plant, plant factor, max demand, load factor and

utilization factor.

5. Attempt any two of the following (10x2=20)

(a) Write short notes on any two of the foltowing:

) Draft tube

(i) Scroll casing

(Gii) Storage plant

(b) Discuss the cause of failure of earthen dam. What criteria is adopted for safe design
of an earthen dam?

(c) What do you understand by cavitations? Explain in detail.


TCE-705/1140 2)

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