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Philippine Ballet
Quarter 4 Week 3

Same as Week 2 Activity

Roles in a Stage Production
Quarter 4 Week 3

Activity 1: Read and Understand the lesson!


@ Producer – In a professional stage production, this is the person who

takes the play from a mere concept to an actual finished presentation

@Director – The director is the overall artistic coordinator of the entire


@Playwright – For a script intended for stage performance, the writer of

the script is more specifically called a playwright.

@Set designer – The concept and creation of the physical stage setup is
the task of the set designer.

@Lighting designer – Lighting is critical in creating the mood of each

scene in the play, high lighting a dramatic moment, signaling the entrance
of a character, focusing attention on a specific spot on stage, or even
providing the blanket of darkness for set and prop changes.

@Costume designer – The actors and actresses must look believable

in their roles, and much of this is owed to the costume designer and
deliberates on the characters’ main attire. @Sound designer – the
sound designer serves a vital role in creating and enhancing the
atmosphere of the performance.

@Production manager – Coordinating all the complex behind the-scenes

details of staging a play is the production manager
@Technical director – The technical director shadows the play’s director
throughout the entire production process.

@Choreographer – In cases where a play involves dance in certain

scenes, a choreographer is included in the production team.

@Makeup designer – is brought in to plan the hairstyles and makeup to

complement the costumes.

Activity 2: Watch and React!

Direction: Observe how the plot is developed in the music video and take note of the roles of stage used
in the performance. Write a reaction paper using the following outline and have your answer in a long
bond paper. - please like and subscribe!
Title of the video ______________________________________________

Scriptwriter _________________________________________________

Director ____________________________________________________

Sound Designer _____________________________________________

Lighting Designer ____________________________________________

Overall Design ______________________________________________

PE 10 MAPEH 10
Common Injuries involved in Recreation and First aid Technique
Quarter 4 Week 3

Activity 1: Read and Understand the lesson!

What Are Recreation Accidents and Injuries?
“Recreation activities” are loosely defined as those activities that people engage in for leisure, usually during their
free time or vacation. These can include activities such as snowboarding, hiking, dirt bike riding, camping, and
hunting. They also include a number of organized sports activities, such as baseball, football, and golf.
Thus, the term “recreation” is generally associated with more casual activities that are done simply to pass time or
as a hobby.
Although many recreation activities are non-aggressive, some of them can be moderately intense and may contain
some competitive aspects. As a result, injuries from recreation activities can often occur. These may result simply
from the nature of the activity, especially more fast-paced sports, or as a result of some form of negligence. Injuries
can range from very mild to severe, depending on the situation. What are the common injuries involve in
recreation and First aid technique?
The term first aid refers to administration of care to prevent deterioration of the victim, to aid recovery, and to
preserve life. Generally, first aid entails some simple but often life-saving ways that most people can be trained to
perform with minimal equipment. On a technical level, it is not identified as medical treatment and should not be
compared to what a train medical professional might do. First, as they say, is a combination of simple procedures
and an application of some common sense.
Common injuries during active recreations.

 Cuts, scrapes, and punctures

Wounds, cuts and lacerations can be caused anywhere from rock climbing, cutting self
from a knife, and stumbling.

 Blister is a result of ill-fitting footwear. It is especially seen among hikers and trekkers. Blisters can be painful
and may cause discomfort.

 Concussion is a traumatic brain injury that is often caused by a blow or bump to the head or body. Cuts and
bruises may be seen on the head or face. Some lose consciousness or forget what happened before the
injury; others do not.

 Strains- A twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon – a cord of tissue connecting

muscle to bone. Ranges of strains

● Grade 1 usually causes stretching of a few of the muscles fibers.

● Grade 2 has more significant damage, and some muscle fibers are damage or
● Grade 3 is a complete rupture of the muscle.

 Sprains- Is a stretched or tear of a ligament, the band connective tissues that joins the end of one bone
with another
 Caused by trauma such as fall or a plow to the body that knocks a joint out of position o Examples:
Ankles, Knees and Wrist
o Varying degree of tenderness/pain, bruising, inflammation, swelling, inability
to move a limb or join, laxity/instability
Ranges of sprains
● 1st degree – mild sprain. Slight pain, recovery- 1day.
● 2nd degree – moderate sprain, partial tear of ligaments, swelling and more pain,
recovery – 1 t0 2 weeks.
● 3rd degree – severe rupture of ligaments, popping noise heard, more swelling and
pain, recovery – 1 month.

Knee injuries - Can

result from a blow to or twist
to the knee, from improper
landing after a jump or from
running too hard, too much or
without proper warm up.

Fractures - a break in the bone that can occur from either a quick, one – time
injury to the bone or from repeated stress to the bone overtime.

- Pain at the site that worsens with weight bearing activities, tenderness
and swelling’.

Dislocations –when two bones that comes together to form a joint become

- Contact sports and high impart sports can result to excessive stretching
or falling.
Common Symptoms

● Pain
● Swelling
● Bruising
● Difficult and painful movement deformity
● A pop, snap or a tear can be felt or heard

First aid techniques

● Diagnosis

● Protection , Heat
● Rest ● Alcohol ● Ice ● Running/other

excessive exercise
● Compression
● Massage ● Elevation

First aid for sprains and strains

● Apply Price method

● Do not heat during 1st 2 days to decrease swelling
● Use paracetamol for 1st day of injury to reduce pain without increasing bleeding.
Thereafter, use ibuprofen/aspirin. Do not give aspirin if below 16 years old.
● Remove any obstruction immediately around the injury
● After 48 hours, start moving limb gently as long as it does not cause pain
● Gradually increase the range of movement
First aid for Fractures

● Apply PRICE method

● Keep limb in the position you found it and place soft padding around the broken
bones, Splint injury with something rigid.
if there is an open fracture, cover it with clean gauze pad. Apply pressure to
control bleeding. Do not try to push back the bone/attempt to clean it.
● Get medical attention immediately
● Do not give victim anything to eat or drink See a doctor if:

● Injury is a fracture or dislocation

● Unsure of the severity of sprain or strain
● Cannot straighten affected joint or joint feels unstable
● Skin over injury is broken
● Limb below feels numb or tingling, white/pale/blue/feels colder
● Ligaments of knee
● Area has been injured several times before
● Pain is severe & lasts longer that 24hours or swelling does not subside in 48 hours
● Sprain or strain does not improve after 7 days
Performance Task: First Aid
To see how to prevent and treat these common sports injuries — and to learn when it's time to look further
than your medicine cabinet to treat sports injuries— read on; so you will watch the video on how to treat an open
fracture. Execute the first aid of fracture within 2-3 minutes Video: How to treat an open Fracture? # lifesaver #First
Aid 101 Rubrics:

Score Description

5 Executes properly the first aid of fracture within 2-3 minutes

4 Executes 1 mistake the first of fracture within 2-3 minutes

3 Executes 2 mistakes the first aid of fracture within 2-3 minutes

2 Executes 3 mistakes the first aid of fracture within 2-3 minutes

1 Executes 4 and above mistakes the first aid of fracture within 2-3 minutes

Planning for a Health Career
Quarter 4 Week 3

Activity 1: Read and Understand the lesson!



Along with medical professions, there are hundreds of allied health professions which complete the workforce
in contributing to the whole-person care of patients, support to healthcare professionals, and the efficient
operation of healthcare organizations.

Medical and Allied Health Professions

Health Care Provider- a person who helps
The medical profession is a group of individuals identify, prevent, or treat an illness or disability
qualified to practice medicine. Allied health professions, on the
Health Care Practitioner/ Provider- an independent
other hand, are lines of work that still deal with healthcare, but
healthcare provider who is licensed to practice on
are distinct from medicine. They have distinct and specialized
and provide general and/or specialized care to a
knowledge and skills that actively work with people accessing
specific area of the body.” Allied Health
health and disability that are offered services across a range of
Professionals- a trained healthcare provider
settings. These professions include clinical laboratory ormedical
practicing under supervision of a physician or
healthcare practitioner. They include pharmacists,
physical therapy, occupational therapy, dietetic services,
medical record personnel, radiologic services, speech language dental hygienists, physical therapists, and nurses.
pathology and audiology, and respiratory therapy.

Who are the medical and allied health professionals?

Allied health professionals are healthcare practitioners with formal education and clinical training credentials
through certification, registration and/or licensure. They collaborate with physicians and other members of the
healthcare team to deliver high quality patient care services for the identification, prevention, and treatment of
diseases, disabilities, and disorders. These professions may be categorized into either technicians or
Therapists/Technologists. Technicians are those who undergo training to perform specific procedures. They are
required to work under the supervision of technologists or therapists. This category includes physical therapy
assistants, medical laboratory technicians, radiological technicians, occupational therapy assistants, recreation
therapy assistants and respiratory therapy technicians.
Therapists or technologists have more intensive training, which includes acquiring procedural skills.
They evaluate patients, diagnose conditions, develop treatment plans, and understand the rationale behind
various treatments to judge their appropriateness and potential side effects. They also assess patients’
responses to therapy and make appropriate decisions about continued treatment or modification of treatment
plans. Furthermore, they are licensed to perform these tasks.

Allied health professionals provide services and engage in activities which include:
a. prevention - keep illness or injury from happening
b. assessment/evaluation-appraisal of the condition based on the patient’s subjective report
c. identification/diagnosis- analysis based on signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings
d. treatment - management and care of a patient or the combating of disease or disorder
e. rehabilitation/habilitation - treatment designed to recover from injury, illness, or disease towards a normal
condition as possible
f. advocacy - a method by which patients, their families, attorneys, health professionals, and citizens’ groups can
work together to develop programs that ensure the availability of high-quality healthcare for a community.
g. promotion of health and well-being - the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its
determinants, and thereby improving their health h. education - the process of sharing and gaining knowledge.
i. research - the diligent inquiry or examination of data, reports, and observations in a search for facts or principles.

Activity 2: My Future!
DIRECTION: Write your answers in the box below of your module or worksheet.
REFLECT -How do you see yourself …

…today …after Senior High School… …after college

Activity 2: Make a draft of your own personal health career following the steps you discussed
last week.

Step 1: Self-Assessment (What are your strength, values, interests?)

Step 2: Career Exploration (Choose from the given careers above and explore it)
Step 3: Decision Making (You need to decide on taking the career that works for you)
Step 4: Plan of Action (Identify actions for each step, utilize helpful people and resources)

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