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Date: June 7, 2021

To: Martin Chiorado, Owner

From: Gage Overton
RE: A proposal to o er golf lessons while working for our company while still allowing
you to keep a percentage of the money earned from lessons and lesson packages,
This will allow more golfers of all ages to be able to get the lessons in a timely manner
and expand our team to be able to o er lessons more conveniently to customers.


I am proposing the opportunity to add a extra person to our team to be able to o er

lessons to customers of all ages. I have now been with the company for quite some
time and have learned a lot about the golf industry from you. I think that with how busy
we are and how the sport of golf is constantly growing it would be a great possibility if I
could start providing golf lessons to customers. I have learned a lot from you and John
over the years and feel con dent that I can give customers satisfactory golf lessons
and allow our team to be more e cient and productive. This would allow more
customers to be able to get lessons instead of having to wait weeks to get lessons and
will draw more customers to our company allowing us to expand even more in the
future and continue to grow. I think it would be a great opportunity for your business.

The Problem With Our Current Golf Lessons

I believe that the biggest problem with our current situation in the golf industry is that
we are doing a great job as a business, but more people are getting into the game of
golf every day and our business cannot keep up with the demand for lessons from
golfers who have been playing for years or new golfers getting into the sport. These
customers are wanting to better themselves without having to wait multiple weeks to
get a golf lesson. I feel con dent that if we were to expand and more employee’s were
to give lessons we could help our business grow and expand even bigger then we
currently our, which I think would be a huge bene t to the business. I believe that
employees like myself or some others would like to take the opportunity to help the
business by giving lessons to customers. I think that it would be a great opportunity to
allow us to learn even more about the sport of golf. I know that you are a very busy
person when running the golf shop and trying to give golf lessons daily. I think if we
were to have the opportunity to give customers lessons it would take a lot of stress o
of your shoulders and allow you to spend more time with your family. We can charge
our lesson rates to whatever prices you think are necessary and even give a portion of
pro ts back to the business. Like I previously mentioned the biggest problem in this
situation isn’t that we are doing a poor job it is that the golf industry is growing at a rate
that most cannot keep up with the demand. I think it would be a bene t to have more
employees o er lessons so that customers can get in sooner and take their golf game
to the next level and also take some of the stress of always being at work o of your
shoulders. We have a very strong culture in the workplace and want to do whatever is
necessary to help the business succeed, but also allow you to be able to enjoy yourself
and have free time to spend with your family and get things that need to be done
outside of the business on your own time.

A Solution To O ering Golf Lessons

Our whole sta has been in the golf industry for multiple years and have experience
with working with golfers of all di erent age and skill levels. I think that you should take
into consideration to allowing employee’s who want to give golf lessons to customers
the chance to show their talents and give lessons. We strive to help our business grow
and I think that this is a great chance too. This would allow for our business to o er
lessons for customers at more convenient times to them, instead of o ering them
during the mid day when most potential customers are at work and cannot make it in
for lessons. This would allow us to o er golf lessons in the afternoon and allow
customers who want lessons to be able to get them at a convenient time to them. I
think that we should also o er lessons through a app called swing coach it is a app
that allows you and the golfers to communicate and ask questions about their golf
swing. You as well can send videos back and forth on swing demonstrations. I think
that this app would be vital to our company to be able to help o er lessons without the
customers to actually have to meet face to face for lessons. Especially during these
uncertain times when some customers may not feel comfortable meeting face to face
with the possible risk of catching the Covid-19 virus. This App is subscription based
and all pro ts goes straight back into the company. They o er multiple di erent
subscriptions from monthly to yearly. I think that this would be a great opportunity for
you business.


By having more employees that can give golf lessons to golfers it allows the business
to be more productive and allow more golfers to achieve their goals of playing good
golf. It also allows you to spend more time with your family and less time being at the
golf shop. This is a cost e ective plan as we employee’s earn money from lessons, but
a portion of the lesson cost also goes back to the business, while you do not have to
pay us extra as we are not on the time clock while giving lessons. I think this is a great
solution to the business that can really bene t to the business. It is cost e ective and
helps bring in more revenue without having to pay the employee’s more then what they
are already making. I would be happy to discuss the proposal with you at a convenient
time. I also can answer any questions you may have about this proposal or o ering golf
lessons. Thank You.

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