HEALTHY VEGAN by Caroline Deisler

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Caroline Deisler

Healthy Vegan
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Hey Guys,

Welome to my eBook #2! Now that you know everything about my philosophy, my
way of life and all my daily tricks to feel my best, it is time to give you a handbook
with all my favourite recipes. I have always loved food and believe we don’t need
to deprive ourselves in order to look good and feel our best. What really shows is
when we are truly happy & healthy.

What's better than enjoying your food every single day, feeling your best and
automatically looking your best as well? :-) This recipe eBook will give you endless
inspiration for your daily meals and you will never have to worry about calories or
regret anything you ate. Sounds gooooood right :-)? Let´s get you started.

Caroline Deisler

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Ab o u t m e



I turned vegan a little over 5 years ago when I was 23, after living on my own for 4 years and
modelling in New York. I remember I was walking down Union Square Farmers Market on a crisp
September morning eating a spinach cheese quiche (eating on the go back then haha) and feeling
already guilty about it while I was eating it. I had 2 more in my bag as well as fig tarts from a French
bakery (I had the biggest sweet tooth). I was already regretting biting into the quiche half way
through and asked myself “Why are you not treating yourself with more love and give your body
what it really needs?” It was that morning that I turned to the garbage can, threw those quiches and
cakes away and decided to go fully plant-based.

I had been eating a mainly vegetarian diet for years before that, but never called myself a vegan or
gave it a label. However, I always loved the idea of nourishing my body with colourful and vibrant
fruits & vegetables. It always made me feel so much better and I felt more at ease with myself
whenever I stuck solely to plants. Looking back, it was naturally the next step to go fully plant based
at some point in the future and I am so glad I did. I mainly wanted to heal my emotional eating
patterns and break my cycle of dieting and binge eating as well as clearing up my skin.

Once I switched to a fully plant based diet, I focused on loving myself, eating as much as I wanted
without counting calories and giving my body all the nutrients it needs to become fit and even
healthier. The emotional eating part completely disappeared and never came back. My biggest
mantra to this day has been:

Page 7
" F O C U S O N W H A T Y O U E A T ,

N O T H O W M U C H Y O U E A T "

My skin cleared up within a few months of eating a whole foods plant-based diet and I finally felt like
I had found my path. I used to eat quite a high carb low fat vegan diet for a couple of years until my
cravings changed and my body was asking for more healthy fats. I felt like I needed a little change
and switched to eating a more balanced vegan diet without cutting out any food groups. I learned
that we all go through different phases in life and our bodies are constantly changing. This recipe
eBook is a summary of all my favourite recipes that make me feel my best.

All recipes in this eBook follow my philosophy!


Page 8
A h eal th y o utsi de
rts fr om th e in side

Page 9
The Keys to a Healthy Diet
1. The closer to nature the better.
2. Eat a variety of foods.
3. Cut out refined foods.
4. Eat less salt and oil.
5. Don´t focus on how much you
eat, focus on WHAT you eat.
6. It´s a long term lifestyle.
7. Be intentional about your meal
8. Slow down to eat.
9. Practice Intermittent fasting.
10.Exercise regularly.


The closer to nature

the better
The closer you eat to nature, the better. Focus
on getting the majority of your calories from
whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables,
greens, starches, nuts, seeds, legumes and
everything that hasn’t been processed. You
can also refer to the food pyramid of my first
eBook “My Healthy Lifestyle Guide”

Eat a variety of foods

I am very much a routine person and once I like something I
stick to it. However, our body needs a variety of nutrients in
order to thrive. What works best for me is a balance between
routine and variety. I always try to EAT THE RAINBOW because
all fruits and vegetables have different benefits and if we eat
the same foods over and over, we inevitably become deficient
in some vitamins or minerals. Buy one or two new types of
fruits or veggies per week to make sure you nourish your body
with all kinds of nutrients.

Page 10
Cut out refined foods
Refined foods are foods that have been
processed in some way. It might not be
possible to cut them out completely but I
personally focus on consuming them in
very small quantities and always choose
fresh over processed.

Eat less salt and oil

You don´t have to cut out oils and salt completely,
just be mindful with how much you use and how
much you really need. Oils are 100% pure fat that
goes directly into your blood stream because it
doesn’t contain any fiber which would slow down
the digestion process. A healthier alternative is to
eat whole foods that naturally contain healthy fats
such as olives, avocados, nuts, seeds, nut butters,
coconut meat and plant based milks. Also, most oils
are heat sensitive and turn into unhealthy trans-fats
when used for cooking. That’s why, I personally like
to cook without oil at home. However, you are totally
welcome to add some oil here and there to my
recipes. For salads, I would go for cold pressed
flaxseed, walnut, avocado or olive oil and
for cooking I would use coconut oil.

Salt-wise, I like to use a bit of pink Himalayan

salt which contains more nutrients than refined
cooking salt.

Focus on what you eat not how much

I have never been a fan of counting calories or
controlling portion sizes (I think no-one ever will
be a fan of that) and I believe that we heal
emotional eating patterns and obsessive dieting
only when letting go of that. Once you focus on
WHAT you eat, you really don’t have to worry too
much about HOW MUCH you eat. This doesn´t
mean you should eat until you´re exploding, it
means that as part of a healthy diet, you listen to
your body. You eat when you are hungry and
stop when you are full.

Page 11
It´s not a diet -
It's a long term
Diets never work because you deprive your
body of calories for a certain amount of
time and once the diet is over you go back
to your old eating habits and in most cases
eat even more than before. As a result, you
slowed down your metabolism and your
body gains weight. That is what we call the
typical yo-yo effect. I want you to focus on
long term health, not on losing x amount of
weight in x amount of time. A healthy diet is
a lifestyle, not a quick fix. This is very
important to remember. It´s all about
making small changes every day, which will
turn into habits over time and form the new

Be intentional about
your meal surroundings
This is something I've learned more and more
over the years and saw how important it is. If you
find yourself being stressed, stuck in a hectic
environment, having unpleasant conversations or
negative thoughts, your body then releases
cortisol which disrupts your digestion and fat
burning metabolism. Think about everything that
goes on around you. A relaxed, happy and
balanced person digests food much better than a
stressed person. A simple technique that I have
been practising over the years is to take 3 deep
breathes in and out before eating my meal. Super
simple but very effective. :-)

Page 12
Take your time to eat
Are you eating on the go? I used to do that all
the time without even thinking about it. Then I
realised it was one of the reasons why I so
often felt bloated. Eating slowly and chewing
your food properly helps your body to produce
more digestive enzymes which means your
food can be fully digested and won´t turn into
gases and cause bloating. Sitting down and
being present in the moment while you eat
makes it so much more enjoyable and you feel
more satisfied than eating in a rush. Create
your own little ceremony and celebrate your
food every day.

Practise Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting means that you are
fasting for at least 16 hours and eat all
your meals within 8 hours or less. You are
giving yourself a longer break between
your last meal of the day and your first
meal of the next day. This allows your
body to have more time to repair cells,
detox, and flush out toxins. Only when
you are fasting is your body able to
produce the human growth hormone.
Intermittent fasting is one of the simplest
methods to slow down aging and to keep
your blood sugar levels stable. However,
intermittent fasting is not for everyone
and has to fit into your lifestyle as well.
But if you can, try to practise it a few
times per week. (I personally like to eat
between 11 am and 7pm.) Have a look at
my meal plan at the end of this book for
more inspiration.

Page 13
Stay active

Staying active is so important. I know it´s hard
to motivate yourself sometimes but what I've
found makes a big difference - it's to find your
WHY. I love to workout because A) it makes me
feel good B) It makes me stronger and C) It
clears my mind. Those are my main motivations
and all of them together makes me a happier
and healthier person. Any type of movement is
great, you don´t have to be drained in sweat
every time. Walking, running, cycling, dancing,
boxing, pilates, yoga, stretching, hiking., really
anything that you enjoy is good. I personally
love to workout outdoors, then I also get some
fresh air and tick two boxes at the same time.


It really comes down to the basics. All these tips are easy to implement into your day to
day life. You go to bed early, have a good night sleep, wake up fresh, stretch, go for a
morning walk or hit the gym, take your bicycle to work, bring your own lunch, treat yourself
with a massage once in a while, invite friends over and cook healthy dinner, the list goes
on. There are endless possibilities and you don´t ever have to cut down your social life
due to your lifestyle choices. I LOVE to meet friends for a workout, a walk or a yoga class!!
It´s always so much fun together!

Hope these tips were

helpful xx Caro line

Page 14
bec ause it
Workout el good
makes you fe

Page 15
Staple Okayyy let´s get to the hot topic
of this book, FOOD :-))) You
guys know by now that I really
I am all about eating as much
vibrant food as possible and
finding new ways to create

love to eat (a lot!!) and talking delicious recipes made from
about food, nutrition & health is whole foods so you never
my favourite topic, ever. What I have to worry about calories
love even more is to be creative or unhealthy ingredients.
in the kitchen and make
delicious recipes that are not One thing that has also been
only super good for us but also super important to me is to
KEEP IT SIMPLE so tasty and comforting. mainly use simple and basic
& BASIC ingredients that you will find
What makes this book very in any supermarket. I didn’t
different to a lot of other vegan want to use superfoods,
That way you are more likely to cook books is that I don’t use because they are expensive
processed foods, refined sugar and not everyone has access
stick to it long term.
or gluten. For me, eating vegan to them.
was always about health and
never about trying to recreate Here is a list of staple
non vegan dishes in a vegan ingredients that I love to use.
way using processed substitutes If you have the majority of
for meat, dairy or cheese or these at home you can easily
using artificial sweeteners. cook all my recipes.

Page 16
Foods I always have at home

Page 17
What You'll
Find in My

Fruits & vegetables are a great source of vitamins and
minerals, including -potassium, fiber and folate which helps
your digestion and keeps your blood sugars stable.

Depending on the season, I love to buy:

Apples, pears, persimmons, bananas, oranges, kiwis, melons,
pineapples, figs, cherries, peaches, apricots and mangoes.

Tomatoes, avocados, lemons, bell peppers, cucumber,

sprouts, mushrooms, green peas, zucchinis, celery, radishes,
carrots, eggplants, broccoli, cauliflower, red onions,
potatoes, sweet potatoes and pumpkins.

Medjool dates deserve their own paragraph because no other fruit changed my health as much as
dates did. Ever since I started eating 15 medjool dates daily I haven't had sweet cravings anymore,
got super fit and toned and my digestion improved so much as well. Medjool dates are my personal
super food and I have been using them throughout most of my recipes, especially for salad dressing
and baking. They are so useful and make the perfect substitute to sweeteners like maple syrup or
agave. I would 100% recommend you guys to always try to have a 5kg box of medjool dates at home.

I buy fresh leafy greens for salads and green smoothies 2-3 times per week. The more variety the
better. For salads, I love arugula, romaine hearts, escarole, batavia lettuce, baby spinach, kale and
chicory. For smoothies I mainly use kale, spinach and Swiss chard. For dips and sauces I also love to
have fresh chives, dill and parsley at home.

Page 18

I love to decorate my kitchen and have a shelf with all my nuts and seeds. What you need for a lot of
recipes: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, Almonds, walnuts, cashews,
macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, oats, quinoa, puffed quinoa, raisins, dried mulberries and coconut

A few other ingredients I use throughout my
recipes are: tahini, almond butter, cashew
butter, peanut butter, pistachio butter, apple
cider vinegar, almond milk, coconut milk,
coconut cream, chickpeas, tinned tomatoes,
tomato paste, brown rice pasta, chickpea
flour, brown rice flour, coconut sugar,
buckwheat groats, cooked maroni and
brown rice.

Dried herbs: Italian mixed herbs

(onion, oregano, chilli,
garlic, rosemary, majoram, thyme, basil),
parsley, dill, basil, chives, oregano, smoked
paprika, cumin and cinnamon.

Page 19

Page 20 Mornings in my kitchen

Kitchen Equipment
Having the right kitchen equipment makes cooking so much more fun and stress-free. However, you
really don't need a lot. :-) Even with a few things you can be very creative and make all my recipes.
As always, I want to make eating healthy as easy as possible.

My all time favourite kitchen equipment is my Vitamix blender, it is quite an investment but so worth
it. I also love my Nutribullet, it's much less expensive than the Vitamix and works even better if you
make salad dressing or sauces because it comes with a smaller blending cup. My next favourite is a
food processor. However, I've tried all my recipes, that usually require a food processor, with a
blender and luckily they all turned out great. SO you don't necessarily need one. Start small and you
can grow your kitchen equipment over time :) You know how people used to say “Don't gift your wife
kitchen tools for Christmas?” Hahah I am the complete opposite and LOVE to get anything kitchen,
cooking and food related.

A few tools that I use frequently

High Speed Blender
I use it daily for smoothies, smoothie bowls, nice cream, soups,
dressings…literally anything. :-)

Potato Peeler
Potato peelers are inexpensive and so versatile. I also use it to slice cucumbers,
zucchinis and carrots for salads. So yummy and fun to try out new ways to eat your
veggies. I also love my julienne vegetable peeler that makes thin strips!

Good Knives
I love Japanese knives and bought mine on my trip to Tokyo. I love that they remind me of Japan
every time I use them. For anyone who loves cooking, good knives are a life saver and such a lovely
present as well.

Zucchini Spiralizer
With a spiralizer you can turn veggies into noodles and create yummy zoodles in no time. You
could also use a potato peeler for a more flat and thin zoodle but it's still nice too and a great
kitchen tool. I love my spiralizer!

Non-stick Pan
Non sticky pans are so helpful when cooking without oil as you can literally sautee veggies without
having to add anything.

Measuring Cups & Spoons

I use measuring cups & spoons for all my recipes and find it´s the easiest method.
Definitely a must for me!

Parchment Paper
Parchment paper is my best tip for oil free cooking and baking. You can roast potatoes, bake
pumpkin and make yummy granola, all without any oil. Literally THE BEST !!

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Print me!

My Meal Plan


12:00 3 PM 6:30 PM

green love smoothie and a big 10 peanut butter stuffed glow salad, 2-3 pumpkin
plate of seasonal fruits medjool dates cookies for dessert.

12:00 3PM 6:30 PM

defender smoothie and 4-5 of my favourite kale salad or

pumpkin smoothie bowl with
my 5 ingredient vegan cookies sweet potato fries with
my oat free granola
yoghurt dip

12:00 3PM 6:30 PM

glow smoothie + 2 vegan snicker bars or 2-3 of

raw pad thai and Caro´s
quinoa raspberry bowl my peanut butter cookies

12:00 3PM 6:30 PM

love me or pink smoothie bowl 10 peanut butter stuffed dates  energizing salad and detox
and a plate of fruits salad

12:00 3 PM 6:30 PM

intense smoothie + Caro´s 3 power bars or 2-3 slices of fitness bowl, Caroline salad or
muesli my fig tart fitness pasta

12:30 5:30

green smoothie and roasted carrot salad and gluten

4-5 avocado toasts free gnocchi

green smoothie + eggplant rolls  and vegetable fritters

peanut butter stuffed dates with yoghurt dip

Page 23
Being healthy is about much
more than eating your greens.
It really is a 360 approach and
I hope my selfcare checklist
will help you with that!

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Print me!

Selfcare check list


Had a green smoothie or
green juice

Did a good workout:

Running, boxing, spinning,
yoga, pilates etc.

Went for a walk outside or

spent time in nature

Took 30 minutes to
stretch, be mindful, read a
book or just to relax

Had nourishing meals

throughout the day

Got a massage, did a face

mask or took a hot bath

Took time to do
something I like

Page 25
... for a fit & lean body

Page 26
Breakfast ideas

Page 27
Quinoa Raspberry Bowl
A nutrient power house to start your day right

Ready in
20 miin

1/2 cup quinoa
1 cup water
1 cup-frozen raspberries
1 1/2 tablespoon date caramel
1/2 cup raisins, more to top
1 apple, diced
1 cup grapes

1. Add quinoa and water to a
pot and let it cook on medium
heat for 15 min.
2. Add frozen raspberries and
date caramel sauce towards
the end and let it simmer for
another few minutes.
3. Add 3/4 of the apple and the
raisins while the mixture is
still warm.
4. Serve in a bowl, top with the
rest of the apple, raisins and
grapes. Enjoy!!

I LOVE how the frozen
raspberries make this quinoa
oatmeal so creamy and fruity.
The date caramel sauce gives it
the perfect sweetness without
adding any refined sugar and the
raisins, apple and grapes are my
favourite combination of
toppings. Definitely a winner :)

Page 28
Serves 1

Caro´s Muesli
Ingredients Steps
Muesli Mix: 1 Mix all the muesli ingredients together and store the mix in a
glass jar for as long as you like.
2 cups oats
1 cup linseeds
1 cup sunflower seeds 2 Mix all the fruits together in a bowl, add cinnamon, my muesli
mix, coconut yoghurt and mix well together. READY TO ENJOY.
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup golden raisins
1 cup cranberries I made this muesli every day for years when I
1 cup cashews
1 cup almonds was in school and always brought it with me
for my lunch break. It's quick, super easy to
Caro´s Muesli Bowl: make and perfect for on the go. I actually like
1 apple, diced
1 pear, diced it even more after it had time to sit for a few
3 dates, pitted and diced hours. In case you want to bring it to work,
1/2 cup blueberries make this in the morning and enjoy for a late
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 coconut yoghurt breakfast or lunch. :-)
4 big tablespoons muesli mix

Page 29 xx Caroline
Warming Oatmeal
Love to make this on a cozy rainy morning

Ready in
10 min

4 tablespoons oats
1 cup almond milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
3 medjool dates, pitted and cut
into chunks
2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 banana (1/2 in the pot/ half on
1/2 cup de-frozen or fresh

1. Add oats and almond milk to a pot and
cook on medium heat for a few minutes
until the mixture becomes creamy.
2. Add vanilla powder, cinnamon, medjool
dates and 1/2 of the banana to the pot
and let it cook for another 2 minutes.
3. Serve while it's still warm and add the
other 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup fresh or
defrosted raspberries and more
cinnamon on top.

This is my favourite simple oatmeal recipe!! It's so comforting, delicious and
keeps you full for pretty long. I love how the banana and dates make it super

Page 30
Energy bowl
Fiber & protein rich breakfast for every day

Ready in
20 min

1 cup quinoa
2 cups almond milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
1 tablespoon date caramel

1 cup blueberries
1 cup grapes
1 tablespoon coconut flakes
1 tablespoon cashews
1 tablespoon raisins
1 teaspoon cinnamon

1. Place quinoa and almond
milk in a pot and let it cook
on medium heat for about
15 minutes until it becomes
soft. Add a bit more almond
milk if needed.
2. Stir in vanilla powder and
caramel sauce towards the
3. Serve warm, in a bowl with
your favourite toppings. I
love the mix of blueberries,
grapes, cinnamon, coconut
flakes, cashews and raisins!

Page 31
Pumpkin Smoothie
Ingredients Steps
1 frozen banana Place all the ingredients into a high speed blender and
1/4 baked pumpkin blend until smooth.
1 cup almond milk Add your favourite toppings, I love to sprinkle some of
3 medjool Dates my oil free crunchy granola on top! It's so yummy!
1 small piece fresh ginger Everyone I made this for LOVED it. Also an amazing
1/2 teaspoon vanilla dessert!
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Toppings: granola / coconut

Tip: I love to bake a big batch of pumpkin and store it in the fridge for a few
days. That way you save time on busy days and can quickly throw together
healthy meals. I love to use baked pumpkin for smoothie bowls, healthy
cookies, salads and more. It has an amazing sweet taste and creamy
consistency which makes it the perfect ingredient for so many recipes.

Page 32
Serves 1

Grain Free Oatmeal

Ingredients Steps
2 ripe bananas Place the bananas, apple and cinnamon in a food
1 apple processor or blender and pulse until chunky and slightly
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon creamy.
1 handful of raisins Transfer the mixture to a bowl and top with raisins,
5-6 crushed almonds cinnamon, fresh berries or any other fruit of choice.
1/2 cup raspberries
1 handful blueberries

NoteThis is the perfect oatmeal replacement for everyone who

doesn’t like oats. It has an oatmeal ish texture but is just
made of fruits. Great if you're looking for a light start to the
day! :-)

Page 33
Nut Free Granola
One of my favourite recipes on any day

Prep Cook Ready in
5 min 40min 45 min

200ml homemade apple sauce,
recipe on page 38
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoons sunflower seeds
3 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
3 tablespoon quinoa
3 tablespoon puffed quinoa
3 tablespoon raisins
2 teaspoon cinnamon

1. Mix all the dry ingredients well together.
2. Add homemade apple sauce & stir well.
3. Spread the mixture out evenly on a baking
tray with parchment paper.
4. Bake for 40 min at 150 degrees Celsius
and stir after 20min.
5. Store in an air tight container for up to a

Oh h o w mu c h
I love this

Page 34
makes 8

Power Bars
Ingredients Steps
8 medjool dates
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
1 Add medjool dates, vanilla powder
and water to a high speed blender
1 cup water and blend until smooth.
1-2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup puffed quinoa
2 cup sunflower seeds
2 Mix all other ingredients in a
separate bowl together and stir in
1 tablespoon almonds, the date caramel sauce.
1 tablespoon cashews, 3 Lay out a small baking tray
with parchment paper and add the
1 tablespoon raisins mixture.

4 Place the tray in the fridge


5 Cut the mixture into 3-4cm wide

pieces and there you go,
Power Bars are ready. :-)


Page 35
1 cup cashews
1 cup almonds
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup chia seeds
1/2 cup linseeds
1 cup brazil nuts
5 cup medjool dates, chopped
1/2 cup sesame seeds
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup golden raisins


10 medjool dates
1 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla powder

1. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees
2. In a high speed blender, blend
medjool dates, water and vanilla
powder to make the caramel
3. Mix nuts, seeds and cinnamon
together and stir well.
4. Massage the date caramel sauce
into the mixture.
5. Spread the Granola out evenly
on a baking tray with parchment
paper and bake for 30 min at
150 degrees Celsius.
6. The trick is to break the granola
into pieces with a spoon after
15min to make sure it gets
crispy and crunchy.
7. You can easily store the granola
in a jar for a couple of weeks.

Oat-free Granola
Super Seed Cookies

Makes Ready in
8 cookies 30min

2 tablespoons chia seeds
2 tablespoons linseeds
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
3 tablespoons sultana raisins
3 tablespoons mulberries,
4 tablespoons date caramel
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder

1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius.
2. Mix all the dry ingredients together.
3. Stir in the date caramel sauce and vanilla
and mix well together using your hands.
4. Prepare a baking tray with parchment
5. Form 2cm big balls with your hands and
press down the middle to get the cookie
shape. Alternatively you can use a cookie
6. Bake for 12-15 min on each side.

I LOVE these cookies!! They're the perfect breakfast or snack for busy days.
I love making a big batch and store them in an air tight container for up to a week. 
TIP: Dip them in my homemade apple sauce for the ultimate little extra! :)

Page 37
Prep Cook Ready in
5 min 25 min 30 min

Apple Sauce
Ingredients Steps
3 medium apples, peeled/chopped
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder 1 Add all ingredients into a pot and cook on medium heat for 25
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 cup water 2 Transfer the mixture into a blender and blend until smooth.
3 Place the apple sauce in the fridge for up to three days.

Page 38
Ready in
35 min

Ingredients Steps
2-3 soft persimmons, pitted place persimmons and vanilla powder in a high speed blender
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder 1 and blend until creamy (not too long). Transfer to a bowl and set
1 cup walnuts aside in the fridge.
8 medjool dates, pitted
2 tablespoon coconut flakes 2 Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius.
1 cup puffed quinoa
3 tablespoons date caramel
3 Place walnuts, medjool dates and shredded coconut flakes in a
food processor or blender and pulse until you have a fine texture.
1 cup raisins
4 Transfer the mix into a bowl, add puffed quinoa, date caramel,
raisins and half of the persimmon "pudding" from the fridge.

h e a v e n !! Like 5 Take a tray with parchment paper, transfer the mixture to the tray
This is
and bake for 30 min at 180 degrees celsius.

a l t h y G
a he
marrn 6 Half way through, break the flat mixture into pieces. That makes it
i se r s c h
Ka crunchier.

7 Serve in a bowl with the rest of the persimmon pudding and


Page 39
Sugar Free Jams
Strawberry jam

2 cups strawberries
5 medjool dates
2 big tablespoons chia seeds

1. Soak chia seeds in a cup of
water for 15 minutes. (the
longer the better)
2. Add chia seeds, strawberries
and medjool daters in a high
speed blender and blend until
3. Transfer the jam into a jar. You
can easily store it in the fridge
for a couple of days.

Plum jam
16 plums, pitted
2 tablespoons chia seeds
5 dates

1. Soak chia seeds in a cup of
water for 15 minutes.
2. Cook plums in tiny bit of
water on low heat for 20
3. Blend the plum mixture with
chia seeds and dates in a
high speed blender until
4. Pour in a bowl and put in
the fridge for 30 minutes.

Page 40
Ready in
5 min

Avocado Toast
Ingredients Steps
2 slices of any bread your Toast the bread, add sliced avocado, fresh lemon juice,
choice. I love fresh sourdough! black pepper and a sprinkle of sunflower and pumpkin
1 avocado, sliced seeds
juice of 1 fresh lemon
black pepper
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
1 tablespoons pumpkin seeds

Page 41
Page 42
Caro´s Banana Bread
Ingredients Steps
2 cups oats
3 ripe bananas, mashed 1 Blend the oats for 30 seconds in a high
speed blender until you have oat flour.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
1 tablespoon almond butter
1 tablespoon date caramel sauce
2 Ibna na asneapsa, rvaat en ibl l oa ,wal ,l mmoi xn dt hbeumt taesr haendd
1 extra banana, cut into half date sauce well together.

3 Slowly add oat flour to the mixture.

Transfer the mixture into a non-stick
4 baking form with parchment paper.
5 Add the 2 banana halves on top and
bake for 60min at 180 degrees celsius.

I LOVE to eat this banana bread with a big layer of

coconut yoghurt and my all time favourite date caramel

Prep Cook Ready in

10 min 60 min 70 min

Page 43
Prep Freeze Ready in
5 min 30 min 30 min


n a n a
s h ba gh
fr e r d ou
t h
wi ted so f u
i t
O V E t o as ayer o
I L d or on a big l hurt
brea with nut yog

Ingredients Steps
3 tablespoons 1 Blend all ingredients together in a high
hazelnut butter speed blender until you have a creamy
2 medjool dates texture. .
2 teaspoons
cacao powder 2 Transfer the hazelnut cream to a bowl
3 tablespoons and freeze for 30 minutes.,
coconut cream

Page 44
Page 45
Antioxidant Bowl
Ingredients Steps
2 frozen bananas
1 Add all base ingredients into a high speed blender and
blend until smooth. Try not to use more water than 1.5
1 sachet frozen pitaya fruit cups of water to get a creamy consistency.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder

1 cup water Transfer the mixture to a bowl and add your favourite
toppings. ENJOY!!

Note Let bananas ripen up first,

then peel and freeze them!

Page 46
Pink Smoothie bowl

Ingredients Steps @Carolinedeisler

2 frozen bananas
1 Add frozen bananas, strawberries and water into a high speed
blender and blend until creamy. Try not to use more than 1.5
2 cups frozen strawberries cups of water to get a thick consistency.
1 cup water

TOPPINGS 2 Transfer the mixture to a bowl and add your favourite toppings.
I love grapes, blueberries, raspberries and figs for this recipe
green grapes but feel free to substitute with any fruits you like. .

Page 47
Detox Bowl
Ingredients Steps
BASE 1 Add all the base
2 golden Kiwi ingredients into a high
2 stalks celery speed blender and blend
1 handful fresh until smooth. Try not to use
spinach more than 1.5 cups of
1 frozen banana water to get a creamy
1 cup water consistency.

TOPPINGS 2 Transfer the mixture into a

blueberries bowl and add all
green grapes toppings.Enjoy!
fresh coconut meat


Page 48
Love Me Bowl
Ingredients Steps

BASE TOPPINGS 1. Add all base ingredients into a
2 frozen bananas 1 banana high speed blender and blend
3 dates blueberries until smooth. Try not to use more
1/2 cup cashews fresh coconut meat than 1.5 cups of water to get a
1/2 teaspoon vanilla cinnamon thick and creamy consistency.
powder 2. Transfer the mixture into a bowl
1 cup water and add all toppings. SO

Ready in
5 min

Page 49
Smoothie Bar


Page 50
Green Love
A nutrient power house to start your day!

Ready in
5 min

2 cups water
2-3 leaves kale, de-stemmed
2 leaves Swiss chard
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup pineapple
juice of 1 lemon

Place all the ingredients into a high speed
blender and blend until smooth.

Nutrition Facts
This Smoothie is a real power house, packed with nutrients which protect your cells and make your skin

Page 51

Ingredients Steps
1 cup spinach Place all the ingredients into a
1 bunch fresh parsley high speed blender and blend
2 stalks celery until Smooth. ENJOY!!
1 small piece of ginger
1 ripe pear
2 cups water

re w as h your
P n d store
s a n d a
green ridge
m i n th e f

Page 52
80% Gre
20% Fru

Ingredients Steps
1 handful fresh spinach Place all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend
1/2 cucumber until Smooth.
juice of 1 lemon
1 cup frozen raspberries

1 frozen banana

A simple rule I follow is to use

80% greens and 20% fruits.

Page 53

Ingredients Steps
1 handful spinach Place all the ingredients into a high speed blender and
2 leaves kale, de-stemmed blend until Smooth.
1 cup almond milk
3 dates

Page 54
Page 55
Delicious & refreshing smoothie for every day

Serves 1
1 cup pineapple
1 cup mango
1 frozen banana
2 cups water

Place all the ingredients into a high speed
blender and blend until Smooth.

Y u m m y
Page 56
Berry Dream
Serves 1

Ingredients Steps
1 cup blueberries, frozen or Place all the ingredients into a high speed blender and
fresh blend until Smooth.
2 frozen bananas
1 cup water

Page 57
No Milk Shake

Ready in
5 min

Ingredients Steps
2 frozen bananas Place all the ingredients into a high speed blender and blend
3 medjool dates until Smooth.
1/2 cup cashews
2 cups water

Page 58
Lighter Bites

Page 59
You are
what you

Page 60 Bikini @caroswim_

Serves 1

Glow Salad
Ingredients Steps
red beet, finely chopped
1 Slice the carrots, zucchini and
cucumber using a potato peeler.
4 stalks celery, chopped Chop up all the other veggies and
1 zucchini mix them all well together.
1 cucumber
1 fennel, finely sliced 2 Place the sunflower seeds, dates,
1 red chicory, chopped peanut butter, lemon juice and
2 tablespoons golden raisins water in a high speed blender and
6 walnuts halves, crushed blend until creamy.
1 apple, chopped
3 Mix the dressing in the salad and
1/2 cup soaked sunflower
2 medjool dates
1 tablespoon crunchy peanut
butter (or almond butter)
juice of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons water


Page 61
Energizing Salad
Ingredients Steps
1 avocado, sliced
1/4 head cauliflower, finely sliced
1 Chop up all the veggies. I love to slice the cauliflower
really finely and peel the zucchini and carrot with a
1 teaspoon sultana raisins
1 teaspoon pumpkin seeds, roasted potato peeler to get thing strips. Once done transfer
1 teaspoon sunflower seeds, roasted them to a bowl with the raisins, arugula and avocado.
1 handful arugula
4 mushrooms
1/2 can chickpeas, dry roasted
2 Dry roast the mushrooms ( leave them whole and
quarter them afterwards) with chickpeas and Italian
1 tablespoon mixed Italian herbs
1 carrot herbs in a non stick pan for about 10 minutes. Add in
1 zucchini the pumpkin and sunflower seeds after 5 minutes.


1/2 cup soaked cashews 3 To make the dressing, place all ingredients in a high
speed blender and blend until creamy.
juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon tahini
Add all the ingredients together and ENJOY :-)

Page 62
Detox Salad

Ingredients Steps
1 1/2 cups mixed quinoa 1 Start by cooking the quinoa according
1 cup grapes, cut in half to the instructions on the package. You
1/2 cup sultana raisins can also do that the day before to
1/2 cup almonds save time.
1/2 cup blueberries
1 cup cherry tomatoes 2 Once that's done, mix the quinoa with
1/2 cup pomegranate all other ingredients.

3 To make the dressing, simply put the

DRESSING lemon juice, almond butter and tahini in
juice of 1 lemon a little bowl and stir well.
1 tablespoon almond
1 tablespoon tahini

Prep Cook Ready in

5 min 15 min 20 min

Page 63
Burrito Salad
High in protein and so delicious

1 cup wild rice, cooked
1 cup tinned black beans
1 fresh cooked corn or 1 cup
tinned sweet corn (sugar free)
1 avocado, chopped
1 cup cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1/2 red onion, chopped
handful of fresh basil, chopped

2 cups green peas, defrosted
1/4 cup almond milk
5 mint leaves
1 teaspoon lemon zest
1 small clove garlic, crushed
2 tablespoons water


1 cup coconut yoghurt
1 bunch chives
1 bunch parsley
1 bunch dill
1/2 red onion
1 cucumber

1. Start by cooking the rice according to
the package instructions. I usually pre
cook rice and store it in the fridge.
2. Place all the green sauce ingredients
in a high speed blender and blend
until creamy.
3. To make the yoghurt dip, cut up all the
herbs and cucumber and mix them all
well together. This tastes amazing
when it's a bit chilled.
4. Mix the rice with all the other salad
ingredients well together. add the
green sauce, cucumber dip and enjoy!!
I love to serve some iceberg lettuce on
the side to make little salad boats.
Gives it that extra crunch.

Prep Cook Ready in

10 min 30 min 40 min

Page 64
My favourite Kale Salad

Ready in
20 min

Ingredients Steps
3 leaves curly kale, de- Start by making the dressing. Mix
stemmed the lemon juice, tahini and apple
1 cup cherry tomatoes cider vinegar together using a
1 cup quinoa, cooked spoon. Massage the dressing into
1/2 cup golden raisins the kale leafs for about 5 minutes,
1 carrot this makes the kale a lot easier to
1.5 tablespoons tahini
juice of 1/2 lemon
2 Set the kale aside and cook the
quinoa according to the package
1 teaspoon apple cider instructions.
3 Cut the cherry tomatoes in half
and the carrots in fine strips. I use
a julienne peeler for the carrots..

4 Mix the kale with the quinoa,

tomatoes, carrots, raisins and add
any leftover dressing, SO YUMMM!!

I love this salad!

I used to eat this every day when

I was living in New York :-)

Page 65
Roasted Carrot Salad

Ingredients Steps
3 carrots
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 Marinate the carrots with lemon juice, apple
cider vinegar, cinnamon and ground ginger for
1 tablespoon apple cider a few minutes until fully covered.
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
2 Line a tray with parchment paper and bake
carrots for 40 min at 180 degrees celsius. Let
1 avocado them cool down for another 10 minutes.
2 tablespoons sunflower &
pumpkin seeds, roasted
1 handful of salad greens
3 In the meantime, cut up the tomatoes, avocado,
wash the salad greens and roast the sunflower
2 tablespoons pomegranate and pumpkin seeds in a non stick pan for a few
seeds minutes.

1 large carrot
4 Place all the salad dressing ingredients in a
blender and blend until creamy. LOVE this
6 tablespoon water dressing!
juice of 1 lime
1 tablespoon apple cider 5 Mix all the ingredients well together and enjoy!
vinegar -
1 small piece ginger
2 medjool dates

Page 66
Page 67
This is one of my favourite dishes, it´s so
quick, easy and packed with nutrients.

Ready in
10 min

Raw Pad Thai

Ingredients Steps
1 carrot
1 zucchini
1 Start by cutting up all vegetables, I love to use a julienne
vegetable peeler to make strips. Definitely worth it to
3 radishes have in the kitchen,.
1 bell pepper
1 green onion
1 handful of cashews,
2 Dry roast the cashews for a few minutes in a non stick
pan and set aside.
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
3 Ma l iwx aayl sl dhraevses ian gj airnogfr eddaiteenct sa rtaomg eetl hsearuicneai nl i ttthl ee bf roi dwgl .eI t o
TAHINI DRESSING: save time while cooking.
1 tablespoon tahini
1 tablespoon almond butter
juice of 1/2 lemon
4 Ma isxptrhi nek vl ee go gf iseess, admr ees ss ei negd sa nadn dc aEsNhJeOwYs! w e l l t o g e t h e r , a d d
1 medjool date
2 tablespoons water

Page 68
Eggplant rolls
Ingredients Steps
2 eggplants
1/2 cup soaked sunflower
1 Cut the eggplants into 1cm thick
strips, dry with paper towel to
seeds remove excess water and bake for
1 tablespoon cashew butter 5-8 min at 200 degrees Celsius on
4 tablespoons hot water each side
1 tablespoon apple cider

vinegar Place the cashew butter, apple
2 medjool dates cider vinegar, hot water, dates and
juice of 1 lemon lemon juice in a blender and blend
2 handfuls fresh arugula until smooth.

3 Add the spread on one side of the

eggplant strips, put some arugula in
the middle and roll them up starting
from the narrow part.

Page 69
Serves 1

Caro´s Zoodles
Ingredients Steps
3 zucchinis
1 Make zucchini noodles using a spiralizer. Keep the leftovers from the
zucchinis to throw in the sauce later.
1 red onion, chopped
1 cup cherry tomatoes
2 For the sauce, sautee red onion, cherry tomatoes and plum tomatoes
in a non stick pan for 5 minutes. Add oregano and dried basil.
5 plum tomatoes, steamed & peeled
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
3 Add red bell pepper, carrot and zucchini leftovers, vegetable stock
and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
1 red bell pepper, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely chopped 4 Add tinned tomatoes and let it cook on low heat for another 10min.
1/4 cup vegetable stock

1 can tinned tomatoes

Stir in the chickpeas, nutritional yeast and mix in the zoodles, let
1/2 can chickpeas
simmer for 5 more minutes. ENJOY!
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast

NoteI LOVE this recipe!! My favorite dinner if I want

something light, warm and comforting!!

Page 70
Mushroom Quinotto
A lighter version of a creamy risotto

Prep Cook Ready in

5 min 20 min 25 min


1 small red onion

6-8 shiitake mushrooms , sliced
4 portobello mushrooms, sliced
2 cups quinoa
1 zucchini, chopped
2 tablespoon Italian herbs
1/2 teaspoons chili flakes
1 cup vegetable broth
Serves 1 black pepper
juice of 1/2 lemon
1/2 bunch parsley, chopped
1 mini cucumber, chopped
1/2 Avocado

1. Sautée red onion in 3 tablespoons
vegetable broth, Italian herbs
and chilli flakes.
2. Add mushrooms and let it simmer on
medium heat for 5 minutes.
3. Add rest of vegetable broth and quinoa, let
it cook on medium heat for 15 minutes.
4. Stir in chopped zucchini after 10 minutes.
5. Add fresh lemon juice and chopped
6. Serve with fresh cucumber on top,
avocado and a sprinkle of black pepper. @Carolinedeisler

Nutrition Facts
I used to love risotto before I turned vegan but always found it quite heavy. This version has the
same creamy consistency but is a lot healthier and packed with nutrients from the quinoa and
veggies. It's high in protein, fibre, B vitamins, healthy fats and selenium.

Page 71
Caroline Salad
Simple, easy, delicious and so healthy

big bowl of salad greens, the
more variety, the better
1 cup cherry tomates
1/2 red onion, chopped
1/2 avocado, chopped
1 cucumber, chopped
3 purple sweet potatoes

1/2 avocado
juice of 1/2 fresh lemon

1. Start by washing and peeling your
sweet potatoes, cut them into 2cm
big pieces and bake on parchment
paper for 35 minutes at 180
degrees celsius.
2. Mix onion with cherry tomatoes and
set aside in a small bowl.
3. Use a fork to mash1/2 avocado,
massage it into the greens and add
some fresh lemon juice.
4. Add the tomato mixture, other 1/2
Avocado and cucumber to the salad
5. Let the sweet potatoes cool down
for 10 minutes once they are done
and serve them with the Salad.

This salad has been my go to dinner for years. I still love it and make it at least
once or twice a week when I'm home.

Page 72
Ingredients Steps
2 handful arugula
1 handful walnuts
1 Start by mashing 1/2 avocado with
a fork and massage it into the
2 tablespoons pumpkin & greens.
sunflower seeds, roasted
1/2 avocado, chopped 2 Create a nice salad bowl buy

Love this
1 cup green beans, steamed mixing all ingredients together, add
1 cup cherry tomatoes some fresh lemon juice, back
1/2 red onion, chopped pepper and ENJOY!
1 cup broccoli sprouts
1/2 cucumber, chopped

1/2 avocado
It's one of the best salad combis
juice of fresh lemon and I could eat it every day!

Page 73
Ingredients Steps
2 handfuls arugula
2 chicory hearts
1 Start by baking the pumpkin on
parchment paper for 30 minutes
1 cup green peas, defrosted at 200 degrees celsius.
2 mini cucumbers, chopped
1 cup cherry tomatoes 2 While pumpkin is in the oven,
make your dressing. Place all
1/2 pumpkin, cut in wedges
ingredients into a high speed
CREAMY DRESSING: blender and blend until creamy.
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
2 medjool dates
juice of 1 lemon
3 Mix the dressing into the greens
and add all salad toppings:
1 teaspoon apple cider Chopped up tomatoes,
vinegar cucumbers and green peas.
2 tablespoons water
4 Let the pumpkin cool down for 10
minutes and enjoy it with
this delicious salad.

Prep Cook Ready in

5 min 35 min 40 min

Page 74
Lean Potato Salad
One of the best salads!! Simple,
nutritious and so yummy!

Prep Cook Ready in

10 min 30 min 40 min

2 babay romaine hearts
1 handful arugula
2 chicory hearts
1 avocado
8 button mushrooms
1 teaspoon of each: dried dill,
basil, chives, parsley
1 cup green peas, defrosted
1 cup cherry tomatoes
handful of pumpkin & sunflower
seeds, roasted
5 medium size potatoes

1. Start by steaming or boiling the
potatoes for 30 minutes. Once done,
let them cool down for another 10
2. In the meantime, sautée mushrooms
in a non stick pan with all herbs for
about 10 minutes. Let them cool
down as well.
3. Make your salad dressing
by mashing 1/2 avocado with a fork,
massaging it into the greens.
4. Add the cherry tomatoes, green
peas, mushrooms, avocado,
steamed potatoes and some roasted
pumpkin & sunflower seeds. SO

Page 75
The Clean Soup
Quick / Healthy / Delicious
Ingredients Steps
1/2 head cauliflower 1 Sautée onion for a few minutes in a pot.
1 medium sweet potato Add the vegetable broth and chopped
1/2 bunch collard greens sweet potato. Let it cook for 15 minutes on
1 small red onion onion, medium heat.
Add cauliflower florets and cook for
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 2
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast another 5-7 minutes
750 ml vegetable broth
Transfer the mixture into a high speed
1 scoop coconut yoghurt 3
blender, add raw collard green leaves and
5 medium potatoes, steamed blend until smooth.
Serve with a scoop of coconut yoghurt and
4 some steamed potatoes on the side.

Prep Cook Ready in

5 min 20 min 25 min

Page 76
Simple Tomato
Ingredients Directions
2 cups cherry Finely chop the onion, fresh basil and cut the cherry
tomatoes tomatoes in half. Mix all ingredients together, add some
1 small red onion fresh lemon juice, dried basil and black pepper
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 bunch fresh basil This tomato salad tastes even better after you let it sit
(optional) for an hour or two. I often times make a big batch and
juice of 1/2 lemon store it in the fridge. I also love it on toasted sourdough
black pepper bread. My favourite tomato bruschetta recipe!.


Page 77
Ready in
5 min

Pink Hummus 
Ingredients Steps
1 can chickpeas, cooked
1 clove garlic
1 Place all ingredients into a high speed blender
and blend until creamy.
2 small beets, cooked

1 teaspoon apple cider
vinegar Cut up all your favourite veggies and enjoyyy!
juice of 1/2 lemon
lemon zest of 1/2 lemon
1 medjool date
2 tablespoons water

I  l o v e t o m ake th
is as a
a f t e rnoon
celery stalks quick n I 'm
me whe
a k e i t with
t ing.

Page 78
Balance Soup

Ingredients Steps

1 head broccoli, slightly 1 Place the steamed broccoli, raw kale

steamed leave, spinach, avocado and lemon
1 leave curly kale, de-stemmed juice in a high speed blender and
1 handful fresh spinach blend until creamy.
1/2 avocado
juice of 1 lemon 2 Serve with a scoop of
1 scoop of coconut yoghurt coconut yoghurt, some sprouts,
watercress and black pepper on top

Ready in
10 min

Page 79
Soul Soup
Ingredients Steps
1 leeks
2 carrots 1 Start by chopping up all the
1 small hokkaido pumpkin

2 spring onion In a big pot bring the vegetable
2 zucchinis stock to boil, add all veggies and
1/2 head broccoli herbs and let it simmer on
4 stalks celery medium heat for 20 minutes.
5 cups vegetable stock
1 tablespoon mixed Italian
herbs 3 Transfer the mixture to a high
speed blender and blend until
black pepper creamy.

Prep Cook Ready in

10 min 20 min 30 min

Page 80
Simple Okra

Ready in
25 min

Ingredients Steps
1 red onion
1 clove garlic
1 Sautee onion, garlic and celery with chili flakes and a
tiny bit of vegetable broth in a non stick pan for about
pinch of chili flakes
4 stalks celery, finely chopped
10 minutes.
5 steamed peeled tomatoes
or 1 can of tinned tomatoes
2 tablespoons capers
2 Add 5 steamed peeled tomatoes or a can of tinned
tomatoes and 2 tablespoons capers and let it simmer
2 handfuls okra
for another 10 minutes.

3 In a separate pot steam okra for 5 minutes until they are

soft and add then to the mixture. This makes them a bit
softer which I really like.

4 Mix all well together. add more herbs and spices if you
like and it´s ready to be served.

Page 81
Ready in
30 min

10 Vegetable Soup
Ingredients Steps
1 leek
1/2 head cauliflower
1 Steam potatoes for 30 minutes.

1/2 head broccoli In the meantime bring vegetable stock to boil, chop
1/2 Chinese cabbage up all veggies and add them to the pot one after the
4 potatoes other. Let the soup cook on medium heat for 15-20
5 cups vegetable stock minutes.
2 carrots
2 parsnips
4 stalks celery 3 Once the potatoes are done, add them to the soup.
Super simple, easy and quick! :-)
1 celery root
2 tablespoons dried herbs:
cumin, parsley, basil

Page 82
Crunchy Cauli lower 
Ingredients Steps
1 head cauliflower, florets
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 Mix almond butter with lemon
juice and water.
2 tablespoons linseeds
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
2 Cover cauliflower florets with
the lemon almond butter sauce.
1 tablespoon almond butter
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons chickpea flour
3 Mix all seeds and chickpea flour
together on a plate and cover
the cauliflower florets in it.

4 Bake for 25 minutes on

parchment paper at 180
degrees celsius.

5 Serve with my favourite yoghurt

dip from page 104.

Page 83
Page 84
My Healthy Comfort Foods


Page 85
My Fit Food

Potato Wedges
Ingredients Steps
organic medium size potatoes
tablespoon dried parsley
1 Steam potatoes for 20min, cut into wedges.

2 tablespoon dried paprika

1 teaspoon garlic powder 2 Cover wedges in all spices.
1 teaspoon onion powder
a few chili flakes
3 Bf oa kr e1 5t hme mi n uotne sp. a r c h m e n t p a p e r a t 2 0 0 d e g r e e s c e l s i u s

Prep Cook Ready in

5 min 35 min 40 min

Page 86
Ready in
5 min

Potato Dip
Ingredients Directions
1 cup coconut yoghurt Mix all the ingredients together and it´s ready to enjoy. I
1 teaspoons yellow mustard love to make the dip first and then put it in the fridge
1/2 red onion, diced while my potatoes are in the oven. It´s so nice when it´s a
1/2 bunch chives, chopped little chilled.
1/2 bunch dill, chopped
1/3 bunch fresh basil, chopped
ch an
1 teaspoon ground cumin
th i s d i p S O MUCH!! It´s su
juice of 1/2 lemon I LOVE ous
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano w a y to   e a t more nutriti
easy g.
d al so ju st tastes amazin
herbs an es
n e v e r w a nt to eat potato
You will
without it an

Page 87
Ready in
40 min

Sweet Potato wedges

with homemade ketchup

2 sweet potatoes
1 tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/ cup sesame seeds

1 Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

2 Wash sweet potatoes and cut into wedges.

3 Mix cumin, cinnamon and sesame seeds together on a

flat plate and roll the wedges in the spices until they´re
fully covered.

4 Transfer sweet potatoes to a baking tray with parchment

paper and bake for 40 min at 200 degrees celsius.

5 Let them cool down for another 30 minutes. I turn off the
oven, open the door and leave the tray inside for those
extra 30 minutes. This makes them SO MUCH BETTER. :-)

Page 88
Ready in
25 min

Homemade Ketchup

Ingredients Steps
1/2 red onion, chopped
1 teaspoon chili flakes
1 Steam the tomatoes for 5-10min, let them cool down and
peel them.
5 peeled steamed tomatoes or 1
can tinned tomatoes
2 teaspoons mixed italian herbs
2 Sautee onion, all herbs and steamed peeled tomatoes for
15 minutes on low-medium heat. I use a non stick pan.
3 medjool dates Add a tiny bit of water if needed.
2 dried tomatoes

3 Transfer the mixture into a high speed blender, add dates

and dried tomatoes and blend until smooth.

4 Let it cool down and that´s it. SO YUMM! You can store it
in the fridge for a couple of days.

Page 89
Gluten Free Gnocchi
with a simple tomato arugula sauce

1kg steamed potatoes
1.5 cups chickpea flour

1 small red onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, crushed
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 tablespoons mixed Italian herbs
1 cup cherry tomatoes
5 steamed peeled tomatoes or one
can tinned tomatoes
1 handful fresh arugula
2 tablespoons pumpkin and sunflower
seeds, roasted

1. Steam potatoes for 30 minutes and let them
fully cool down. You can also do that the day
before to save some time.

2. Peel potatoes, then mash with a fork or using a

blender and slowly add the chickpea flour until
you have a sticky dough.

3. With wet hands (important!) form little 2cm

pieces and use a fork to get the gnocchi stamp.

4. You can either cook the gnocchi in hot water

for about 5 minutes of pan fry them in a non stick
pan for 5-7 minutes on each side. I personally
LOVE the pan fried version and love how dry and
crispy they become. Just perfeeect! :)

For the sauce

1. Roast the sunflower and pumpkin seeds in a
non stck pan for 5 minutes on low heat. Set
them aside in a bowl.
2. Use the pan to sautee the onion and garlic for
about 5 minutes.
3. Add herbs, cherry tomatoes, tomato paste and 1
cup water. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes.
4. Add fresh arugula and roasted seeds, stir in the
gnocchis and your gnochhi are ready to enjoy.:)

Prep Cook Ready in

10 min 40 min 50 min

Page 90
Panna Cotta
A traditional, easy, and delicious Italian custard.

Prep Cook
15 min 25 min 60 min


Ready in
35 min

Sweet Potato Gnocchi

Ingredients Steps
2 medium size sweet potatoes
1/4 cup unsweetened almond
1 Smtienaumt e os .r Sbeoti lt hs ewme eat spi doet aat onedswf oa irt 2u5n t i l
milk they´ve cooled down completely.
11/4 cups chickpea flour
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 isna ut hcee mb ye asna tui mt éei nmg aaklel itnhger et odmi eanttos f o r
15 minutes, then transfer the sauce to
MY FAVOURITE TOMATO a blender and pulse until creamy.
1 red onion, chopped 3 Pwei tehl as wf oerekt upnottial tyooeus haanvde ma acsrhe at hmeym
1 clove garlic, crushed
sprinkle chilli flakes mixture. Slowly stir in the chickpea
1 tablespoon tomato paste flour, nutritional yeast, black pepper
1 can tinned tomatoes and form a dough with your hands.
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon basil dried
fresh basil in the end
4 Fc oo or mk tl hi t et lme 2i nc mb ogi lni nogc cwhai tpeirefcoer saabnodu t 5
minutes. I have found boiling works
here better here than panfrying.

5 Ss aeur vcee .t hSeOmY wU Mi t hMm! y f a v o u r i t e t o m a t o

Page 91
Prep Cook Ready in
5 min 10 min 15 min

Fitness Pasta
with a basil cashew pesto
Ingredients Directions
1/4 cup cashews 1 Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package. I love
to use brown rice pasta because it is gluten-free and much easier to
1/2 zucchini digest.
2 handfuls fresh basil
1 clove garlic
juice of 1,5 lemons
2 Place the cashews, zucchini, basil, lemon juice, avocado, nutritional
yeast, salt and pepper in a blender and blend until smooth.
1/2 avocado
pinch of himalayan salt Once the pasta is almost done cooking, add the green peas in the
1 teaspoon nutritional yeast 3 pot. They only need a few minutes to soften up.
fresh black pepper
1 cup green peas, frozen 4 Once the pasta and peas are done, remove the pasta water and stir
in pesto sauce, baby spinach and mix it all well together. I love
1 handful baby spinach throwing in some fresh cherry tomatoes as well.
1 cup cherry tomatoes
200gr brown rice penne

Page 92
Page 93
Mushroom Tomato Pasta
serves 1
Ingredients Steps

1 clove garlic, crushed

1/2 red onion, chopped
1 Start by sautéing the onion, garlic,
cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and
1 cup cherry tomatoes dried tomatoes in a non stick pan,
1 can tinned tomatoes on medium heat for 10 minutes. Use
3 mushrooms a tiny bit of water if needed.
2 teaspoons mixed Italian
2 dried tomatoes 2 Add Italian herbs, tinned tomatoes
and green olives. Let it simmer for
15 green olives another 10 minutes.
fresh black pepper
200gr brown rice penne
3 Cook the pasta according to
the instructions on the package
and once they are ready, stir them
in the sauce. Sprinkle some black
pepper on top and voila pasta is


Page 94
Ready in
15 min

Cauliflower Penne
Ingredients Steps
1/2 head cauliflower
1/2 onion, finely chopped 1 Steam cauliflower for 8-10 minutes, sauté onion and garlic for
5 minutes until soft.
2 garlic cloves, crushed
5 mushrooms
1 teaspoon thyme 2 Add cauliflower, onion, garlic, almond milk, lemon juice, salt,
nutritional yeast and chilli flakes into a blender and pulse until
1 teaspoon oregano creamy.
1 cup green peas, frozen

1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk Set sauce aside and cook the pasta according to
or oat cream the instructions on the package. Add in the green peas about 3
juice of 1/2 lemon minutes before the pasta is done.
fresh black pepper
pinch Himalayan salt 4 Use the sauce pan you had earlier and quickly sautee the
pinch chilli flakes mushrooms with oregano and thyme for 5-10min while the
1 teaspoon nutritional yeast pasta is cooking. I like to sauté the mushrooms whole and slice
fresh parsley to serve them afterwards.

5 Mix the pasta and green peas with the cheesy cauliflower
sauce, add the sliced mushrooms and some fresh pepper on

Page 95
Warming Lentil Dahl
Ingredients Steps
400gr chickpeas, cooked 1. In a big pot add vegetable broth,
5 medium size potatoes potatoes, lentils and cook for 15
1 cup red lentils minutes.
1 head broccoli 2. Add broccoli, chickpeas, cumin,
5 cups vegetable broth turmeric, coconut sugar, lemon
2 teaspoons ground cumin juice, chilli flakes and cook for
1/2 teaspoon ground another 15 minutes on medium
turmeric heat.
1 teaspoon coconut sugar 3. Stir in fresh baby spinach and
juice of 1 lemon parsley and let it simmer for 5
more minutes.
pinch of chili flakes
handful of baby spinach
fresh parsley to top
Ready in
40 min


Page 96
Garden Risotto
inspired by Daylesford restaurant in London

Prep Cook Ready in

15 min 25 min 60 min

2 cups buckwheat groats
1 small red onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 cups green peas, defrosted
10 mint leaves
1 handful baby spinach
2 cups vegetable stock
juice of 1 lemon
black pepper
1 scoop coconut yoghurt

1. In a pot, sauté red onion in 3 tablespoons
vegetable broth.
2. Add garlic.
3. Add 2 cups vegetable broth and 2 cups
buckwheat groats.
4. Let it cook for 20min on medium heat.
5. Blend 1 cup green peas, mint leaves, baby
spinach and lemon juice until creamy.
6. Add the pea puree and remaining peas to
the risotto.
7. Let it cook for another 5 minutes.
8. Sprinkle black pepper and a scoop of
coconut yoghurt on top.

I first ate this risotto at one of my favourite restaurants in London called Daylesford and
then made my own version of it. It´s so delicious, filling and full of goodness.

Page 97
Serves 1

Mushroom Buckwheat
Ingredients Steps
2 cups buckwheat groats
9 bottom mushrooms 1 Cook buckwheat groats following the instructions on the
package, set aside.
5 shiitake mushrooms
1/2 cup dried mixed
mushrooms, soaked
2 In a pot, sauté red onion, add all mushrooms and
vegetable stock and let it simmer for 15 minutes.
1 small red onion
2 cups vegetable stock
1/2 teaspoon each: dried
3 Stir in cooked buckwheat, add more vegetable broth and
water from the soaked mushrooms. Sauté for another for
parsley, rosemary, dill and 5 minutes.
1 clove garlic, crushed 4 Add juice of 1/2 lemon and fresh parsley.
juice of 1/2 lemon
1/2 bunch fresh parsley,
5 In a high speed blender, blend 1/4 of the risotto with 3
tablespoons of leftover water from soaked mushrooms
and mix it all well together. This makes is super creamy!

Page 98
Balancing Curry
Nutritious and soothing for your stomach
Ready in
Serves 2 40 min

1 cup brown rice
1 red onion
mall piece ginger, grated
mall piece chilli, chopped
1 head broccoli
1 large eggplant
400ml coconut milk
1 cup green peas
4 medium size potatoes
2 teaspoons medium spice
yellow curry powder
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
black pepper

1/2 cucumber, chopped

1. Steam potatoes for 25 min and set
2. Steam broccoli and eggplant for 8
min and set aside.
3. Sauté onion, grated ginger, 2
teaspoons curry powder, crushed
chilli in a tiny bit of water for 5 min.
4. Add coconut milk
5. Add broccoli and eggplant and let it
simmer for another 10 min.
6. Peel the potatoes and add them to
the curry.
7. Serve with brown nice and some
fresh cucumber and black pepper on

Page 99
Pumpkin Quinotto
Ingredients Steps
1/2 kabocha squash
1 sweet potato
1 Cut Kabocha squash into wedges, cut the
sweet potatoes into 2cm chunks and bake
1 red onion, chopped them both on parchment paper for 35 minutes
1 cup quinoa at 180 degrees celsius.
2-3 leaves curly kale,
2 While these are baking, sautee red onion for a
1 cup red lentils few minutes using a non sticky pan.
1 tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon Italian
3 Add cumin, 1 litre vegetable broth, lentils and
mixed herbs quinoa and let it cook on medium heat for 20
minutes. Once it´s cooked you have a
nice creamy texture.

4 Aa nddd lsewt ei test i mp omt aetrof,okr aabnooct hh ae rs5q umaisnhu taensd. k a l e


Page 100

The Best Falafel

Ingredients Steps
2 cans chickpeas, cooked
1 red onion, chopped
1 Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

1 clove garlic, crushed Place all ingredients except the sesame seeds into a food
1 bunch parsley
1 bunch cilantro
2 processor or high speed blender and pulse until you have
a creamy consistency.
1 bunch chives
2 teaspoons ground cumin
Juice of 1 lemon
3 With wet hands form falafel balls and press down the
middle to get a round patty shape. You need to be quite
1 cup sesame seeds careful as the mixture is a bit sticky.

4 Cover them in sesame seeds and bake on parchment

paper for 40 minutes, 20 minutes on each side.

Serve with Mint

Tahini Dip

Prep Cook Ready in

10 min 40 min 50 min

Page 101
Mint Tahini Dip
Ingredients Steps
1 cup zucchini, Place all ingredients in a high speed
chopped blender and blend until creamy.
1 medjool date,
2-3 tablespoons
juice of 1 lemon
1/2 bunch chives
1/2 cup water


Page 102
Veggie Fritters
Ingredients Directions
2 large zucchinis
2 carrots
1 Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

3 medium size potatoes

1 red onion, chopped
2 .Prepare zucchinis, carrots and potatoes using a julienne
peeler or kitchen grater. Use a fresh kitchen towel to
4 tablespoons ground drain excess water from the veggies. Add red onion.
2 tablespoons cumin
black pepper
3 Place half of the mixture into a high speed blender, add
almond milk and pulse until chunky. Transfer mixture
6 heaping tablespoons oat back to the bowl.
1 cup almond milk 4 Stir in oat flour, cumin, pepper, parsley and chives.
1 bunch parsley, chopped
1/2 bunch chives, chopped
5 Fmoi nr mu t epsa,t t2y0smh ai npuetse sa nodn beaakceh osni t ep.a r c h m e n t p a p e r f o r 4 0

Prep Cook Ready in

10 min 40 min 50 min

Page 103
Yoghurt dip
Ready in
5 min

Ingredients Steps
1 cup coconut yoghurt Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and your dip is
1/2 red onion, diced ready!!
1/2 bunch parsley, chopped
1/2 bunch dill
1/2 chives
juice of 1/2 lemon
black pepper
1/2 cucumber

Note I could live off this dip, it's so

yummy and refreshing when you
leave it in the fridge. Perfect with
veggies patties, sweet potatoes
fries and potatoes.

Page 104
Sweet potato cakes
with a coconut mustard dip

2 sweet potatoes
1/2 cup cooked quinoa
juice of 1 lemon
1/2 bunch parsley, chopped
1 cup sesame seeds

4 tablespoons coconut yoghurt
1 teaspoon djon mustard
juice of 1/2-1 lemon
1 small clove garlic, crushed

1. Steam sweet potatoes for 25 minutes.
2. Once done, peel sweet potatoes and mix
together with quinoa and parsley.
3. Form patties with wet hands and cover
them in sesame seeds.
4. Place cakes on a baking tray with
parchment paper and bake for 30 minutes
at 180 degrees Celsius.
5. To make the dip simply combine
all ingredients in a little bowl and keep in
the fridge until sweet potato cakes are

Prep Cook Ready in

15 min 25 min 60 min

Page 105
Mushroom Chestnut
Ingredients Steps
1 cup green peas, defrosted
1 cup tri color cooked quinoa 1 Mix all ingredients together
in a bowl, place half of the
2 cups brown rice, cooked mixture into a high speed
9 medium size mushrooms, blender and blend until you
finely chopped have a creamy consistency.
1 cup cooked chestnuts, Add back to the bowl.
finely chopped
1 bunch chives, chopped
2 With wet hands (important!)
form 2cm balls, then press
down the middle to get

3 Bf oark2e0omn ipnaor cnhema ec nh t spi daep eart

180 degrees Celsius.

Serve with my favourite yogurt dip

Prep Cook Ready in

10 min 40 min 50 min

Page 106

Baked Pumpkin
1 kabocha squash or any
pumpkin of your choice.

1. Wash pumpkin and cut into wedges.
I always leave the skin on.
2. Bake on parchment paper for 35
minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. Let
the pumpkin cool down for another
30 minutes. This makes it so much

Herby Mushrooms
button mushrooms
1 red onion, chopped
dried basil
dried chives
dried dill
dried parsley

1. Wash and de-stem mushrooms.
2. Place them in a non stick pan,
add all herbs and sauté for 15
minutes. I love to leave them
whole and don't slice the
mushroom before sautéing. That
way they are more moist.

Page 107
Healthy Potato Gratin
Germans love their potatoes

Prep Cook Ready in
10 min 45 min 55 min

3 medium size potatoes
1 cup oat cream

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
2. Peel and finely slice potatoes.
3. Layer potatoes in a baking form, add
oat cream and bake for 45 minutes.

TIP: I use parchment paper to prevent

sticking .

Page 108
Salad Dressings

Carrot dressing
1 large carrot
6 tablespoons water
juice of 1 lime
1 tablespoon apple cider
small piece ginger
2 tablespoons date caramel
sauce (or 3 medjool dates)

Place all ingredients into a high

speed blender and blend until

Sunflower seed dressing
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
2 medjool dates
1 tablespoon cashew butter or
almond butter
juice of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons water

Place all ingredients into a high

speed blender and blend until

Tahini dressing
1 tablespoon tahini
1 tablespoon almond butter
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tablespoon date sauce
2 tablespoons water

Mix all ingredients together in a

small bowl. The perfect creamy
tahini dressing for all kinds of

Page 109
I always had the big est sweet tooth

sweets for every day!

Page 110
Guilt Free


Page 111

Page 112
Makes 6

Snicker Bars
Ingredients Steps
1/2 cup raw cashews 1 Start by making the caramel sauce. Place dates, water
and vanilla extract into a high speed blender and blend
1/2 cup oats until creamy. Set the caramel sauce aside.
1/4 cup date caramel sauce

2 tablespoons natural crunchy To make the base, grind cashews and oats in a high
peanut butter speed blender until you have a flour. Add 1/4 of the date
caramel sauce and 2 tablespoons of crunchy peanut
CARAMEL LAYER butter, mix it all well together. Pour the mixture into a
12 dates baking tray and form a 1-2 cm thick base. Place the tray
1 cup water in the freezer for 30 min.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder

3 Add a thick layer of caramel and put it back in the freezer
for 1 hour.
1 vegan chocolate bar
4 Melt one bar of vegan chocolate (I use Ombar milk
chocolate) in a pot and pour it over the caramel layer for
the top coat. .

5 Put the tray back in the freezer for at least 30 minutes and

Page 113
Page 114
Caramel Date Sauce
Ingredients Steps
10 Medjool dates Place all ingredients into a high speed blender
1 cup water
and blend until smooth and creamy.
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

I use this caramel date sauce for so many
recipes!!! You guys know how much
I love dates and it´s the perfect sweetener
instead of using refined sugar. I always
make a big batch and keep it in my fridge.

Page 115
Peanut Butter Cookies
These cookies make every day better!!

Ready in
20 miin

1/4 cup peanut butter (crunchy)
1/4 cup coconut sugar
3 tablespoons date caramel
2 tablespoons almond milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 cup buckwheat flower

1/4 cup ground almonds
3 tablespoons 100% chocolate

1. Mix together the peanut butter,
coconut sugar, date caramel sauce,
almond milk and vanilla.
2. In a separate bowl, mix buckwheat
flour, ground almonds and
chocolate chips.
3. Form 6 cookies, I make balls first
and then press down the middle to
get the cookie shape.
4. Bake them on parchment paper for
8-10min at 180 degrees Celsius.
Let them cool down for another 10
minutes afterwards.

Page 116
Fig Tart
Ingredients Steps
3/4 cup buckwheat flour
4 tablespoons ground
1 Mix flaxseeds and water together and let is
soak for 10 minutes to create a flaxseed
almonds egg.
4 tablespoons coconut sugar
1 tablespoon ground
2 Mix buckwheat flour, ground almonds,
flaxseeds coconut sugar, flaxseed egg, almond butter
3 tablespoon water for and almond milk well together. Set bowl
flaxseeds aside in the fridge for 30min, covered with a
3 tablespoons almond butter clean kitchen towel.
4 tablespoons almond milk
3 tablespoons caramel date 3 Spread the mixture onto parchment paper in
1 tablespoon coconut sugar a baking form, use your hands to form a 1-
12 figs, cut into halves 2cm thick layer.

4 Add a layer of caramel date sauce. Place

the figs on top and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of
coconut sugar on top.

Ready in Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees celsius
and let it cool down for another 10 minutes
40 min afterwards.

Page 117
Raw Vegan Ferrero
Makes 15

Ingredients Steps

2 tablespoons hazelnut butter Place hazelnut butter, cacao powder, caramel date
1 tablespoon cacao powder sauce, coconut milk, coconut cream, vanilla and
2 tablespoons caramel date ground hazelnuts into a high speed blender and blend
sauce until smooth.
2 tablespoons coconut milk

2 tablespoons coconut cream Put in the hazelnut cream in the freezer for 2 hours so it
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
gets firm.
1 tablespoon ground
15 hazelnuts, roasted 3 Form little balls (I use a melon baller for it), place one
roasted hazelnut in the middle and cover with more
1/2 cup hazelnuts, roasted and
hazelnut cream. This step is optional as they also taste
amazing with no hazelnut inside.You need to be super
quick and have cold hands so the cream doesn't melt.

4 Roll the balls in the chopped roasted hazelnuts and put

them back in the freezer.

5 Take them out of the freezer right before serving them.

Page 118
Ready in
5 min

Date Bites
Ingredients Directions
medjool dates 1 Remove the pit from the dates, fill them with one
teaspoon peanut butter, sprinkle some freeze
peanut butter
freeze dried raspberries dried raspberries on top .

2 Enjoy right away or place in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Page 119
Apple Crumble
Ingredients Steps
3 large apples, peeled, cored,
1 Place 2 apples into a blender and pulse
until you have small chunks, transfer to a
and quartered mixing bowl.
3 tablespoons date caramel
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 Place the remaining 1 apple with the
caramel date sauce, cinnamon and water
2 tablespoons water in the blender and blend until smooth
and creamy.
14 walnut halves
5 medjool dates 3 Mix both together and spread into a baking
3 tablespoons shredded
2 tablespoons oats
4 For the crumble, place all ingredients in a
blender and pulse until you have a
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder crumbly and moist texture.
1 tablespoon water
5 Evenly spread the crumble over the filling
and bake for 50min at 180 degrees

- Page 120
Page 121
Caramel Brownies

Prep Cook Ready in
15 min 25 min 60 min

1/2 kabocha squash, baked
12 medjool dates
6 tablespoons oats
1 tablespoon almond butter
1 1/5 cups water

10 medjool dates
1 cup water
1/2 vanilla bean

3 tablespoons almonds, crushed

1. Place all base ingredients in a food
processor or high speed blender and blend
until creamy.
2. Transfer half of the mixture to a baking
form which you line with with parchment
paper and bake for 25 minutes at 180
degrees Celsius.
3. Add the caramel layer, the 2nd half of the
brownie mixture and sprinkle crushed
almonds on top and bake for another 25
minutes at 180 degrees celsius.

Page 122
Banana Caramel
Bites Ready in
35 min

Ingredients Directions
1 banana
1 cup caramel date sauce 1 Cut bananas into 2cm thick pieces.
1/2 cup almonds, roasted
and crushed
2 Cover banana pieces with date sauce, sprinkle some
crushed roasted almonds on top and freeze for 30min.

The perfect healthy snack and great to

serve when you have friends over!

Page 123
Healthy Bounty Bars

Makes 6

1 1/2 cups desiccated coconut
1 cup coconut cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
5 tablespoon caramel date

1 vegan chocolate bar, 70g (I
use Ombar)
1 tablespoon coconut cream
1 tablespoon hot water

1. Place desiccated coconut,
coconut cream, vanilla extract and
caramel date sauce in a blender and
pulse until you have a moist creamy
texture OR use your hands to mix
all ingredients together.
2. Form 2cm thick and 10cm long
bounty bars with your hands.
3. Place them in the freezer for
30 minutes.
4. Melt chocolate bar with coconut
cream and hot water in a pot.
5. Cover all bounty bars in chocolate
and put them back in the freezer for
at least 30 minutes.
6. Take them out of the freezer 5
minutes before serving.

This is an amazing alternative to regular bounty bars.!!

Super easy to make, no unhealthy ingredients and so YUMMY!!

Page 124
Pumpkin Cookies


Page 125
Pumpkin Cookies
Ingredients Steps
2 cups oats
3 tablespoons ground flax seeds 1 Place all ingredients except
raisins into a high speed
5 cups walnuts, chopped blender and blend roughly until
3 tablespoons golden raisins you have a crumbly mixture.
1/2 baked pumpkin
4 tablespoons caramel date sauce
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 Add raisins and form cookies
using wet hands.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons water
3 Bake on parchment paper for 20-
25 min at 180 degrees celsius .

4 I love to dip these in caramel

date sauce!! Makes them so so

Prep Cook Ready in

5 min 30 min 35 min

Page 126
Love to make these in
heart shape too!!

Page 127
Healthy Pralines
The perfect 5 minute sweet snack

Ready in Ingredients
5 min
1 banana
1/2 cup date caramel sauce
1 handful almonds
1 teaspoon almond butter
1 handful blueberries
1 teaspoon cinnamon

1. Cut the bananas into 2 cm
thick pieces.
2. Add a teaspoon of caramel
sauce, a tiny bit of almond
butter and either an almond
or blueberry on top.
3. Sprinkle a dash of cinnamon
on top and your pralines are

Page 128
Ready in
5 min

Pistachio Date Bites

Ingredients Steps
medjool dates
100% pistachio butter
1 Remove the pit from the dates, add a teaspoon of
pistachio butter and a sprinkle of crushed roasted
almonds, roasted and almonds.

2 Place them in the freezer for 30-45 minutes and you get
an ice cream ish texture,

Page 129
Vanilla Date Bites


Ingredients Steps
7 medjool dates 1 Remove the pit from the dates.
3 frozen bananas
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 Place the frozen bananas, vanilla and water in
extract a high speed blender and blend until you get
2 tablespoons water an ice cream texture. This will take a few
1 teaspoon cinnamon minutes, try not to add too much
water otherwise it gets too fluid.

3 Fill each date with a heaping teaspoon of cold

vanilla cream, sprinkle some cinnamon on top
and ENJOY!! You can also store them in the

Page 130
Caramel Cups
Ingredients Directions
1 cup walnuts 1 Place the walnuts, dates and
coconut flakes in a high speed
makes 10
8 medjool dates blender and pulse until you
2 tablespoons coconut have a sticky consistency.

2 Transfer the mixture into
muffin paper cups,
1 cup caramel date sauce 1 tablespoon per cup.

3 Add a big layer of caramel date

sauce and place the cups in
the freezer for at least
30 minutes.


Page 131
Easy Macadamia Cookies

Ingredients Steps
2 tablespoons soaked chia 1 Blend almonds, water and vanilla
until smooth.
2 tablespoons ground
Transfer the mixture to a bowl and
almonds 2
stir in the cashew butter and coconut
15 macadamia nuts, crushed
2 tablespoons water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 Add crushed macadamia nuts to the
1 tablespoon cashew butter mixture and form cookies. Bake on
3 tablespoons coconut flour parchment paper for 25 minutes at
1 teaspoon cinnamon 180 degrees Celsius.
1 tablespoon caramel date

Tip Add one mashed banana to the

dough for an extra creaminess and
bake it for 5 minutes longer

Prep Cook Ready in

5 min 25 min 30 min

Page 132
Apple Tart
Ingredients Directions
1 tablespoon cashews
1 tablespoon almonds
1 Place all nuts, seeds, raisins, dates
coconut and cinnamon into a high
1/2 tablespoon pumpkin seeds speed blender and grind until you have
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds a flour texture. Stir in the date caramel
1 tablespoon chia seeds sauce.
1 tablespoon linseeds
1 tablespoon golden raisins
3 medjool dates
2 Pour the mixture into a parchment
paper baking form and bake for 20
1 teaspoon cinnamon minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.
1 tablespoon desiccated coconut
5 tablespoons caramel date sauce
3 Add a layer of caramel date sauce,
sliced apples and sprinkle raisins or
2 apples, peeled and sliced crushed almonds on top.
1/2 cup raisins
5 tablespoons caramel date sauce 4 Bake for another 20-25 min at 180
degrees celsius.

Prep Cook Ready in

10 min 40 min 50 min

Page 133

Prep Freeze Ready in
10 min 30 min 40 min

1 cup walnuts
8 medjool dates
2 tablespoons desiccated
1/2 cup caramel date sauce
makes 12 1/2 cup puffed quinoa

1. Blend walnuts, dates and coconut flakes
until you have a creamy texture.
2. Form small balls, cover them in caramel
sauce and roll them in puffed quinoa.
3. Place the popsicles in the freezer for at
least 30 minutes. Enjoy!!


Page 134
Vanilla Ice Cream

Ready in
5 min

3 frozen bananas
1/3 teaspoon vanilla powder
1 tablespoon water


Place the frozen bananas, vanilla and water in

a high speed blender and blend until you get
an ice cream texture. This will take a few
minutes, try not to add too much
water otherwise it gets too fluid.

Page 135
5 Ingredient Cookies
Ingredients Directions
2 ripe bananas
7 dates
1 Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius.

1 tablespoon almond butter

1 cup oats
2 Mash bananas with a fork.

1/2 cup walnuts

3 Place dates in a blender and pulse until you have a
chunky mixture. Add date mixture and almond butter
to the mashed bananas.

4 Place oats and walnuts in a blender and pulse 2-3

times and stir it in the bowl. .

5 Form little balls, press down the middle and place

the cookies on a tray with parchment paper. Bake
for 15 minutes and let them cool down for another
10 minutes afterwards.

Prep Cook Ready in

5 min 15 min 20 min

Page 136
Page 137
Caroline Deisler
Lifestyle blogger & entrepreneur

Thank you!
Thank you so much for being here!! I hope this eBook inspired you to
eat more nourishing foods, to be in harmony with your environment
and to get creative in the kitchen. Eating a balanced healthy diet can
be so enjoyable, fun and easy to incorporate into your daily life and
makes such a difference in how you feel. I am all about making things
easy and less complicated and I hope this came across in
my recipes.
I can not wait to see your creations and am sending you all a big

x x Caroline

Stay connected!
F ollow me on Instagram and subscribe to my Youtube
channel for more healthy food and lifestyle inspiration.


Page 138
Recipe creation, styling,
photography and design
by Caroline Deisler

Page 139
Quinoa Raspberry Bowl Page 28
Caro´s Muesli Page 29
Warming Oatmeal Page 30
Energy bowl Page 31
Potato Wedges Page 86
Potato Dip Page 87
Sweet Potato wedges Page 88
Homemade Ketchup Page 89
Pumpkin Smoothie Bowl Page 32 Gluten Free Gnocchi Page 90
Grain Free Oatmeal Page 33 Sweet Potato Gnocchi Page 91
Nut Free Granola Page 34 Fitness Pasta Page 92
Power Bars Page 35 Mushroom Tomato Pasta Page 94

WELCOME  Super Seed Cookies Page 37

Apple Sauce Page 38
Creamy Cauliflower Penne Page 95
Warming Lentil Dahl Page 96
Page 5 Persimmon Pudding Page 39 Garden Risotto Page 97
Strawberry Jam Page 40 Mushroom Buckwheat
Plum Jam Page 40 Risotto Page 98
ABOUT ME Avocado Toast Page 41 Balancing Curry Page 99
Caro´s Banana Bread Page 43 Pumpkin Quinotto Page 100
Page 7 Healthy No-tella Page 44 The Best Falafel Page 101
Antioxidant Bowl Page 46 Mint Tahini Dip Page 102
Pink Smoothie bowl Page 47 Veggie Fritters Page 103
THE KEYS TO Detox Bowl Page 48 Yoghurt dip Page 104
LOVE ME BOWL Page 49 Sweet potato cakes Page 105
A HEALTHY DIET Coconut Mustard Dip Page 105
Mushroom Chestnut Fritters Page 106
Page 10
STAPLE Green Love Page 51
Defender Page 52
INGREDIENTS Intense Page 53
Baked Pumpkin Page 107
Herby Mushrooms Page 107
Glow Page 54
Page 16 Immunity Page 56
Healthy Potato Gratin Page 108

Berry Dream Page 57

No milk shake Page 58
EQUIPMENT Carrot Dressing Page 109
Sunflower Seed Dressing Page 109
Page 21 LIGHTER BITES Tahini Dressing Page 109

Glow Salad Page 61

MEAL PLAN Energizing Salad Page 62 HEALTHY SWEETS
Detox salad Page 63
Page 23 Burrito Salad Page 64 Snicker Bars Page 113
My favourite Kale Salad Page 65 Caramel Date Sauce Page 115
Roasted Carrot Salad Page 66 Peanut Butter Cookies Page 116
Raw Pad Thai Page 68
SELFCARE Eggplant rolls Page 69
Fig Tart Page 117
Raw Vegan Ferrero Page 118
CHECKLIST Caro´s Zoodles Page 70 Date Bites Page 119
Mushroom Quinotto Page 71 Apple Crumble Page 120
Page 25 Caroline Salad Page 72 Caramel Brownies Page 122
FITNESS BOWL Page 73 Banana Caramel Bites Page 123
BE WELL BOWL Page 74 Healthy Bounty Bars Page 124
THANK YOU Lean Potato Salad Page 75 Pumpkin Cookies Page 126

PAGE The Clean Soup Page 76

Simple Tomato Salad Page 77
Healthy Pralines Page 128
Pistachio Date Bites Page 129
Pink Hummus Dream Page 78
Page 138 Balance Soup Page 79
Vanilla Date Bites Page 130
Caramel Cups Page 131
Soul Soup Page 80 Easy Macadamia Cookies Page 132
Simple Okra Stew Page 81 Apple Tart Page 133
10 Vegetable Soup Page 82 Popsicles Page 134
Crunchy Cauliflower Page 83 Vanilla Ice Cream Page 135
5 Ingredient Cookies Page 136

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