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Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) is famous as one of the

most successful self improvement/well-known

inspirational teachers & writer of the 20th century.

Since publication of his first book in 1936, How to Win

Friends and Influence People, his books and classes on
public speaking and self improvement have helped
millions of people for over 70 years.

His books sold in the millions of copies in the 1940’s.

They became the basis for a series of seminars and
training programs for people in business, especially in
sales. His books include How to Win Friends and
Influence People, How to Develop Self-Confidence and
Influence People by Public Speaking, How to Enjoy
Your Life and Your Job, and The Quick and Easy Way
to Effective Speaking.
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living is a self-help book by Dale Carnegie
that was first published in Great Britain in 1948.  He wrote this book because
he claims that he was one of the unhappiest “lads” in New York. Mr. Carnegie
was so displeased with his own life that he wanted to figure out how to stop
worrying.  He decided to quit his job and started teaching disadvantaged adults
at the YMCA.  During the day he did what he had a passion for and that was to
write books.  All of the suggestions and ideas listed in this book are not
originally thought of by Mr. Carnegie.  He consulted many famous people
throughout the years for the advice and then compiled the information into
this book.  The information in this book is not new information for any of us. 
Anyone who reads this book should already be familiar with what it has to
offer.  You will not learn anything new, however it is an excellent way for us to
become reinforced on certain techniques for overcoming the worry habit.

The book is broken down into six different sections all of which explains his
methods and techniques for eliminating worry. The end of the book has true
stories that people wrote with proof that these techniques work and testify
how they overcame their worry and started living. This is a very inspiring book
for everyone to read.  The most negative individual could certainly benefit
from reading this book and make their life more fulfilling.

Fundamental Principles for Overcoming Worry

The book begins by explaining how we should live in “Day tight compartments”
by shutting the doors from yesterday and the doors for tomorrow.  Basically
what this means is that we should not worry about yesterday or worry about
what is going to happen tomorrow but to live for today. If you are consumed in
your past or constantly worried about your future then you are not living. What
ever happened yesterday is gone and over. Whatever is happen tomorrow is not
yet here.  You need to live in the present time which is today.
Mr. Carnegie then goes on to explain how we should face trouble by asking
ourselves “What is the worst thing that could possibly happen”.  We should all
prepare to accept the worst and then try to improve on the worst. Mr. Carnegie
explains in his book how exorbitant the price is that we can pay for worry in
terms of our health. Some of the health problems that are created from worry
include hair loss, nausea, ulcers, cancer, and even death.  There are many more
to list and oblivious cannot list them all.

Basic Techniques in Analyzing Worry

The next section of the book talks about several techniques for analyzing
worry.  Mr. Carnegie explains how we should first get all the facts about the
situation that we are worrying about.  We should then weigh all the facts and
come to a decision.  Once a decision is reached we should act on it. Another
method that is mentioned is that we should write out our problems on paper. 
By putting it in writing we are letting the problem out and this is a form of
therapy.  The book talks about how you should take the problems that you
wrote down and stick it in a draw.  Take the paper out of the draw in a few
weeks and you will find that in many cases the problem or problems will fix
itself. Another tip that the book talks about is that after writing the problems
down, you should write out the answer to the following questions:

What is the problem?

What are the causes of the problem?

What are the possible solutions?

What is the best possible solution?

Having your problems in writing can make a big difference with helping you
think through a solution.  In addition, Mr. Carnegie also suggests that you talk
to a friend with your problems.  Just having someone listen to you may be all
that you need to overcome whatever it is that is worrying you.
Break the Worry Habit Before It Breaks You

The next section of the book gives excellent advice on certain habits that we
should break that will help us eliminate worry.  The author begins by suggesting
how we should keep ourselves busy. By keeping busy with our lives then we
shouldn’t have time to worry. He gave a good example in his book as to how a
man was so distraught over the death of one of his children that he was unable
to function. It wasn’t until one day his four year old begged him to build a
model car with him that he learned to stop thinking about what was bothering
him.  It took several days to build the model car and during that time he was
too busy to worry about his misfortune in life.  So this is a good example of
how we should keep busy.  Having too much idle time only makes you think too
much and if you are pessimistic then you will think negative thoughts. 
Therefore, I agree with the author that you should stay busy when you are

The author explains how we should not “fuss about trifles”. What this simple
means is for us to not worry about the small things in life. Mr. Carnegie
explains how we should use the law of averages to outlaw our worries. This
means that we need to analyze the situation and think about what the
probability is of something happening to us. For example, what is the
probability dying from a car wreck or in an airplane? If the probability is very
low from past averages then we need to convince ourselves to not worry about

The author goes on to explain how we need to cooperate with the inevitable. 
Some things in life we do not have any control over.  For example, will we get
another bad hurricane like Katrina?  Will a shark attack us while swimming in
the Florida beaches? Certain things we do not have any control over and
therefore should not waste precious time thinking about it.

This book explains how we should decide just how much anxiety a thing may be
worth and refuse to give it more. Basically we should only worry about
something for a limited amount of time and then let it go. The author talks
about how we should not worry about the past. Whatever has happened in the
past is gone and you need to not waste time pondering over it.  You cannot
change the past and Mr. Carnegie says to move on.
Cultivate a Mental Attitude That Will Bring You Peace and Happiness

Mr. Carnegie believes that you should fill your mind with thoughts of peace,
courage, health and hope.  He explains in his book that you are what you feel.  A
person that constantly thinks of happy and cheerful thoughts will become a
happy a cheerful individual. He explains how “our life is what our thoughts make

The book gives great advice on how you should never try to get even with your
enemies.  He says that if we do then we are only hurting ourselves far more
than we hurt them. You should never waste a minute thinking about people that
you do not like. You must somehow develop and maintain the capacity to forgive.
There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us.  When we
discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.

The next section in the book talks about how we should expect ingratitude
therefore you should not worry about it.  The book explains how we should
remember that the only way to find happiness is not to expect gratitude but to
give for the joy of giving.  Gratitude is a cultivated trait and if you want your
children to be grateful then we must teach them to be grateful.

Another good pointer that the book had was how we should all “Count our
Blessings” Many people today feel sorry for themselves because they do not
have what other people have.  However, if they took a moment to reflect on
what they truly have they would find that they are truly blessed and do have
actually more than many other people in this world.

Another great pointer that Mr. Carnegie gives is how we should not imitate
others.  We should just be ourselves in live and that “envy is ignorance” and
“imitation is suicide.”

Mr. Carnegie talks about how when fate hands us a lemon, let’s try to make a
lemonade.  Basically what this means is that we should all take a bad situation
and make the best of it.  When life gives you a sour lemon then you should add
some sugar to it and make it into delicious sweet lemonade. An unpleasant
situation at times can be turned around into something more positive.
The book also explains how we should forget our own unhappiness.  He gives
suggestions on how if we work towards making someone else happy then we would
forget about our own unhappiness.  We should certainly try and create a little
happiness for someone else.  “When you are good to others, you are best to yourself”

Mr. Carnegie continues with his book and explains how his parents used prayer to over
come their worry. He says that prayer helps us to put into words exactly what is
troubling us.  Prayer also gives us a sense of sharing our burdens of not being alone.  In
addition, prayer puts into force an active principle of doing.  With all of these
benefits, prayer is a good way to conquer worry.

Prevent Fatigue and Worry and Keep Your Energy and Spirits High

This book has many wonderful suggestions on how to prevent from becoming fatigue
and how to feel more energized.  The first suggestion is to rest before you get tired. 
If possible, a short nap during the day can make a difference in your energy level. This
book also suggests that you should learn to relax at your work.  The author talks about
how work should not be a full eight hour day of stress.  You should be able to relax
while you are at you job. You should also protect your health and appearance by
relaxing at home. In addition to the above, the book suggests that you follow the four
working habits listed below:

-               Clear your desk of all papers except those relating to the immediate
problem at hand.

-               Do things in the order of their importance.

-               When you face a problem, solve it then and there if you have the facts
necessary to make decisions.

-               Learn to organize, deputize and supervise.

The book continues with the suggestion of putting enthusiasm into your work.  He says
if you are bored with what you are doing then you should try and make it fun. This
should include homework, your job, and housework.  The last suggestion is to not worry
about insomnia.  Mr. Carnegie explains in his book how no one has ever died from
insomnia.  He says that if you are having trouble sleeping then you should try reading a
book, exercising, praying, and or relaxing your body. All this suggestions have been
proven to help you sleep.
“How I Conquered Worry”

The last part of the book has 31 true stories from various people who were
able to overcome their worry sickness.  All of the stories explained how at
least one of the techniques mentioned in the book were utilized to help them. 
One individual was actually on his deathbed from not eating due to worry.  This
person was a workaholic and did not know how to relax.  He finally made it out
of the hospital and took a vacation for the first time.  He began to gain back all
the weight that he lost and felt better than he ever did in the 20 years of
working.  This is proof as to the harm of how worrying can harm us.  Everyone
needs a vacation for rest and relaxation and this particular story in the book
was a great example.

Dale Carnegie was very brilliant compiling the information that he has in this
book.  While the information is not originally from him, he still gets the credit
for putting it all together in a simple and easy to read book. This was a good
book and I highly recommend it to everyone to read.

Personal Insights

Dale Carnegie was a brilliant author.  I feel that his book demonstrates that
worry was very much alive in the 1940’s as it is today.  All the suggestions and
techniques that are listed in his book to overcome worry will never go out of
style.  Mr. Carnegie did not personally create the stress reducing suggestions,
however he is brilliant from how he took the time to gather the info and
compose this book.

I’ll apply what I’ve learned in this book in my career by utilizing several tips of
advice that Mr. Carnegie offers.  For example, I will cultivate a mental positive
attitude while searching for a job. I will not let the small things in life upset
me and I will accept constructive criticism as a compliment.  I will think and act
cheerfully towards my coworkers which in turn will make me cheerful.  I will
never try to get even with my coworkers no matter how difficult they may be.
(Every workplace has at least one bully) And last but not least, the book
reinforced to me the importance of being yourself in life and not to try and
imitate someone that you are not.

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