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Çiğdem EVRAN


Final Project Report

1. What is the unit/topic for your technology integration unit? What is the grade level?

The topic of my technology integration project is types of fractions. This project is for 4th-
grade students. My department is Undergraduate Program in Mathematics Education, so I
prefer to choose a mathematics topic. Sometimes, students may have difficulty understanding
fractions, and confuse types of fractions. Technology can be used to reduce this difficulty.
Supporting the lecture with pictures, videos, or models may help students understand fractions
better. Because 5th-grade students start to learn new subjects about fractions, it can be hard to
imagine them. Technology can help students to imagine what they learn.

2. Why are you interested in this topic for your “technology integrated unit”?

After defining fractions in the 4th-grade curriculum, types of fractions, and modeling fractions
are taught. I have a relative who is in 4th-grade. I talked to both her and her mother about this. I
asked her which subjects she had difficulties in mathematics, and she said she had difficulty
when she started learning types of fractions. It took her time to determine what type of fraction it
is. This subject can be explained to students at this grade level by using a few different Web 2.0
tools. Students can learn to determine types of fractions more effectively after seeing them
visually at first and doing various activities. For example, as an activity, students model fractions
and discuss what kind of fraction it is and what properties it has. After repeating this with some
different fractions, students can learn the distinguishing features of fraction types and give
examples of fraction types.

3. Which technologies can help you in teaching this unit/topic or enhancing students’
learning experiences?

Some Web 2.0 tools can be used. For instance, MindMeister can be used to enable students
to associate the subject they learn with daily life. The activity I mentioned in the previous section
can be designed with Web 2.0 tools like Canva and Padlet. Students can model fractions in
Canva. Then each student uses Padlet to write their inference and may add comments to their
friends' writing. In this way, they can communicate with each other and learn from each other.
Actually, I think this project that I will design will be a very effective way to learn the subject
because they will learn this new subject by using various Web 2.0 tools, and will be able to do
some different activities on this subject. It will be easier to remember as it can learn with visual
memory while learning with technology so that it will be effective learning.
Çiğdem EVRAN
4. What are the various components of your unit?

The introduction part starts with a video that will remind students about fractions before
explaining the fraction types. This video is about what fractions are and where fractions can be
used. After watching the video, students give examples of where they can use fractions in daily
life, and they can see each other's examples in MindMeister, which is the Web 2.0 tool. Then
they review a presentation on fraction types. At the end of the introductory part, they create their
fractions in Scratch.

In the Main Activity part, students will watch a video to remember how they model fractions.
Then they will examine with an example how to write the fraction with given the model. After
students remember modeling and review an example, they will model one of the fractions they
have created in Canva. After modeling, with their Canva model, they will determine what type of
fraction this fraction is and explain why in Padlet. They will be able to review the samples of
their friends in the same Web 2.0 tool.

In the first activity of Follow Up part, students will identify the types of their other fractions
and write a distinctive feature about these types in Padlet. Thanks to this Web 2.0 tool, they will
be able to see what their friends have written, and they will have examined many examples. They
will also give examples of fractions for other types on the same page. As a second activity, they
will play a grouping game in Wordwall. In this game with both models and fractions, they will
drag the samples under the correct fraction type.

5. Which aspect of the topic is addressed by each tool in the unit?

Tool 3,5,7 Connection How does it support teaching and learning in the

Before 4th grade, students learn what fractions are, and

how fractions are modeled. Videos help students remember
Videos Meaningful Learning these topics. They will use these topics as previous
knowledge in their next activities. This is an example of the
constructive that is a feature of meaningful learning.

Students can use fractions in their daily life, such as sharing

food, recipes, or shopping list. This is an example of
MindMeister Meaningful Learning authentic as a part of meaningful learning. They will use
this tool to give examples of where they can use fractions
in daily life, so they will be active in this activity, which is
a feature of meaningful learning.
Çiğdem EVRAN

Students will create their fractions with this tool. This

Scratch UDL principles activity will be like game-based learning. It will get their
attention and motivate them to learn. This is an example of
engagement which is one of the UDL principles.

Students will model their fractions using this tool. Since

Meaningful Learning they have learned to model before, they need to remember
and use their previous knowledge. This is an example of
the constructive that is a feature of meaningful learning.
Also, students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop create original works as a means
ISTE Standards of personal expression using technology in this activity.
This is an example of creativity and innovation, one of the
ISTE standards

Padlet provides an environment for students to make

inferences, so students can freely share their ideas. They
will write their inferences and examples into this tool. They
will be able to see what their friends have written, and
Padlet ISTE Standards comment on each other. They will use this tool to
communicate and work collaboratively to support
individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
This is an example of communication and collaboration,
one of the ISTE standards.

In this tool, students group fractions and models. This

grouping includes a general review for fraction types. By
doing this, students will be able to determine how much
they have learned the subject. Effective assessment can be
Meaningful Learning made with this tool. Students will be active in this activity.
They are enthusiastic about learning and willing to take
part. Students that are actively studying manipulate items to
learn new information. Students then examine the
Wordwall outcomes of the manipulations in order to understand a new
concept. This is a feature of meaningful learning.

In this activity, students are empowered learners, which is

one of the ISTE standards because they use technology to
ISTE Standards get feedback on their practice that informs and improves it,
as well as to demonstrate their learning in a variety of

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