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Conversations No.

2 people at a café and a waiter

[Waiter] Good morning. Are you ready to order?

[Peter] Yes, thank you. I'd like a cup of tea, please.

[Sam] And I'll have a glass of fruit juice.

[Waiter] What kind of fruit juice would you like?

[Peter] Erm, which ones have you got?

[Waiter] We have orange, apple, grapefruit and tomato.

[Peter] Oh, I think I'll have a tomato juice.

[Waiter] Would you like anything to eat with that?

[Peter] Yes, please. Could I have a toasted cheese sandwich?

[Waiter] Toasted cheese sandwich. And for you?

[Sam] I'll have the same.

[Waiter] So that's one tea, one tomato juice and two toasted cheese sandwiches.

[Peter] Yes, that's right....

[Waiter] Here you are. One cup of tea, a glass of tomato juice and two toasted cheese sandwiches....

[Peter] Excuse me, could we have the bill, please?

[Waiter] Here you are.

[Peter] Right so that's eight dollars and ninety cents

[Sam] Here you are.

[Waiter] Thank you.

Conversations No. 2

2 people at a café and a waiter

[Waiter] Good afternoon. What can I get you?

[John] Do you have everything on the menu?

[Waiter] Everything except the lasagne. I'm afraid we have run out of that.

[John] Oh, that's a pity. You have everything else though?

[Waiter] Yes, everything else.

[John] In that case I'll have the spaghetti Bolognese and a side salad.

[Waiter] One spaghetti Bolognese and one side salad. And for you, madam?

[Erica] Could I have a slice of cake?

[Waiter] Certainly. We have three different cakes. Which one would you like? strawberries, peach or cheese cake?

[Erica] Er, what is cheese cake?

[Waiter] It's basically a cake with cheese and milk in it.

[Erica] Oh, that sounds good. I'll have that.

[Waiter] Would you like anything to go with it?

[Erica] Yes. What goes well with it? Do you recommend anything?

[Waiter] It goes well with a normal side salad but it also goes well with dessert.

[Erica] Oh, I'll have it with dessert then.

[Waiter] Right, so that's spaghetti Bolognese with a side salad and cheese cake with dessert. Anything to drink with that?

[John] Could I have a glass of mineral water?

[Waiter] Still or sparkling?

[John] Sparkling, please.

[Erica] And I'll have a coffee.

[Waiter] A sparkling mineral water and a coffee....

[Waiter] Here you are.

[John] Excuse me, I think there's been a mistake. This mineral water is still and I asked for sparkling.

[Waiter] Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I'll just go and get the right one....

[Waiter] Here you are. Sorry about that. One sparkling mineral water.

[John] Thank you very much.

[Waiter] Enjoy your meal.

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