DPP (For Vacation)

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A Srd period and srd group (6) 4h period and 4ih group

(C) 3rd period and 2nd group (D) 4th perlod and 3rd group
. Which of the following slalemernt(s) sare conect
A)An element with three elecrons in the ouler mos subshell belongs to nikrogen family
6) An element thal woud lend to lose two electrons belongs lo aikaline earth metal groupie. 2 group.

(O) 17" oroup have only non-metals which may exist as solid, liquid as well as gas at room temp.
Vhich tem nts ar
of eriodic table. the number of period indicates the value of principel
quatum number
8) There are four d-block series comprising of total 40 eiements In the long form of periodic table
ana -DiOCk olements are metals.
(0)All p-block elements are non-metal

Read the following comprebension carefully and answwer the questions (a) to (c).
w o n e n o s Hont and0nn, stuoens or chemsty once dscussing on penooctD6, t e n o COnclusOn
that because ol Aulbau rule and other pincipies their thoughts are restncied Tor Turther discussion on
electronic arrangements of atoms. They decided nol to obey Aufbau rule and capacity of each orbltal is

increased to three eledtrons Le. insiead of wo each orbta can take maximum othree eieirons. Now on
w arrangement of roht and jonn answer the tolowing questions assuming the tolai no. o
elements is 112

la, What
i s the number of elements in third period and tiih period respecively
22. 27
wna s e Diock ot enens wn atomic n u o 2 6 , 4

(D) d.p.s
cl. What is elecric configuration of the element with atomic number437
C) 1s:2s 2p/3s3p 3d4s4p"5s 4d D) 1s2s 2p3s 3p 3d4s'
Total Number of
elementsLI,which are belong lo same penod (
Na, Mg. F, Ne,Sc, P, Ar

l e g Prm


DPP No. 2
Max. Time: 28 min.

TopiC : Periodic Table and Periodicity

Type of Que stions M.M., Min.

(8 marks, 3 min-)
o e cnoice oDective ( negative marking) Q.1 to Q.4
Q.5 to Q .
noeooetv negatve markingl 4mar
Subiective Ouestions eative marking) 2.8 (4 marks, 5min.i 14,51

1. Which of the following speciesill have the smallestSze ?

A) L Mg ()AP (0)K
In the isoeledronic species, the ionic radii (A) ofN, OandFare respectively given by
(A) 1.36, 1.40, 1.71 (8) 1.36, 1.71, 1.40 (C) 1.71, 1.40, 1.36 (0)1.71, 1.36, 1.40

ofAl is smaler ihan that of Mg because

The first ionisation energy
n e omc numo OASrear a
(3) the alomic size of Al is less than that of Mg
CPenetration of s-subshell elecdrons in case of Mg is greater than that of p-subshiell nA
(D) Mg has incompletely nled S-orosa
n e correc oroer or s e c o o n o 0 poenua o o ooe09

wnch one oowng areoeosenes (C) B", He, LP () N, S, c

6 In which of the folowing palirs, the tirst members has gher irst ionizalion
(6) B, B ()A,

compie answer the questions (a) to (c).

ena required to remove
The minimum amountof
The amountof enerqy the most loosely bound electron from an isolated atom in
the gaseoUS Sate is Known as onisation energy or tiist oniselton e e g y or o n s a o n eninpy u s o n e

elemet. The energy required to remove the second eieciron rom tne nonOvalen caon s caedSecona
lonisation enthalpy (E). Similary. we have third. fourth. nisationenthalpies.The values ofonisabon
eneray dependson anumbero fedos such as soheamsaeige cera
to riat exceot few exoeptions and decre ases from top to bottorm in the group. Inert gas has the hignesi vue
of L.E in the period.

118 1A52
(a). Which of the following is likely to De 2 group element
(0) Both X&Y
(b). Which of the following pair represents elements of the same group:
A) Y (0) X, Y. 2
() A A
(C. Energy (in kimole) required for the process 2 * 2 will be
A) 11 B) 1220 ()1358 (D) 2872
Arange the following in increasing rad
()LI'. Na". K (b) Mg. Mg. Mg (C) , N,F

(e) Mg", Ca*

. In which of the following pairs, the first members has higher first ionization energy?
(D) F, C
(A)N, O (8) B, Be (C)AI,Ga
Read the olowing comprenenson carefuly and answertne questons (a to tc)
The minimum amount of energy required to renmove the most loosely Dound eiecron from an soBed atomin
the gaseous state is known as ionisation energy or fisi konisation energy or onSalion enthapy (E) of the

element. The eneroyrequired to remove tne second eecion trom ne monovaentcaionS calied secono
energy depends on a number of factors such as ( size of the atom ( sareening effect () nuclear chargpe
(v) half flled and fully filed orbitals (M shape ol orbital. in penodic table, ionisation enerOy increases irom ien
o ngnt excEp ewexcpions ana Oecreasesom toplo bOom in thegroup. inet gas nas une nignes v a E
OTE In the perlod.

122 40 1890
9 1100
1220 1852

(a). Which of the following is likely to be 2" group element :

(C)Y (D) Both X&Y

(b). Which of the following pair represenis elements of the same group
( ) A, 4 ()%, Y 2
(c). Energy (in kJ/mole) required for the process 2 2 2e will be
1220 (C) 1838 2872
Arrange the following in increasing rad
(c) O, NF
g) K, Ca*
(e) Mg, Ca N n)

eing for bettar tomorrow


DPP No. 3
DPP Max. Time:
28 min.
Topic : Periodic Tabie and Periodicity

M., Min.
Type of Questions
2.4 man
n lectve neaative marking) .5to a. (4 marks. Amin
(3 marks, J min-) ,
Comprehension (-1 negative marking) a.7
Subjective Questions ( - 1 negative marking) . 6
mars, b min.) (4, 61

For an element 'A", the first ionisain CE Ecaly

of A e (D) None of these

scale and IP & EA are in eV

Vhich of the folowing relation
is comect if EN
value on Muliken

(8)2LP-EA, +EN.0
(C)2 ENLP-EA. =0
The five successive onisetion energies of an element X
O) EN-P-EA. =
are 800, 1427. 2658, 25024 and 32824 KJ mole

spectively. The valency of X'is:

(A) 1 B) ()
Number of elements which has value of electronegative is less Ihan 3
H, N, LI, B, 0, P,F
(8) 4 ()

ment rect
rdroneoative and Cs is the most electropositive element in penooic tae
(B) The EN of halogens decreases fromt0
(C) The E.A. of CI Is higher than that of F, though their EN Values are in the reverse order.

(0) The EA. O nobie ga5es s

of of ihe tollowing is cormect

3. For electron athnity halogens wfhich (D) F <
A) Br (B) F« (D
Comprehension #
Read the following comprehension carefuly and answertne questons (to(c
The propers orne elemenS (romOniC T,. eieciron gan ennapy. onizaon enthapy.
propertesy isioo/reducing dharacier, e
acidbase cna
power, Bo0Dase
OxdSmgrOung power.
eeironeg vaency, e oroperties show a regular
related to thelr electronic cong
d oe krom too to bottom in a group. Down a group, ue
r harader and reducing charadter incre ases while ionization enuna
decreases. Along a period trom left to right. atomicionic radir and metailic
onization enthalpy, eledronegalvity, non-metalic character and oxdsing povWer increases. However, electron
a perOd, In contrast, inen
Decomes ess negauve d o w n a group
DUt more nogative along
n nnPy
regular tren.
gain entnalpies Wnich do shOw any
ases nave posive erECIOn

(a). vwhich of the lolowing isoelectronic ions has the lowESt fisl onzation enthalpy

(A) K* (6) C8
of the most eledtronegative elerment is:
O.Tne outemmosi elecronic configuralion
(B) ns np
(C).Amongsi the following elements (whose electronic configurations are given below). the one having the

n enthaloy
(C) INe]3s 3p ( ) A r 3a 45 * p
A) Ne] 3s 3p (B) [Ne] 3s 3p
. AOng ne oenments with atomic numbers 9,12. 36, ldentify by atomic number, an olement which is :
(6) an inert gas (C)hghiy electroposilive
(0 nigniy eleczudeye

DPPs FRr" 85

Totnl Marke 26

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