Confusing Words

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become develop get grow grow up

1. I am going to be a doctor when I .............................

2. My uncle......... tomatoes in his garden

3. Why did you decide to ...............a member of the society

4. She didn't hear what you said. There's no need to .............. upset about it

5. They're doing research to........... new drugs to fight cancer

discover find find out get to know meet

1. Do you .................. Sara Brown ?- Yes, we ........... at a party last week

2. I'm not going to tell you the answer. If you don't ................for yourself

3. They............ at university, ...........each other on the course, and now they're

getting married

4. Have you ..... the papers you were looking for ?

5. Do you know who ...............Antartica ?

6. I ............. it hard to believe that your grandfather was born over a hundred years
before you.

do make look through rise raise

1. How much money does a waitress ...............?

2. Could you .............the laundry today ? We have no clean clothes

3. Please pull out the rug when I .............the table

4. The accident rate always .............on holidays

5. Remember to go over .............your essay checking for grammar and spelling

mistakes before you hand it in to me
H.A.S week 3 Page 1
say tell speak talk apologize

1. How do you.............good morning in Spanish ?

2. Can you ...................up a little, please ? I can't here you very well

3. How was your jobs interview ? Sit down and all about it

4. The argument was upsetting for us all- I don't want to ...................about it

5. I must Isabel for coming late

This evening dress fits me, but I don’t think it suits me very well as its dark colour
doesn’t go with my colourful hat.

agree fit get on with match suit

1- You've grown so fat recently that those trousers don' any more

2- How is Jane .........................the others girls in her class ?

-Very well.She's made a lot of friends

3. We need a light brown carpet to ...............the color of the wall paper

- Yes, I ............How about that one ?

4. Some girls do not look smart in trousers, but they ..........Ann because she has a
slim figure

1. Their new car barely (SUITS/ GOES WITH/ FITS) into the garage.

2. This T-shirt (MATCHES/ FITS/ GO WITH) your trousers perfectly.

3. You won’t find any sizes of this T-shirt. One size (FITS/ MATCHES/ SUITS)

4. You should wear this yellow T- shirt. It (FITS/ SUITS/ MATCHES) you more
than the red one.

5. This T-shirt (MATCHES/ FITS/ GOES WITH) you perfectly. It’s neither too
long nor too short.

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H.A.S week 3 Page 3

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