Indebted Part 2 The Virgin The Bad Boy Sadie Black

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Catch Up with Part One
Pizza & Sex
The Bachelor
Find out how the series ends
with Indebted Part...
Want more from Sadie
A Note From Sadie Black
About the Author
Part Two

The Virgin & The
Bad-Boy Billionaire
(A BWWM Romance
First edition. April 12,
Copyright © 2015
Sadie Black.
Written by Sadie

The right of Sadie Black to be
identified as author of this
Work has been asserted by
her in accordance with
sections 77 and 78 of the
Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act 1988.

This book was published by

Sadie Black. No part of this
book may be reproduced in
any form or by any electronic
or mechanical means
including information storage
and retrieval systems, without
permission in writing from
the author.

This work of fiction is
intended for mature audiences
only. All characters
represented within are
eighteen years of age or older
and any resemblance to actual
persons, living or dead, is
purely coincidental. This
work is property of Sadie
Black, please do not
reproduce illegally.

This ebook is licensed for
your personal enjoyment
only. This ebook may not be
re-sold or given away to other

Thank you for supporting the
hard work of indie authors.

Please note that this is a work
of adult fiction and contains
graphic descriptions of sexual
activity, graphic language,
and violence. It is intended
for mature readers aged 18
over only. All characters
depicted as engaging in
sexual activity in this work of
fiction are consenting adults,
eighteen years of age or
older. Blood relatives never
engage in sexual activity of
any kind.
This is Part Two of the
Indebted series by Sadie
Black. To catch up on Part
One of Indebted, download or
purchase from the Amazon

“I’ve earned every single
thing that I have in this
world, and not on my knees.”

Kendra knows what it's like

to watch someone work three
jobs and still struggle to pay
the rent. She has spent her
entire young adult life
determined to do better. In a
few months, the lifetime of
sacrifices will finally be
worth it. She will be
graduating at the top of her
prestigious masters program
at Columbia, and finally leave
her job at the diner to venture
into the world of business.
The only thing that could
make this moment sweeter
would be if her mama was
still here to watch her cross
that stage and clutch that
diploma she's given up
everything for.
When Matthew Blackwell,
the infamous billionaire bad-
boy bachelor, shows up out of
the blue in her diner asking
for a date, Kendra's world is
lurched sideways. With girls
lined up around the block to
be his "next mistake",
Matthew could have almost
any woman in New York
City, or possibly the world.
However, Kendra isn't
interested in being his flavor
of the week, until he hits her
in her soft spot... her
ambition. Despite her best
attempts to keep her distance,
Matthew's stunning good-
looks and mischievous flare
keep pulling her toward him.

Will she unlock the heart of

the unbreakable bad-boy or
will Kendra become another
victim of Matthew
Blackwell's reputation?

Subscribe to Sadie
Black’s newsletter to receive
notices on new releases, deals
and extras:
Chapter 1

I can’t stop running the
scene in my mind, the gentle
touch of Brianna’s hand on
Matthew’s. The vulnerability
in his eyes as he talked about
how he hoped I could forgive
him, I’m ashamed that I
believed I meant something
to him.

My head is aching and my
throat is raw from spending
the entire night in tears. It
doesn’t even surprise me that
Matthew betrayed me, if
anything it just confirms his
reputation, not to mention my
stupidity for ever trusting
him. What I can’t get over is
Brianna’s deceit. We’ve been
like sisters since high school,
and she throws that all away
for some guy? It doesn’t
make sense. I know money
makes people do crazy things,
but does she actually believe
that she has a future in his
life? She knows his
reputation as well as I do, she
must see that she’s just
another conquest.

Then again, he fooled me.
After less than a week of
knowing him, I thought he
was unique enough that I
slept with him. Now I can’t
concentrate, I can’t sleep.
This isn’t what I need when
I’m on the verge of
completing my masters. With
only a few weeks left until
the end of the semester, I
need to be sprinting to the
finish line, not meandering
around with this bullshit.

My unfinished research
project sits on my laptop, the
cursor still flashing angry
Morse code messages at me.
Snap out of it! Stay focused!
It scolds me. After sitting
here for an hour, I’ve only
managed to write one
paragraph, half of which I’ve
deleted for being a garbled
mess of words strung
together. “This is pointless,” I
confide to the nearly empty
screen, “I’m never going to
get this done today.”

Resigning myself to my
unproductivity, I finally turn
my phone back on after
having shut it off in the cab
yesterday. My voice mail is
completely full, and my
screen starts exploding with
text messages from both of
them. I don’t have the energy
to read any of them right
now. I dial my voicemail and
start deleting the messages.

“Kendra, you need to let
me explain...” Matthew
sternly tells my phone.

“Hi, listen, I think you got
the wrong idea...” Brianna
starts making excuses. Delete.

“Kendra, you’re being
ridiculous. Please call
Brianna back, she’s a
complete wreck!” Oh gee, I
feel so terrible for her. She’s
upset that I found out about
her sleeping with my guy on
the side? Poor girl. Delete.

I guess he wasn’t my guy
at all. I mean, we never
discussed the status of our
relationship, or if we even
had a relationship at all.
Either way, she still knew
that he was off limits to her.
That much was clear. When I
first met Brianna, we were
like twins separated at birth.
Not in our appearance,
Brianna has always been
gorgeous in a way that few
women can compete with.
However, at thirteen she was
just a bud that had not yet
bloomed into the rose she is
today. She was tall and a bit
gangly with slightly knobby
knees and small breasts.

I snort when I remember
how I met her in the school
bathroom, using up all the
paper towel to fill her empty
training bra. She asked me if I
could tell it was stuffed, and I
had to laugh. Her shirt looked
like it was pulled over two fat
donuts, all wide around the
sides and flat on across the
front. She crinkled loudly
every time she moved her
arms. When I told her that she
might be better off using
toilet paper instead, she
practically emptied all the

I knew from the beginning
that Brianna had a wild
streak, but I’ve watched it
billow out into a mushroom
cloud of self-destruction over
the last few years. She’s
always loved the spotlight,
the cat calls, the relentless
boys trying to convince her
that they were worth her time.
Once she met Joe I thought
she had settled back down.

I’d never seen her get so
serious about anyone before,
dating him for the last two
years of high school, I
thought she’d gone back to
the conservative girl I once
knew. However, after he
strung her along and even
talked about marrying her, he
suddenly up and left her for
some college girl. It shattered
her heart and thrust her back
into her wild ways full force.
Whenever I tried to talk to
her about any of it, she just
shut me down. That’s when
she started telling me the
same tired line she still says
now: life is for fun! You’re
only young once!

I’m ready to shut off my
phone again, sick of dealing
with the endless messages all
starting the same way when I
hear a different voice.

“Hello, Miss Cole This is
Twila Phillips from Bravark
Marketing Incorporated. I’m
calling to set up an interview,
at your convenience, for an
opening in our Advertising
and Campaigns department.
If you could return my call, as
soon as possible, at 555-
84473 extension 298, it
would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, Miss Cole.”

My phone almost drops
from my hand. Bravark
Marketing is one of the
countless companies I sent
my resume to after Matthew’s
party. I was hoping to
capitalize on my meet and
greet with the head of so
many marketing firms, but
never actually expected to
hear back from any of them.

I need to call her!
Listening to the message
again, this time with a pen in
hand, I attempt to write down
her name and phone number.
My racing heart and sweaty
palms make me miss a few of
the numbers, so I have to
listen to it for a third time
before I’m confident that I
have all the information down

Taking a few deep
breaths, I try to steady my
fingers to dial the number and
my stomach squeezes inside
me as the phone rings.

“Bravark Marketing
Incorporated, we turn ideas
into loyal customers, Twila
Stewart speaking. How may I
help you today?” Wow, that’s
a mouthful.

“Hi, this is Kendra Cole. I
received a phone call
yesterday? In regards to
setting up an interview? For
the Advertising and
Campaigns department?” I
know I sound wishy-washy,
as if I’m asking her for a
favor instead of setting up the
first step in my career.

“One moment please.”
I’m listening to cheesy
ambient music before I have
the chance to respond.
“Thank you for holding, Miss
Cole, I have openings for
interviews tomorrow at 2:30
or Thursday at 4:15,” she
informs me. So much for an
appointment at my

“Thursday will be fine,” I
try to sound confident.

“Very well, I’ve
scheduled you in for 4:15 on
Thursday April 2nd.”

“Thank you.”

As soon as I hang up I
start jumping like an Olympic
gymnast on a trampoline. I
can’t help it, I’m so excited! I
can’t wait to call Brianna...
oh, fuck, that’s right. That
won’t be happening today.
Maybe never. I know from
how my heart hurts at just the
thought that I could never just
cut her out of my life for
good, even if she did hurt me.
Still, I won’t be getting a hold
of her anytime soon.

There’s no time to sit and
wallow about that! I have a
job interview to get ready for!
I plop down in front of my
laptop to start researching.
Not on my paper that’s nearly
due; that’s on the back burner
for the time being. Bravark is
a fantasy career for me. I’m
not leaving this chair until I
learn everything that I can in
order to make that fantasy my
Chapter 2

My gurgling stomach
reminds me for the fifth time
in the last half hour that I
haven’t eaten anything for
nearly a day. There hasn’t
been enough time to
rummage something up from
the cornucopia of left-overs
and bottles of pickles littering
the fridge when I have a
career to plan. Satisfaction
washes over me, letting me
forget my rumbling tummy
for a minute as I look at my
neatly compiled portfolio
sitting on the edge of my
flimsy Ikea desk.

Laid out on my bed is a
professional but stylish
blazer, a conservative pink
blouse and a knee length skirt
for my interview. After
phoning each of my top three
references, and being
reassured that they are ready
to sing my praises if they get
a call from Bravark, I’m
starting to feel optimistic
about my chances. I’ve just
spent an hour looking up
tough interview questions and
practicing my answers in the
mirror. It felt kinda silly, but
if it helps me land this job I’ll
talk to myself in the mirror
every day.

My apartment buzzer lets
me know the pizza is finally
here. Not a moment too soon,
my stomach reminds me with
another growl. I hit the
buzzer and wait by the door,
holding it open with my foot
while I look around the
apartment for my purse.
When I look back to the open
door, Matthew is standing on
the other side, looking rather
angry. Like he has a reason to
be the angry one?

Of course, he isn’t just
happy with ruining what was
the best day of my life, after
giving myself to him. Now he
has to take the wind out of
my sails when I just landed
the best job opportunity of
my life too? Is there anything
that this guy doesn’t want to
take from me? Is there any
moment that he can’t

“I’m not interested in
what you have to say.”

Every muscle in his
clenched jaw is stiff.
“Kendra, give me three
minutes. If you still don’t
want to hear me out, then I’ll
gladly leave you alone.”

“I don’t have three
minutes for bullshit,
Matthew. There are much
better things I can do with
that time.”

“You know, for such a
smart girl, you’re making a
really stupid mistake. I never
thought you’d be the type to
create drama and jump to
crazy conclusions.”

I feel my jaw square up as
I grit my teeth. “Are you
going to stand here and tell
me that I didn’t see what I
saw? Come on Matthew, I’m
not some naive little girl with
stars in my eyes. Your games
aren’t going to work with

“My games? Kendra, do
you make it a habit to make
wild assumptions based on
conversations you eavesdrop
on? You have no idea what
you’re talking about. You
couldn’t have this more
mixed up.”

“Fine, enlighten me.”
Opening the door, I step
aside, letting him in my tiny
apartment. I wonder if he’s
ever been in a place so small?
He looks so out of place in
here, with his designer shirt
and Armani shoes. Self-
consciousness washes over
me when I realize that I’m
still wearing the same clothes
he saw me in yesterday. The
ones I cried myself to sleep in
last night. My puffy eyes
betray my tough facade.

He stands in my hallway,
looking so large and
imposing in my modest
space. He looks out of place
because he doesn’t fit in here,
I realize. He doesn’t belong
in your apartment, and he
doesn’t belong in your life.
“Your three minutes are
counting down now.”

He finally looks me in the
eyes and sighs.

“Look, you don’t have to
explain how you got involved
with Brianna, I’m happy for
you two and hope it all works
out.” I know he can hear the
bravado in my voice. I can’t
even look at him, I don’t want
him to see how much he’s
crushed me. I won’t give him
the satisfaction.

“I already told you that
you have it all wrong.”

“Oh do I? What part of
you two holding hands and
talking about breaking the
secret to me am I
misunderstanding exactly?”
The words drip off my tongue
like acid. “You’re right I was
eavesdropping and I heard
you, Matthew. I heard you
tell her that you hope I can
forgive you for falling in love
with Brianna.”

“Not everything in life is
on one side of a hard line or
the other,” Matthew growls.
“If you heard me say that I’m
in love with Brianna then you
need to work on your spy
skills. I’m not in love with
Brianna. I was confiding in
her, and she was comforting

“I bet. Well, I hope you’re
feeling better. Your three
minutes are over. Please

“Why do you have to be
so fucking stubborn!” He
searches my ceiling for
answers, looking exasperated
when he finds none. “The
apple doesn’t fall very far, I

“What are you talking
about? What does that even

My buzzer rings again, “I
think you should go, I have
things to do.” I walk over and
let the pizza guy in.

“Kendra, listen to me.
Listen to someone for once. I
was talking about falling in
love with you. Not with
Brianna. Not playing games.
Just about falling in love with

I stop breathing.

“I went to talk to Brianna
about it because she knows
you better than anyone. I
didn’t know how to tell you
or if you’d even accept it. I
didn’t want to scare you

He’s in love with me? I try
to remember exactly what I
overheard him and Brianna
saying yesterday. Does this
make sense? Were they
talking about him being in
love with me? Why was she
holding his hand? Didn’t he
say he hoped I could forgive
him? For what? Loving me? I
don’t think so.

There’s a light knock at
the door, and we both stare at
it without moving. The next
knock is louder, and Matthew
opens it. He takes one glance
at the young, haggard looking
delivery guy and pulls out his

“Put your damned money
away. I don’t need it! Do you
think I’m an idiot? You
thought I would buy that? I
watched you two cuddled
together, and I heard you say
that you didn’t know if I’d
forgive you. You should’ve
worked on your story a bit
more before driving all the
way over here to bother me.”

“Kendra, I wasn’t cuddled
up to her. Brianna held my
hand for a minute when I was
telling her about my parents.
When I said that I hoped she
could forgive me, I was
talking about my mother.”
His voice is like cool steel.

“I, uh, I just need $37 for
the pizza. It doesn’t matter to
me who pays for it.” The
young man tugs at his shirt as
he waits awkwardly at my

“Just wait a sec, I’m
gonna grab my purse.”
Matthew takes a fifty out of
his wallet and stuffs it in the
kid’s hand in exchange for
the pizza box.

“Thanks, man.” The kid
looks over at me and then
back to Matthew
sympathetically and gives
him a nod, “good luck.”

“I told you to put your
money away,” my hands are
trembling with rage. Why
doesn’t he listen to me?
“You’re such a control freak,

“Well, you’d know,
wouldn’t you? You’re a
poster child for the cause.
How much life do you miss
out on because you can’t give
up some control? Obviously
you don’t want my answers;
you want to hang onto your
own conclusions. Even if they
make you miserable. Maybe
because they do. Here, take
your pizza, I won’t take up
any more of your precious
time.” He thrusts the pizza
toward me, and I stare at it
blankly like I can’t figure out
how to use my arms anymore.

“Your mother? Why does
your mother need to forgive

“Because I fell in love
with you, Kendra!” He snaps
at me. “My mother always
had her heart set on Marjorie
and I working things out in
the end. It was supposed to be
a big deal for our families, for
us to get married one day.”
He rubs his hand over the
back of his neck and stares at
my floor, his voice getting
quieter, “it hurt her when I
ended the engagement. And I
know that when I tell her I’m
in a serious relationship with
someone else,” he stares into
my eyes, “it’ll kill the hope
she was clinging to for us to
get back together.”

The air hisses from my
lungs like a leaky balloon.
I’m not even sure what part
of that to focus on first. The
fact that Marjorie and him
were engaged to be married,
or that he wants to be in a
relationship with me. “You
were engaged to her?” If I
focus on her, it will buy me
some time to think over what
he said about us.

“Yes, we were engaged
for three years. Before that,
we dated for a few years. We
were high school sweethearts.
I broke it off with her a year
and a half ago, but my mother
and Marjorie have remained
very close… too close.
Neither of them has given up
on the idea of the marriage.”

“That sounds like a
complete mess. A mess I
don’t want to step in.” I turn
away, but he tosses the pizza
box to the floor and grabs me
by the wrist tight, pulling me
back to face him. I don’t fight
it, the truth is, I love being
pressed against the heat of his

“It doesn’t matter what
they think or what they want,
Kendra. This is my life, and
I’m going to live it the way
that I want. And I want you.”

My entire body freezes up
in his arms. He loves me? He
wants me? It’s as if my mind
can’t comprehend the
concept. It’s rolling around in
my head like a lost
tumbleweed. Matthew wraps
his arms around me,
enveloping me, and kisses me
tenderly. I feel the last of my
nagging thoughts and
skepticism melt away as I
kiss him back.

I pull back from him in
horror. Oh no! Brianna!
“What’s the matter?” He
pulls me back again, but I
start to cry. You wouldn’t
think I’d have any tears left,
but here we are.

“I messed everything up!”
Sobbing, I realize how
confused and hurt Brianna
must be feeling. “She must
hate me…”

“She doesn’t hate you,
shhh.” He pulls me back in,
and runs his hand soothingly
over the back of my head. I
press my face into him,
searching for comfort, as my
tears are wicked up by his
shirt. “I know you two will
work it out, ok? She’s going
to be happy to hear from you,
I promise you.” His rich
baritone calms my fluttering

This time when he kisses
me, I’m lost inside a fog. My
concerns about Brianna are
evicted by the urgency of my
passion, my body aches for
him. Pushing myself into
him, I grind my hips against
him hungrily and he softly
pulls my bottom lip out
between his teeth, making me
moan into his mouth.

He pushes me back
against the wall, pinning me
easily with his hips, and rips
my shirt so hard that the first
few buttons go flying in
different directions. My pussy
clenches as he pulls both my
hands above my head and
pins them there with only one
of his. He opens my shirt with
his other hand and tugs down
the front of my bra,
immediately sucking my hard
nipple into his mouth as I
writhe with pleasure against
my front hall wall.

I want him so badly, I try
to gyrate my sex into him, but
he has me firmly in place as
he tugs down the other half of
my bra and starts nibbling
and kissing my breast. He
gives my nipple a little tug in
his teeth, just enough to make
me yelp, before he licks away
the sharp pain, dissolving it
into pleasure.

“You’re right about one
thing,” he murmurs as the
heat of his mouth blankets my
breast, “I do like to be in
control, especially in the
bedroom.” He drags the edge
of his teeth over my skin,
making me shiver.

“I guess you’re in luck
then,” I whisper, “that’s the
one place I don’t mind
handing it over.”

As his mouth devours my
sensitive nipples, his hand
trails down the front of my
body until he reaches the
button of my pants. He easily
undoes them, and I wiggle
and squirm to help them drop
to the floor in a puddle
around my feet. I’m so happy
my roommate is at work right
now. I’m not sure I would
have the willpower to stop,
even if she were here.

Matthew lets go of my
arms and releases my nipple
from the warm assault of his
tongue, pushing my panties
down to just above my knees.
I groan in anticipation but
gasp when he surprises me by
quickly turning me around
and pushing my face and
breasts flat against the wall. I
instinctively try to open my
legs for him, hungry for his
thick cock inside me, but my
legs are restrained by the
fabric of my underwear,
limiting my movement.

I hear Matthew pull his
pants open and feel his warm
cock at my soaking entrance.
He holds me against the wall,
with my ass sticking out and
guides his large cock into me,
sliding in down to the base in
one swift movement. I grunt
against my wall as my body
tries to stretch around his
girth, I’ve never felt him so
deep inside me before. It feels
like he’s reached my core. I
push back against him,
wiggling my ass into his hips,
longing for him to fuck me.

He laughs, “patience,
Kendra.” Why does he always
make me wait? Just fuck me!
He holds my throat in his
broad hand while his other
wraps around my hip, his
fingers dipping between my
pussy lips, finding my
sensitive nub. I cry out as
soon as he puts pressure on it,
already feeling like I might

Just when I think he’s
going to hold me like this,
unmoving with his cock
filling me forever, he starts
pumping into me. His thick
rod slides into my juicy
pussy. Since I’m unable to
move, I’m completely at his
mercy. I’m surprised by how
turned on I am by feeling so
utterly out of control. His
balls slap against my mound
as he pushes his cock all the
way into me, bottoming out.
When he thrusts back, I’m
worried that he’s going to
pull out of me, but he
pummels me again and again.
My senses are on fire, and my
mouth is just garbling a
stream of nonsense as I try
not to drool on the wall.

I squeeze my inside
muscles, bearing down as
hard as I can muster, gripping
his cock tight from inside,
Matthew grunts in my ear
loudly. I can’t hold back
anymore, my orgasm tears
through my body like a
tsunami, the force
overwhelms me and my
knees buckle from under me.
My body trembles violently
from the vibrating bliss still
running through me. Matthew
picks up speed, breathing
harder in my ear until he
thrusts his cock into me and
holds it inside me, a shudder
runs through him as he fills
me with his cum.

For a moment, we are
locked together, my face and
breasts pushed against the
wall. Matthew’s tight grip on
me loosens and then lets go
as he pulls back. His cock
leaves my pussy aching with
emptiness, and his cum drips
out of me. He kisses the back
of my neck playfully, pulling
me into his arms, so my back
is tight against his flat
stomach. I arch back, tilting
my head to the side so I can
turn toward his face and kiss
his lips tenderly. An annoying
buzzing interrupts our
thrashing tongues, sucking
the sweetness from our lips.

“I’m sorry, Kendra. I have
to take this call.” He pulls
away from me, quickly
hitching up his pants and
walking into the kitchen to
answer. The air around me
feels chilly without him next
to me. My body breaks out in
gooseflesh, and I pull my
pants back on with a shiver.
Matthew is sighing, he
sounds exhausted. I don’t
want to eavesdrop on his call,
but my apartment is so small
I won’t have any choice. I
could use some freshening up
anyway, I head to the
bathroom to fix up my sex

When I come back out,
Matthew seems distracted.”Is
everything ok?”

“Yeah, I’m needed at the

“Oh, ok.” I look at the
floor to hide the
disappointment in my eyes.
“Well, I should get back to
my school work anyway.”

“Don’t go pushing me out
the door just yet.” He walks
toward me and pulls me
against him, running his
hands down my back, “I’m
not going anywhere. Not
when I still have so much to
take care of here.” His sultry
smile makes my entire body

“Is that right?” I tease
him, pushing my breasts into
him as my hips sway against
his. “What sort of things do
you have in mind?”

His hands cup my ass as
he pushes himself against me.
I can feel the rigid outline of
his cock grinding against me
and my pussy floods with
desire. “How about we take
this conversation into the
bedroom, and I’ll be more
specific,” his voice is low and
velvety in my ear.

I pull back, tugging his
hand behind me as I lead him
to my modest room. For once,
I couldn’t care less about how
shabby my space is or worry
about what he thinks about
my things. All I can see is
Matthew. The intensity of his
longing surrounds us both as
he lays me down on the bed
and the rest of the world
evaporates around us.
Chapter 3

The apartment smells like
sex and pizza. I lazily trail my
fingers over Matthew’s naked
body as we lay together on
my bed, soaking in every inch
of his sculpted frame. “I
thought you said you had to
go to the office,” I tease him.
It’s been almost three hours
since he took that call.

“Are you trying to get rid
of me,” he smiles. “Did I
wear out the great track and
field champion?”

My body does feel like
I’ve been in the gym all day,
but there’s no way I’m going
to admit that to him.
“Impossible. I’m

“You’ve got that right.”
He kisses my neck softly as
his arms pull me in tight.
“You’re an impressive
woman, Miss Cole.”

My skin rushes with heat,
I’ve never taken compliments
very well. “Oh, well, thanks.”

“No, I mean it. You’re
sexy but humble, intelligent
and driven. Your parents
would be proud of you, to see
all you’ve done on your

My heart squeezes in my
chest thinking about how
much they’ve already missed
in my life and how much
more they’ll never see. My
Mama will never watch me
get my diploma that she
wanted so badly for me. My
father will never get to walk
his only girl down the aisle.
“I’d like to think they are
proud of me, you know? That
they’re up there watching
over me.”

“I bet they are.” He tilts
his head at me, “do you have
a lot of memories of your
Dad? I’ve heard you mention
your mother a lot, but not
your father.”

“I do. The memories I
have are sparse because he
was killed by a drunk driver
when I was young, but he was
so much fun. He always had a
compliment for everyone, he
just had a real way of making
you feel good about yourself.
Like, I remember when I
learned to tie my shoes on my
own and my father was
crowing about it to everyone.
You’d think I won an
Olympic medal or something.
That’s just the way he was

“Sounds like a great
man.” Matthew agrees
quietly. “It must have been so
hard for you to lose him.”

“It was devastating,” I
confess. I normally don’t like
to talk about these things, but
it’s a relief to share these
bottled up memories with
Matthew. “Not just because I
lost an amazing dad, but
because of how hard it was
on mama. I’ve got three older
brothers, and we were all still
living at home when he
passed. It was a lot of pieces
for her to pick up, but she
was our glue. You know, she
had every reason to fall apart
or give up, but she pulled it
together for us.”

“Well, I’m sure you’re
making them both proud,

“Thanks. I try. It seems
like my life is taking the right
direction. I’ve got a job
interview lined up, I’ve gotta
great man…” my words dry
up in the air. Matthew did say
he’s falling in love with me,
right? I hope I’m not being
too presumptuous to think
that must mean we’re a
couple now.

“I don’t know about a
great man,” he laughs, “but I
like hearing you say it.” He
tenderly kisses me, his soft
lips parting mine.

“Hello!?” The door to the
apartment slams. “Hey
Kendra, do you mind if I take
a couple slices of your pizza?
I’m totally starving!” My
roommate, Janelle, interrupts
us like a car alarm going off
at four in the morning.

“Yeah, sure. It’s all
yours!” I yell back.

“Cool, thanks! Wait…are
these men’s shoes? Whoa, do
you have a dude in there?
Really? You?” Her question
marks hang in the air. I look
into Matthew’s twinkling
eyes; he’s clearly enjoying


“Well, holy hot shit
Kendra. It’s about time!
Don’t let me distract ya, heh.
Thanks for the slices.” I hear
her thump down the hall and
close her bedroom door.

“She sounds interesting,”
Matthew muses.

“You can say that again.”
I shake my head.

“I should get going
anyway, I told my secretary
I’d be by a couple hours ago.”
He seems genuinely
disappointed. “I believe you
owe me another date though,”
his eyes gleam, “something
about us watching The
Bachelor together, if I
remember correctly?”

I laugh, remembering how
I insisted we watch the reality
show when we went to the
pub a few nights ago.”I may
have oversold it a little.” I
cringe remembering how I
declared that I’d eat a goat if
he wasn’t hooked after one
episode in my alcohol-buzzed

“You mean it isn’t the
best television show in the
entire world?” He mocks my
drunken declaration of love
for my favorite trash tv show.

“Hey now, I didn’t say
that. I guess you’ll just have
to judge for yourself.”

“I look forward to it
Kendra,” he cups my chin
and kisses me softly. My
passion burns just under the
surface, threatening to be
released with each second
longer that he kisses me. He
pulls back, looking deep into
my eyes in that soul-
searching way that only his
blue eyes can. I’m
mesmerized by that stare. “I
should go, or else I might
never leave,” he smiles,
giving me a quick peck and
gets up off my bed for the
first time in hours.

Starting to pull myself up,
Matthew holds his hand to me
like a crossing guard during
school hours. “Stay where
you are, there’s no need for
you to see me out. It would
be a damned shame to see
you put your clothes back on
anyway,” his eyes glide over
my body and my nipples turn
to pebbles under his lustful

I’ve never considered
myself to be a sexy woman.
The truth is, I’ve never even
allowed myself the time to
think about it. It’s another
one of those frivolous details
that don’t make a difference
to my end-goals. Just one
look from Matthew makes up
for the years that I denied
myself of such things. “Well,
I wouldn’t want to spoil your
view,” I tease, throwing my
head back and arching my
breasts toward him.

He stops fumbling with
his shirt and watches me, his
hands frozen in the air and his
eyes transfixed. “Fuck it, the
paperwork will just have to
wait,” he tosses his clothes
back down to the ground and
hops onto my bed beside me,
making me squeal. “There’s
no way I’m going to be able
to think about financial
projections with my cock like
this,” he nods down to his
granite member, ready for
another round.

“I guess we’ll just have to
do something about that,” I
wrap my hand around it, and
he groans, moving his hips
toward me.

“Mmmm. I guess we
will,” he agrees

Chapter 4

The hum of a coffee shop
does wonders for me. Back in
highschool, I learned that I
study better and come up with
more complex ideas for
projects to the busy buzz of a
lunch hour rush at a food
court or Starbucks. At the
moment, the background
noise that usually helps focus
my mind and relax my nerves
is doing nothing to ease my
twisted stomach. Each
sideways glance from a latte-
sipping stranger feels like a
judgment to my guilty
conscious. Like their
meaningless stares are laced
with confirmations about
what a shitty friend I’ve been.

I twist my neck every time
the door opens, hoping it will
be Brianna. I’m starting to
think she changed her mind
about meeting up with me,
not that I’d blame her after
how I treated her.

A fragrant cloud swirls
from my mug of freshly
dripped java to my nose,
giving my face a steam bath. I
breathe it in like a deep sea
diver taking his first lung full
of air after breaking the
surface. Treating myself to an
overpriced coffee is usually
all it takes to ease my tension,
but not today.

Finally, Brianna steps in
through the door that I’ve
been watching with the
unblinking eye of a
surveillance camera. She
takes a quick look around and
stops cold when she spots me.
Even from here, I can see the
muscles in her neck twitch as
I feebly wave. Unfortunately,
all the gourmet coffee in the
world won’t solve this

For a girl that normally
seems to float across the
floor, she’s walking
unusually stiff. Her tense
shoulders and tight jaw tell
me that she isn’t impressed.
This might not go well. All I
can do is hope that I didn’t
fuck everything up beyond

It takes an eternity, but
she finally makes her way
over to my table. It takes all
of my restraint not to jump up
from my chair and start
begging for forgiveness.
Brianna stops about five feet
from the table and pulls her
phone out her bag, checking
her texts while I wait. I know
she’s making me suffer on
purpose now, I also know that
I deserve it.

I’m debating whether I
should get up and pull the
phone from her hand when
she joins me at the table. She
avoids my eyes as I start
rambling, “thank you for
meeting up with me, I’m so

She purses her lips into a
long, thin line. I knew it!
She’s not going to forgive me.
I’m not sure that I would
forgive me either. I’ve known
Brianna for years, she’s the
closest thing that I’ve ever
had to a sister. Then as soon
as I saw her with Matthew, I
automatically assumed the
worst. A small part of me
knows that I jumped to
conclusions so quickly
because I’m jealous of her.

She takes a deep breath
and I steel myself for her
temper, but when she finally
looks into my eyes my insides
churn. It isn’t anger staring
back at me, it’s pain. “Look,
Kendra, I’m not gonna sit
here and tell you that I’m not
upset, ok? I’ve gotta say; it
hurt that you thought I’d try
to steal your man. I’ve never
done anything like that in my
entire life. What made you
think I’d start that shit with
you? Do you think I’m that

“No! I don’t. It has
nothing to do with you. It’s
me. I’ve just been looking so
hard for flaws, for something
to be wrong, that as soon as I
saw the smallest thing, my
mind pounced on it. I’m sorry
Brianna.” I reach for her
hand, but she recoils like a
firing pistol.

“You need to stop with
that shit. Every masterpiece
has cracks in it, Kendra. Are
you gonna stare at the cracks?
Or enjoy the damned

She’s right. I felt like I
was enjoying the masterpiece
once before in my life, back
when my father was alive and
my family was happy. I
watched the cracks start to
form when the car accident
took him from us. Once
Mama had her heart attack, I
stopped looking for the
beauty in everything.

“I know, I’m so sorry. I
just saw you holding his
hand, and something in my
mind just snapped. I thought
you two were talking about
sneaking around together. I
shouldn’t have been listening
in at all. I... I don’t have a
good excuse for how I acted.
I was a damned fool.”

I stare into my black
coffee for absolution. Can I
blame her if she doesn’t
forgive me? After everything
she’s done for me over the
years, no, I can’t blame her at
all. The idea of losing my
best friend stings my eyes
with tears.

“I know you’re sorry. I’m
not going to say that it’s ok,
but I’ll get over it.” She pats
my hand and relief soars
through me, easing the
tightness in my chest. “So,
you and Matthew worked it
out then?” she knits her
eyebrows together as her
golden brown eyes soften.

“I guess you could say
that,” I answer slyly. She still
doesn’t even know about my
first time with Matthew, let
alone the hot sex we had all
over my apartment.

“Good, so what did he tell

My heart sinks, why is she
confirming his story?
Knowing how I already
almost ruined everything with
my skepticism, I bite the
inside of my cheek and
swallow my suspicion. “He
told me that he loves me,” I
say matter-of-factly.

“Oh, Kendra! I’m so
happy for you!” Brianna
squeals loud enough that
other patrons turn and give us
stern looks.

“Shhh,” I laugh, “I’m
happy too. It’s just so sudden
though. It’s all kinda
confusing to be honest.”

“What’s so confusing?”

“It’s just moving so fast.
I’m not used to any of this
drama, I guess.”

“That’s what happens
when you live like Mother
Teresa for twenty-six years,”
she teases. “Did he tell you
anything else? Like about his

“Oh, yeah, he told me all
about Marjorie. I guess her
being kinda psycho runs
deeper than I thought, huh?”


Matthew told me that he
was talking about Marjorie
when I walked in on the two
of them in deep conversation
the other day. The confusion
in her eyes is telling me a
different story than the one he
told me.

“Uh, yeah. His ex-

“Oh ok. Yeah right. Her.”
She fidgets.

“Brianna, what were you
guys talking about the other

She squirms in her seat,
picking at her nails. “I can’t
get into it. Kendra, his past is
complicated. That’s all I can

“What the hell is that
supposed to mean?” I feel my
blood rush to my ears and a
tinny taste coat the back of
my tongue. Did he lie to me

“Hey, calm down. I’ll tell
you what it doesn’t mean,”
the edge in her tone is razor
sharp, “it doesn’t mean that
you have anything to worry
about. He’s in love with you.
And only you.” She gives me
a hard stare that lands like a
slap in the face. I deserve her
pointed comments after
accusing her of sleeping with

“I’m sorry, I just... I just
don’t like being in the dark.”

“Whoa wait a second,
hold up, you’re trying to tell
me that you have some
control issues? I’m just not
sure that I can wrap my brain
around that,” she smiles as
she pokes at me. “And here I
thought you were such a free-
spirit with your
micromanaged schedule and
your ten year plan.”

“Alright, I get it,” I laugh.
“So I’m not good at handing
over the reigns, I guess.”

“Trust me, I know. You
just need to trust that I
wouldn’t keep anything from
you if it would hurt you.
Matthew is a good guy,
Kendra. A good guy who
loves you. You just need to
give him some time to open
up. I know he will. In the
meantime, start enjoying the
fact that Matthew fucking
Blackwell is in goddamned
love with you.” She’s starting
to get a few pointed stares
from other coffee drinkers in
here again. You’d think this
was a library, not a Starbucks.

“Shhh, I do. I am.”

“How much are you
enjoying it?” She prods. I
know exactly what she’s
getting at. Brianna has never
approved of my decision to
wait before losing my
virginity, I can see that she’s
hoping I finally gave it up.

“He makes sure I’m
enjoying him in every way.” I
lower my voice just above a

“I knew it! You guys
totally fucked didn’t you?”
Ok, everyone heard that! I try
to disappear under the table
as the people surrounding us
suddenly look a lot more
interested in our

“Brianna! Good God, put
out an ad will ya?” I try to
avoid the eyes of nosy
strangers. “Yes, we made
love,” she snorts at my choice
of words, “and it’s been
incredible. I know it sounds
lame, but I feel different too.”

“How do you mean?”
Brianna finishes her tea in
one gulp and waits for me to
figure out what I’m trying to

“I don’t mean in that star-
eyed way, like how you were
when you slept with big,
dumb Joe.”

“Hey now! I was only
seventeen, cut me some slack.
Remember when I told you
he was my destiny? Oh my
god, I was so innocent then,”
she laughs.

“Exactly, I don’t mean
like that. I guess I feel
different in the way that I
know I’m just growing up. I
feel like this is one more step
into adulthood. I mean, I’m
graduating soon, I’m dating, I
have an amazing job
interview tomorrow… it just
seems like things are really
coming together, you know?”

“Job interview? Where?”

“At a place called
Bravark, in their marketing
department. Can you
imagine? It would be so
perfect. I keep telling myself
not to get too excited. I just
need to look at this as a great
opportunity, but if it doesn’t
work out it will still be
excellent interview practice.”

“Kendra, listen to
yourself! Get excited! Be
happy! You’re not going to
jinx anything if you actually
let yourself enjoy life for a
bit. It sounds like you’re just
looking at everything like
they’re boxes to tick off.
Diploma? Check! Man?
Check! Job? Check! I mean,
come on!”

“There’s nothing wrong
with having goals, is there?” I
hold my tongue before I get
into my usual counter
argument about how living by
Brianna’s mantra of ‘being
young and having fun’ can
only last for so long.

“No, there’s nothing
wrong with goals and all that.
But, Kendra, listen,” she
grabs my hand tight and looks
me straight in the eyes for the
first time since she’s sat at the
table, “you need to remember
to live too.”

“Live? What are you even
talking about, of course I’m
living,” my dry laugh hangs
awkwardly in the air while as
she chews on her lip. I know
that face, she always does
that when she isn’t sure how
to say something to me.

“What is it?” I give her
hand a squeeze, beginning to
worry about her silence.

“It’s just… I’m your best
friend, so I say this with
nothing but love, ok?” I nod;
this isn’t off to a great start.
“I know you feel a burden on
your shoulders to do well
because you don’t want to let
down your Mama up there,”
she points to the ceiling.

My eyes sting as the edges
blur with tears, “for both of
them,” I mutter to my empty
coffee cup.

“Yeah, for your Dad too. I
get it, ok? And you’re doing
amazing! But you’re so
focused on that finish line
that your life is blazing past
you and you aren’t even
living it. These moments, like
Matthew and graduating and
the job interview, they aren’t
just stepping stones on the
way to your perfect life up
here somewhere,” she waves
her hand over her head.
“They are your perfect life
and you’re missing it because
it’s not exactly how you
thought it would look on

Her words grab me by the
shoulders and give me the
shake I’m sure she wants to. I
close my eyes, is that what
I’ve been doing? Matthew’s
face floats behind my eyelids,
reminding me of how empty
my life felt before he strolled
into it. Brianna’s right, I’ve
lived more since I’ve met him
than I have in the last twenty-
six years put together.

I wipe the tears from my
cheeks, smiling back at
Brianna. “It’s not easy for

“I know it isn’t, but I
don’t want to watch you wake
up with twenty years of
regrets because you let the
best years slip by. Just try to
cut yourself some slack,
that’s all I’m saying. Just
have a little fun.”

“I will.”
Chapter 5

“Did you have any hang-
ups with the paperwork?” Ms.
Fairbanks, or Vivienne, as
she’s insisted I call her, asks
me as I hand her the stack of

“No, none at all,” I smile.
It was arduous to fill out the
questionnaires and police
records check, but at the same
time, it’s exciting to know the
company is taking a genuine
interest in me.

She glances at my resume,
reading over some sections
that have been highlighted in
fluorescent pink. Her office is
warm and inviting, not the
ultramodern space I
envisioned. However, so far
Bravark has broken all of my
preconceived notions. From
the bright, funky reception
area complete with a full
espresso bar to the on-site
daycare, it’s clear that this is
an unconventional company.

Vivienne’s office feels
more like a living room than
a workspace. The ceiling high
book shelves and the lounge
chairs surrounding the oval
coffee table that serves as her
desk don’t give the clinical
vibe I was prepared for. I
have to admit that the casual
atmosphere here has thrown
me off my game.

Vivienne slips off her
heels and pulls her feet up to
her side, leaning into the arm
of the chair “So, tell me a
little about yourself,” her
peach lip gloss shimmers
when she smiles. “It says here
that you’re finishing your
masters in business at

“Yes, I will be graduating
this spring,” my smile feels
like an over-starched shirt on
my face.

“Oh, what an exciting
time for you!” Her blue eyes
twinkle as she cocks her head
to the side and twirls her
gleaming auburn hair
absentmindedly. “I remember
when I graduated, I was so
happy to be starting a new
chapter in my life. I can’t
believe that was five years
ago already. College is a lot
of fun, isn’t it? I met my
husband in college,” she

I keep waiting for her to
get into the interview, to ask
me about my projects or my
volunteer work.

“How about you, Kendra?
Have you met anyone
serious? I don’t see a ring.”

The question throws me
for a loop as my eyes trail
over to her over-sized
sparkler weighing down her
left ring finger. Are they even
allowed to ask questions like
that? I squirm in my seat, but
no matter which way I sit I
can’t get comfortable. Not
with the seat, not with
Vivienne and not with her

“Oh, I put you on the spot.
You don’t have to answer
that,” she flips her glossy hair
over her shoulder. “It’s just
that here at Bravark, we like
to get to know potential
employees,” she explains,
sounding somewhat
professional for the first time
since I shook her hand.

“That’s alright. It’s
refreshing to learn about a
company that takes a genuine
interest in candidates.” I hope
she’ll start asking me about
something less personal than
my love life. It was only a
couple days ago that Matthew
and I starting calling
ourselves a couple. It feels
premature to be babbling
about him to complete

“Our corporate culture is
that we treat each other like
family,” she presses on, “we
really care about our
employees lives and well-
being. Not just how many
hours they can clock or how
many clients they land.”

I nod, starting to make
sense of the differences
between what I was expecting
and the reality inside these
walls. “That’s a rare quality
in the marketplace today,” I
smile. Finally, I can feel some
of my tension melting as I
relax into my seat.

“In order to create that
sort of workplace, we tend to
screen potential employees on
their personalities and past-
times as much as we
scrutinize references and

“Ok, that makes sense.
I’m happy that Bravark
places so much emphasis on
their employee morale.” I
finally feel myself loosening
up as I give her the first
genuine smile since I walked
in here. I could get used to
working for a company with
so much upward mobility and
these perks.

“Oh yes! We certainly
do.” She smiles broadly, and
her white teeth glint under the
lights. “So, all of that being
said, let’s get on with the
interview, shall we?”

I sit back up a little
straighter, smoothing my
hands over the wrinkles in my
skirt, preparing myself for the
official questions.

“Great. So, Kendra, are
you seeing anyone serious
right now?”
* * * *

I exit the building’s glass
turnstile in a daze. That
interview was nothing like
what I prepared for. All of my
practiced sales pitch answers
were useless. From her
barrage of personal questions,
I didn’t get the impression
that Vivienne cared about my
education or experience at all.
I’m certain that even asking
those types questions is
against labor laws.

My head is spinning like
the little ballerina in a music
box as I try to make sense of
the last three hours at
Bravark. The company would
be an amazing place to get
my feet wet in the world of
marketing. Between the pay,
the benefits and the vibrant
atmosphere, it would be a
dream come true. But
Vivienne’s personal
interrogation put me off. I’m
not even sure why I sat there
answering questions about
my love life and my
childhood. It’s just that
opportunities like this one
aren’t exactly kicking my
door down.

The bustling streets of
Manhattan can’t compete
with my buzzing brain. The
people rushing past me could
all be mannequins on a
conveyor belt with their
indistinguishable features
blurring past me. My ears are
assaulted with a furious
blaring horn and the shrill
screech of tires as I step off
the curb. Suddenly, a strong
hand pulls me back to safety
as a red SUV comes
squealing to a halt in an
attempt to avoid killing me.

I try turning around to
thank my rescuer, but he pulls
me tight against his torso.
The driver screams at me so
loud that I can hear every
word through his rolled up
windows, “you stupid bitch!
Watch where the fuck you’re
going!” He shakes his hands
at me like he’s trying to
strangle me from inside his
car before deciding that I’m
not worth the effort and
taking off. I glance up at the
Do Not Walk sign, blazing
it’s message in bright red.
How did I miss that?

I pull free from my good
Samaritan, finally turning
around to face him,
“Matthew? How did… where
did you come from?” He
answers my question by
wrapping his arms around me
and kissing me softly. Being
in his arms feels like a safe
space in a reckless storm. My
body melts into his hard chest
as his arms tighten around
me, the panic in my chest
floats away.

“Kendra, what are you
doing?” He grabs my
shoulders and gives them a
shake like he’s trying to wake
me up from a bad dream, his
blue eyes overflowing with
concern. “I’ve been calling
you for a block now. If I
didn’t run to catch up with
you when I did… what’s
going on? Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m just a bit out
of it. I’ll be fine.”

“Well, come with me
then. I’ll have a car come
pick us up. I obviously can’t
trust you to make it home
safe on your own,” he kisses
me quickly and pulls me back
further from the curb
protectively as he calls for a
car. “Ok, we’re all set. Come
with me, we’re meeting my
driver up the block here,” he
wraps his arm around me,
leading the way.

“Wait, were you following
me?” I still don’t understand
what just happened here.

“No, not exactly. I saw
you less than a block ago. I
was standing at the top of the
steps at the Tribecca building,
and you breezed right past
me. I thought you’d stop
when I yelled your name, but
you just kept power walking.
Why are you in such a hurry

“I’m not, I guess I was
just in my own world. I didn’t
hear you; I was lost in my
thoughts.” He guides me to
the edge of the curb like he
isn’t sure that I won’t just
throw myself in front of the
next passing bus, and holds
my hand as he opens the back
door of the limo.

“Must be some deep
thinking if you almost got
kissed by the grill of a Land
Rover. You figuring out how
they get the caramel in a
Caramilk bar or something?”

“No smarty,” I laugh. I
snuggle into him in the
backseat as the driver joins
the flood of traffic, “I just had
a job interview and I’m not
sure how it went.”

“If you aren’t more
careful walking around New
York, you won’t have to
worry about it,” he scolds me
gently. Matthew wraps his
hands around my shoulders
and pulls me into his rose
petal lips. Our tongues meet
in a tender dance and my
stress evaporates.

“I think I can make you
forget all about it,” he
murmurs, looking at my lips,
he kisses me again before I
can reply. My body tells him
everything that he needs to
know as I arch my back, and
he slides his hand up between
my open legs, under my skirt
and straight up to my wet

His fingers slip under the
edge of my panties, hovering
over my pussy. I look toward
the partition between us and
the driver, can he see back
here? “Matthew, we can’t.
What about him?” I nod my
head toward the front of the

“We have complete
privacy back here,” his finger
dances around my clit and I
buck my hips, pushing my
pussy into his hand. “You
have nothing to worry about,
just enjoy yourself.”

He pulls his hand back
outside my underwear and
licks his finger. I groan, all I
care about it feeling him
pressed against me, losing
myself to the pleasure of his
touch. To hell with the driver!
I tug my skirt up as Matthew
frantically unbuckles his belt.
Within seconds, his cock is
sprung free from it’s designer
fabric prison.

I start to shuffle across the
seat, so I can straddle him,
and I bump my head against
the ceiling. “Ouch, um, that
might be a problem.”

“You think so? I can’t see
why.” Matthew slides down
onto the limo floor and grabs
my hips with his strong
hands, flipping me over. He
pulls me over the edge of the
backseat so I’m leaning over
it with my knees on the floor
and my ass in the air. I twist
my hips, inviting him to
touch me as I writhe in
anticipation, my face and
breasts pressed into the seat.

The heat of his breath is
grazing against my thong as
he pushes his tongue up
against my mound, and I lift
my legs up higher so he can
tease my clit from behind me.
I don’t even care that my
panties are a barrier between
us; his tongue urgently laps
against me until I can’t take
anymore. I grip the edge of
the back seat as my orgasm
pulses through me, making
me squirm and grind back
against his face.

Matthew kneels behind
me and hooks my panties
over to the side, finally
exposing my sex. He thrusts
his cock into me until his
body is flat against mine,
pinning me to the seat. I
groan at the sensation of
being filled up so completely,
so quickly. Laying against my
back, so I’m firmly pressed
against the back seat of the
limo, Matthew fucks me in
short, fast strokes. My pussy
squeezes around him every
time he pushes all the way
into me, making him grunt.

He pulls his chest up from
my back and grabs my hips
hard, keeping me in place as
he thrusts his cock into me
fast and hard. Holding me in
place, he pushes deep inside
my pussy and groans as he
fills me with his seed and
then collapses on top of me,
wrapping his arms around

When our breathing
slows, he pulls out of me, and
I get my skirt pulled back
down and shimmy back up
onto the seat. When he joins
me, he looks like he just spent
hours getting ready. Not a
single hair is out of place and
his suit drapes perfectly from
his shoulders. Matthew pulls
me into him, I rest my head
on his chest and listen to his
heart beating, lulling me into
a blissful place between sleep
and wake.
Chapter 6

Four skinny white girls
are standing nervously in
evening gowns. The camera
closes up on the one
brunette’s face, she looks
concerned and perhaps a little
angry. The three blond
women are barely
distinguishable from each

“One of these things just
doesn’t belong here, one of
these things just isn’t the
same.” Matthew sings the old
Sesame Street song mocking
the lone brunette as he walks
toward his kitchen with our
wine glasses.

The camera pans to Chuck
Lawson, another billionaire
known for his bad boy antics.
A rose twirls between his
finger and thumb as he
clearly enjoys dragging this
out. The dramatic music rises
and the models hold their
breath. “I choose… “ he
looks intensely just past the
camera, “Elizabeth.” The
young blond trembles and
smiles as fat tears roll down
her blush covered cheeks and
collects her rose.

“Ugh, I can’t believe he
picked her!” I turn away from
the tv in disgust.

“I can’t believe you watch
this show,” Matthew laughs
and fills our glasses with the
last drops of the white wine.

“Awww, c’mon. It’s not
that bad.” I shoot him a look.

He raises his eyebrows at
me as he makes his way back
across the vast condo to our
uncomfortable, but stately
place on the love seat. Sitting
back down with me, I watch
clouds roll in over his blue
eyes as he sips his wine.

“These women are so
shallow. They don’t care
about this guy,” he points at
Chuck with his dramatically
furrowed brow, smoldering
for the camera. “Those types
of women have no scruples or
self-respect. They’ll do
anything for money. I mean,
they’re practically
prostitutes.” The sparkle
extinguishes from Matthew’s
blue eyes as he frowns at the
nervous women, willing to do
anything— to be anything—
for a rose.

“Trust me, I know the
type,” Matthew murmurs to
the last few drops of wine
clinging to the bottom of his
glass. I watch as a flash of
anger streaks across his face
like lightning across a
summer night’s sky. He
shakes his head, pulling
himself back from his
memories, smirking at the
television. “But, I can tell that
guy deserves what he gets,”
he laughs.

“We can turn it off now
anyway,” I smile. The last
thing I wanted to do is upset
him with the show. It never
occurred to me that it might
remind him of the money-
grubbing women he’s dated.

“Oh don’t stop watching
the best show in the world on
my account,” he quotes me
and I can’t help but laugh at
the statement. “Anyway,
women like that don’t matter
anymore. Not that they ever
really did, but especially now
that I have you. You’re so
different from them. You’re
not just beautiful, you’re kind
and tough…”

“Go on,” I tease.

“I’m serious, I’ve never
met anyone like you, Kendra.
You’re truly one of a kind.”
He leans over me and the
smell of wine and his musk
fill the air around us. I can’t
hear the television or
anything else for that matter,
when he looks at me like that
all I can hear is the sound of
my heartbeat in my ears. His
top lip grazes against mine
and his breath warms my skin
like the first warm day after a
long winter. Without
speaking a word, he shares
his past pain, his sorrow and
his secrets in his kiss. When
he pulls back I feel like I
know more about him from
that one tender moment than I
could learn in ten

Running his thumb down
the profile of my face, he
pushes his forehead against
mine and sighs like he’s
letting go of a burden carried
for more years than he’s been
alive. I want to take away his
pain, to keep him in the
present here with me, not
fighting battles he seems to
have already lost.

My heart in my throat, I
kiss his neck and trail my
hand down over his tight t-
shirt clinging to his sculpted
abs. I hesitate for a moment,
unsure of myself, but then
continue down until I reach
his belt buckle. Matthew’s
eyes are filled with surprise
as I tug his belt free and unzip
his jeans, burying my hand
inside his open fly and
wrapping it around his cock. I
can feel it growing hard in
my hand with each stroke and
without breaking my eyes
from his, I slide down off the
couch onto his luxurious,
white carpet and settle down
comfortably onto my knees in
front of him.

He tugs his pants down
over his ass, his cock springs
out in front of my face and I
lick my lips as butterflies
float around in my belly. I’ve
never taken a man in my
mouth before, hell up until a
couple weeks ago I hadn’t
done more than kiss a guy.
Porn has never been a big
turn on for me either, so I
haven’t even watched a lot of
women going down. I
understand the mechanics of
giving a blow job alright, I’m
just nervous that I’ll be awful
at it.

I take him in my hand,
wrapping my fingers around
his girth and swipe my tongue
over the head of his cock,
breathing him in. Pushing my
lips over him, I’m surprised
by how wide I have to open
my mouth. His cock slides
over the curve of my tongue,
feeling warm and full in my
mouth. I glide my lips up and
down over his glistening
shaft, going faster as my
saliva coats him.

Matthew leans back into
the couch and closes his eyes,
letting out a deep groan of
satisfaction. Trying to take
him too deep into my mouth
makes my eyes water, so I
keep my strokes shallow and
quick until I feel his cock
start to thicken. I’m feeling
fairly confident that I’m
doing this right when
Matthew suddenly pulls his
hips back from me and pulls
me off of him by my

“What’s wrong? Did I
hurt you? I’m sorry I’ve
never done that and…” I feel
so flustered, I can’t stop the
words from spilling out my

“Hey, you didn’t hurt me.
Trust me there’s nothing
wrong, Kendra. Never
apologize for your lack of
experience, it’s nothing to be
ashamed of. I didn’t stop you
because you were doing
something wrong, ok? I
stopped you because you’re
doing it a little too well. I’m
never going to last if you
keep that up,” he smiles down
at me, and I can’t help but
smile back.

“That’s the point, isn’t it?
I’m not worried, I know
you’ll bounce back.” If the
evenings we’re already spent
together have been any
indication, this will just be
the first orgasm of many. “I
want to do this for you,” I tell
him softly. He relaxes back
into the couch and I continue,
this time swirling my tongue
over the head of his cock
every time I slide my mouth
back to the tip. I feel his
member twitch against my
tongue and Matthew throws
his head back as his seed fills
my mouth.

“Kendra, that was
incredible.” Matthew helps
me to my feet and stands up
to pull his pants back up. As
soon as he has them fastened,
he lifts me off the ground and
tosses me over his shoulder,
making me squeal.

“What are ya doing? Put
me down,” I kick my feet in
the air playfully.

He gives my ass a sharp
smack, “I will.” He walks me
down the echoing hallway to
his bedroom, holding me like
a firefighter rescuing a
woman from a burning

Matthew lays me on his
sprawling, four poster bed
and I lean back on my
elbows, smiling at his antics.
Unbuttoning his shirt, he pins
me to the bed with his eyes.

“Are you just gonna let
me lie here like this?” I purr,
“I thought you said that you
like to have control in the
bedroom Matthew,” I tease

He arches his eyebrow
with the thin white scar
across it at me, “Don’t tempt
me, Kendra.”

“Try me,” I counter,
sticking my chin out
defiantly. I’m surprised by
my own words; the wine must
be making me brave.

Matthew swiftly crosses
the floor, opening the top
drawer of his walnut dresser.
My breathing grows shallow
and quick as he pulls out a
small coil of thin, nylon rope
and a blindfold. He unzips his
pants, leaving them in a
fabric puddle on the floor.
My eyes struggle to choose a
focus, darting back and forth
between the rope and his stiff

Dropping the accessories
on the edge of the bed, he
watches my reaction, amused.
“Still think you’re ready?”

My mind might be a little
reluctant, but my body isn’t,
my hard nipples and slick
pussy are begging me to give
in. “I know I am.”

Matthew grabs my legs,
pulling me toward him at the
edge of the bed until he’s
towering over me. “Take off
your shirt, Kendra,” he

I sit up in front of him,
trying not to get distracted by
his throbbing erection. His
blue eyes flare with an
intensity so overwhelming
that I have to look away. I
pretend to be preoccupied
with unbuttoning my shirt to
stop myself from being
intimidated by yet another
first for me. “This too?” I ask
about my black lace bra. He
answers me with a slight nod,
and I toss it aside with my

“Hold your arms together
in front of you, like this,” he
presses my forearms against
each other. I comply, offering
my hands to him like a
criminal surrendering to a
cop. Matthew ties a simple
knot around my wrist and
wraps the rope around my
arms, slithering it up toward
my elbows like a boa
constrictor. After a few more
knots, he seems satisfied with
his work. Testing the rope,
I’m surprised by how tight
he’s tied me, my forearms
don’t budge.

“There’s no use in trying,”
Matthew’s eyes twinkle, “the
only way you’re getting out
of that is when I let you out.”
He places the blindfold over
my eyes and secures it snug
against my eyes. With my
sight removed, I’m listening
carefully to the quiet room,
but I have no sense of where
Matthew is until he pushes
me backward onto the bed.

He peels my pants and
underwear off so quick that I
barely have time to register
that I’m naked before he
hovers over me, his breath
teasing my hard nipples. I
arch my back to meet his
mouth, but he effortlessly lifts
me and moves me back on
the bed, climbing between my
legs. Matthew grabs the
ropes, roughly hauling my
arms up over my head and
holds them against the
mattress. I writhe against his
cool comforter, desperate to
feel his touch.


“Please, what?” He
sounds amused, “what do you
want me to do to you,

I bite my lip to stop
myself from begging; he’s
loving this. He presses the
head of his cock against my
clit and a moan escapes from
my lips.

“Tell me,” he insists,
pulling back from me,
making me cry out with
disappointment and buck my
hips up to meet the heat of his

“Please,” I plead again,
hoping it will be enough.

“Please what, Kendra?”

I sigh, “please fuck me,” I
whisper to the empty air
around me.

My body is suddenly
covered by his. Matthew lets
go of the ropes, but I hold my
own hands in place over my
head. His tongue circles my
nipple and he presses my
thighs open against the
mattress, exposing my pussy
for his pleasure.

“Say it again,” he growls,
“I didn’t hear you.”

“Matthew, please fuck
me!” I know I sound
desperate. I am desperate.

He slides his cock into my
tight pussy in one thrust, still
holding my thighs tight to his
bed. I gasp, arching my back
and throwing my head back
as the warmth of his cock fills

He fucks me slowly,
under steady control and
without my sight or the use of
my arms I can feel every inch
of his thick cock sliding into
me. I want to touch him, to
cling to his shoulders, to
press against him. I lift my
bound hands up toward him
in a feeble attempt to reach

I expect him to push me
back down, but he grabs the
rope and tugs me up until I’m
sitting astride him, his cock
buried deep inside my

“I see you need to be
restrained more,” he breathes
in my ear and pulls my tied
forearms over his head, so
they are wrapped around his
neck like a frozen hug.

“Mmmm, maybe I do,” I
press into him, enjoying his
muscular frame against me.

Without a word, he scoops
me up off the bed, and I wrap
my legs around his waist
instinctively. I can feel the air
swishing around me as he
twirls us around and walks
away from the bed. My back
hits up against the cold, hard
wall with a light thud and his
cock pushes deeper inside
than I’ve ever felt before.

Blindfolded and held
against the wall with my arms
tied in an embrace around
Matthew’s neck, I’m helpless
to move. I’m surprised by
how excited being this
powerless makes me feel. He
fucks me deep and fast, his
breathing growing raspy in
my ear.

My entire body tightens as
the ecstasy of my orgasm
rushes through me in a
powerful tidal wave, flooding
me with an intense pleasure
I’ve never thought was
possible. Matthew pushes
deep inside me, a shudder
running from the back of his
neck down to his legs as his
cock twitches inside me,
filling me with his cum.

He holds me there, the
only sounds I can hear is our
panting and my heart
thumping against his chest.
The cool air mixes with the
sweat on my body, making
me shiver against him.
Matthew pulls out of me,
letting me steady my feet
underneath me before pulling
my arms back up over his
head and removing my

I blink at the light of the
room, my eyes still sensitive
from the darkness, “that was

“You’re amazing,” he
smiles softly, kissing my
forehead. “I love you

“I love you too,
Chapter 7

Matthew’s arm is wrapped
tight around me and his body
is curved against mine, our
bodies making a shape on the
bed that matches the smile on
my lips. The evidence of our
passionate night is strewn
about the room, clothing
haphazardly discarded, my
bra hanging dangling from
the back of the chair, rope
snaked across the carpet.

My skin flashes with heat
as I remember how intense
my orgasm was against the
wall. Giving up control to
Matthew, letting him take my
sight and the use of my hands
should’ve made me feel
vulnerable, but it filled me
with a freedom that I’ve
never experienced before. A
freedom to just feel, to enjoy,
to savor the moment as it was

I grind my hips back,
pushing my ass against
Matthew as he kisses the back
of my neck.

“Well, good morning to
you too. I was starting to
think you were going to sleep
all day,” he teases. I twist
back to face him, giving him
a quick kiss.

“How long have you been

“A little while, I just like
holding you. It’s so relaxing
to have you in my arms. I
wish I didn’t have to go into
the office today, I could do
this forever.”

“When do you have to go
in?” I press myself against
him, the heat of his body
spilling over mine.

“Soon, but we can get
ready together. You want to
join me in the shower?” He
sucks on my earlobe, trying
to sweeten the offer.

“No. You’ve never dated
a black girl, have you?
Actually, don’t answer that. I
don’t want to know.” I wave
my hand to stop him from

He kisses my neck again,
“Come on, it’ll feel empty in
there without you,” he drags
his lips down over my
collarbone and flickers his
tongue over the top of my
breast, tempting me.

“Just go enjoy your hot
shower. You’ll manage
without me,” I laugh.

“Well, the door is open if
you change your mind,” he
pouts and his boyish charm
almost makes me want to
change my mind… almost.
He disappears into the
bathroom and I muster the
motivation to leave the cloud
he calls a bed.

Once I’ve tracked down
all my clothes, I start getting
ready when Matthew’s phone
starts ringing. His voicemail
will get it, I run my fingers
through my hair in front of
the mirror, trying to fix my
bed head as much as possible.
Whoever is calling seems to
keep hanging up when the
voicemail kicks in and calls
right back. It rings four times,
pause, then four more, pause.
Should I answer it? Maybe
it’s an emergency.

I follow the noise to his
crumpled jeans, fishing the
cell out of his pocket. My
hand freezes in midair as I
see Marjorie’s face on the
incoming caller ID. Why is
his ex-fiance calling him?
Her crazy behavior at the
Heart and Stroke fundraiser a
couple weeks ago reply in my
mind. How many more times
does he need to reject her
before she’ll give up? I drop
the silent phone on
Matthew’s dresser. She seems
to have finally quit her
childish phone strategy as the
cell doesn’t start up again,
even after a few minutes.

Matthew appears beside
my reflection in the mirror
wearing only a towel and
glistening droplets of water.
The steam from the shower is
puffing out around his feet
making his perfect body look
even more like a
hallucination. I jealously
watch beads of water lick his
skin as they slide down to the
plush towel.

“You know, I was
thinking that we should get
out of the city, what do you
say? Would you like to spend
the weekend in the Hamptons
with me? The beach is still
nice and quiet this time of
year. A little windy, but still
beautiful and empty.” He
pulls his towel off casually
and I will myself not to blink
as I study him.

“I’d love to, as long as
you don’t mind me working
on some schoolwork too.”

“I promise that I’ll try to
restrain myself long enough
to let you get it done,” he
smirks, pulling on his dress

“You don’t wear any
underwear, even at the
office?” It’s so
unprofessional, so risky, so…

“I never wear them, if I
can help it. Strange invention
if you ask me, they just get in
the way. If I had it my way,
you’d never wear them
either,” my body responds
immediately to his thick
voice. “I think that I should
have my driver drop you off
at home before I head into the
office,” his eyes glint

“Do you think that’s a
good idea?” I look up at him
from under my lashes, “we
have some naughty
tendencies when we travel
together like that.”

“Exactly,” he slides on his
earthy gray jacket, looking
just as good dressed as he
does naked.

“So, what are we waiting

* * * *

Before the elevator doors
open to the lobby, I can hear
the raging screams by the
doorman’s desk. Matthew
protectively wraps his arm
around me as we turn the
corner. We both jerk to a
sudden stop when we see
Marjorie’s twisted angry face
and her balled up hands
shaking at the doorman.

The poor guy looks tired,
“Ma’am, you know I can’t
just let you go up there. It’s
my job.”

“Listen to me, if you don’t
let me go up there, you won’t
have a goddamned job. Do
you understand?” She shrieks
in his face.

The doorman looks over
at us like the last dog waiting
at the animal shelter and
Marjorie turns around to see
what has drawn his eye.

“Well, isn’t this just
favorable timing? Exactly the
man I was looking for.” Her
voice is suddenly cool as she
smooths her hands over her
blond hair and gains
composure. From raging
maniac to a robot in less than
ten seconds, that’s gotta be
some kind of record in the
World Guinness Book of

“What do you want?”
Matthew doesn’t mince his
words; his tone could slice
through steel. “Do I need to
get a restraining order, is that
what it’s going to take?”

“Oh, Matthew. So
dramatic,” she purrs,
completely ignoring his
threat. “I see you have your
little charity case with you
too. Perfect,” she smiles like
a human Cheshire cat, which
is appropriate because this
scene is starting to make me
feel like Alice fumbling for
meaning in the world of

“What the hell are you
talking about,” Matthew
growls, pulling me into him
tighter. “You know what? I
don’t want to know, just
leave Marjorie.”

“Ah, ah, ah. You can’t get
rid of me that fast. You see, I
know all about your little
secret now Mattie. I know all
about your little girlfriend
and why you took on this pity
party.” She returns his
burning glare, unblinking. My
eyes water, just looking at

“I don’t know what you
think you’ve figured out and I
don’t care.”

“Oh, I think you do, and
I’m going to enlighten your
little community service
project here,” she looks at me
pointedly. “First, I should tell
Miss Cole here that I regret to
inform you that you didn’t get
the job at Bravark. Tough
break dear,” her voice drips
with sarcasm and my head
spins. How did she know
about my interview? What is
she talking about?

Matthew’s face pales,
“you didn’t tell me that your
interview was at Bravark,” he
looks at me frantically.

“You didn’t ask, why does
it matter? What the fuck is
she going on about?” I’m
tired of this game.

“Marjorie, how the fuck
did you…?” He trails off,
gritting his teeth together.

“Oh, it wasn’t hard when
this one,” she flops her hand
in my direction, “was handing
out her card at the fundraiser
like she was at a job fair. As
soon as I saw her hand one to
Daddy, I arranged a little
interview. You know, it’s
amazing how much
information people will give
up about themselves when
they think it’s for a job. In
your case, a job you will
never deserve,” she sneers at

My head tingles as the
personal interview questions
flood my mind. I had known
that something was off, but I
didn’t know what. I still

“And having a social
security number,” she
continues, “makes a
background check just oh-so-

I’m fighting a current to
stay above water, “so, that
wasn’t a real interview? Why
would you do that?”

“No, it wasn’t real,”
Matthew finally interjects,
“Bravark is her father’s
business, Kendra. He lets
Marjorie hang out around
there and gives her a
paycheck.” I can see the fury
seething just below the
surface of his face as he looks
back at Marjorie. “It sounds
like you’ve already broken a
lot of laws, Marjorie. I
suggest that you get the fuck
out of here, right fucking
now, before I have you
explaining this little mind
fuck to the police.”

“Does she know?”
Marjorie lunges forward,
snapping at us like an
alligator bursting through the
jungle swamp to snatch it’s
unsuspecting prey. “Does she
know how you got your scar
Matthew? Does she know
about your Daddy’s little

“Enough Marjorie!”

“I always knew you had
issues because of your father,
but this is ridiculous,” she
points at me. “Dating her
isn’t going to bring back her
poor, dead Daddy. Will it
sweetheart?” She smiles at
me, and if I wasn’t so
confused I would wipe her
smirk off with my fist.

“Marjorie, ENOUGH!”
His voice echoes off of every
surface in the sleek lobby,
like a crack of thunder
warning of a storm.

“What the hell is she
talking about, Matthew?” I
look at his twisted face and
see something else mixed in
with the anger. Pain. He’s
starting to look more like a
wounded animal stuck in a
trap than the roaring lion we
just heard.

“Oh dear, you mean he
hasn’t told you?” Her voice is
like sugar mixed with glass,
“you see, Kendra, Matthew’s
father was many things, but
more than anything he was a
worthless alcoholic. When he
died in a car crash, of course,
he was drunk off his ass, as
usual. But he didn’t just kill
himself in the accident, did he

Matthew doesn’t move;
his arm has dropped to his
side. I wait for him to indicate
whether or not Marjorie is
speaking the truth, but he’s

“He also killed your poor,
innocent Daddy, Kendra.”
My lungs burn as my head
starts crashing under the tide.
What did she say? “Young
Mattie was right there,
weren’t you?” She smiles at
him. “That’s how he got that
ghastly scar across his
eyebrow because he was
there when your father was
gasping his final breaths on
the ground that night. All
thanks to his dear old drunk
Dad.” She looks so smug.

Matthew doesn’t move,
“is it true?” I whisper. I can’t
breathe, I’m drowning.


“So how about you go
now, get on out of here, Miss
Cole,” Marjorie smirks. “I’d
say that Mattie has repaid his
Daddy’s debt, wouldn’t you?
No need to sit around looking
for more handouts just
because he feels sorry for

I glance at Matthew
through my blurry tears, but
he’s catatonic. “Is this why
you showed up at the diner?
To find me? This is why you
insisted on a date? So you
could fucking feel better?
Because you feel indebted to
me or something?”

His face has aged ten
years during this
conversation; his eyes are
clouded and he answers me
through his unmoving lips,

I don’t run, I don’t stomp,
I just walk out the front door
and don’t look back. Matthew
doesn’t try to chase me down,
or call me, he just let’s me go.

He said I was different
from all the other girls,
different from women like
Marjorie. Now I see why. I
was never meant to be his
girlfriend, I was supposed to
absolve him of guilt. Guilt for
watching my father die.

This is the end of
Indebted Part 2.

Part 3 is available
exclusively at Amazon, now.
To learn about all of Sadie’s
freebies and new releases,
subscribe to her newsletter:
Find out how the series
ends with Indebted Part
Three. Available exclusively
to borrow or purchase on
Amazon, now.

“Maybe you won’t ever
get hurt again, but guess
what? You’ll never be happy
again either.”

The moment Kendra has
been dreaming of for years
has finally arrived. Why then,
does it feel so empty? In only
a few days, Kendra will be
graduating at the top of her
class with her masters in
hand. Despite Marjorie's
temporary set-back, she's
managed to find a marketing
job in the city, and she's
finally going to be able to
leave her minimum wage
diner job behind. Her drive
and tireless dedication have
paid off! Yet, she's never felt
more confused and alone.

After delving deeper into

Matthew's past, Kendra learns
that things are not always
what they first appear. Now
that the final puzzle pieces
have clicked into place and
she has an accurate picture of
Matthew Blackwell, she
wants him back in her life.

The problem is, he doesn't

seem to feel the same way.

Will Kendra be able to

convince Matthew to
overlook their tumultuous
beginning in order to have a
future together? Or has
Matthew had enough of
watching Kendra run away?

Find out by downloading
the series finale of Indebted
from Amazon now.
Want more from Sadie
Black? Check out the sizzling
3 part series of Between Her
Bosses. All three parts are
free through Kindle
Unlimited! There is a box set
available at a discounted
price for those without a

Between Her Bosses:
Indulgence. You can
purchase it or read it for free
with a Kindle Unlimited
subscription exclusively at

"Well then, you'll just
have to choose... right

In the blink of an eye, the

flash of a smile, a 40 second
phone call, absolutely
everything can change.

When Kadeesha lands the

career of her dreams she
decides to follow her good
fortune wherever it takes her.
With Mr. Lawson's charming
dimples and dazzling blue
eyes, she's hooked from the
moment they meet. She didn't
realize that the billionaire
CEO, Mr. Hollingsworth,
would be equally enticing
with his dark, handsome
features and brooding nature.

Caught in a love triangle

between two bosses, two
lovers, how long will
Kadeesha be able to toy with
both men before they find
out? Will she still be
interested if they decide that
they both want to play her
game with her, at the same

Then book two,
Between Her Bosses:
Fractured, which is also
available for sale or to borrow
for free with Kindle
Unlimited on your Kindle.
“I know, Kadeesha, I
saw you two together.”

Kadeesha's life couldn't be

more amazing with a high
paying job and two gorgeous
bosses worshiping her every
night. Everything in their
three person arrangement was
going perfectly. That is, until
Chuck insisted that Kadeesha
meet with him and only him
for a date.

What will Kadeesha do when

her sexy billionaire menage
becomes a messy love
triangle? When faced with a
choice between two perfect
men, can Kadeesha make a
decision that her heart and
head will both agree on?

And the final book in
the series, Between Her
Bosses 3: Obsession (Finale)

Want to read through to
the exciting conclusion of this
series? Find out whether
Kadeesha ends up with a
handsome billionaire on a
beach, walks down the aisle,
or walks out of both of their
lives forever.

“I’m a powerful man,
Kadeesha, and I always get
what I want."

Kadeesha's life is in freefall.

When video footage of her
billionaire lovers fighting
over her is leaked to the
news, she's forced to choose
between them or walk away
from it all. In the exciting
conclusion of the Between
Her Bosses series, Obsession
takes us on a roller coaster
ride with Kadeesha. Will she
choose to run away with
Charles or marry Jacob? Does
she decide to walk away and
leave both billionaires
behind? And if she does, will
they let her go?

A Note From Sadie

I would like to sincerely
thank you for buying or
borrowing my book. If you
enjoyed this story, I would
really appreciate if you could
leave me an honest rating and
review on Amazon or at
Goodreads. As an
independent author, my work
thrives on word of mouth and
reviews, so any and all
feedback is truly appreciated.

Feel free to connect
with me on twitter
@_sadieblack or on
Facebook. You can follow me
to find out when I’m
releasing new titles, but I’d
also love to have real
conversations with you. I’m
always happy to hear your
ideas and what you like or
don’t like about my work.

Thank you again for
supporting independent
authors, like me, without you
we would have shoe boxes
full of crazy story ideas and
no one to read them.

About the Author

Sadie Black is a 30-
something author living on
the east coast. She’s married
to a man who isn’t a
billionaire, but is her happily
ever after (and they have four
rug rats to prove it). If she
isn’t dreaming up steamy
romance stories or chasing
her children then someone
should file a missing person
report, because she is always
doing one or the other.

To tell Sadie what you
love, hate or would like to
read more of, send her an
email at:

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