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Information technology, widely known under its abbreviation (IT), is defined as “the science and activity

of using computers and other electronic equipment to store and send information” [2] .

Impacts of information technologies

1. The political impact of IT

Technology holds the role of power. Information technologies play a decisive role in the political
landscape of countries. They have become widely used in electoral campaigns to influence public
opinion and especially to involve young people in the political life.

Politicians use technology in many ways to influence the growth of different individuals in their
respective spheres. The likes of Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are powerful communication media
platforms that can easily raise the ratings of politicians.

2. The social impact of IT

It can be said that the social impact of information technology has two sides. It cannot be one hundred
percent negative nor hundred percent positive. It is a two-sided weapon.

Sociologists likened the impact of information technology on society to transforming the world from
vast continents separating people and relatives, to a very small village encompassing the entire world’s
population, which is called globalization. Before information technology communication between
people required days even months to reached each other. Thanks to information technology,
communication between people in different parts of the globe has become an easy and fast process, via
different ways: instant messaging, phone calls or video calls.

3. The economic impact of IT

Technological progress and organizational maturity have contributed to increased production, capital
accumulation and the creation of intense competition among manufacturers.

4. The impacts of IT on education

Information technology has made the education process more effective and productive. It has increased
the well-being of the students. Developed methods of education have made this process easier, such as
the replacement of books with tablets and laptops.


Information Technology is the basic requirement of today’s world. Technological progress is entering
into all fields. Education was a big and important part of development and progress.

Information technology has changed human life radically, and not necessarily, all of the changes are
positive. Some may be negative and have a detrimental effect on the individual and the community.
There are many means of technology, including what serves science, education and economy. There is a
close relationship between science and technology. It is noted that the basis of technology is to study
science and employ IT inventions in the different life’s areas, in order to meet the needs of the
individuals and the societies. Therefore, it connects the governments, companies and societies to
develop strategies to enhance the lifestyle quality of the citizens.

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