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CSCI 3513.

50 Info Systems Project Management

Semester Project
Project Communications Management and Risk Management

Step 1. Complete Tasks 1-4 as described in the Chapter 10 Running Case. Save the answer in a
Word document and name it as Communication.docx;

Task 1. Describe how you would communicate to Ashok and the rest of the team about
Ashok’s injury. What actions would you take? What communications medium would you
use with different stakeholders?

I think the best course of action would be to notify everyone via email of Ashok’s condition.
Then, most likely in a separate email, setup a conference call or other virtual meeting (Skype,
Facetime, etc.) with Ashok and the other students (Bobby, Angela, Alfreda) to cover what
changes are necessary. During the call, Ashok and the rest can discuss and agree on how Ashok’s
tasks can be divided and assigned to others evenly. If cellular communication is good enough
quality among all of the students, that would be the preferred way to keep each other updated on
how progress is coming and keep Ashok in the loop even though he is unable to contribute.

Task 2. Prepare a partial communications management plan to address some of the

challenges mentioned in Part 7 of the case.

The partial communication plan prepared by Breanna and Chizoba provides detailed operations
needed to address communication and information issues on the Global Treps Project.

● The project manager will be responsible for coming up with a communications

management plan that will ensure all the team member are informed of Ashok’s
injury in a timely manner.
● An assigned member from each team will be expected to provide the project
manager with weekly status report on the progress of the project since learning
of Ashok’s injury.
● The team member are also expected to send all stakeholders a new schedule to
the project.
CSCI 3513.50 Info Systems Project Management

● The project manager is expected to hold weekly or monthly evaluation meetings

with all project team members to discuss any disparities with the project.
● A video editor in training is expected to be involved in the weekly or monthly
evaluation update meeting to share with the manager and team members on how
the follow up with Ashok’s work is going. The video editor can also send sample
through email to the project manager for approvals.

Task 3. Research free, online tools for using Kanban boards and choose one to use. Prepare
a list of at least ten tasks that would be done in editing the videos and enter them into your
tool of choice. Prepare or find a short guide or video explaining how to use the Kanban

One online tool for using Kanban boards is VirtualDub. It is a free open-source tool for video
processing, video capturing, and video editing. It also has the ability to produce good quality
videos, filter, and recompress videos.

Some tasks that would be done in editing the videos with this tool of choice include:

● VirtualDub can be used for cropping videos. It will allow external portions of a video or
an image to be removed to improve its highlights or frame.
● VirtualDub has the ability to store portions of a selected AVI video file when it is in
direct stream mode. This ability enable it to extract, split, or join AVI video or audio
● In some cases when ideas becomes too long to illustrate with videos, VirtualDub has the
ability to convert AVI files into animated gif for easy presentation.
● VirtualDub is also able to save PNG/JPEG files from a video to any folder.
● VirtualDub can also be used to permanently add text to videos by embedding it in the
form of subtitle files.
● With videos, zooming effect is among some of the means to creating a good video, and
VirtualDub has the ability to achieve the effect with a simple filter rather than the
prolonged zoom in/out/focus effects that most often will not lead to an exact result
CSCI 3513.50 Info Systems Project Management

Task 4. Write a one-page paper describing options for communicating with Dr. B. and

making sure students at his university get information about your event.

Knowing that Dr. B has difficulties in responding to text messages due to his busy

schedules, one of the possibilities Alfreda could try in order to communicate with Dr. B is

placing a direct office call to him. This will be the most effective means because Dr. B will most

likely be in a much better position to pick up a call from his office since he is always busy in

there, and him knowing it will be work related. Another option Alfreda can pursue is either

sending an email or placing a call to his personal secretary to help inform Dr. B that he has a

message regarding students at his university obtaining information about an upcoming event.

This means of communication would enable Dr. B reach out to Alfreda with immediate


If Dr. B does not have time or is not making an effort to communicate with the key

students who could be candidates for the event, he could provide Alfreda with their contact

information so that she would be able to inform them of anything they might need to know.

However, if Dr. B is not comfortable with giving away the students’ contact information, he

could instead provide the students with Alfreda’s information so they can reach out to her

directly to talk about the event. This way, if Dr. B would like to remove himself as the

middleman, he has that option, and the students can communicate directly with Alfreda.

Otherwise, Alfreda needs to emphasize to Dr. B the importance of him reaching out to his

students directly so they all have the necessary information about the event as soon as humanly


Step 2. Complete Tasks 1-3 as described in the Chapter 11 Running Case. Save answer in a Word
document and name it as Risk.docx.
CSCI 3513.50 Info Systems Project Management

Task 1. Create a risk register for the project, using Table 11-5 and the data after it as a guide.
Identify six potential risks, including risks related to the problems described in the preceding
paragraph. Include three negative and three positive risks. Describe the risks using the format:
“Because of <one or more causes>, <risk event> might occur, which would lead to <one or more

Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project Risk Register

No Rank Risk Description Type probability Impact

R10 1 Team dynamics New members Positive Medium High

R11 2 Team member Replacing Negative High High

resignations members

R12 3 Team members New members Negative Medium High

lack of experience with lack of

R44 4 Users Lack of buying Negative Low Medium

uncooperativeness from users

R17 5 New customers Lack of Positive Low High

familiarity with
the company and
its process

R5 6 status report Status reports Positive Medium Medium

from members

Task 2. Plot the six risks on a probability/impact matrix, using Figure 11-5 as a guide. Also assign a
numeric value for the probability that a risk will occur and the impact of each risk on meeting the
main project objectives. Use a scale of 1 to 10 to assign the values, with 1 representing the lowest
value. For a simple risk factor calculation, multiply the probability score and the impact score. Add
a column called Risk Score to your risk register to the right of the impact column. Enter the new
data in the risk register. Write your rationale for how you determined the scores for one of the
negative risks and one of the positive risks.
CSCI 3513.50 Info Systems Project Management

Risk 11
Risk 44 Risk 10
Risk 12
Risk 5 Risk 17
Low Medium High

Risk Probability score Impact score Risk Score

5 5 5 25

10 8 6 48

11 8 8 64

12 8 6 48

17 4 2 8

44 7 3 21

Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project Risk Register with risk score
No Rank Risk Description Type probabili Impact Risk
ty score

R10 1 Team dynamics New members Positive Medium High 48

R11 2 Team member Replacing Negativ High High 64

resignations members e

R12 3 Team members New members Negativ Medium High 48

lack of with lack of e
experience experience
CSCI 3513.50 Info Systems Project Management

R44 4 Users Lack of buying Negativ Low Mediu 21

uncooperativene from users e m

R17 5 New customers Lack of Positive Low High 8

familiarity with
the company
and its process

R5 6 status report Status reports Positive Medium Mediu 25

from members m

Task 3. Develop a response strategy for one of the negative risks and one of the positive risks. Enter
the information in the risk register. Also write a separate paragraph describing what specific tasks
would be required to implement the strategy. Include time and cost estimates for each strategy as
Negative Risk Strategy
A team members’ resignation when a project is ongoing can be considered as a
negative risk. It is considered negative because it could limit the skills necessary to
successfully complete the project. For instance, if the member who resigned turns out to be
the one with the key skill necessary for the project, then it automatically sets a negative risk
to that project. On approach to mitigate this risk is to ensure that all team members
working on the project be required to take a program that would train each and everyone of
them with all the skills necessary and required for the project.
Positive Risk Strategy
The team dynamic for the project is that there is trust and loyalty between each
member of the team. One approach to mitigate this risk is to create time, possibly before
the start of the project for each team member to come together and participate in team
building exercises that will ensure trust and loyalty that they will carry along with them at
the start of the project.

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