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A comparative analysis of the coverage of Sushant Singh Rajput – Rhea

Chakraborty Issue on Republic TV and NDTV

A comparative analysis on the coverage of news on the reportage of the Sushant Singh
Rajput’s suicide as covered by Republic TV and NDTV (from 14 June to 26 September,

On June 14, 2020 television actor Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide in his apartment
in Mumbai. The death of the 34-year-old actor during the lockdown due to pandemic set off
many discussions on social media about mental health, nepotism, and ostracization of those
who are not part of the Bollywood film fraternity. Politicians, journalists, users of social
media, all were quick to pay their tribute to the late actor, in the wake of his death. In the
days that followed, there was a significant amount of reporting on the mainstream media
about reasons why one would take such a decision to end one’s life. However, over a few
weeks, because of media reporting, this case became a classic example of how public support
influenced by the media can manoeuvre the course of a story.

The suicide of the actor is a focal point causing media hysteria of prime time coverage lasting
months of heated debates. The following analysis focuses on the reportage of the same by
two news channels: Republic TV and NDTV. Republic TV is a free to air Indian news
channel launched in May 2017. The market share of the 9 PM slot for Republic TV is
77.18%, which accounts to a substantial amount of English News viewers watching the panel
discussion on the channel hosted by Arnab Goswami. New Delhi Television Limited
(NDTV) is a television media company founded in 1988. The market share for NDTV,
however, is relatively lesser when compared to that of Republic TV.

The coverage of the case of Sushant Singh Rajput by Republic TV was the poster child for
having reporters run around by thrusting their cameras and microphones towards Rhea
Chakraborty, her neighbours, any and everyone they could get their hands on near Rhea’s
apartment. The coverage of this news was reflected in a massive increase in TRP for the
channel as indicated by the Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) which placed the
channel in the most-watched news channel category. The channel paraded hashtags like
#JusticeForSushant, #CBIforSSR for the past few months while devoting a huge chunk of the
news coverage on the channel pertaining to the SSR case only. On the day of the death on
14th June, the channel covered the news as typically as any channel does by portraying
pictures of the deceased alongside a few video montages of Sushant before his untimely
death. The following day on 15th, a video surfaced on social media which went viral. It was a
video of actress Kangana Ranaut where she talked about the demise of Sushant Singh Rajput
and his mistreatment in Bollywood by prominent figures of the industry. Whilst there was
complete coverage of the actor’s funeral and everyone who attended it, there were also
discussions about nepotism in Bollywood and the video of Kangana Ranaut. NDTV’s
coverage of the news was distinguished; it displayed video montages of Sushant Singh
Rajput’s and discussed the highlights of his career. NDTV also resolved to stress on the
mental health issues prevalent to the case during its initial days. The reporter insisting the
viewers to not crowd the funeral and further instigate the spread of the virus deserves a
special mention. The next day, an interview was conducted with Milind Deora, a Senior
Leader of Congress, here the host focused on the mental health problems faced by the leader
during the course of his life and how he was able to overcome it. As opposed to Republic TV,
NDTV was able to create awareness amongst its viewers about the mental health issues and
therefore address the dearth of education available on the subject. On the few days that Rhea
Chakraborty was questioned by the NCB, there was continuous live coverage from 9 AM to
11 PM by Republic TV, a new source stated. As the paradigm shift from mental health and
depression to money laundering and later as the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) filed a
criminal case against Rhea Chakraborty and others to examine the rumoured dealing of drugs,
the assumptions of one too many set in motion to mainstream media and the word ‘alleged’
was seen and heard infinite amount of times.

The coverage of the SSR case as covered by Republic TV brings to light the deep-rooted
misogyny in the Indian society despite its ‘forwardness’. The tone of the news inclines
towards sensationalism, allegations and assumptions with loopholes that are not backed by
any sort of factual accuracy. The reportage relies on altering storylines to make it sensational
and therefore depends on entertainment that relishes on hating and thrashing a woman. On
the other side, NDTV made a strategic effort to highlight both sides of the story and has been
less sensational in the coverage, sensational nevertheless.

Television news has always had more impact on its viewers and the way they receive and
process the information broadcasted given the visual and audio elements that come into play.
Considering this, the TV channels relied heavily on visual contact and took much more
hostility towards Rhea. While Republic TV’s signature has been one that is heavily graphical,
NDTV usually resorts to a screen that focuses on the anchor. But both Republic TV and
NDTV used video montages and pictures to effectively influence and create an impact on the
viewers. The similarity between the two media channels lies in the fact that they both include
photographs and video montages to compensate for the lack of information.

The course of the coverage of Sushant Singh Rajput and his death offers an in-depth view
into the consumption of news in our country, the nature of which is linked to merely
allegations and assumptions that are superfluous. Despite forensics ruling out that the cause
of death was due to asphyxia, a large number of the audience continued to entertain and be
entertained by the ‘murder angle’. One article also noted that this kind of continuous
viewership was seen only during T20 cricket matches. However, one must also take into
account that the pandemic was also another reason why the viewership spiked to such an
extent. Considering the measure of ratings moved up and only up, the channel’s viewers and
media together contributed the media trial of Rhea Chakraborty.

This year, the political news has become much more divisive and biased. Political objectivity
seems to be more distant than ever. A source states that an important role was played by the
politicians in changing the trajectory of this case from suicide to murder. It must be noted that
the opportunity to create a discourse about mental health and depression were wiped out slate
clean. One must also understand that both Republic TV and NDTV used hashtags that
ensured public outcry and generated extensive coverage and stirred considerable public
debates on issues related to the case. While Arnab Goswami has connivingly put forward his
criticism of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) masking behind his contempt for the Indian
National Congress (INC), his variety of agendas and fake stories have circulated around like
in the game of Chinese whispers. The overall analysis could relate to the similarities more,
and differences less on the quality of media coverage on suicide reporting. The conclusion
thereof might refer to the insensitive portrayal of suicide and thereafter a dire need for the
improvement in the quality of reporting news.

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