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International Journal of Engineering, Science & InformationTechnology (IJESTY)

Volume x, No. x (2020) pp. xxx-xxx

eISSN: xxxx-xxxx
Website: http://ijesty.org/index.php/ijesty
DOI: https://doi.org/x.xxxxx/ijesty.vxix.xxxx
Research Paper

AUCOWA (Automatic Control Water) for Optimization in

Catfish Clarias sp. Seeding
Lilis D. Saputri1, *, Elsa Wulandari1, Haris R. Subandrio2, Rosyid Ridlo Al Hakim2, 3
Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia
Biology, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Jakarta Global University, Indonesia
*Corresponding author e-mail: lilisdsaputri@gmail.com | Whatsapp Number: +62-83838338581


Catfish is a freshwater consumption fish that is widely consumed by Indonesians. However, problems that arise such as the lack of
availability of superior catfish seeds, because affect the hatchability of eggs and their low survival rate. This is influenced by the unstable
water temperature of the cultivation pond. Therefore, a tool called AUCOWA was created. AUCOWA is a tool created to regulate the
stability of the water temperature during catfish hatchery so that the water temperature during hatchery is always stable. A stable water
temperature will make catfish hatcheries run optimally. AUCOWA was created from the Arduino-Uno microcontroller which has a
smaller set of program instructions. To display temperature data, an LCD is used. AUCOWA is equipped with an LM35DZ sensor as a
temperature sensor and a heater actuator that functions as a temperature heater. AUCOWA has its energy source, obtained from a water
turbine generator connected to a water circulation channel which is used to supply oxygen to the grow-out pond. The research was
conducted with a quantitative approach method. The quantitative approach is shown in the application of research that uses the principle
of calculating the amount of temperature generated from AUCOWA which changes the temperature using an LM35 sensor so that it
produces an electrical quantity in the form of a voltage. It is hoped that this research will be useful and can be applied by catfish farmers.

Keywords: Use about five keywords or phrases in alphabetical order, Separated by Semicolon

1. Introduction
Catfish is a commodity that has many advantages and is very potential for cultivation. The advantages of catfish are that they can
experience fast growth and have a high ability to adapt to the environment. Can be used as a source of animal protein which is relatively
cheap and has a high nutritional value. Also, catfish has a high feed utilization efficiency value, can be spawned, can be maintained at
high density, and is quite adaptive to unfavorable environmental conditions such as waters with low oxygen content (Soares, 2011;
Lestari & Dewantoro, 2018). Then catfish has a high economic value, the price of fresh catfish sold to collectors is IDR 15,000 per
kilogram and the price of catfish in the market is IDR 18,000-22,000 per kilogram (Tambunan, et al., 2017). The many advantages of
catfish made many farmers have chosen to cultivated catfish.

Catfish farmers when cultivated catfish, especially in the hatchery stage, generally maintain the optimal water temperature manually. The
water temperature factor greatly influences the survival of catfish and other aquatic organisms, where temperature changes greatly affect
the body's metabolic rate and are closely related to the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water and the rate of oxygen
consumption of aquatic animals. Catfish larvae can prey on plankton up to 169 individuals/hour so that it can produce a specific length
and weight growth rate of about 22.69%/day and 33.37%/day at optimal temperatures estimated from 28.75-30°C.

The development of catfish farming continues to be developed, according to Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of
the Republic of Indonesia (KKP) Number KEP.32/MEN/2010 concerning the Designation of Minneapolitan Areas. Minneapolitan area
development is an integrated agribusiness development with regional development. This decision would certainly have a directed impact
on the development of fisheries businesses in the district (Firdaus et al., 2017). However, in its development, there are obstacles faced by
fish farmers, namely the lack of availability of superior catfish seeds when stocking, because in catfish hatcheries there are various
problems. The unstable temperature due to extreme weather in “Kampung Catfish” in Boyolali Regency, Central Java, Indonesia is one
of the factors of the problem. According to the Head of the Department of Agriculture and Food of Kudus Regency, Central Java,
Indonesia the weather is too cold, causing the eggs to not hatch. Extreme weather can also increase the failure of larval seed production.

The failure in the catfish hatchery process is mainly due to extreme weather so that the temperature of the pond water cannot be stable.
Therefore, an AUCOWA (automatic control water) innovation was made which is a modern tool used to maintain the temperature of the
Copyright © Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 International Journal of Engineering, Science & Information Technology, x (x), 2020, pp. xxx-xxx

hatchery pond water to remain stable, namely by using the Arduino-Uno microcontroller which has a smaller set of program instructions.
To display temperature data, AUCOWA uses an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). AUCOWA is also equipped with an LM35 sensor which
functions as a temperature sensor which how it works changes the temperature quantity into an electrical quantity in the form of voltage
and a heater that functions for temperature heating. AUCOWA can work automatically to maintain a stable water temperature so that the
spawning process and the growth and development of catfish seeds can be optimal.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Catfish

Catfish (Clarias sp.) is a type of freshwater consumption fish. Catfish has a mustache. The characteristics of catfish are the elongated and
slightly rounded body shape, the pectoral fins there are hard and sharp spines (patil in Indonesian), striped body color with a flat head
and a mustache, and slippery because it does not have scales (Afiesh, 2013). Classification of catfish according to SNI (2000), namely:
Phylum: Chordata;
Class: Pisces;
Subclass: Teleostei;
Order: Ostariophysi;
Suborder: Siluroidae;
Family: Clariidae;
Genus: Clarias;
Species: Clarias sp.

According to Soares (2011), demand for catfish has increased from year to year. This causes catfish production to also increased.
National catfish production during 2010-2014 in Indonesia increased by an average of 35% per year, namely in 2010 amounted to
270,600 tons and increased in 2014 by 900,000 tons (Rica, 2015).

2.2. Water Temperature that Supports Catfish Seeding

Water temperature is one of the important environmental factors that can affect production in aquaculture. Water will regulate the control
of the body temperature of organisms (Boyd, 2015) and fish are generally sensitive to changes in water temperature (Chin, 2006; Parker,
2012). Various important activities of aquatic biota such as respiration, feed consumption, growth, and reproduction will be affected by
water temperature (Bolorunduro & Abdullah, 1996). A decrease in temperature that is too high will reduce the immunity of the fish while
raising the temperature that is too high will make it easier for the fish to catch diseases such as bacterial infections. The ideal temperature
is 24-28°C (Irama 2017). According to Ariffansyah (2007), the incubation temperature of 29-31 oC produces a percentage of hatching.
catfish eggs of 90.9%. If the deadly temperature limit is exceeded, it will cause fish and other aquatic animals to die (Irawan, 2000).
Researchers concluded that the optimal temperature in catfish hatcheries is 28-32 oC, and according to Pratama et al. (2018) the metabolic
process runs rapidly at 32°C compared to temperatures of 30°C and 28°C so that larvae consume more nutrients to meet the needs for
good metabolic processes.

3. Method
3.1. Research Flowchart

This study use research and development method (R&D method) in engineering. The type used in writing this paper is a quantitative
approach by focusing on theoretical tests, building and compiling facts and data, empirical logic and theoretical systems, and prioritizing
systematic, clear, and definite theories. The writing of this paper explains how to stabilize the water temperature in catfish hatcheries,
how to make AUCOWA, and how to work from AUCOWA. The following research flowchart of this study can be seen in Figure 1.

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International Journal of Engineering, Science & Information Technology, x (x), 2020, pp. xxx-xxx 3

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4 International Journal of Engineering, Science & Information Technology, x (x), 2020, pp. xxx-xxx

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[1] Author,”Title of the Paper”, Journal name, Vol.X, No.X, (200X), pp.XX-XX, available online: http://xxx, last visit:28.02.2013
[2] Author,”Title of the Paper”, Proceedings of the conference name, Vol.X, No.X, (200X), pp:XX-YY,
[3] Author, Title of the Book, Publisher, (200X), pp:XXX-YYY.
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