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':l- Prediction Geography: Kenya, Present simple 3rd person s

Gritical / Values
Values: Being kind and helpful
. - :,rt families and activities Patagonia Capital Ietters Venn diagrams
,::rt relationships Comparing and contrasting lives
of children

'-.r.': Prediction Art: Drawing Word stress Values: Being brave

-:,mpletion Punctuation in speech ldentifying different types of stories
- ') The Seekers Forming opinions about stories
--:rension questions Classifying characters
, :ut people

:.ih s landscape Geography: Landscapes Rhyming words Expressing opinions about poetry
- an anrmal fact file Norway Comparing natural landscapes
' =:e
- : choice Science: Planets, animal ldentifying planets in solar systern
.'o!'specificinformation fact files Understanding a story described in
poetic form

- ,:r ons of homes Ecology lntonation: Question tags Values: Being a responsible person
- ,:cnversations Geography: Peru, famous 0rganising information
' :'trons of strange buildings landmarks in many ldentifying materials
.::ut where they'd Iike to live countries Expressing opinions about unusual
types of houses
- '.a The Hobbit Expressing preferences

:-i ,iJays of travelling to school Geography: Map interpretation -ed endings Value: Taking advice
, Tpletion Space travel Understanding road safety issues
, :flice
':r speci{ic information

, I
ver school lunches Geography: Food in other Connected speech Values: Being generous
prehension) countries Distinguishing between healthy and
,- se a pady Science: How food is made unhealthy meals
.:nrrt what people around the Classifying food types
,- J eat Understanding basic food preparation

- r:ierreport Geography: Australia, climate Pronou rciation of numbers Values: Not being jealous
, an endangered animals Maths: High numbers Comparing countries
. ::lut maps Science: Animals Giving factual examples
. . ihe topic Giving explanations about endangered animals
Understanding traditional stories

:: ons of people Geography: New Zealand, Homophones

,,- ption of a thief Spain Speech marks
n structions Arts: Dance, sports
.: rut traditional dances History/Art: Da Vinci

. . , ou enjoy doing in the holidays Afis and crafts Pronunciation in questions Values: Being sympathetic
Maths: Make a bar chart Exclamation marks lnterpreting advefi isements
:: ut school Making predictions about trips
Surveying and classifying lnformation

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