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Project report.

Project name:

Submitted by:
Ali Iqbal (0179)

M. Awais (0162)

Submitted To: Prof. M. Zeeshan

Department of Computer Sciences

University of Central Punjab Faisalabad


Our product name is online collage library management system. This is an online collage library
management system where only college student and collage faculty issue the book online. Only
associate person update & maintain the system. Every collage person can issue the book/any
other material. Any collage person check it account status. The Library Management System
implements databases to make Collage member can search a book with its title name, or author’s

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & member of Prof. M. Zeeshsan for
their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project.

Table of contents.
Chapter 1. (Feasibility Study)
1.1) Introduction
1.2) Feasibility Study

Chapter 2. (Requirement Gathering

2.1) Problem Identification and Definition
2.2) Problem Modification
2.3) Literature Survey

Chapter 3. (Model)
3.1) Waterfall Model
3.2) When to use Waterfall Model

Chapter 4. (Diagram)
4.1) Use CASE Diagram
4.2) Activity Diagram
4.3) ER Diagram

Chapter 5. (Testing)
5.1) Unit Testing
5.2) Integration Testing

Chapter 6.
6.1) Conclusion

List of Images

Image no. 1 (page 1)

Image no. 2 (page 7)
Image no. 3 (page 12)
Image no. 4 (page 13)
Image no. 5 (page 14)

Chapter no 1.

1.1). Introduction:

Image no. 1

Online Library Management System is an Automated Library System that handles the various
functions of the library. It provides a complete solution to the library management software. The
online Library Management System is classified into two parts Bar Code System and RFID
Library plays an important role in all schools and colleges; no educational institution can exist
without Library Administration Software. It is an important part of every school and college and
it helps the librarian to keep records of available books as well as issued books. Library
Management System software helps in different ways by providing students the facility to learn,
gather resources, promote group learning and improve knowledge and skills.

Features of Online Library Management System
 Integration of all records of students
 Manage the records systematically
 It can track any information online
 One can generate the reports
 Manage all information online
 Easy to maintain records
 It leads to fast book entry
The demand for Library Automation Software in India is increasing day by day with the
advancement of the system. As we all are living in the digital age, everyone prefers quick and
accurate service. Almost all schools and colleges prefer the Library Management System due to
the organized and systematic management of the database. College Library Software helps the
students to prepare their projects easily and in less time. It also helps in preparing notes and
Library Management System helps the students in better learning by providing quick access to
the library system. With Advance Library Software they can easily find books, catalogs,
magazines of their interest. The library is a great place to study and make notes which ultimately
help in scoring a good score.

1.2). Feasibility study:

1.2.1). Operational Feasibility:

Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems, and
takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the
requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development.
The operational feasibility assessment focuses on the degree to which the proposed development
projects fits in with the existing business environment and objectives with regard to development
schedule, delivery date, corporate culture, and existing business processes.
To ensure success, desired operational outcomes must be imparted during design and
development. These include such design dependent parameters such as reliability,
maintainability, supportability, usability, reducibility, disposability, sustainability, affordability
and others.

1.2.2). Economic Feasibility:
The purpose of the economic feasibility assessment is to determine the positive economic
benefits to the organization that the proposed system will provide. It includes quantification and
identification of all the benefits expected. This assessment typically involves a cost/ benefits

1.2.3). Technical Feasibility:

The technical feasibility assessment is focused on gaining an understanding of the present
technical resources.
 Search Engine
 To search book with author name, book name.
 We Provide best

GUI (Graphical User Interface):

 Fine Calculate
 In this functionality we provide admin to collect fine due to delay to return the book.
 Organization and their applicability to the expected needs of the proposed system. It is an
evaluation of the hardware and software and how it meets the need of the proposed

Chapter no 2.
Requirement gathering

2.1). Problem Identification and Definition:

Our aim is very easiest way we can search the any book with the help of online library
management system
Our library management login divided into two parts:

Faculty login
 Faculty can login with the help of Id & password
 In This module faculty can easily issue the book

Student login
 Student can login with the help of Id & password
 In the module of student login and they can easily collect the book. online or offline

This is an online collage library management system where only college student and collage
faculty issue the book online.
 Only associate person update & maintain the system.
 Every collage person can issue the book/any other material.
 Any collage person check it account status.
 The Library Management System implements databases to make
 Collage member can search a book with its title name, or author’s name.

2.2). Problem Modification:
 At a time, collage users are saving its record in book.
 Now at that time all the library records are saved in particular system and all data are

Modifying the student details:

 The student has the option to modify the details
 Create an account for new student

Modify Catalogue:
 Personal details of student and faculty
 Search option
 Student login
 Faculty login
 Calculate fine

Search Option:
 Search by book name
 Search by author name
 Search by book publication

2.3). Literature Survey and Prior Art Search:
We can visit the many of site related to our library management system. Like: Faisalabad Library
Management System
In this library management system provide good security for user. In this library system all the
rights are given to administrator.

Library management system:

In our system we include a proper GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Provide calculate fine in case of delay in return the book.
Here are we can include two types of logins
1. Faculty login
2. Student login

Chapter 3.

3.1). Waterfall Model:

The waterfall model is a popular version of the systems development life cycle model for
software engineering. Often considered the classic approach to the systems development life
cycle, the waterfall model describes a development method that is linear and sequential.
Waterfall development has distinct goals for each phase of development.
Once the water has flowed over the edge of the cliff and has begun its journey down the side of
the mountain, it cannot turn back.

For example:
We started a requirement phase we want to compulsory to complete it and then we start phase of
Once a phase of development is completed, the development proceeds to the next phase and
there is no turning back.


Image no. 2

3.2). When to use the waterfall model:

Requirements are very well known, clear and fixed.
In this application all requirements are easy to explain and maintain.
All the concept of our application is clear and fixed.
One by one all operation is performed in our application.

Product definition is stable.

Yes, in our application our definition is stable because in our application flow of data is up to
down approach.

For example:
First off, all compulsory login with his id & password.
Then user can see the home page.

Disadvantages of Model.
Each phase in a collage library management system we want completes the one phase then after
we start second phase.
When we complete the whole phase but in case of any occur generate then we want to prepare all
phase second time

Product definition is stable.
Yes, in our application our definition is stable because in our application flow of data is up to
down approach.

Product Definition:
 Our product name is collage library management system.
 This is an online collage library management system where only college student and
collage faculty issue the book online.
 Only associate person update & maintain the system.
 Every collage person can issue the book/any other material.
 Collage person check it account status.
 The Library Management System implements databases to make
 Collage member can search a book with its title name, or author’s name.

Chapter 4.
Designing and UML Diagram.

Tools And Technology Used:

Sublime Text 3 (ST3) is a lightweight, cross-platform code editor known for its speed, ease of
use, and strong community support. It's an incredible editor right out of the box, but the real
power comes from the ability to enhance its functionality using Package Control and creating
custom settings.

Introduction to PHP:
PHP is open source, meaning that everyone has free access to the source code and can use it for
their own development purposes. A key advantage of the open source model is that you avoid
vendor lock-in. PHP is freely available for use. The community of open-source PHP developers
provides technical support and is constantly improving updating the core PHP functionalities.
PHP is available at free of cost under PHP General Public License and most of its associative
required software's like MySQL, Text Editors and Apache Server are also freely available, so it
proves very cost effective for the developers. There has been an enormous increase in PHP
adoption and many large web applications have been developed in PHP. PHP has several
Short Time to Market
PHP enables fast implementation of complex solutions. The benefit? The faster a new
application enters the market, the higher your cost-efficiency and the greater your competitive
Easy Integration
PHP runs on practically any platform - not only on Linux, but also, for example, on Windows,
Unix, and IBM's System i. In addition, because PHP seamlessly integrates with other
technologies (e.g., Java), we can re-use your current software components.
This is a major benefit, as no re-development is required for the existing software.

PHP also offers great flexibility during and after the initial project. This is important, since
functionality often changes during a project's lifetime. A great thing about PHP is that we can
implement changes even after starting development, without losing valuable time.

Availability of Resources
By resources, we mean two things. First, thanks to the popularity of PHP, the number of (usually
free) resources online and offline is continuously growing. No matter what your needs are, it is
very likely that someone has already developed something very similar, be it related to
frameworks, CMS, blogs, ecommerce, or something else. You might even find someone in the
PHP community willing to help you. The second aspect of resources refers to the sheer number
of PHP developers on the market. By choosing PHP as your main web language, your
recruitment process might turn out to be that extra bit easier. Qualifications such as the Zend
Certification will help you pick the best of the best.

Introduction to CSS:
CSS is a language used to detail the presentation of a web page's markup language (most
commonly HTML or XHTML) – such as colors, fonts, and layout. One of its key benefits is the
way it allows the separation of document content (written in HTML or a similar markup
language) from document presentation (written in CSS).
If you already have a website that was designed using tables, you may be reluctant to make the
switch to CSS, which will require some time and effort. However, the benefits of CSS are the
same for new and old websites alike — so why wait? Here are 5 great reasons to ditch those
pesky tables and turn your website into a CSS success story.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
Styles - define how to display HTML elements
Styles are normally stored in Style Sheets

Introduction to HTML:
This is the language that Web pages are written in. If you want to create really great Web pages
then you will need to learn this. As far as computer languages go this is the easiest to learn. You
can create a Web page without it using a Web page editing program but the program will still use
HTML to create the page.

4.1). Use Case Diagram.

Online Library Management System

Sign up


Issue Book

Search Book

Check Status

Return Book

Student OR Feculty

Fine Calculation

Cheak Book Stock

Book Avablity

Add new Book



Image no. 3

4.2). Activity Diagram:


Sign up Login

Invalid Id

Valid User


Search Engine

News Letter

Cheak avability of Book Search Book


Book Not avalible

Image no. 4

4.3). ER Diagram:

Image no. 5

Chapter 5.


System Testing:
The aim of the system testing process was to determine all defects in our project. The program
was subjected to a set of test inputs and various observations were made and based on these
observations it will be decided whether the program behaves as expected or not.
Our Project went through two levels of testing
 Unit testing
 Integration testing

5.1). Unit Testing:

Unit testing is undertaken when a module has been created and successfully reviewed. In order to
test a single module, we need to provide a complete environment i.e., besides the module we
would require. The procedures belonging to other modules that the module under test calls. Non
local data structures that module accesses. A procedure to call the functions of the module under
test with appropriate parameters. Unit testing was done on each and every module.

Test For the admin module:

Testing admin login form-This form is used for log in of administrator of the system. In this we
enter the username and password if both are correct administration page will open otherwise if
any of data is wrong it will get redirected back to the login page and again ask for username and
Student account addition- In this section the admin can verify student details from student
academic info and then only add student details to main library database it contains add and
delete buttons if user click add button data will be added to student database and if he clicks
delete button the student data will be deleted.
Book Addition- Admin can enter details of book and can add the details to the main book table
also he can view the books requests.

Test For Student login module:

Test for Student login Form-This form is used for log in of Student. In this we enter the library
id, username and password if all these are correct student login page will open otherwise if any
of data is wrong it will get redirected back to the login page and again ask for library id,
username and password.
Test for account creation- This form is used for new account creation when student does not fill
the form completely it asks again to fill the whole form when he fills the form fully it gets
redirected to page which show waiting for conformation message as his data will be only added
by administrator after verification.

Test For teacher login module:

Test for teacher login form- This form is used for log in of teacher. In this we enter the username
and password if all these are correct teacher login page will open otherwise if any of data is
wrong it will get redirected back to the login page and again ask for username and password.

5.2). Integration Testing:

In this type of testing, we test various integration of the project module by providing the input.
The primary objective is to test the module interfaces in order to ensure that no errors are
occurring when one module invokes the other module.

Chapter no. 6.


The Outline of Work to be carried out Designing:

COLLAGE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is the Web Application that make the data
secure. The most creative and challenging face of the system development is System Design. It
provides the easy-to-understand functionality and
Attractive GUI. These all concepts need to be fulfilling in the designing. In the
logins 1. Faculty 2. Student, and the admin login is also added.

STSTEM” is very easy to Administrator issue the book renew the book. We provide best GUI
(GRAPHICAL USE INTERFACE) The Library Management System implements databases to
make. Student and Faculty can issue the book/any other material. Search Engine IS search book
with author name, book name.

application to manage the data and information online. Search Engine IS search book with author
name, book name. We provide best GUI (GRAPHICAL USE INTERFACE). Fine Calculate in
this functionality we provide admin to collect fine due to delay to return the book. This is an
online collage library management system where only college student and collage faculty issue
the book online. Only associate person update & maintain the system. Every collage person can
issue the book/any other material. Collage person check it account status.




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