Ms. Sameeksha Patial Nursing Tutor Prepared by

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Sameeksha Patial
Nursing Tutor
Prepared By :


a Professional nursing curriculum
includes Gall the planned opportunities
Gsubject matter, Glearning activities, that
facilitates plans and implements in all
settings for a
particular group of student for a specified

a G Curriculum refers to running a
course. G Derived from the Latin word
currere which means to run
for attaining the goals of education. G
Within the educational context, curriculum
refers to a course of study at a school,
university; the subjects making up a course;
an educational journey that the learner
embarks upon.
(Brown, Lovat & Smith)

a G Cunningham: Curriculum is a tool in
the hands of an artist to mould his material
according to his ideals in his studios. G
Florence Nightingale international
foundation: Curriculum is a systematic
arrangement of the sum total of selected
experience planned by a school for a
defined group of students to attain the aims
of a particular educational programme.

Levels of
a G Societal Curriculum G Institutional
Curriculum G Instructional Curriculum

a It refers to the curricula or parts of the
curricula which are planned for a large
group or class of students .For e.g.

 Group set up by national organization

such as INC.

 Groups of experts in specialized subject

area like CHN, Medical surgical nursing,
Nursing education, Nursing research etc.
a G They are more immediately concerned
a Determining general characteristics of

curriculum content a Sequence a

Implementation G Likely to prepare type of

nurse practitioner needed to meet society’s

needs for nursing. G In the periods of great

social change, many issues & problems arise,

as curricula undergo change. G The

government should provide financial resources
for training projects & for research for improving


a G Curriculum planning at societal level can
be helpful to schools, through stimulating,

initiating and supporting curriculum studies.

G Guides, which have been developed by

outside groups and experts, can be planned so

that they are sufficiently flexible to apply to

different situations.

G The base of curriculum planning and

organizations in each situation should still be

determined by the faculty of each school.

a G It is planned by faculty for a clearly identified

group of students who will spend a specified time

period in a particular institution G Cooperative

planning through curriculum committee within the

school/colleges which looks at

a Broad base of facts a Principles a Understandings
a Skills a Habits a Attitudes a Appreciations
a G Teacher has a right to participate and
desire to find opportunity for growth of student’s
capacities through contributive and constructing
sharing of social progress.

G Voluntary and intelligent cooperation of all

concerned is

G It requires a high degree of self discipline,

integrity of personal character and an ability to
co-operate with others

a G It consists of the content (subject matter

& learning activities) planned day by day and
week by week by a particular teacher for a

particular group of students. G The curriculum

is made in the classroom, for it is the teacher

who largely determines the educational fate of

her students by what & how she teaches. G It

may serve as a valuable guide to the teacher

and the student in the development of a course.

G The way in which the curriculum is

interpreted in the particular situation will

influence the importance and the amount of

individual teacher planning.

a GIf the curriculum is conceived to

include all the planned learning

experiences of the student, it will

include; aEssential facts, information,

concepts, meaning, principles.

aActivities that is necessary for the

development of skills, habits, attitudes,

ideals and appreciations. aMethods that

is useful in teaching, supervising,

guiding & evaluating results.

a Instructional curriculum includes- G All the

content planned by the teacher, experienced by

the students to achieve in the students the

desired behaving changes implicit in the

educational objectives. G subject matter,

activities, methods, school & classroom

organization, clinical nursing experience.

G Educational objectives must be prepared to

meet immediate social needs. G Teacher is part

of curriculum since she is involved in the

situations that are responsible for development

of students.

a G Conservative G Forward looking principles G

Creativity G Totality G Activity G Preparation for life

G Connecting to life G Child centered G Integration
and correlation G Comprehensives and balance G
Loyalties G Variety and


Steps In
development a G Steps
by Ralph Tyler: 1. Formulation of
educational Objectives 2. Selection of
learning experience 3. Effective and
efficient organization of learning
experience 4. Evaluation of curriculum

Other Steps in

Development a →




Planning a To determine
the needs and purposes.

➢ Formulate the philosophy of education.

➢ Objectives should be formulated.

➢ Involve the influential personalities.

➢ Constitute a committee.

➢ Decide the philosophy and policy of the


Development a
Organizing and sequencing of ➢ Theory ➢
Practical. ➢ Supervised clinical practices. ➢
Individual student rotation plan. ➢ Preparation
of teaching-learning materials, A.V. aids. ✓
Curriculum committee, ✓ Reviews the
progress, ✓ Identifies constraints, ✓ Assess
needs for modification and ✓ Formation of
other standing committees
a G Curriculum implementation is an
essential part of curriculum development
because it is through implementation that
the intended changes, as specified in the
curriculum document, are applied in
practice. G The implementation strategy
could serve as a point of reference for
developing a personnel development


a G The members of curriculum
committee act as a consultant who advise
educators on the implementation of the
curriculum. G They also provide inputs
during personnel
development session about the demands of
the new


➢ Actual Conduction of teaching- learning activities.
➢ Conducting practical sessions.
➢ Refinement of teaching learning methods.
➢ Assessment of student’s performance.
➢ Student guidance and counseling services.
➢ Health services.
➢ Curriculum committee meeting.
➢ Necessary actions.

evaluation a
➢ Assess the students learning.

➢ Teaching- learning process.

➢ Effective use of A.V. aids.

➢ Student’s activities undertaken.

➢ How effective educational experiences.

a G Five M for evaluation: G Men G
Money G Material G Method G Minutes

Factors influencing
a G Philosophy of nursing education G
Educational psychology G Society G Students
G Life activities G Job opportunities G Teachers
G Health needs G Evaluation system G
External forces( Statutory bodies)
Need and
importance of
curriculum a G Realization of
educational objectives G Proper use of time
and energy G Acquisition of knowledge G
Determining structure of content G
Development of personality G Preparation of
text book G Conducting examination G
Organizing teaching and learning situation G
Decision about instructional method G
Development of knowledge, skill and attitude

Factors affecting
Curriculum a
G Subject matter G Learning experience G
Correlation between theory and clinical
practices G Selection of clinical learning
experience G Individual learner/Student

Difference between
curriculum and
a Curriculum Syllabus
into account these factors.
It is based on the
philosophy, goals and
values of education. It refers to all the
Syllabus does not take educational activities of
the school in the widest
possible sense of school subjects,
It refers to a list of learning experiences and
unelaborated heading or activities.
book let It is basically concerned
with school subjects.

Curriculum is the sum total

Difference between
curriculum a
and syllabus
Curriculum Syllabus
There is prescribed co- curricular and extra curricular
activities in the curriculum.
No prescribed co- curricular and extra curricular activities
in the syllabus.
Includes not only indoor activities but also outdoor
activities of the school
Concerned with activities mostly undertaken in the class
room (in door activities) It is an inclusive concept. It
includes syllabus also.
It is a part of a curriculum.

a GThank you

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