Twenty) :: of Sreel Allowed: Full

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June 2019

Desrclr oF SrEEL Srnuctune

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Full Mqrk: 70

Answer to Question No.l is compulsory and to be answered first.

This answer is to be made in separate loose script(s) provided for the purpose.
Maximum time allowed is 45 minutes, after which the loose answer scripts will be collected and
fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question will be provided.
On early submission of answer scripts of Question No.l,
a student will get the remaining script earlier.

Answer any five questions from the rest.

Answer the following questions (any twenty): 1x20

Fill in the blanks:

i) A laterally unsupported beam buckles in direction.

ii) Bending stress is maximum in of the beam.
iii) A column section comprising of two separate channel sections spaced apart ate connected by
to work as a composite-section. -
iv) The diameter of bolt hole is =- than nominal diameter of bolt.
v) The Load factor under (DL + LL) combination i.
vi) The bolts which are connected to base plate to keep the base plate in contact with concrete base is
known as _.
vii) --'
The leg of an angle section which is not connected to the other connected member is known as

viii) Sag Angle generally is a member.

State whether thelollowing statements are TRUE or FALSE:

ix) For a beam section shear stress is maximum at the flanges.

x) The face of a structure where wind strikes first is known as Leeward side.
xi) A purlin is designed as a beam with two span continuous.
xii) The bottom chord member of a cantilever roof truss is essentially a compression member.
xiii) In a bracket connection the overall stress is minimum in a bolt which is at a maximum distance
from centroid of the bolt system.
xiv) ln calculation of effective area of an angle under tension equal weightage of connected and
outstanding leg of the angles are considered.
xv) For any column Ly and Lx may be different'
xvi) Open sections are stronger against Torsion.

Choose the correct answer-from the given alternatives:

xvii) Beam should be designed for (a) flexural strength ; (b) stiffness ; (c.1 local buckling ; (d) all the

xviii) A column that can support same load in compression that it can in tension is classified as (a) short
column ; (b) long column ; (c) intermediate column ; (d) none of these.

xix) The mode of failure of fillet weld is (a) tension ; (b) shear ; (c) bearing ; (d) crushing.

xx) The maximum slendemess ratio for a tension member in which reversal of direct stress occurs due
to loads other than wind or seismic forces, is (a) 150; (b) 180 ; (c) 250 ; (d) 300.
xxi) The ratio of allowable stress in bending compression to that of bending tension in
steel beams is
(a)I ; (b) <or: I ; (c)>or: 1 ; (d) > l.
xxii) The maximum pitch of the bolts for a compression member should not exceed (a) 2.5
times the
diameter of the bolts ; (b) 2.5 times the diameter of the bolt hole (c) l2t or 200 mm whichever
; is
less ; (d) 16t or 200 mm whichever is less. (where, t is the minimum thickness of plate).

xxiii) A steel plate is 25 cm wide arrd 12 mm thick. If the diameter ol the bolt hoie is 20 rnm.
the ner
sectional area of the prate is (a) 27 cm2 ; (b) 27 .6 cm2 ; (c) 2i 6 cr'i (d) 25 cm2 .

xxiv) The shear strength of the bolt can be written as t'sAo, where f, is given by : (a) / ({3 X 1.25) ;
(b) f;/ (i3 x f .i0);(c) f,/ 1r/: x r.zs;;(d) f"/ 1r/:

Two plates 10 mm X 60 mm are connected in a lap joint with 5 M 16 bolts of grade 4.6 and 410 grade
plates. The centre to centre distance of bolts (pitch) is 40 mm and edge distance
on both sides is 30 mm.
Calculate the strength of the joint. Assume shear plane is through the tlireaded portion.

a) What is thoat thickness of weld?

b) The tie member of a truss is made of ISA 75 X75 X 6 and it is subjected to a lacrored tensile
of 100 KN. It is connected to 8 mm thick gusset piate. Design a welded connection (site weld).
The centroid of the section is 20.6 mm from the back of the table side of the ang1e. Drar.v a
also. 1+9

4. A single unequal angle ISA 100 X 75 X 8 is connected to a 12 mm thick gusset plate at the ends with 6
numbers of 20 mm diameter bolts to transfer the tension at pitch 50 mm and edge distance
30 mm.
Determine the design tensile strength of the angle if the gusset plate is conlected to the 100
mm leg. The
yield strength and the ultimate strength of the steel l,."d u.. )sOwpu and 400 Mpa respectivety.
gauge distance of bolts is at a distance 60 mm from the back of the table side of the angle.
5. Determine the allowable design axial load on the column section ISMB 450
@ 710.3 N / m . Height of the
column is 4 m and it is pin g1{ed Alsume that fr:250 N / mmr;
i,:410 N !111m, ;E -2X 10, fr/;r;
Sectionalproperties,A":9227 mm';h:450inm;bs:150mm;t1: 17.4mm,t;*:9.4r11r;rz:1g1.5
rnm ; ry: 30.10 mm. 10

6. Design the base plate for an ISHB 300 @ 618 N /m column to carqr a factored load of 1000
KN. Assume
Fe4l0gradesteelandM25gradeconcrete.ForthesectionA:g025mm2;h:300mm;b1 :250mm;t1
= 10.6 mm ;t*:9.4 mm;I,,: 12950 X 106 mma ; r.,: 127.0 mm; Ir, :22.46 X 106 m;4 r,,: 52.9
mm' ro
7. A simply supportedsteel joist of 5.0 m span has to supporl a load of 60 KN /m (inciusive of self weight) .
The beam compression flange is restrained against bucttlng. Design an appropriate section using
steel of
200mm;tr:13 mm;t*:8.6mm; 11 :13 mm;2,:1.171 X lObmm3 ;I,,:234.26i 10um-r;E:2.0
x losN/mm2. lo
8. A truss bottom chord member (tie member) is subjected to an axial tensile load of 112.5 KN under DL
condition and 130.5 KN under LL condition. Design a suitable section for the member. A double
back to back member on both sides of 10 mm thick gusset plate may be designed with L*
= 3.125 m and
h=5.0m.AvailablesectionsareISAg0xg0x8,ISA 10-0x l00ksandtSezs x:5x6. 10

9. 8, if the minimum DL is 85% of maximum DL and axiai compression

under WL is 225 same bottom chord member fo load. 10
Sectional area Centre of gravity Moment of Inertia Radii of gyration
Angle Section
mm' Crr: Cuu in mm Ir,: Iru in mma rr, : ruu in mm
ISA 75 )(75X6 866 20.6 45.7 X 10', 23
ISA90X90X8 1379 25.1 104.2x t0* 27.5
ISA 100 x 100 x8 1 539 27.6 145.1X10* 30.7
Moment of Inertif
about major axislu
186.7 X I
102.3X t
10. Design a channel section purlin for aa Industriar
building roof for the folrowing data:
(a) Distance between c/c of truss is 10
(b) Distance between c/c ofpurlins is
1.35 m.
length of purlin about minor axis is one
!:l fff:.r-."
(d) Inclination of roof surface with the
rhird that of major axis.
horizontal is 1V : 3H.
(e) Weight of sheets 175 N /m.
(f) Wind load normal to the roof : 1.5 KN
/ m2.
(g) Steel of grade Fe 4 I 0.
Any other data may be suitably assumed.

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